Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 115

"I can't tell you, I'll go and put the cloak away." Sakura said with a blank look again.The understanding Sakura can also tell that Qiye doesn't like wearing this cloak, but this champion cloak should be kept well.

"Qiye, are you really the champion of Kanto?" Xiaoxia asked in a daze. She seems to be still awake and hasn't figured out the situation.

"Yeah." Qiye said amusedly, and at the same time she pulled Xiaoxia's body and stretched out her hand to skillfully knead Xiaoxia's snow hills and buttocks.Under the water of Qiye and the nourishment of Mu Dun Chakra, Xiaoxia's dried radish-like body has finally begun to grow flesh, and the scale of her breasts has advanced from poached eggs to the level of small steamed buns.

"Hmm..." Xiaoxia's face blushed, but a shy and sweet smile appeared on her face. After spending this time with Qiye, Xiaoxia also fully adapted to her identity as Qiye's woman, completely gone. During the first few days of breaking, I looked at a loss.

Qiye bit Xiaoxia's earlobe and said, "From now on, Xiaoxia will be the champion lady of Kanto." There was a seven-point chuckle in her tone, but she was also three-point serious.

Xiaoxia felt sweet in her heart, but she still said slyly, "Big villain! Who will be your champion lady!"

Qiye lowered her head and kissed Xiaoxia's thin lips, and watched with a wicked smile that this little loli gradually became disoriented and infatuated with her kiss.

Qiye squeezed Xiaoxia's buttocks vigorously, and smiled evilly: "Little girl is not good! Do you still want to marry someone else?"

Xiaoxia looked at Qiye with watery eyes, pursed her small pink mouth, and said coquettishly: "Big badass! You hurt me!" Little Lori's body is so weak, how could she stand Qiye's strong kneading.

Qiye kissed the tip of Xiaoxia's nose, and said, "Who told you to be unbehaved, remember, you can only have one man in the future, and that is me!"

"You are so overbearing!" Xiaoxia pouted and said dissatisfiedly, and all the women stared at Qiye with a bit of annoyance.

Qiye didn't smile facelessly, and said, "If any of you can bear my love alone, I don't mind being a dedicated man~~~~" The tone was full of evil and smiles.

The faces of the women flushed at the same time, and there was a little watery and shyness in their eyes. Qiyeyeye sang songs every night and made all the women lusty and dying in bed every night, even if they were a dozen or so together. , It can only be worthy of making Qiye launch once, and each of them has to arrive at least three times. If one person serves Qiye, it would be strange not to die.It's not that they don't want to control Qiye not to bother, they are really powerless.

"You're too bad!" the women groaned at the same time.

"Men are not bad, women don't love!" Qiye said, shaking her head, and at the same time stretched out her hand to take off Xiaoxia's thin vest.

"Well... Qiye, don't... Don't take my clothes off... It's still broad daylight now... Don't..." Xiaoxia said breathlessly, although Qiye often loves them day and night, but Xiaoxia Still not used to doing it during the day.

"Don't take it off? Okay." Qiye said readily.

"Huh?" Xiaoxia was taken aback, how could Qiye agree so readily this time?

Qiye didn’t take off Xiaoxia’s clothes, but she reached out and took off Xiaoxia’s denim hot pants and the white Xiao Nenei together, fading to her knees, and then released her second brother as the fiery dragon rubbed against it. Xiaoxia's white and slippery Taoyuankou.

" are hate..." Xiaoxia said weakly as she looked at Qiye with watery eyes.Xiaoxia's body has now entered a period of rapid development. The content of female hormones in her body has naturally increased, and she soon became soaked under the teasing of Qiye. Unlike Xiaoxia's first night, she watched three blockbuster movies After that, only a little water came out.

"Really, then I'll let you know how annoying I am!" Qi Yexie smiled, and then snorted, the dragon of Qi Ye entered Xiaoxia's tight Taoyuan in one breath, and then vigorously stood up.

Xiaoxia hugged Qiye's body tightly like a koala. Little Lori's thin body catered to the man's fierce attack, and a moving spring song sounded in the villa again.

The next chapter will force Hanako, don't worry, don't worry...

Chapter 163-Push Huazi!

After staying in the Quartz Plateau for a few days, Qiye and they boarded the airship back to Zhenxin Town.Because Qiye has secretly used other gods to control the chairman of the Kanto Alliance, now, Qiye is actually the leader of the Baidao forces in the Kanto region.

Although they are all directors, the directors of different regions are not the same person, otherwise the power is too great. Controlling the Kanto Alliance is only the first step of the Seven Nights Plan. In the future, he will gradually control the directors of each alliance. There are also major dark organizations in various regions. When all of this is completed, Qiye will be the only master in this world. Of course, all this is a story.

Qiye returned to Zhenxin Town, ushered in a very warm welcome and celebration ceremony, and a very rich banquet.

Zhenxin Town is a very small town, most of the land belongs to Dr. Omu, as a place for him to study elves.

And all the residents add up to only a dozen households. Anything that happens can spread throughout the town in less than half an hour. In the original work, Xiaozhi only got the top 16 of the Quartz Conference. Come back. After that, a very lively banquet was held. What's more, Qiye was the first champion of the Kanto League, and he was born in such a small town.

The scale of the banquet is definitely not as good as that of Qiye’s celebration in the Alliance, and the taste of the dishes is certainly not as good as the gourmet food prepared by the alliance’s senior chefs. Can eat a human touch.

After the banquet was over, Qiye dealt with the neighbors in the town again, and then went home with the girls. After closing the door, it was naturally a show of love.

After Yunyu took a break, Qiye didn't sleep with his wives, but instead used some pollen to make all the girls fall asleep, quickly put on clothes, walked out of the house, and did not forget to leave a space before going out. Enchantment protects the girls.

Although it's just after nine o'clock in the evening, it is no different from daytime in a big city, but in Zhenxin Town, there is no night entertainment, so most residents either watch TV or just wash and sleep.

As Qiye walked on the path, she stretched out her hand and stroked her face. Qiye's enchanting and enchanting face soon changed, and even her figure changed a lot.

The face that belonged to the best Xiaobai now became resolute and masculine, with a sharp face, thick eyebrows, fierce eyes like a tiger, and a centipede-like scar on the right cheek, but it did not destroy it. The handsome face adds to the beauty of regret.There are some scum on the chin, adding a bit of roughness and domineering to this face.

The skin that turned out to be whiter and smoother than a woman has turned into a healthy bronze color. The solid muscles are covered with scars of various strengths and sizes. The muscles breathe with a strong masculine breath. Because of the change in body shape, it clings to the body, even through the clothes, you can clearly see the hard eight-pack abs.

A pair of slender and beautiful hands became rough and strong, and the palms were full of rough and hard calluses, and they couldn't connect with the hands of the woman before.

Qiye touched her current face, with a arrogant smile on her face, he didn't believe anyone else could recognize him like this.

Qiye walked slowly to Xiaozhi's home. His goal today is here. Of course it is not Xiaozhi, but Xiaozhi's mature mother-Hanako!

Hanako got married very early. Xiaozhi is 10 years old this year, but Hanako is only 29 years old. If you count the ten months of pregnancy, Hanako was pregnant with Xiaozhi when she was 18.

Hanako is not considered a stunning beauty, and there is a big gap between Kona and this superb sister, but this does not affect Qiye’s possessiveness towards this woman. The main reason is that she is the old protagonist, Xiaozhi. mom!!

Qiye stood at the door, unleashing her mental power, spying on everything in the room. Because Qiye didn’t roll her eyes, she came up with this idea. Although the range of perception is only a distance of 20 meters in radius, she is better than nothing. Obstructed by obstacles, Xiao Zhi's home is a two-story small western-style building, and he can't escape Qiye's perception.

Xiao Zhi, the heartless guy, hugged Pikachu to sleep when he was full. He was extremely nervous and didn't know that his mother was going to experience the worst nightmare in life.

In Qiye's perception, Hanako was washing dishes in the kitchen on the first floor, all of which were the remains of the banquet tonight.

Qiye didn't move Hanako right away, but was looking for another guest in Xiaozhi's house, the sucker doll. Qiye didn't want her good deeds to be interrupted by a sucker doll.

Nanaya patted the sucker puppet on the shoulder from behind, and then immediately read it over for a small month.The mini-monthly reading has no offensive power, it just makes the recruiter comatose for twelve hours, and will completely lose this memory afterwards. It is definitely a must-have skill for house robbery, murder, arson, and rape!

After fainting the sucker puppet, Qiye entered Xiaozhi's house. Of course he wouldn't be walking through the front door. He was here to be a flower picker. What's more, the door had no meaning to Qiye.

Qiye stood in the living room with an evil smile, and looked at Hanako’s plump and mature body sensually from behind, looking at the round and plump ass wrapped in her skirt, Qiye really wanted to rush directly to and ravage this mature body. woman.

Qiye swallowed fiercely as she walked towards Hanako who didn't know her, the flame in her eyes burned more and more intense.

Hanako has been washing the dishes intently, completely unaware that there has been an additional demon in the house.

When Qiye was less than three meters away from Huazi, Huazi noticed the sound of footsteps and breathing behind her. Huazi thought it was Xiaozhi who came down to pour water and drink or something, and was about to turn her head when a cold dagger was placed on her. At the same time, a thick hand was covering Huazi's mouth, and the shout that Huazi was about to export was suppressed.

"Don't move!" Qiye said in a low voice, her voice as deep as a ferocious beast, "Don't bark, or I will cut your neck! Have you heard it!"

Hanako's light brown eyes were full of horror at the face of the rugged man who was close at hand. In extreme fear, Hanako did not hear what the man was saying, but just nodded subconsciously.

Qiye slowly let go of her hand, but the cold dagger was still resting on Hanako's neck.

Hanako was still in shock, looking at Qiye in horror, and tremblingly asked: " are...who are you? What do you want...what do you want to do?"

Qiye stretched out her hand to pinch Hanako's cheek, looked at the pale brown eyes full of fear with a wicked smile, and said, "Although she looks pretty, she is still a woman anyway."

Hanako was so scared that Huarong was pale, her face pale, she was not a little girl who knew nothing, her son was so old, Xiaozhi was not picked up from the trash can, how could Hanako not know what the man in front of her was I mean, I was trembling with fright, and said: "You... don't mess around... the champion of Kanto... lives in this town... you... if you dare to mess around... he will definitely not let it go Your..." In a panic, Hanako could only try to lift the Kanto champion, wanting to scare away the man in front of him, but Hanako couldn't think of it anyway. The man in front of him was Nanaya.

A smile flashed in Qiye's eyes, but it was well hidden, and Hanako, who was extremely frightened, didn't even notice the smile.

"What about the Kanto champion? I'm not afraid!" Qiye said arrogantly. This is the truth. How could he be afraid of himself.

Qiye stretched out a rough thug, climbed up to the Saintess Peak of Hanako, kneading the huge soft meat ball very hard.

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