Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 107

The four shadow balls undoubtedly hit the Geng ghost who didn't dodge at all. The Geng ghost who was hit hard by the shadow hook and claws hit four powerful shadow balls again, wailed, and immediately lost his combat effectiveness. .


This sound rang as Geng Gui fell to the ground, but Dakulayi fell to the ground, his eyes blank, and he lost his fighting power.

Qiye's eyes widened, her pupils contracted slightly, and she looked a little surprised. Then she rolled her eyes and said with certainty: "It's the same fate?" Among the tricks that Geng Ghost can learn, he can get the rest in one blow. Most of the blood of Dakulai's has only the same trick.

"Humph!" Chrysanthemum snorted, and did not deny that today's battle is simply a shame to her. She was easily picked out of four, although she has now defeated Dakulai, but It was only with the same fate and fate to die, but she seemed to have forgotten that Uncle Shiba was picked by Qiye.

Qiye is speechless, he really can’t communicate with the old people, especially those old and stubborn with a stubborn head, and Qiye is even more annoying. If it weren’t for Juzi’s strong strength and received a little respect from Qiye, then he would rely on Juzi’s stubbornness. Look like Qiye's stinky temper, no matter if the other party is an old man or not, he will definitely be fattened!

But Juzi was really ruthless enough. At this age, he could still have such a desperate determination to let Geng Gui die with Dakulai with the same fate.Generally speaking, young people are more daring to fight, and when their opponents are strong, they are most likely to die with one impulse.

However, this kind of motivation will weaken with age and rich experience. Generally speaking, people who are in old age do not have this kind of determination to fight for their lives. Juzi still has this kind of determination now. It is really hard to imagine Juzi How crazy was when I was young.

Chrysanthemum held her fifth elf ball in her hand and gritted her teeth fiercely. Although she didn't admit it far away, she subconsciously admitted that she was not an opponent. It took four elf to defeat a Dakulai It's only Yi, and Qiye still has Diaruga and Parukia who haven't come out, and Qiye still has a hole card that hasn't come out yet. No matter how he counts, Juzi has no chance of winning.

The fifth elf that Juko took out was the Dream Demon, and the elf that Qiye took out to challenge was Parukia.

"Parukia, use wave missiles!"

Parukia once again issued a wave missile with his master trick.

"Meng Yao, Shadow Ball!"

The Meng Yao quickly condensed a purple-black shadow ball and flew toward the wave missile.


Two energy balls exploded in the air, and dense smoke appeared, and the next moment, the dense smoke was broken through, Paluccia rushed over, and a powerful million-ton punch hit Meng Yao’s body. .

Meng Yao's thin body, which was not as big as a fist of Parukya, was immediately blasted out, slammed on the ground like a meteor, and lifted the black dust on the ground.

The next moment, the dream demon rushed out of the sand, with special colored light from his two big eyes, and attacked Parukya.

Parukia's offensive was slightly blocked by the dream demon's illusion light, but then, with a wave of Paluccia's hand, the huge power split the dream demon's illusion light.

"Parukia, use the power gem!"

"Dream demon, power gem."

The Dream Demon and Parukia used the Power Gem at the same time, but Paruki’s power is obviously much stronger than the Dream Demon, and the light bomb of the Power Gem is more dense and powerful, although the Parukia Power Gem has Part of it was offset by the Meng Yao, but many of them continued to fly towards Meng Yao.

Qiye succeeded in attacking, and even more powerful and unforgiving, shouted: "Parukia! Super large destruction dead!"

All of Parukia's power gathered in his mouth, quickly condensing a high-concentration ball of energy that has so far exceeded one meter.The golden energy ball exudes the same high temperature as the sun. Because of the excessive compression of energy, there are streams of black lightning on the surface of the energy ball.


An incomparably huge beam of light emanated from Paluccia’s mouth. The destructive death light used by ordinary ladies is about the same thickness as a normal small tree. However, compared with Paluccia’s super-large destructive death light, it is simply small The gap between the dog and the elephant.

The extremely huge beam of light came under the head cover, and the huge energy completely suppressed the Meng Yao, making him unable to dodge at all. The golden beam of light swallowed Meng Yao's thin body.

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Four-The Battle of Heavenly Kings (End)

The super-huge energy wave swallowed the body of the dream demon. This super-large destructive power of the dead light, except that it was not integrated into the law of space, the destructive power of other energies was no worse than Parukia's big trick, Yakong Cut.

Endless hot energy continuously impacted the ground, forming a semicircular energy ball on the ground, and then the surface of the energy ball shook, the energy ball suddenly began to shrink, and the energy quickly compressed until only one remained. The ball of light the size of a table tennis ball stopped.

The energy ball rotates slowly, it seems to be extremely slow, but it has reached a limit speed, slow, that is just an illusion of the naked eye.


The energy ball exploded again, and the huge beam of light rose into the sky, once again engulfing Meng Yao's small and poor body, a beam of light went straight into the sky, tearing apart the clouds in the sky.


After the beam of light rushed into the sky, it exploded again. A huge mushroom cloud suddenly formed, and huge power spread out. Within a hundred miles, all the clouds were easily torn apart, and countless towering trees were torn down by this energy wave, but The strange thing is that the audience in the stadium and Chrysanthemum were not affected at all.

This is of course Qiye's masterpiece. He used a space shield to protect Juko and all the audience when he shot at Paluccia. Although he can easily resurrect a person, it is also troublesome.

Juzi retracted the Meng Yao, and the stubborn expression on his face had faded a lot at this time. Instead, it was like the smile of a kind old man looking at his grandson, but Qiye didn't respond at once.

Contrary to Qiye's expectation, Juzi did not take out her last elf and played the last game with Qiye, but instead raised her hand and shouted, "I admit defeat!"

After speaking, Juzi ignored Qiye and the extremely surprised gazes of all the spectators, walking out of the stadium on crutches.

Qiye stared at Juzi's slightly rickety figure, and suddenly sighed for some reason.

Originally, even though Juzi was an old man in her fifties, it was hard to say that she had spent most of her life and stepped into the coffin with one foot, but no one dared to be disrespectful to Juzi, even He is the league champion in various regions, and I have to admire the oldest king of the league.

Juzi is stubborn and arrogant. Although she is not like Cattleya before, she will run away if she loses. However, for Juzi, every failure is a great shame.

Today, Chrysanthemum really lost, and was completely defeated by a ten-year-old kid. This failure of Chrysanthemum was like heralding the end of an era, whether it was for Chrysanthemum or For her supporters, it was a huge blow.

Qiye scratched his hair. He didn't want to think about such troublesome things. Qiye is a very selfish person. Apart from herself and her own woman, Qiye has always been unwilling to care for outsiders.


That night, Qiye did not love the girls, but was sitting in a high-class western restaurant with a red wine glass in his hand, smiling at the beautiful woman in front of him—Kona.

After the game, Kona invited Qiye to have dinner together. Of course, Qiye would not let go of the opportunity to be alone with Kona, and readily agreed.

Ke picked up the wine glass, touched the glass in Qiye's hand lightly, and said, "Congratulations, we won another game, and now only crossing is left." There was a hint of faintness in the plain tone. Of joy.

Qiye smiled slightly, raised his head, drank the little red wine left in the glass, and smiled: "Is there any reward?"

Kona leaned over her upper body, and following her movements, the neckline was slightly lowered, and most of the snow-white Saintess Peak was exposed in front of Qiye.

For today’s dinner, Kona deliberately dressed up. A black evening dress set off Kona’s noble and mysterious temperament. Instead of wearing glasses, he wore contact lenses. After taking off his glasses, Kona Nai reveals another amorous feeling besides intellect-charming.

Kona is definitely a stunning beauty, but because of her strength and identity, countless men can only be discouraged. In this world, there is only Qiye, a shameless, powerful man who dares to treat Kona like this.

Kona put his red lips to Qiye's ear, exhaled Ruolan and said, "Do you...what reward do you want?"

The hot and humid sensation in her ears made Qiye tremble all over, her face flushed slightly, she was like a little Zhengtai who was molested by Yujie.

Kona looked at Qiye's slightly flushed handsome face, with a charming smile in his eyes, stretched out a hand, pinched Qiye's chin, and kissed Qiye's thin lips fiercely.

by!I was forced to kiss!Only this thought was left in Qiye's mind.

Kona’s tongue is very soft, slippery, and sweet. In the past few days, although Qiye and Kona have not had any substantial relationship, kisses and hugs are normal.

Kona and Qiye were confused and infatuated every time, but Kona's spirit was too tough. Although his eyes were full of erotic desires, in the depths of his eyes, they were still as calm as a stream of spring water.

If you want to get Kona’s body, Qiye can do it at any time, but Qiye finds it boring. He is very happy to enjoy the fun of the men’s and women’s offensive and defensive battles. The same is true for Kona. Both of them tacitly maintain this kind of friends, lovers. The wonderful relationship underneath.

Passive acceptance is not Qiye’s consistent style. Although he was strongly kissed by Kona, it was only a moment’s effort. After reacting, Qiye began to fight back, pushing Kona’s sweet cloves back to Kona with her tongue. In his mouth, he sucked Kona's fragrance.

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