Traveling from the collapse

Traveling from the Benged Chapter 108

The two kissed, and stood up from their positions. Qiye pushed Kona to the corner hard, and her soft back hit the cold and hard wall, making Kona feel a little pain, but Kona felt nothing in her heart. The slightest dissatisfaction, she likes domineering and powerful men.

Qiye kissed Kona, while reaching out to hold one of Kona's Saintess Peak, rubbing the big soft white rabbit vigorously.Although Kona is still a virgin, he is almost 30 years old after all. The mature body is not comparable to a young girl. Conquering a girl is psychologically satisfying, but if she is in shape, she is still a royal sister. More loving.

Kona trembled and his muscles became a little stiff, but immediately stretched out, two jade hands stroked Qiye's strong back unconsciously, and the kiss became more intense.

This western restaurant was originally an industry under the name of Kona. I have been the Four Heavenly Kings for so many years. Kona is not one of those little girls. She naturally owns her own power and industry. Therefore, here, Kona can have nothing. He kissed Qiye scrupulously.

Qiye kissed Kona, her hand was no longer satisfied with Kona's Saintess Peak, but turned to Kona's mysterious place to attack.

Qiye's hand was down, and Kona didn't mean to refuse at all. Instead, he twisted his body, making Qiye easier to lift up her skirt and take off her sexy black lace panties.

Kona's forest is dense, but it is very tidy. Kona has meticulously rested. His fingers slid across the soft black forest and touched Kona's Taoyuankou.

Kona’s Taoyuan had long been wet by Qiye’s teasing, and by Qiye’s touch, the spring water was even more gurgling, and Kona’s body became softer and more boneless.

Qiye raised and lowered her hands, teasing Kona's perfect body, and breathing the charming taste of Kona's mature woman in her nose. The dragon under her body was already hard as iron.

"Hmm!" With a charming moan*, Kona reached the peak under Qiye's men.

After the orgasm, Kona was limp all over, and the air in his lungs was exhausted. His lips left to Qiye's lips and fell soft.

Qiye also let go of Kona. Kona leaned on the wall and sat on the ground, his face flushed, her eyes were silky, and a pool of crystal liquid flowed from her lower body.

Looking at Kona at this time, Qiye rushed to his brain with a passion, propping up a hard tent below.

After a few minutes, Kona was relieved from the afterglow of the climax, and his eyes regained clarity. When he opened his eyes, Kona saw a hard tent in front of him. He raised his head and met the hot Qiye again. Gaze.

Seeing Qiye like this, Kona's expression was a little hesitant. Then, he gritted his teeth lightly, and whispered: "Bad guy that will torture people." Then he knelt in front of Qiye and stretched out his hand. Looking at the steaming dragon that jumped out of the trousers through the zipper of Qiye's pants, Kona's eyes flashed with blur, and then he swallowed fiercely, opened his red lips, and swallowed the dragon.

Chapter 155-Kona’s Services (Evil, Evil... Seeking subscription for reward)

"Hiss!!" Qiye took a breath. Before his brain could react, his dragon had already entered a warm and moist holy land.

Kona rolled his eyes, glanced at Qiye's expression, smiled charmingly, and began to try to vomit the dragon of Qiye back and forth.

Qiye closes his eyes and enjoys Kona’s service. Whenever I think of the four strongest kings in the alliance, the ice queen Kona kneels in front of him and uses her little mouth to serve herself. Qiye’s heartbeat will speed up and Qiye’s psychological stimulation Far stronger than physical pleasure.

Kona is a woman who can make countless men go crazy. In addition to her stunning face, her incomparably noble status is also the key to making men crazy.

Kona is one of the women at the apex of this world, the noble goddess in the minds of countless men, but now, this ice beauty is kneeling in front of a man, with her red lips, willingly serving this man If you let Kona’s supporters know about the dragon, I’m afraid they will go crazy.

Qiye comfortably enjoyed Kona’s service. While feeling infinite comfort in her heart, she also had this endless pride. Although he might still be a while before completely conquering Kona, she could allow Kona to "bite" him. Qiye was already very satisfied.

Kona has been voicing for Qiye for a long time, but there is no sign that Qiye is about to launch. Qiye is now able to control her own abilities. It won’t take a few hours to launch once as before, but Kona wants Qiye was launched in half an hour, and that was impossible.

Kona spit out the dragon of Seven Nights, looked at the dragon that was still fierce and evil, and her heart trembled. Kona was not a Xiaobai who knew nothing. After all, she was almost 30 years old, and she didn't understand anything that was a lie. Human, Kona has also watched some movies in that area, and has some understanding of what happened in the room.

According to Kona's understanding, average men can hold on for ten to twenty minutes, but it's been half an hour now, and Qiye still shows no signs of launching.

Kona looked helplessly for Qiye, looked at the wine on the table next to him, walked over, poured himself a small glass of vodka, drank it, but did not swallow it, but held it in his mouth, and then A small piece of ice was in his mouth.

Qiye likes to drink vodka, so he opened a bottle, and vodka tastes better after being iced, so there will be ice cubes.

Kona waited for the ice in his mouth to melt a little, and after the entire mouth was cold, he opened his small mouth again and swallowed the dragon of Qiye into his mouth.

The extreme feeling of the two heavens of ice and fire almost made Qiye unable to control it, and launched directly.Although Qiye played a lot of poses with the girls, it was indeed the first time that the Ice and Fire Dual Heavens.

When Kona saw Qiye enjoying the scene, Kona smiled, and started to vomit. This method was also what she saw from the book. She didn't know the effect, and it was impossible to find a man to try it. This was Kona first. Do this kind of thing again.

Kona carefully licked the dragon of Qiye with his cloves, serving Qiye with the greatest care.

Qiye closed his eyes and enjoyed Kona's service.

About forty minutes later, Qiye felt that it was almost done. She hugged Kena's head with her hands, and her waist moved and began to move autonomously.

Kona also felt that Qiye was about to launch, resisting the suffocation and nausea of ​​the dragon head hitting his throat, hugged Qiye's thigh, and contracted his mouth forcefully.

Qiye twitched hard, and the pleasure continued to accumulate in his brain. Then, Qiye let out a tiger roar: "Ah!!!" A numb waist, a thick essence sprayed into Kona's mouth.

"Um..." Kona whimpered, and Qiye's launch really caught Kona by surprise. In a loss of consciousness, his throat stirred and gurgled, swallowing most of the essence of Qiye.

Qiye drew out her dragon, and all the remaining essence was sprayed on Kona’s face. Kona’s noble and beautiful face was immediately covered with white essence, and Kona’s head was still a little confused due to lack of oxygen. Coupled with the white essence, this scene is particularly lewd. The gorgeous picture made Qiye's dragon who had not had time to soften yet become angry again.

"Cough cough cough cough... vomit..." Ke Na had a cough, followed by a retching, trying to spit out the essence, but had already swallowed it in her stomach, unless Ke Na picked her throat or went to the hospital Stomach lavage, otherwise I can vomit somewhere.

After retching for a long time, Kona could only vomit some saliva and gave up. He picked up the napkin on the dining table and wiped off the essence on his face.

Qiye retracted her second brother into his pants, and then held Kona to his position.

Kona turned his head, gave Qiye a charmingly white look, and said, "You are a bad guy who can make a fool of people!" But because of the trace of spring love in his eyes, he seemed weak.

Qiye squeezed Kona’s chin and smiled evilly: "You are such a superb stunner! I really love you!" During this period of time, Qiye has discovered that Kona is definitely a sullen woman, and she is still born. Meigu, but outsiders cannot know it.

Kona smiled charmingly, slender pointed the tip of Qiye’s nose, and smiled: "You Huaxin Carrot, I don’t know that you have said this to a few girls. I’m not one of those little girls. I’m not so easy to be caught by you. Deceived."

The evil smile on Qiye's face was even more wicked, and said, "No matter how easy it is to cheat, anyway, as long as it can be cheated, I have too much time to cheat."

Kona reluctantly gave Qiye a look, and said: "Shameless!" Kona's character, it is impossible for a shrew like a gangster to scold the street like a gangster. It is also mad at Qiye to say such shameless words.

Qiye Wupi smiled facelessly, and said: "This is the supreme compliment to me."

Kona rolled his eyes and was completely speechless to this bad guy. Kona has experienced countless lives in his life, including men and women, old and young, good and bad, what kind of people have never been seen, but they are as dead as Qiye. Shameless, it was really the first time Kona saw him.

Qiye sat on a chair, and Kona sat in Qiye’s arms. Qiye leaned her head on Kona’s shoulder, biting Kona’s earlobe, and smiled evilly: "Kona, you are so beautiful and charming. , I really can't help but want to eat you." He said that he deliberately pushed his little brother upright, and the thin layers of fabric couldn't stop Kona from feeling the heat of Qiye.

Kona turned his head and looked at Qiye with a smile, and said, "You can come if you want." As he spoke, he deliberately rubbed the dragon of Qiye with his plump buttocks.

Qiye gritted her teeth and looked at Kona with a "sorrowful" face. This woman was purely teasing herself, but she couldn't eat her, so she could only put her arm around Kona's waist with one hand to let her not mess around. Moved, then buried his head in Kona’s hair and breathed deeply in the intoxicating fragrance of Kona’s body. After calming down a little bit, he said, "I want to, but I know that if I do, You will never have my place here.” As he said, another free hand stretched over and pinched the Saintess Peak on the left of Kona.

Kona's face flushed. Although his heart was full of shyness, he still had a hint of approval. Qiye's guess was correct.Kona admits that he likes Qiye very much, very much, even the kind of love that surpasses friendship, but he has not yet reached the level of deep love, Kona is not ready to give his body to Qiye so soon, of course, if Qiye If he insisted on Kona’s body, Kona would not refuse, and even took off his clothes, and then lay on Qiye. But if that happened, Kona’s feelings for Qiye would become nothingness, and Qiye could get it. Yes, it's only Kona's body. To get Kona's heart, there is no other way but to use other gods.

Kona pouted and said: "The easier you get, the less you know to cherish it. You men are like this. I won't give myself to you easily."

Qiye smiled, but he recognized Kona's words in his heart. It is too easy to get, but he would not cherish it. Therefore, among all the girls around Qiye, his favorite is Nazi, because he pursues Nazi Qiyehua It took the most effort, although it was only a moment in reality, but it took a year for Qiye to get Nazi in the moon reading.

Qiye squeezed Kona’s plump Saintess Peak, and soon, Qiye was not satisfied with the itching feeling of the boots, and put her hand through the collar of Kona’s evening gown and reached into Kona’s clothes.Although the evening dress is made of silk and satin, there is no elasticity, but the neckline is very low, so Qiye can easily reach in.

"Hmm..." There was a seductive groan from Kona's beautiful red lips. The touch and direct contact through two layers of cloth were completely two levels of feeling.

Qiye stretched out her tongue to lick Kona's white and smooth neck, and asked, "How is it, is it comfortable?"

"Asshole!" Kona cursed softly.

"Haha! I'm a bastard!" Qiye laughed loudly, and at the same time put the other hand into Kona's clothes, both of them attacked Kona's Shuangfeng at the same time, "Kona, you are really big here. It’s soft and it feels very comfortable to hold."

Kona was shy and sweet. Under Qiye's domineering behavior, Kona had difficulty maintaining her state of mind. Kona was not sure how long she could last. She was just dragging time.

Qiye bit the round and jade earlobe of Kona Bead, and smiled evilly: "Kona, can you help me get it again?"

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