Traveling from the collapse

Traveling from the collapse of chapter 111

A white light appeared again on Dream, and she soon transformed into a silver-white bird with huge wings-the god of the sea, Rokia!

The silver-white body is gorgeous and noble, the blue abdomen and the corners of the eyes reveal a mysterious beauty. With the wave of his wings, it easily slaps a hurricane.

Although Rogia is a first-level beast, it ranks low in the first-level beast, and there is still a gap compared with the dream. The strength of the Rogia transformed by the dream is definitely not inferior to the original.

"Fossil pterodactyl, use landslide to split the ground!!"

The strong wings of the fossil pterodactyl rolled up countless huge stones and smashed towards "Rogia".

"Rogia, use air to explode!"

"Rogia" opened his big mouth, and spit out a violent air vortex from the mouth. The air was continuously compressed and solidified through the rotation, and the originally thin air became a high-pressure and high-destructive air cannon.(In the gold and silver version, this trick seems to be called yelling, it’s been too long, I don’t remember too much)

The highly compressed air explosion easily smashed the oncoming boulder into fragments, and then continued to fly towards the fossil pterosaur.

"Fossil pterodactyl, use high-speed movement!"

The fossil pterosaur flapped its wings, its speed increased, quickly dodged the attack of the air explosion, and then quickly rushed towards "Rogia".

"Lokia, use meditation, and then beg for rain."

"Lokia" first improved its special attacks and special defenses. Then, bright light flashed from its head, and the sky that was still very clear instantly dimmed, not just over the battlefield, but the sky over the entire quartz plateau. Are shrouded in dark clouds.

Rogia is the god who controls the weather. Gulaton, Poseidon, and Rogia are all legendary elves that can affect a wide range of weather, although Rogia can affect more than Guladon and Poseidon. There are a lot of small things, but Gulaton and Haihuangya can only control a single weather, while Rogia can change any weather.

Under the control of "Lokia", the entire Quartz Plateau began to rain, and the part with the battlefield as the center rained the most, and the edge gradually decreased.

The fossilized pterosaurs flying in the sky had their body wet by rain and a very uncomfortable expression appeared on their faces. For the fossilized pterosaurs with rock attributes, rain is really annoying.

"Fossil pterodactyl, use downwind!"

The fossil pterosaur flapped its wings and blew a violent whirlwind toward "Rogia", but it did not have any attack power.

Affected by the downwind, the rainwater that was supposed to fall on the fossil pterosaur was also blown towards Rogia, which reduced the impact of rain on the fossil pterosaur.

"Rogia, use high altitude attack!"

"Lokia" flapped its huge and strong wings and turned into a silver streamer, rushing into the sky, directly into the thick clouds, and its sharp gaze penetrated the thick dark clouds and hit the fossilized pterosaur.

Above the clouds, the sun's rays gathered on "Rogia", and the power continued to accumulate.

"Rogia, use the Dragon God to dive!"

"Rogia" gathered a huge amount of power and waved its wings violently. The huge force produced a burst of air and a powerful dive force. Then he folded his wings and completely shrank his body into a line, forming the lowest wind resistance. The form rushed towards the fossil pterosaur like a bullet.

Rogia continued to gather the power on his body, as well as the acceleration of gravity, and increased his dive speed to more than Mach 5. With a bang, Rogia pierced the clouds like a needle. After that, the qi exploded. It was too late, and a big hole was exploded in the clouds. The sunlight passed through the big hole and hit Rogia and the fossil pterosaur.

At Rogia's current speed, no matter how fast the fossil pterosaur is, there is no possibility of avoiding it. Du Na's extremely developed brain immediately analyzed this point and shouted: "Fossil pterosaur, use super impact! !!!"

The rock body of the fossil pterosaur erupted with a powerful force. Although the fossil pterosaur did not have the strong defense and power of the dragon system, it was an ancient elf that lived on this planet hundreds of millions of years ago. The elf at that time The wildness and aggressiveness are much stronger than the current elves. In the great crisis, the fossil pterosaurs were also inspired by the extremely ferocious wildness and power at that time.

One is the powerful power of the beast, and the other is the fierce instinct of the wild beast. Two powerful forces collided in the air!


An incomparably huge force erupted from the collision point between the fossil pterosaur and "Rogia", blowing away all the rain in the sky, and the powerful force spreading out in all directions.


The huge force tore through the clouds in the sky, and the sun shone on the battlefield, and the spreading force also suppressed the battlefield, forming a huge and incomparable crater.


In the end, "Rogia" won the collision. Not to mention that the power of "Rogia" is stronger than that of fossil pterosaurs. Moreover, "Rogia" also combines high-altitude attack and the power of dragon diving. The head-on collision absolutely suppressed the super impact of the fossil pterosaur.


The huge impact force smashed the fossil pterosaur to the ground, and the impulse destroyed the ground. The fossil pterosaur was directly hit into the ground, like being hit by a pile driver. Stopped.

Qiye looked at the big hole on the ground. Although his eyes could not penetrate the rock formations of tens of meters, he could still feel that the fossil pterosaur had not completely lost its combat effectiveness, and there was still some aura.

"Rogia, use a water cannon!"

"Rogia" spit out a powerful water cannon, and the huge water column poured directly into the big hole on the ground, and rushed towards the body of the fossil pterosaur.

The speed of the fossil pterosaur was completely sealed. The top was a water cannon, and the bottom and the surroundings were hard rocks. Even the wings could not be opened, and the speed was simply scum.

"Fossil pterodactyl, use hold, then rest!"

The fossil pterosaur evaded the attack of the water cannon, and then regained its strength underground. Fortunately, the surrounding rocks were caused by numerous cracks due to the previous attack. After the water cannon was invalid, the water soon seeped through those cracks. Go away, otherwise, the fossil pterosaur would have to drown.

After resting, the fossil pterodactyl recovered half of its strength and flew out of the cave.

"Lokia, use air explosions, water cannons and one hundred thousand volts!"

"Lokia" opened his mouth, simultaneously emitting air vortex and water column, and at the same time a powerful golden thunderbolt was emitted from his body.Enveloped by the air vortex, the water cannon continued to rotate and compress, from the water cannon compressed into a thin water cannon that shone blue under the sun.

The 100,000 volts of electricity spread along the water cannon, sandwiched between the water cannon and the air explosion, three moves combined in one, and flew towards the fossil pterosaur.

Because there is an air explosion covering the outermost layer, ignoring the air resistance, and 100,000 volts has made the speed of this trick extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it appeared in front of the fossil pterosaur!


Three tricks exploded at the same time. The air exploded to form sharp air blades and strong wind pressure. Even the hard body of the fossil pterosaur also showed countless scars. The highly compressed water cannon impacted the body of the fossil pterosaur. , Enlarged those wounds, and finally, one hundred thousand volts invaded the body of the fossil pterosaur along the water, wiping out his last trace of physical strength.

"Mew... giggle giggle..." The dream changed back to its original state, looking at the tragic appearance of the fossil pterosaur, he let out a very cute laugh again.

Chapter 159-The Battle of Champions (3)

Du took back the fossil pterosaurs, and looked at the dreamy laughter with Qiye and thought: I didn't expect to have such powerful power under such a cute appearance, no wonder the Rockets guys want to get the power of fantasy so much.

Qiye gently stroked her dreamy chin as a reward.

Dream enjoyed Qiye's soothing movements, and constantly rubbed Qiye's palm with her chin.

Du looked at these two helplessly. He felt that today's was not a game at all, it seemed to be just a game.

Although Du's idea is not entirely right, it is almost the same. For Qiye, it is a game, but for Dream, it is a game. Who calls this little guy so playful.

"Come on, Hack Dragon!" Although I felt a little depressed, the game was going to continue. Du took out his third elf, which is also the first real dragon elf so far, not just There is just a dragon in the name.

Hackron is a very precious and powerful elf, let alone possessed by the average trainer, it is difficult to see a Hackron up close, no matter which version of the game is in, ha Kron’s fishing odds are all stated as rare.

Slender body like a snake, blue head and back, snow-white abdomen, although it does not have wings, it can fly. There are beautiful blue crystal beads on the neck and tail, which contain the weather control Mysterious power.

"Huck Dragon..." Qiye looked at the crossed Huck Dragon. The dragon element is a rare attribute that restrains itself. It is probably because the dragon element was too strong when it was designed, so let him restrain himself. "Since it is a Hacklong, then become this! Dream, become a Chief Rem!"

The gray-blue body, angular muscles, strange proportions of wings and tail contain powerful ice that can freeze even with flames. With breathing, the little cold air that comes out condenses the moisture in the air. It became ice particles, and the air became dry with his breathing.

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