Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 109

"No! My mouth is still sour now." Kona said helplessly. After helping Qiye for more than an hour, Kona's mouth was already sour.

"Small mouth can't work, it's okay here." Qiye smiled, and at the same time squeezed Kona's Saintess Peak with her hands.

"Here?" Kona was puzzled.

With the cooperation of Kona's half-push, Qiye put Kona's body on the ground, then took off Kona's evening dress and bra, and looked at the huge snow-white Saintess Peak, Qiye's mouth was dry.

Qiye stretched out his hand to squeeze Kona’s double peaks into the middle, forming a huge ravine in the middle, and then sent her dragon to Kona’s cleavage, riding on Kona’s body, and starting to move one after the other. .

Kona lay on his back and watched the dragon of Qiye go in and out of his chest. For Kona, the visual stimulation was far greater than the physical sensation.

"Hey, lick it for me." Qiye said in an inch.

Kona had no choice but to stick out her tongue to lick the dragon of Qiye. Qiye took advantage of the momentum and pushed forward, and the dragon's head stuck into Kona's small mouth.Because Qiye is huge, although the dragon's body is sandwiched by Kona's double peaks, the dragon can still enter Kona's mouth.

Kona rolled his eyes, but still used his mouth to help Qiye vent.

Under the dual stimulation of Kona’s small mouth and the double peaks, Qiye persisted for an hour, and then with a low growl, she sprayed out white essence again. The white liquid stuck in Kona’s mouth, face and hair. Above, even the plump Saintess Peak did not let it go, leaving the smell and traces of Qiye everywhere.

Chapter 156-When the evil continues!

When Qiye was completely launched, Kona’s expression was so sad and sad, and more charming and charming. Kona was also domineering. He directly tore a piece from the skirt of his evening dress and wiped himself. And white liquid on the face.

After Kona wiped everything clean, Kona put on his clothes. Because the skirt had been torn off by Kona, Kona's beautiful white legs were exposed underneath. Qiye unscrupulously admired the beauty of Kona's skirt.

"Really, you shot that thing on me!" Kona said to Qiye angrily. Normal girls like to be clean. Although Kona is the Four Heavenly Kings, she is also a woman. For this, of course With anger slightly.

Qiye rolled his eyes and asked him to shoot halfway before holding back. It shouldn't be like holding back urine, and it shouldn't be uncomfortable to die, no!That's more uncomfortable than holding back urine!Moreover, Qiye really wanted to shoot Kona deliberately. Thinking about her own essence tainting this beautiful and noble Ice Queen, Qiye was really too excited.

Qiye looked at Kona with a smirk and said, "It's getting late, I'll send you back." Isn't it too late?After eating and Qiye’s two mischiefs, it has been three hours, and supper has become a midnight snack.

Kona gave Qiye a slightly white look, took his handbag, and walked out without saying whether he wanted Qiyesong or not.

Qiye followed the principle of asking women to kill her, shy face.

Although it is still midsummer, it is already midnight after all. Although the bars and nightclubs have just entered Happy Time, most of the shops have been closed. The streets looked a little deserted. When the cool breeze at night blew, Kona immediately hit Little trembling.

The Four Heavenly Kings are not gods. From a physical point of view, they are no different from normal people, and Kona is dressed thinly, just an evening gown, and the skirt is torn off, which is not cold.

Qiye, who walked out with Kona's front feet and back feet, caught this scene, and immediately woven a coat out of tree vines and put it on Kona's body. Although it was a bit ugly, it could keep out the cold.Qiye wears less than Kona. Kona wears an evening gown, but Qiye is not formal at all. Although she wears a pair of jeans, a black T-shirt comes. It is impossible to take off the T-shirt and put it on Kona. Taking the body, I had to make a temporary piece of cane.

Kona looked at the slightly rough clothes that he was wearing, then turned his gaze to Qiye, smiled softly, and Qiye returned with a smile, everything was silent.

Kona also has a villa of her own on the Quartz Plateau, but because she lives alone, the area of ​​the villa is not as large as that of Qiye.

Open the door, the decoration of Kona’s villa is not complicated, very simple, the only thing worth noting is the dozens of elf dolls placed in the living room.Kona likes to collect elf dolls. I know this seven nights, but knowing and seeing are two different things.

Imagine Kona is wearing a noble black evening dress, and there is really no way to connect with those elf dolls.

Kona noticed Qiye's gaze, followed the past and saw his dolls, smiled slightly, and didn't feel embarrassed about it. It's not a shame to like dolls.

"What's wrong, I'm home now, won't you go back?" Kona took off his cane jacket and looked at Qiye playfully.

Qiye immediately pretended to look pitiful and said: "Kona, you see it's so late, don't you worry about me going back alone? What if I get caught by a porno?" said After that, he wiped the non-existent teardrops at the corners of his eyes.

Kona rolls his eyes, which pornographic man will catch you with such short eyes?It's just being impatient.

Kona threw off the sentence "I'm going to take a bath", leaving Qiye a perfect back and walking up the stairs.

Qiye sat in the living room and watched TV, and did not go to take a bath with Kona. After all, he had taken enough advantage today. Kona helped her vent twice, and he acquiesced that Qiye would spend the night here. I'm afraid it will be counterproductive, and who will cry in Qiye.

That night, Qiye naturally stayed in Kona’s villa. Although Kona strictly ordered Qiye to sleep in the guest room, Qiye still cheekedly climbed onto Kona’s bed and fell asleep with a helpless Kona.


People were refreshed at happy events. The next morning, after having breakfast at Kona, Qiye played a little song and went back to his villa with joy.

As soon as he returned to the villa, Qiye welcomed a group of Yingying and Yanyan. Of course, Nazi's run was indispensable. This was already Qiye and Nazi's special way of communicating.

"Well, the ice queen feels good, right?" Na Zi put down the tea cup and said sourly. Na Zi is instinctively hostile to this powerful woman like herself.

Qiye was amused when she saw Nazi being jealous, and deliberately said with anger, "Yes, Kona tastes really good, but it's much more delicious than some uncute little girl." Qiye also deliberately The word "girl" is accented.

"Huh!" Na Zi snorted coldly, and almost wrote the big words "I'm jealous" on her face. Although Na Zi guessed that Qiye's words were mostly deliberately pissing her off, Na Zi couldn't help it. Full of sour stomach.

"Okay..." Qiye hugged Nazi, and said lovingly: "Don't be angry, nothing happened to Kona and I." (The last step did not happen...)

"Huh! I don't believe that you, the flower-hearted ghost, did not come back all night, and nothing really happened!" Na Zi said coldly, but she was slightly happy in her heart. Whether Qiye said true or false, Na Zi is Very happy.

"Nazi is not good, I don't believe your husband and me." Qiye said evilly, biting Nazi's earlobe. Although she vented twice on Kona yesterday, she did not complete the last step. Qiye always had something in her heart. The fire was blocked there, and now, with his arms around Na Zi Nephrite Wenxiang's body, the fire of Qiye was burning again.

Na Zi was so frightened by Qi Ye Xie Xie's voice that she had known Qi Ye for so long, and Na Zi didn't know how, whenever Qi Ye spoke in this tone, she would definitely have no good end.

Thinking of Qiye’s punishment from those shame people, Na Zi felt extremely shy in her heart, struggling hard, and said angrily: "Bad guy! Pervert wolf! Bastard! Hooligan! Hurry up and let me go!!"

The smile on Qiye's face is even more evil. He just likes to see Na Zi falling into his hands like a little sheep, but every time she is unable to struggle, the evil part of Qiye's heart keeps magnifying.


Qiye stretched out her hand and tore all the clothes and pants on Na Zi's body. She didn't feel distressed because the price of this outfit was more than 5,000 yuan. Compared to Qian, Na Zi's white body was even greater for Qiye's temptation.


Qiye swallowed fiercely, even if he had seen it countless times, but Qiye still couldn't help being dizzy.

Under the nourishment of Qiye's rain and dew, the girls' bodies are becoming fuller, and Nazi's Saintess Peak, which was originally a full grip, is now unable to fully grasp Qiye.

Moreover, Qiye has the body of an immortal, and its vitality is far more powerful than normal humans. Although the girls are not pregnant yet, they have received the essence of Qiye in their bodies. The essence of powerful vitality moisturizes their bodies even more. They are more radiant.

And because of Qiye’s nourishment, Nazi’s original calf muscle atrophy symptoms have been eliminated. Now Nazi’s body is better than ordinary girls, and the body is more plump. Of course, there is still a gap between Kona and Kona. After all, Kona was ten years older than Nazi, and his body was already ripe.

It can be said that as long as you continue to love Qiyehuan, although you can't live forever, it's easy to stay youthful, and it's easy to live for a thousand or hundreds of years without getting old.

"Ah!" Na Zi screamed, holding her plump Saintess Peak with her hands, and shuddering her whole body in Qiye's arms. Until now, Na Zi had never thought of running away, she was really silly and cute.

Qiye opened the zipper of her trousers and released her second brother. After gently grinding twice at the mouth of Na Zi's Taoyuan, she forced it in.

"Ah!" Na Zi cried out in pain. Before she got wet, Qi Ye came in. The dragon of Qi Ye made Na Zi feel great pain. She beat Qi Ye's chest with her hands and shouted, "You bastard! It hurts me! It hurts!"

Qiye lowered her head and kissed Na Zi's lips, and stood up without pity. The dragon came and went in and out of Na Zi's body.

After all, Na Zi is not a baby anymore. Although there was some pain at the beginning, her body quickly reacted. The spring water was gurgling, and the wonderful pleasure impacted Na Zi's brain, holding Qiye's body in her own arms.

The girls looked at the two of them helplessly, but they all slowly took off their clothes and joined the lustful feast.

Chapter 157-The Battle of Champions (1)

Qiye's last opponent, Long Shidu, a man who is very powerful both mentally and physically!

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