Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 112

One of the three dragons in the Yixiu region, the ice dragon-Chief Rem!

"Chileim, use the frozen world!"

"Emiram" opened his mouth and blew out extremely cold icy air. The icy air quickly spread. Because of the begging for rain in "Rogia" just now, the venue and the air are now damp. The cold ice makes the air and The moisture in the land condensed quickly. It was originally summer, but under the trick of "Emiram", it immediately became the ice age.

Hackron was also affected by this icy air, and a thin layer of ice formed on his body.

"Hackeron, use Dragon Dance!"

Hackron twisted his slender body and performed a mysterious dance, shattering the thin ice on his body.

"Hackeron, use Dragon Wave!"

"Chileim, seal!"

A big red cross appeared on "Emiram". Hackron opened his mouth, but he didn't issue any tricks. Hackron could not use the same tricks as Emiram.

"Chileim, use Dragon Claw!!!"

"Oh!!" "Emirem" screamed, his claws became extremely sharp, and he grabbed the slender and beautiful body of Hackron.

Haklong's body curled up into a ball, and several parts of his body were attacked by the dragon's claws at the same time. The power of the dragon's claws was invisibly dispersed. Although the hit place was very painful, it was still Will not affect their actions.

"Hackeron, use the dragon tail!"

Hackron took advantage of the situation and flicked his tail and slammed "Emiram" fiercely. The expression on "Emiram" changed. Although he was not injured, the pain was still inevitable. After this blow, "Emiram" immediately backed away.

"Chileim, blizzard!"

"Hackeron, tornado!"

The blizzard hit the fiercely rotating tornado. Although the power of the blizzard was stronger than the tornado, the tornado relied on its rotation and seemed more stable. Although the blizzard was strong, it broke through the tornado at once, and the two forces continued to fight each other.

After all, the force of the blizzard was crushing one end of the tornado, gradually gaining the upper hand, and pressing towards Hackron.

"Hackeron, use one hundred thousand volts!"

One hundred thousand volts plus the power of the tornado finally offset the blizzard's attack.

"Chileim, use the high pitch!!!"

"Emiram" shouted loudly, and the powerful sound waves spread out in circles. The ice layer created by the frozen world was also fragmented and turned into countless ice ridges flying in the air. Then, as the sound waves spread , Those sharp ice ridges flew towards Hackron under the impact of sound waves like shot bullets.

Du's eyes dazzled. If it was just a high pitch, he wouldn't care too much, but it would be different if these ice edges were added.Just like a hand grenade, the main power ratio of a grenade is not the explosion, but the small steel balls installed in the grenade. When the steel balls explode, the power is definitely not lost to the pistol bullet, and the power is more powerful than the explosion itself.

"Hackeron, tornado!"

Hackron rolled up a strong tornado, swept the countless ice ridges, and attacked the "Emiram" in the opposite direction.

The sharp ice ridges are added to the tornado to be even more powerful. The lingering tornado is as sharp as a steel knife.

"Chief Rem, become the Flame White Chief Rem, then use the cross flame!"

"Emiram" immediately transformed into a combination of Emiram and Reshram, Flame White Emir Rem, "Flame White Emir Rem" released countless flame energy, gathered in the air, formed A hot flame energy ball, and then smashed towards Hackron.

The high-temperature flame distorted the air and immediately shredded the tornado's offensive. The flame almost turned into a liquid with a high temperature comparable to the sun and enveloped the body of Hackron.

"Flaming White Chief Rem, don't stop! Use frozen Bai Yao!"

The "Fire White Chief Rem" issued a strong freezing gas, freezing the fireball of Hackron and the entire crossed flame in it. The flames flowed in the ice ball and constantly impacted Hackron's body.

Although Hackron is a dragon elf with strong defensive power, he is weak against the cross flames of the "Fire White Chief Rem". The high temperature flame burns Hackron's body and gives him Brought immense pain!


In the ice hockey, the hackron constantly impacts the inner layer of the ice hockey, but the exclusive trick of "flame white chief Rem", frozen Baiyao, is so easy to break through, combining ultra-low temperature ice and ultra-high temperature fire. It is extremely powerful.


The power of Hackron's impact on the ice became weaker and weaker, until it disappeared silently, and Hackron's beautiful body fell to the ground, and there was no more power...

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-The Battle of Champions (4)

"Unexpectedly, even Hackron would lose, so let's replace you! Quick dragon!"

"Finally willing to take it out? Your main commander, Flying Dragon Envoy Kuailong!" Qiye said with a smile. The previous ones were just warming up, and Kuailong was the main course.

The fast dragon enjoys the reputation of the flying dragon messenger. In addition to its powerful power and extremely rare relationship, the speed of the fast dragon is beyond the reach of most elves.

According to the information of Baidu Encyclopedia, the fastest flying among known bird elves is the eagle, which can fly at a maximum speed of Mach 2, which is twice the speed of sound.

According to the introduction of the animation and the illustrations, the fast dragon can fly around the earth in 16 hours. According to the length of the equator, which is 40,000 kilometers, the speed of the fast dragon is about 695 meters per second, which is more than Mach 2, which means fast. The average speed of the dragon is comparable to the top speed of the eagle.

And the fast dragon is not only speed, the attributes of the dragon type make the fast dragon have the incomparable power of ordinary elves, and the total race value has reached 600. It is also a quasi-god-level elven in the Kanto region. According to my information, , The number of unique tricks that the fast dragon can learn with a power of more than 100 is as many as 15, to say that the destructive power is absolutely powerful.

"Fight against the fast dragon, then become this, dreamy, become an empty seat!!"

To say that the dragon overlord is really not easy to say, Ladias in the Fangyuan area, Ladios, Rift Seat, Diaruga in the Shenao area, Palkia, Giratina, Yixiu The region’s Reshram, Českrom, and Emirem, plus the dragon quasi-gods in each region, and Arceus can also be regarded as dragons if they bring the dragon slabs. The powerful dragon elves are really There are too many, it is really not easy to say which one is the strongest.

However, I personally think that the boss in the sky is nothing but the Skyscraper. The Skyscraper has a powerful force that affects a wide range of weather. With the power of the Skyscraper, even the air influence of Gulaton and Haihuang’s is useless. .

Although the phoenix is ​​a divine bird that lives in the sky, the attributes of the phoenix are more focused on the flame element. The phoenix possesses a sacred flame that can resurrect the dead elves. In contrast, the phoenix has a weaker power in flight.

Du looked at the powerful green flying dragon in front of him, and there was no surprise in his eyes. He had long guessed that Qiye would definitely turn Dream into a beast that restrained his little elves, and Du had seen the real Rift Seat with his own eyes.

As one of the sacred beasts in the Fangyuan area, the Alliance naturally desires that powerful power. The Alliance has captured the Rift Seat and conducted research at the Green Ridge Universe Center, hoping to create a medium that can communicate with the Rift Seat—— Green orb.

It’s impossible for Du, a champion of Chengdu, to know such a big thing. Even Du, who was a dragon’s messenger, had personally participated in the capture of the empty seat five years ago. Even today, Du is still right. There was a lingering fear of the powerful force in the crack empty seat.

"Split the empty seat, use amazing speed!"

The "Splitting Seat" made a dragon chant, and the speed exploded, turning into a green lightning rushing towards the fast dragon, and the speed instantly exceeded Mach 5.

"Quick Dragon! Fast!" Du shouted.

Sure enough, the fast dragon lived up to the title of Flying Dragon Envoy, and its speed increased in an instant, surpassing the speed of five times the speed of sound, and quickly escaped from the attack of the "cracking seat".

Although the speed of the fast dragon flying around the earth is Mach 2, it is not the limit speed of the fast dragon. After all, it is impossible to fly at the highest speed for a long time and long distance flight. , The limit speed of Kuailong itself absolutely exceeds Mach 2.

The kaleidoscope in Qiye's eyes was writing round eyes. Even if the speed of Kuailong exceeded Mach 5, he could not escape his eyes, and shouted: "Split empty seat, rear left, dragon claw!"

The slender and soft body of the "Splitting Space Seat" twisted in the air. Although maintaining the forward momentum, the upper body twisted, and the sharp claws directly grabbed to his left rear.


The fast dragon caught by the dragon's claws in the "Splitting Seat" slowly faded until it disappeared, and what was caught was just an afterimage.

Qiye's eyes drenched and shouted: "Above!!"

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