Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 110

Du is said to be a dragon messenger with multiple identities. First, Du is a descendant of the Yulong clan in Yanmo City. Second, Du also takes into account the identities of the Four Heavenly Kings of Guandong and the champion of Chengdu. Du is also a special search officer of the Pokemon Alliance. Often undercover, sneak into the inside of the opponent, the word can do more work is used to describe Du.

Speaking of its own strength, Tou is definitely the strongest in Kanto. The dragon elves are rough and thick, with excellent strength, defense, and speed. However, because the dragon elves are very difficult to capture and difficult to train, so The average trainer cannot use it.However, Kona’s best ice is one of the few attributes that restrains the dragon, so Du was hesitant to lose to Kona.

Qiye turned a poke ball in his hand, looked at Du, and smiled confidently: "Du, I know you are still the champion of Chengdu. I don't know if I defeated you, can I become the champion of both Kanto and Chengdu at the same time?"

Du was taken aback, and then smiled: "Of course it can, but it is not so easy to become a champion." Du did not mean to look down on Qiye. He did not mean that Qiye is difficult to beat him, but after becoming a champion, It’s more than just a little bit.

Even if it is a person who is very strong physically and mentally, it is very tiring to take care of the things in both areas at the same time.

This Qiye is not too worried. This problem is no longer a problem for the current Qiye. The Mu Dun clone can last longer than any other clone. Unless it is fatally injured or Chakra is exhausted, it is not. It will disappear, and Qiye can use the principle of the six avatars, through the chakra crystallization, to transport the chakra to the avatar from a long distance. As for his body, he can enjoy life happily.

"It's useless to say more, let's get started."

"No problem, go on, Tyrannosaurus!"

"Roar!!!" With an extremely angry and powerful roar, the red tyrannosaurus crossing appeared on the battlefield. The fiery red scales, violent power and might, just look at it and know that it is very powerful.

"Wow, the red tyrannosaurus, it's really rare." Qiye smiled, and at the same time tightened the poke ball in her hand, and said: "Little guy, this is your first battle. Have fun, go on. Right!"

With the thrown elves, a pink elf appeared on the battlefield, the magic elf-dream!

"Mew..." Dream was still sleeping, and now she was a little confused when she came out, she immediately yawned, she looked very cute, "Mew? Mew!" After Dream was awake, she immediately looked around. After seeing Qiye, he flew over on some occasions immediately, holding Qiye's neck affectionately, and constantly rubbing his soft body against Qiye's neck, the expression on his face seemed very enjoyable.

"Okay, okay, I'll play with you in a while." Qiye reluctantly pulled the little dreamy fellow from her body, "Go and defeat that fellow first." She pointed her finger at the red tyrannosaurus.

"Mew..." Mengming flew towards the red tyrannosaur with a reluctant expression, it was as if she had been wronged so much.

Qiye looked at Dream with a wry smile. Although Dream wouldn't defy Qiye's words because of the other gods, the character she kept intact made Qiye a little speechless.

Du was really shocked at this time. Although in this battlefield, most of the audience and trainers had never heard of the elf Dream, it is impossible for Du to know that Du was once undercover in the Rockets, and his status It's not too low. Du also knows a little about the use of genetic engineering to reproduce the power of dreams. Du's understanding of dreams is much higher than that of others.

And Du's understanding is limited to the information about dreams collected by the Rockets. It is the first time that Du has seen dreams in person.

Du immediately regained his spirit of 120,000 points. A dark force as large as the Rockets had spent so much time trying to reproduce the power of dreams. On this point, Du must not be taken lightly.

"Roar!" The red tyrannosaurus roared towards the dream, in order to gain momentum.

"Mew?" Dreamy tilted his head and looked at the red tyrannosaurus. His big cute eyes revealed a playfulness. Compared to some weak elves, the pair of tyrannosaurus was very powerful, but for elves. For the dream of my ancestors, there is no use for half a dime.

"Dream, become a czechrom!"

"Mew?" Dream tilted her head for a moment, and then her body was immediately enveloped in a white light. Of course, this is not the light of evolution.In the white light, the dreamy figure kept getting bigger, but within two or three seconds, the dreamy figure changed from the size of a kitten to a pixie three meters tall.

The white light quickly dissipated. The body was as strong as a dinosaur, with dark gray complexion, blood-red eyes, and a bright blue crown on the top of the head. It had a pair of black wings that were not too big, but very strong, dark. There is a faint blue thunder and lightning on the surface of the body.It is the Českrom, one of the three dragons in Yixiu!

Qiye was also a little surprised to see the transformation of dreams for the first time. The transformation of dreams and the ever-changing transformation of Imetti are basically two levels.

Although the Variety Monster can also become a mythical beast, it is only a transformation with a layer of skin. The unique coercive, aura, and strength of the mythical beast cannot be changed at all.

The transformation of dreams is not just about appearance. The czechrom transformed by dreams possesses the coercive power of a beast. As long as one glances at it, many weak elves may lose their will to fight.

Although Dream is cute and harmless, his power is definitely among the best among the first-class beasts. He can easily defeat Dakulai. If Dreaming becomes a second-class beast like the Three Sacred Birds, his strength is even If you want to surpass the deity, even if you transform into the first-level beast of Czechoslovakia, your strength is at least 90% of the deity.

There was a dignified look in Du's eyes. Although the tyrannosaurus had a dragon in its name, apart from its appearance, tyrannosaurus and dragons had nothing to do with each other. The tyrannosaurus belonged to the water system and the flying system, and the most feared was electricity. The attack of the department, let alone the supreme of the electric department-Českrom.

"Tyrannosaurus, use earthquake!"

The strong tail of the red tyrannosaurus slapped on the ground, and the huge force caused the ground to vibrate violently.

"Czekrom" jumped upwards, and a blue electric current immediately appeared on his body, forming a huge anti-gravity magnetic field, supporting himself in the air.

"Cekrom, use Thunder!"

"Cekrom" stretched his finger to the sky, and then quickly swiped down, a huge thunder and lightning descended to the world, the size of the lightning, not losing the body of the red tyrannosaurus.

"Gyrannosaurus, use Flying Jump!"

The red tyrannosaurus coiled up like a snake, and then slammed into the air. The powerful force sent his body into the air. The huge lightning struck the ground. The fierce thunder and lightning destroyed the ground and once again demolished the battlefield.The tyrannosaurus turned around in mid-air, and its huge tail patted the top of "Czekrom".

"Cekrom, use Thunder Palm!"

Highly compressed thunder and lightning power immediately appeared on the fist of "Cekrom". Because of the excessive concentration of the power of thunder and lightning, the originally violent and uncontrollable thunder and lightning flowed slowly like a liquid in the hands of "Czerom".

boom!Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi!!!

The thunder palm of "Czech Roma" touched the body of the red tyrannosaurus, and immediately got into the body of the red tyrannosaurus as alive. The powerful thunder and lightning flowed rapidly with the water in the body of the red tyrannosaurus. It covered his whole body and destroyed every corner of the red tyrannosaurus body.

"Roar!" The red tyrannosaurus wailed and fell to the ground. The original hideous expression is now full of pain, and the red scales are also covered with electric shock scars.

"Mew...chuckchchchchchch..." Dream changed back to its original state, looking at the red typhoon, covering his mouth with his hands, and let out a lovely laugh. For the little guy Dream, what was just now was just a game. That's it.

"Gyrannosaurus, use rampage!"

The eyes of the red tyrannosaurus also became crimson, and a burst of powerful force burst out of his body, like a powerful tank, rushing toward the dream with great momentum.

"Mew?" Dreamy and curiously looked at the ferocious tyrannosaurus, and then moved away for a moment, then let out a cute laugh like a silver bell again.

The tyrannosaurus was originally a very violent little elf, very easy to get angry, and it was even more angry to be played with by the dream, turning around, and rushing towards the dream again.

Dream didn't fight the red tyrannosaurus at all, and used teleport to easily avoid the red tyrannosaurus's attack. From time to time, he made cute and crisp laughs, showing that this little guy was very happy.

Qiye looked at the happy dream flying around on the battlefield with a black line. Although he had expected this to be the case, when he saw it with his own eyes, Qiye was helpless. Look at Du again, and Qiye is also an expression, and I feel helpless for the escaped temperament of Dream.

Qiye looked at Dream, who was still planning to play, and said helplessly: "Fantasy, stop playing."

"Mew..." Dreamy yelled in a very low voice. He hasn't played enough yet, but Dreamy will not defy Qiye's order, looking like a tyrannosaurus rushing by, with a flick of its tail, without a fly swatter. The big and small tail yanked the giant body of the Tyrannosaurus violently, and fell to the ground, losing its combat effectiveness.

"Mew!" Dream flew to Qiye's side, her big eyes narrowed into two crescents, and her expression of offering treasures was very cute.

Qiye couldn't help but flicked her dreamy forehead with her fingers, and said helplessly: "You little guy." The words were full of spoiling.

"Mew..." Dreamy covered the place where Qiye had bounced her forehead, with a pitiful look, but the next moment, Dreamy couldn't hold on anymore and let out a joyful laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Seeing the cute look of Dream, Qiye couldn't help but laugh happily.

Chapter 158-The Battle of Champions (2)

Watching Qiye and Fantasy fighting, the last trace of doubt in his heart was also dispelled. He was still wondering if Qiye used some despicable means to capture Fantasy, but it doesn't seem to be anymore.(Really used despicable means! Boss Du, don't make assertions so quickly!)

Then, Du took out his second elf, the fossil pterodactyl.

The fossil pterosaur of Qiye was caught in the underground grottoes of Dasha Valley. I don't know where the fossil pterosaur was obtained.

"Okay, little guy, hurry up and go to the game, and play with you when the match is over." Qiye coaxed the dream while pushing the dream onto the battlefield. Qiye couldn't bear to say something serious to this cute little guy. .

"Mew..." Dream looked back at Qiye one step at a time, and then floated slowly onto the battlefield.

"Dream, become Rogia!"

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