Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 104

Five or six huge "Zs" flew towards Dakulai, and Dakulai immediately sank into the ground and turned into a shadow. After turning into a shadow, Dakulai's speed became more rapid, and in a blink of an eye Has avoided the attack range of Ghost Stone.

"Ghost Stone, sleep talk!"

Ghost Stone's mouth moved, as if he was muttering something, and then he waved his hand unconsciously, and a shadow ball smashed towards Dakulai.

"Dakulai, hide, and then eat dreams!"

Dakulai turned into a shadow and quickly sneaked. After avoiding the shadow ball, he had come to Ghost Stone in less than half a second.A dark shadow on the dark ground, with a black paw sticking out, was about to grab the body of Ghost Stone and devour his dreams, but at this moment, Ghost Stone was Woke up suddenly!

Dakulai's dream of eating failed, and his claws immediately retracted into the shadow, and then the shadow moved several times on the ground, quickly pulling away from Ghost Stone.

Ghost Stone woke up and shook his head. His expression was still a little confused and painful. Although Ghost Stone had just broken the nightmare by relying on his powerful dark power, he rushed towards Darkulay’s nightmare. , Ghost Stone also suffered a lot of damage.

However, in terms of the situation at the time, Ghost Stone had nothing to do except for hard rushing. If it were slower, it would be hit by Dakulai’s dream of eating, with Dakulai’s power and nightmare effect. , Enough to make Ghost Stone directly abolished.

Ghost Stone is a ghost of the ghost system, and his master is the Four Heavenly King Juzi, so Ghost Stone itself has a strong dark power, and Ghost Stone is also very good at hypnotism and dreams, although not as good as Daku Ley, the god who controls nightmares, would not be as helpless as ordinary elves in the face of Dakurai's nightmares.

Ghost Stone uses his dark power and his mastery of dreams. While being tortured by nightmares, he also tries to relieve Dakulai’s nightmare. As long as Ghost Stone is given another ten minutes, Ghost Stone can be broken. Dakulai’s nightmare, but this is fighting, there is no time.

Although Ghost Stone is asleep, he also has instinct and can perceive the approach of crisis, so he fought the damage of nightmare backlash, used dark power to break through the dream of nightmare, and escaped the attack of Dream Eater at a very short time. Although Ghost Stone also suffered a serious injury, it was much smaller than Eat Dream.

"Dakulei, continuous shadow ball!!!"

Dakulai's momentum changed, his strength became deeper and darker and stronger. In his hands, a purple-black energy ball that was a circle larger than a basketball was in his hands. Then, eight consecutive shadow balls flew away from the energy ball and dispersed. Get off and fly towards Ghost Stone from eight directions.

Ghost Stone had just broken through the nightmare, his spirit was traumatized, and now he was not sober, he could only watch the eight shadow balls getting closer and closer to him, unable to avoid him.


Chapter 150-The Battle of Kings (16)

The eight shadow balls flew in eight directions and flew fiercely towards Ghost Stone, and the eight shadow balls flew towards Ghost Stone at a speed beyond the limit of ordinary people’s naked eyes, leaving eight streams of dark purple light in the air, just like Eight laser cannons came.


The eight shadow balls came into close contact with Ghost Stone's body at the same time!


The highly compressed energy explodes in an instant, it's not just eight energy bombs exploding together.

In addition to compressing a large amount of dark energy, the shadow ball itself relies on rotation to strengthen the destructive power of the shadow ball, and at the same time compress the energy more solidly. The principle is similar to the spiral pill, but the power is not as great.

And when the eight shadow balls explode at the same time, think about it, the rotation direction of the shadow balls can not be exactly the same. The eight shadow balls keep tearing, twisting, exploding in eight directions, and exploding from all directions. Bo kept tearing and squeezing Ghost Stone's body. In an image, I thought of a good metaphor...

Please automatically fill up a picture in your mind. One person is standing in the middle, and there are a total of eight avatars standing in all directions. The four avatars in the southeast, northwest and northwest use the Shenluo Tianzheng, and the remaining four use the Vientiane Tianzheng. You say that the middle person Is it squashed or torn apart?

No matter what, the eight extremely distorted shadow balls exploded, and the explosion waves could not be merged together. On a semi-circular energy cover, it was convex here and concave there, which was extremely distorted, and the energy almost burst out directly.

Qiye looked at this scene, her eyes twitched, and she seemed to be playing a little bit bigger, the eternal kaleidoscope of her eyes rotated at the same time, the mysterious laws slowly flowed out, and an invisible film covered the almost exploding Above the energy, but on the top, a hole was left.

The energy of the shadow ball was torn and destroyed, and it soon reached its limit. The violent energy exploded in an instant, and all the energy gushed out from the cavity at the top of the space cover, and a huge black purple beam of light rose into the sky, huge darkness. The energy rushed to the sky, and the starry night sky that could have been seen was instantly soaked in pitch black.

The dark clouds rolled, the golden snakes danced wildly, and the color of the heavens and the earth, it was like a demon descending into the world.(Can I change my career to write fantasy)

The energy of the eight shadow balls gathered in the air, and the air suddenly became dull. In the world, any form of energy can be converted into heat energy, and that dark energy can quickly be converted into powerful heat energy, burning the air. The roasting was dull and depressed, just like the midsummer noon when the air suddenly became dull, the kind of extremely depressing depression when a rainstorm was about to start.

Look at Ghost Stone again?I can only say, fortunately, this is a two-dimensional world. If it is in the three-dimensional, and withstands that degree of explosion at zero distance, no creature can survive. Even the whole body can’t be left. The bombed flesh was flying everywhere.

This time, although Ghost Stone was directly killed by the explosion, there was still a whole corpse. Although the surface of the body was covered with scars, it finally did not fall apart, and there was no such restricted scene.

The cold smile on Chrysanthemum's face became a little stiff. Dakulai’s eight shadow balls really gave her a lot of shock. It is not only a problem of consumption to send so many shadow balls at the same time, but also for Control is an almost abnormal requirement. Even her main general, Geng Ghost, can issue four at most at the same time, and the power is not as powerful as the eight issued by Dakulai.

The explosion of these eight shadow balls by Dakulai is enough to easily kill the elf of the King of Heaven. The champion may be able to hold it, or it is some elf with strong physical or defensive power, such as Kona’s. Chenglong and iron shell.

Although Dakulai is a legendary elf, powerful, but after all, there are some gaps between Diaruga and Parukia. They can’t burst the death light like they did, and have eight shadows at the same time. The ball is already Daculei's limit.

"Humph!" Chrysanthemum snorted heavily, the old woman's temper was stubborn, "Go, cross-character bat!"

"Cross bat? Daculei, use the shadow ball."

Dakulai used shadow balls, but not eight. For the time being, Dakulai could not use eight shadow balls and could only throw one.

"Fork bat, use high-speed movement! Then air chop!!"

The cross-shaped bat flaps four light and slender wings. The wings are flapped at high speed, producing a buzzing sound when flying like an insect. The cross-shaped bat flashes in the air a few times, like teleporting, easily avoiding the shadow. The ball, and then quickly rushed towards Dakulai.

The fork bat was very fast, and then all four wings moved forward at the same time, and two extremely sharp wind knives slashed towards Dakulai.

"Dakulei, get away!"

Dakulai quickly sank into the shadow, avoided the two wind knives, then got out of the shadow again, and flew towards the fork bat in the sky.

"Dakulei, use nightmare!!"

A pure black energy ball appeared in Dakulai's hand, and then countless purple-black light bullets flew toward the cross-character bat, like a reduced version of a power gem.

"Cross bat, use high-speed stars, then use high-speed movement!!

The cross-character bat had a mouth, and countless star-shaped rays of light came out of his mouth, and it faced Dakulai's nightmare at high speed.


Numerous energy bombs collided, but there were always some fish that slipped through the net. A few missing stars and light rays and a few nightmare energy bombs flew toward Dakulai and the fork bat respectively.

Dakulai immediately hugged him, relying on his own defensive power to resist the light of the stars.Dakulai's body can retain its combat power even if it resists Diaruga's time roar, and the star light of the fork bat is a small case for Dakulai.

The cross-shaped bat will do. Although the nightmare energy bomb itself does not contain any energy, even if it explodes, it will not have much power, but if it is hit, the cross-shaped bat will immediately enter the nightmare dreamland, like that. It will fall almost instantly.

"Cross bat, use stinky mud bombs!"

The fork bat grew its mouth, and vomited a purple fishy mud bomb, which contained highly poisonous.The smelly mud bombs swallowed the remaining nightmare energy bombs overwhelmingly, deflating Dakulai's offensive.

Qiye looked at the sky. Under the limit vision of the eternal kaleidoscope, every trace of energy flow in the sky could not escape Qiye's eyes.

Before the explosion of the shadow ball, part of the power of the explosion was consumed by Ghost Stone, and most of the energy was sent to the sky by Qiye, and the sky was like a huge furnace.

The high concentration of energy makes the temperature over the entire battlefield become extremely hot. Although it is called a plateau on the quartz plateau, it is less than two kilometers, not particularly high, except for artificial buildings, lakes, The forest is everywhere, and the water vapor content here is definitely far better than other plateaus.

Under the high temperature, countless water vapor gathered in the sky. In that short time, thick thunderclouds gathered in the sky. A trace of blue and white thunder light gleamed among the clouds, and the dull thunder beat loudly. In everyone's heart.

Under the calculation of Qiye's eyes, every trace of energy flow in the thundercloud in the sky is under the control of Qiye. The thundercloud condenses and accumulates according to Qiye's vision, and the powerful natural thunder power is constantly gathering in the cloud.

"Dakulai, Spike!!"

Dakulai's eyes suddenly became extremely gloomy, and his hands stretched out to the sky with a trace of dark energy. Among the thunderclouds, the rolling thunder and lightning seemed to calm down suddenly, and they all slowly gathered together. , The place in the center of Thunder Cloud became shining.


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