Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 114

"Split the empty seat, use super impact!"

"Splitting Seat" dazzled, and the power of his whole body gathered together, and the powerful force rushed to the Kuailong to disperse the stones hitting him.

Kuailong was caught off guard and was hit by the "Splitting Empty Seat". The powerful force made Kuailong fly to the ground again.


Kuailong’s legs slammed on the ground, spreading all the impact to the ground, and the ground also cracked due to the movement of the Kuailong. After removing the super-impact force, the Kuailong flapped its wings and turned towards " The vacant seat" flew away.

"Quick dragon, use superb speed, and then free fall!"

Kuailong increased its speed at once, circled in the air for an instant, rushed to the back of the "Splitting Seat", hugged the body of the "Splitting Seat" from behind, and then flew towards the sky.

"Split the empty seat, use the original power!"

"Quick Dragon, electromagnetic waves!"

The "Splitting Seat" was about to use the original power to break away from the hands of the fast dragon, but the body of the Fast Dragon suddenly emitted a burst of golden electromagnetic waves, and the body of the "Splitting Seat" twitched, temporarily paralyzed.

Kuailong hugged the body of the "Splitting Empty Seat", and then quickly rushed to the ground. Before he was about to make intimate contact with the ground, Kuailong used his hands to force the "Split Empty Seat" toward the ground.


The body of the "Splitting Seat" sank into the ground, and there were scars everywhere, but fortunately, they were all minor abrasions.

"Split Space, Dragon Star Group!!"

A high-pitched dragon roar from "Split Kongzai" shook the sky, and the sky lit up with a beautiful brilliance like aurora. At the same time, countless huge meteorites fell towards the body of the dragon.

"Quick Dragon, use Ni-Lin!"

Kuailong used Nilin again to excite the power beyond his limit, and slammed a huge punch at a meteorite that fell to him.


The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the first meteorite was completely smashed by the fist of the fast dragon enough to break the mountain and the rock. The rubble shattered towards the surroundings, and some of the rubble hit the fast dragon’s body, leaving a faint trace on the fast dragon Bloodstain, but Kuailong didn't notice it, still staring at the meteorite in the sky with red eyes.


The explosion sounded constantly, the rubble splashed, and the fast dragon relied on the violent power of the scales to resist the attack of the dragon star group, red eyes, violent energy, a small battlefield, because of this battle, it was like the end of the world. .

The dragon star group’s attack lasted for more than two minutes, and the fast dragon’s fury continued for more than two minutes. When the meteorite was completely silent, the battlefield was silent, and in the dust, only the heavy dragon could be heard. And the sound of painful breathing.

It took a long time for the smoke and dust to slowly dissipate, and I saw Kuailong kneeling on the ground, panting violently, his face was very painful, his right arm was hanging weakly, and it seemed that he had been fractured.

Even if Kuailong uses the inverse scale, it is very difficult to resist the attack of the dragon star group frontally. However, it is better to break an arm than to hit this trick completely. A fracture is not a minor injury, and sleep cannot be recovered. of.

"Split the empty seat, use the dragon tail!"

Non-toxic and not a husband, Qiye will not let go of a great opportunity.

"Splitting the empty seat" a dragon chanted, the green body rushed towards the fast dragon, the huge and strong tail slammed into the fast dragon's body fiercely.

Kuailong was injured, and his actions were slow. He couldn't avoid the dragon's tail in the "cracked seat" and was severely beaten out.

"Split the empty seat, fast! Then use the destruction death light!"

The speed of "Split Empty Seat" skyrocketed and rushed behind the fast dragon, and then slammed the fast dragon out with his head, facing the flying fast dragon, opened its big mouth, and a huge golden beam of light came out from its mouth. Engulfed Kuailong's body.

"Quick Dragon, use revolving attack!"

Kuailong was then hit by the force of the "Split Seat" and flew back in the air, bumping its head into the "Split Seat" belly.

Even if it is the fast dragon in its heyday, the use of the reversal attack is of no use to the "crack empty seat", let alone the fast dragon who is now seriously injured.

Kuailong bumped his head into the belly of the "cracked seat", only to make the "cracked seat" back a little bit.

, But was grabbed by the "splitting empty seat" on both shoulders.

"Split the empty seat, use the tie-up, and then free fall!!"

The "Splitting Seat" was seven meters long and tightly bound the body of Kuailong, and then quickly rushed to the sky. This time the "Splitting Seat" flew exceptionally high, directly breaking through the clouds and flying above. Ten thousand meters high in the sky, and then a roar that is enough to shake the world!!The surrounding white clouds were shattered by the violent roar of the Sundering Seat, and the Sundering Seat, with the body of the fast dragon, swooped down and rushed to the ground at an extremely high speed.

A green flash of lightning fell from the sky, and then, a yellow figure slammed on the ground, the "Splitting Seat" hovering in mid-air, looking proudly at the fast dragon in the huge pit, Yang Tian made another sound Shocking roar!!!


Chapter 162-The Battle of Champions (End)

The transformation of Dream is almost perfect. Although Dream itself has a playful and mischievous character, it is completely a small child, but after turning into a cracked seat, Dream will not see a trace of naughty at all, it is just one. The mighty and domineering dragon, this incomparably domineering and tyrannical aura, even the Deity of Sundering Seat is nothing but this.

Du smiled and looked at the green dragon floating in the air, and suddenly his thoughts returned to the battle five years ago, which was the most tragic battle in Du's life.

The empty seat has the incomparable powerful pressure of the beast. The ordinary elves have no intention of fighting in front of the empty seat. Although the elves who cross are well-trained and powerful, they are also affected by the pressure of the empty seat. It was very hard.

Splitting Kongza, Guraton, and Sea King's Fang are both ultra-ancient elves, possessing a very long life, and the power accumulated over the years is definitely not to be ignored.

Because Duo’s mission was mainly to capture the empty seats, not to fight, so there was no need to behave in any way. After Duo, he released all his dragon teams, but less than twenty rounds, except Except for the quick dragon, the other elves have lost their combat effectiveness.

Although Du relied on the tyrannical power of his own fast dragon to fight the empty seat and finally succeeded in capturing the empty seat with the special machine of the alliance, but the horrible degree of that battle was unforgettable for the whole life.

Du looked at Qiye, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "Qiyae, you won, and I gave up."

In fact, Qiye defeated three of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto in a row, and his strength has long been recognized by Du. Within the Four Heavenly Kings, Qiye has long been regarded as the champion of the Kanto League. It can be said that the match between Du and Qiye was originally just I intend to walk through the scene, but after seeing Qiye's dream come out, Du temporarily changed his mind and tried his best to fight him!

Du knows the Rockets' desire for dream power. Since Qiye has brought the dream out in front of so many people, it is bound to have contact with the Rockets. Du must test whether Qiye has the strength to guard the dream.

Facts have proved that Qiye is indeed stronger than Du. In terms of Du's strength, no organization in the world dares to provoke Du directly. This is because Du's strength is recognized by the entire world. No matter which world it is in, whoever fists. Whoever is hard is the boss, no matter which world it is, weak is guilty!


After surrendering defeat, the current Quartz Conference officially came to an end. As the first league champion of the Kanto League, the Seven Nights Championship Ceremony is no less luxurious.

After a long list of rules that made Qiye almost annoying, Qiye finally took over the exhibit that symbolized the league championship-the champion cloak!

The champion cloak specially made by the Pokemon League is a noble cloak that only the champions of each league can wear. If it is fake, it is a very serious crime.

However, this cloak is not always necessary to wear. In fact, most champions don’t like to wear this cloak very much. The only ones who wear this cloak more often are Tou and Mikoli from Fangyuan area. Lorna, Alice, Adek and Fangyuan’s former champion Dawu don’t often wear this cape. Generally speaking, they only wear the cape on very important occasions, such as the successor to the league champion. time.

Although Qiye doesn't like wearing cloaks, today is the day he succeeds to the league champion. No matter how much Qiye doesn't like it, he has to endure it.

However, the tens of thousands of people present didn't notice the scarlet light flashing in Qiye's eyes at the moment Qiye shook hands with the chairman of the alliance.

After returning to the villa, Qi Yeyi pulled the string around his neck, untied the cloak, and threw it on the sofa, complaining: "It's really troublesome. I didn't expect to be a league champion."

Sakura picked up the champion cloak that Qiye had thrown on the sofa, lightly patted the dust on the cloak, gave Qiye a white look, and said: "You are true too, how can the champion cloak be littered?"

Qiyehui rolled his eyes and said: "It's just a cloak, don't care so much, don't make it as if I would not be a champion without this cloak."

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