Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Bing Destruction Chapter 106

From the outside, the trees moved around as if they had grown feet, and blocked the Abo monster inside like a moving maze, and couldn't get out at all.

"Abo strange, use the dissolving liquid!" Juzi said immediately, she didn't believe it, such a small forest could not be dissolved with the dissolving liquid.

Aboguai pursed his mouth tightly, and agitated in his abdomen, blending the plant-specific solution in his body.Even if it is a dissolving liquid, it can be divided into many types, such as those that dissolve metals, some that dissolve rocks, and those that can easily dissolve quartz sand.

"Sha!" Abokai's mouth widened, and he spouted a purple-black fishy dissolving liquid. Although it looked similar to the previous one, the ingredients in it were specific to the tree. Because the tree is alive, this dissolving liquid contains It is very toxic.


After the dissolving liquid touched the tree trunk, it immediately made a violent corrosion sound. The high temperature generated during the corrosion caused the dissolving liquid to boil, forming a corrosive vapor with strong corrosive and toxic properties.

The steam overcomes gravity and floats upwards. After it touches the green leaves, the powerful poison and corrosive force make the leaves turn yellow and wither instantly, and the poisonous will flow into the trunk along with the branches. Soon, the whole tree turned purple and black. And among the horrible purple and black, there was a little green, slightly fluorescing, and resisting the corrosive poison.

At this time, several trees on the side stretched out their branches and placed them on the trees that were invaded by the corrosive venom. The branches also lit up with green fluorescence full of vitality.

Attracted by the fluorescence, the purple poisonous gas separated into several strands and swam towards the green light. The tree trunk became their battlefield. The green light gently enveloped the purple poisonous gas, bit by bit it was consumed, swallowed, and the poison was scattered. After that, it was easily completely resolved by Mu Dun's Chakra.

"Dakulai, use Shadow Claw!" Qiye shouted.

Hidden in the dark shadow, Dakulayi heard Qiye's command and immediately wandered towards the Abokai like a ghost.Guai Abo naturally heard Qiye's voice, and immediately tensed all his nerves. Dakolayi's secret hiding methods made Guai Abo miserable.

Because of the shading of the branches, the light was darker and mottled, Dakulai had come behind Aboguai.

Outside the forest, Juzi moved her left hand again, and the pattern on Abokai’s abdomen also changed. This time it was not speed, but attack!

"Abo, use earthquake!!"

The snake tail of Abogua slapped the ground fiercely, and the ground immediately produced violent vibrations, the leaves shook, and countless leaves were shaken by the earthquake.

Dakulai in the shadow suddenly groaned. Although he became a shadow, Dakulai was immune to many attacks and the effect of concealment would be multiplied, but the tricks of the ground system were still not immune. After all, the shadow was on the ground. Yes, but also because it is a shadow, not a physical entity, the power of the earthquake on Dakulai is much less.

As for why earthquakes were not used before, it was because the ground was soft sand before, and no matter how strong it is, it will be cut by more than half when hitting soft sand. In addition, Dakulai’s shadow form is 100 power. , It would be nice to have 10 left on Dakulai.

And because of the birth of Qiye’s tree world, this sandy land has been reinjected with vitality, and the sandy land has become mud, so the effect of the earthquake has also been restored. In addition, the Abo monster has become an attack pattern, and the earthquake’s attack also gives Dakulai caused some damage.

Abokai keenly caught Dakulai's muffled grunt. After all, he is a snake. His vision is basically 800-degree myopia. He can only see things, but he can't see clearly. In contrast, Abokai's hearing And the sense of smell is higher than that of ordinary elves. In nature, snakes are like this.

Although Chrysanthemum couldn't see the actual situation clearly, based on his decades of combat experience, he promptly said: "Abo! Use the smelly mud bomb!"

Abogua opened his mouth wide, spit out the dirty mud, and shot towards the place where Dakulai was hiding.

Dakulayi didn't expect that Abogua could find where he was hiding. After taking an earthquake and reacting, he was immediately hit by a stinky mud bomb, grunted, and flew out of the ground. Hit a big tree.

"Dakulai, use black holes!!!"

With Dakulai’s body as the center, an extremely dark and heavy ripple was gradually enlarged. Even the trees full of vitality created by Qiye were swallowed by the black hole, and the black hole gradually expanded, and soon the Abo monster was pulled. Into the black hole, fell asleep.

"Dakulai, nightmare! Then eat dream!"

Dakulayi immediately gave Abogua a terrifying nightmare, and then his paws went into Aboguai's brain, swallowing all the stamina and dreams of Aboguai in one breath.

If it is another elf who has devoured the dreams of the elf who has suffered a nightmare trick, let alone regaining his strength, I am afraid it will be backlashed, but for Dakulai, nightmare is the best tonic.

Qiye looked at the Abo monster who had fallen on the ground, and now he can see the trees even if they don’t contact the trees. Because of Dakulai’s black hole and Qiye didn’t control the trees, there are now sparse edges. Just a few.

Juzi retracted Aboguai, the expression on her face became even more unhappy, and he threw the fourth pokeball vigorously, and shouted: "Come on, Geng ghost! Use the shadow ball!"

Geng Gui smiled evilly and turned into a shadow that rushed towards Dakulai. The black shadow was extremely elusive in the dark. It was originally Dakulai’s best shadow offensive, but it is now used by Geng Gui to deal with Dakorai. Kulei.

Qiye's eyes were staring at Geng Gui's shadow, the scarlet eyes in his eyes quickly turned, and his eyes moved with Geng Gui's shadow. When Geng Gui arrived at Kulayi's side, Qiye immediately shouted: "Right!"

Dakulei's eyes drenched, and a shadow ball appeared in his hand for an instant, and he pressed to the right of his body, just hitting Geng Ghost's shadow ball.


The two shadow balls exploded. Geng Gui and Dakulai stepped back at the same time, glanced at each other, and sank into the ground at the same time, becoming shadows.

The next scene is no longer understandable by ordinary people. The two black shadows collide on the dark ground, instead of making a banging collision, and the ground is also affected by the collision of Geng ghost and Dakulai. Constantly deforming, but normal human eyes can't see the shadows of Geng Gui and Dakulai.

Geng Gui and Dakulayi continued to use shadow hooks to attack each other in the form of shadows. No one could do anything for a while, and the game fell into a stalemate for a time.

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three-The Battle of Kings (19)

Geng Gui and Dakulayi continued to use shadow hooks to attack each other in the form of shadows. No one could do anything for a while, and the game fell into a stalemate for a time.

In terms of strength, of course Dakulai is relatively strong, but Geng Gui is the main general of Juzi anyway, and his strength is also very strong. Moreover, Dakulai was attacked by Abokai’s earthquake and stinky mud bomb before, although he used food The dream absorbed the physical strength of Aboguai, but it didn't recover in an instant. After a short period of time, he couldn't get better, and it would take a while before he could tell the winner.

Qiye is very patient sometimes, and can spend seven or eight hours putting together a tank model, but sometimes it is very frizzy and very impatient.Qiye will definitely not wait until Kulei recovers before deciding the outcome. With such a personality, there is no way.

"Dakulai, use evil wave!"

Dakulai’s shadow stopped moving, centered on the body, spreading dark energy fluctuations, spreading out to the surroundings, the indiscriminate attack hit the Geng ghost, which was also in the form of shadow, and the speed of Geng ghost could not be stopped. a bit.

"Dakulei, use the shadow ball!"

Dakulai immediately condensed a shadow ball, and a circular shadow flew towards Geng Gui's shadow. Geng Gui's movements were slow, and he was hit by the shadow ball and flew out.

"Dakulai, don't stop! Use Shadow Claw!"

Dakulayi immediately bullied himself and grabbed Geng Gui's body with powerful dark energy on his paws.

Geng Gui missed his hand and revealed a flaw. In such a critical situation, he was naturally unable to avoid Dakulai’s shadow claws, and his body was caught by Dakulai’s shadow claws, but because he was a ghost. The elves are the same thing as ghosts, so even though their bodies were scratched and pierced and suffered serious injuries, they had not immediately lost their combat effectiveness.

"Geng Ghost, use Shadow Fist!"

Geng Gui endured the severe pain of the wound being eroded by the dark power, clenched his fist, and smashed Dakulai's chest with huge dark energy.


At such a close distance, Dakulai couldn't escape Geng Gui's shadow fist. He was hit in the chest with a punch, and flew back with the huge force coming from his chest.

After this attack, neither Geng Ghost nor Dakulai continued to attack, but quietly dispelled the dark energy left by their opponents in their bodies.

It will be a very troublesome thing if the energy of other elves is left in their own body. Those energies that do not belong to themselves will repel each other with their own energies. If they suddenly burst out in battle, That will definitely reverse the situation.

And if the residual energy is not cleared in time, once these energies take root in the elf's body, it will definitely be a very serious blow to the elf's body and strength.

Although Dakulai and Geng Gui played very fiercely, they were just a match, not a life-and-death fight. At this time, they would stop attacking each other tacitly.

After the two elves cleared the residual energy in their bodies, they looked at each other, and the fighting spirit in their eyes burned again.

"Dakulei, use continuous shadow ball!!!"

Dakulei once again served shadow balls, but this time only four. The previous eight was used because Qiye wanted to stand up and defeat Ghost Stone with the strongest posture. Now there is no need for that, the scale of victory. Already leaning towards Qiye.

The four shadow balls quickly flew towards Geng Gui, but, to Qiye’s expectation, Geng Gui didn’t have the intention of avoiding half a point. Although Geng Gui had been injured by Dakulai’s shadow hook, he had to avoid it. A shadow ball is still a breeze. It doesn't move. What is it?


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