Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 113

As soon as "Split Empty Seat" raised his head, his claws grabbed it towards the top of his head without looking.


There was a head-on collision between the "Splitting Seat" and the dragon's claws of the fast dragon, and the two elves were shaken back by the huge force, and it seemed that they were partially winning.

After all, Kuailong is the main player of this Chengdu champion. The champion-level elves can be said to have the strength of the Sky Destroyer team, like the Kuailong of Crossing and the Tyrannosaurus of Xirona, with the power of a first-class beast.

The split seat that Dream transformed into is slightly weaker than the original version of the split seat. It is probably in the middle of the first-class beast. Although it is stronger than the fast dragon, it is not as good as the previous one. The effect of abuse is over.

"Split the empty seat, use the dragon tail!"

"Split Kongza"'s huge body flicked, and the thick tail tore the air, and drew it toward Kuailong with great momentum.

Kuailong stretched out his hands to block him, blocking the huge tail of the "Splitting Seat".


The huge power from both hands knocked out the body of the fast dragon, and the fast dragon flew out like a cannonball. After tearing the ground and piercing the surrounding walls, the body was completely embedded in the wall. , Kancan stopped.


Kuailong walked out of the big hole in the wall, and the rubble on his body fell to the ground. Although there was a slight scratch on his body, the fighting spirit of Kuailong remained unchanged at all, and there was no major problem at all.Dragon Tail was originally not a powerful trick, and it was impossible for the master who wanted to use this trick to get off the boat in seconds.

"Quick Dragon, use superb speed, then turn around!"

Although the fast dragon flapped its small but very strong wings, it flew into the air in an instant, then turned back, and rushed towards the "crack empty seat" at a faster speed, and its strong claws grabbed the crack empty seat. Back.

"Split the empty seat, use great speed! Then free fall!"

The speed of "Splitting Space" is not slower than that of the fast dragon. One soars, avoiding the fast dragon's revolving attack, and circling behind the fast dragon. The dragon's claws buckle the two wings of the fast dragon, and the soft body wraps around the fast dragon. The dragon's body flew towards the sky.

"Quick Dragon! Use Nilin!!" Du shouted.

The eyes of the fast dragon became crimson, and the incomparable power on his body became violent and restless. After using the inverse scale, the power of the fast dragon instantly surpassed the power of the "splitting seat", and he stretched his arms and broke free." The shackles of "crack empty seats".

"Quick Dragon! Use Super Impact!!!"

A touch of reason appeared in the red eyes of the fast dragon like a beast, and the almost uncontrollable power on his body gathered and rushed towards the Rift Seat!

Qiye was surprised to see the fast dragon using super impact in the sky. After using Nilin, she could still maintain a sense of reason. Following the trainer's orders, the fast dragon crossing was really extraordinary.

Because of Qiye's short-term surprise, Kuailong rushed towards the "Splitting Space Seat" with extremely violent power.


"Split Empty Seat" wailed, and there was a trace of pain on his face. The strength of Kuailong was not much different from that of "Split Empty Seat". After using Inverse Scale, the strength of Kuailong even slightly pressed the "Split Empty Seat". One end.

"Split the empty seat, use the bite!!"

Sharding Kongza endured the pain on his body, opened a big mouth and bit towards Kuailong.

"Quick Dragon, use superb speed! Then freeze fist!"

The fast dragon was completely unaffected by the reaction force of the super impact. In the reverse-scale state, the fast dragon's speed was even more exaggerated, reaching a speed of Mach 8, with a strong chill condensed on its fists and hitting the "crack empty seat".

"Split empty seat, shadow clone!"

The "Splitting Empty Seat" body shook, and a clone appeared immediately, resisting the quick-long frozen fist, and the body had appeared five meters away.

"Split the empty seat, use the reverse scale!"

The "Splitting Seat" is also the same as the Fast Dragon. Its eyes become red, and the power on the body becomes violent, once again suppressing the Fast Dragon, but because this "Splitting Seat" is a fantasy transformation, it is not a complete dragon. It's an elf, so even though the scales made the "Split Empty Seat" crazy, there is still a trace of reason remaining in that madness.


The dragon claws of the "Splitting Space Seat" grabbed the fast dragon fiercely, and the violent power even the fast dragon in the reverse-scale state could not hold it, and was hit to the ground.

"Split the empty seat, use superb speed! Then use the dragon god to dive!!!"

When Qiye's command was heard by the "Splitting Seat" in the reverse-scale state, he rushed towards the fast dragon on the ground at a super high speed. The combination of the speed and the dive of the Dragon God made the "Splitting Seat" speed Mach 9.

With the addition of Mach 9 speed, the ozone layer covering the "Splitting Seat" is like a hard armor, tearing the air and the earth, and hitting the body of the dragon!

Chapter 161-The Battle of Champions (5)

"Schizophrenia" is like Mars hitting the earth, and the body and the body of the fast dragon come into close contact.


The fast dragon let out a wailing and howl of pain, but it was immediately submerged in a huge explosion, no matter how strong the fast dragon’s defensive power was, the dragon god who had eaten the "crack empty seat" in the reversed scale state swooped down. Absolutely uncomfortable.

The "Split Empty Seat" once again entangled in the sky, and the wounds previously injured by the fast dragon's super impact were almost the same. Although it consumed part of the power, it was basically no problem.

In the big pit, Kuailong stood up swayingly, with one hand covering his abdomen, the expression on his face was very hideous and painful, white sweat continued to shed on his forehead, the time limit for the scales had passed, and his strength was exhausted. The severe injuries caused by the diving of the Dragon God on the "Splitting Seat" made the state of the fast dragon almost to the extreme.

"Quick dragon, sleep."

Kuailong immediately lay down on the ground, asleep, quickly regaining his strength.Qiye didn’t take advantage of this opportunity to let the "Split Empty Seat" attack. First, the time of the "Split Empty Seat" had just ended, and it took some time to recover his physical strength. Secondly, Yidu's strength would never For no reason, such a big flaw came out. Even if Qiye went up to attack, Tou would definitely have a way to deal with it. It was meaningless.

Qiye just watched Kuailong sleep and regain his strength, and at the same time let the "Split Empty Seat" rest, slowly regaining his strength.

When Kuailong wakes up, although the wound on his abdomen has not fully recovered, it is already within the endurance of Kuailong and will not affect his actions.Kuailong looked at the "Splitting Empty Seat", and his eyes revealed a strong intent to fight. Most dragons are militant, whether they are dragons or those with the word dragon in their names, Kuailong is no exception.

"Quick Dragon, use Storm!!!"

With a roar of anger, the small wings flapped violently. Compared to the size of the fast dragon, his wings are not big, but with these wings, the fast dragon can circle in 16 hours One week of the earth, one can imagine how strong these wings are.

The wings of the fast dragon fanned out a storm comparable to a magnitude 14 giant typhoon, and the strong storm enveloped the huge body of the "Split Kongza".

"Quick Dragon, use jet flame!"

Kuailong opened his mouth and spit out a huge pillar of high temperature. Under the strong blessing of Kuailong, the originally fiery red flame turned dark red, and the air was scorched and undulated by the flame.

A huge tornado was formed under the rotation of the storm, with an extremely powerful suction in the center. As soon as the pillar of fire touched the pillar of fire, it was absorbed by the huge suction. After the pillar of fire absorbed by the storm, the power was even greater than adding fuel to the fire. , The original storm also turned into a huge fire vortex that kept rotating, absorbing the surrounding air, the temperature of the flame became more hot, and the color changed from deep red to faint blue.

"Split Empty Seat" was trapped in the storm and couldn't rush out at once.

"Split the empty seat, use the spin ball!"

In the fire vortex, "Split Space Seat" saw the direction of the vortex's rotation, and began to rotate his body in the opposite direction. The rotation of the body led to the rotation of the air, against the rotation of the flame vortex.

The "Splitting Seat" spins faster and faster, but the rotation of the Fire Vortex is gradually consumed by the rotation of the "Splitting Seat", gradually slowing down, and its power gradually weakening.

"Quick Dragon, use the mountain to break the ground!"

Kuailong threw countless huge stones at the "Splitting Seat", the stones shredded the fire vortex that was already at the end of the crossbow, and smashed toward the "Splitting Seat".

"Split Space Seat" just used the rotating ball, because of inertia, the body was still rotating, and it was impossible to avoid it. The body was hit by countless stones.

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