Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling with the Breakdown Chapter 116

"Ah!" Hanako yelled softly, but immediately covered her mouth with her hands, because of the sharp dagger on her neck.The sensitive area was squeezed vigorously by the man, and Hanako's face was irresistibly flushed, but immediately turned pale again.

Hanako let go and tremblingly pleaded: "Please...don't...don't be like this..."

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Qiye's face, and said, "No? Then I will kill your son. That kid seems to be Xiaozhi."

Hanako's body trembled, her pupils dilated for a moment, and she immediately pleaded, "Please, don't hurt my son, I can do anything!"

Qiye laughed more terribly and evilly, and said: "Then do you know what to do?"

Hanako's expression darkened, lowered her head, and said, "I see." However, in Hanako's eyes, there is still a glimmer of hope, that is, the sucker doll. Hanako hopes that the sucker doll can quickly discover the situation in the house. Come to save yourself.

Qiye's eyes caught the light of hope. After thinking for a while, she understood Hanako's thoughts, and immediately said with a wicked smile, "Are you counting on that sucker puppet? What a pity, that sucker puppet I have solved it."

"What?!" Hanako whispered, on the one hand, she was surprised that her thoughts were seen through, on the other hand, because of the pain of death of the sucker puppet.


With a sound, Qiye completely inserted the dagger in his hand into the marble countertop, leaving only a knife left outside.

After liberating her hands, Qiye's hands simultaneously grasped the huge soft Saintess Peak of Hanako and rubbed the two meat balls vigorously, without any pity at all. To treat a mature woman, using force is more effective than pity.

Hanako closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, two tears of incomparable humiliation flowed from the corner of her eyes and into her mouth. The bitter taste was not only in her mouth, but also in her heart. But Hanako is helpless, for her son, she can only endure.

Hanako's two saints' peaks are constantly twisted and deformed under Qiye's big hands. Although they are still separated from the clothes, it is also possible to imagine how Hanako's saints' peaks are now inflamed.

After kneading for a while, Qiye looked at Huazi's body in surprise, because, on the clothes on the left and right sides of Huazi, there was a small water stain on the top of the Saintess Peak.

Xiaozhi is ten years old, so she won't have milk after so long, is she pregnant again?Qiye thought of this, and at the same time, while continuing to knead Hanako's Saintess Peak, she checked Hanako's body with Mu Dun Chakra, but the result made Qiye even more puzzled, because Hanako was not pregnant at all.

Even so, Qiye still pretended not to know, looked at Hanako's chest with a surprised look, and sneered: "Pretending to be like a virgin, she is pregnant!"

When Hanako heard Qiye saying this, she immediately opened her eyes. Seeing Qiye staring at her chest, she couldn't help but lowered her head. She immediately noticed two water stains on her chest, her face flushed, and said: "'m not pregnant..."

Qiye knew that Hanako was not pregnant, but deliberately wanted to humiliate her, and said, "Not pregnant? What is this?" She squeezed Hanako's Shengnvfeng very hard with her hands.

"Hmm..." Hanako groaned, her face flushed even more, and defended: " have been like this since I gave pregnancy..." Hanako didn't say falsehood. From the time she gave birth to Xiaozhi to now, when she occasionally comforts herself with her hands, when she reaches the peak, milk will flow from the Saintess Peak.

"Oh, is it?" Qiye raised her eyebrows, but her hands still didn't relax at all. "It's really a superb stunner, then you can give me a baby!"

Hanako's small face, which had been gradually reddened by Qiye's kneading, turned pale again, and she shook her head with tears in her eyes: "!"


Qiye backhand slapped a slap in the face and looked at Hanako, who was holding her face with one hand and shedding tears. Qiyeqiang resisted the guilt in her heart and sneered: "It's your turn to say no?!"

Hanako clutched the place where she was beaten, tears kept flowing down, her heart was extremely miserable, she felt as if she was having a terrifying nightmare, she only hoped to wake up quickly.

Qiye looked at the incomparably weak little woman like Huazi, the dark part of her heart quickly expanded, raised Huazi's radiant and round chin, and kissed her teary lips.

In grief, how could Hanako resist Qiye’s sudden strong kiss, and easily lost her position. When Qiye’s big tongue got into her mouth, Hanako reacted and constantly wanted to make Qiye’s big tongue. The tongue was pushed out, but it had no effect at all. Instead, it became entangled with Qiye's big tongue unknowingly.

Qiye domineering and directly kissed the lips of this mature beautiful woman, while pressing her upper body downwards, she constantly pressed the beautiful woman against the surface of the Liulitai.

Hanako was unable to withstand Qiye's attack, her body's strength continued to flow away as the air in her body was consumed and the kiss deepened, and her back was completely leaned against the cold marble table.

Qiye kissed Hanako, both hands were not idle, one hand continued to attack Hanako’s Saintess Peak, white milk kept flowing out, soaking a large area of ​​clothes, and the other hand lifted Hanako’s apron and The long skirt reached out, stroking the Taoyuan of Hanako through the white underwear, where slippery liquid had already flowed out.

After all, Hanako is also 29 years old, and almost 30. A woman is thirty like a wolf and forty is like a tiger. Hanako's age is in the age of a tiger wolf, and since the death of her husband, Hanako has not tasted the taste of a man for ten years. Every time, I can only rely on my own jade hands to comfort me. Compared with a strong man, it is simply a different feeling.

Under Nanaya’s aggressive and fierce attack, Hanako felt the boundless pain, bitterness, and physical pain, but physically, Hanako’s body honestly responded to Nanaya’s powerful attack. Her body and heart are separate, no matter how unwilling Hanako is, her body still responds honestly.

Qiye kissed until Hanako was about to die and went into shock before leaving her lips. The pale pink lips were red and swollen by Qiye's kiss, making them more gorgeous.

Due to the lack of oxygen due to a long kiss, Hanako's brain couldn't get oxygen all of a sudden, and she couldn't react. She just stared at the ceiling blankly.

Qiye didn't relax at all, and kept attacking Hanako's sensitive parts with his hands in two separate ways. Hanako's Taoyuan was very honest and shed a sticky and slippery liquid.

After waking up, Hanako's eyes showed strong lust again, crying and begging: "'t...ah..."

"Don't?" Qiye smiled coldly, and pulled out her right hand from the bottom of Hanako's skirt, and stretched it out in front of Hanako. Qiye's entire hand was covered with the spring water flowing out of Hanako, and said: "It's all flowing then. There is too much water, what kind of chastity do you still pretend?!"

"No...No!" Hanako shook her head, crying.

Looking at Huazi like this, Qiye was full of desire to conquer her and ravage her.Qiyeyi stretched out her hand, picked up Hanako’s two legs, let Hanako lie completely on the table, and then put Hanako’s legs in the shape of M on the table, stretched out her hand and tore the wet little girl. Nei Nei was torn to pieces.

Qiye lowered her head, admiring Hanako's beautiful Taoyuan up close.

Although she has given birth to a child, Hanako’s Taoyuan still maintains the beautiful pink color of a girl. It is conceivable that when Hanako’s dead husband was still alive, they probably did not have sex many times.

The forest covered with Taoyuan is very dense, and it is covered with crystal dew, which looks extravagant under the light.

Qiye stretched out her big tongue, covering the wet Taoyuan of Hanako, and licked hard.

"Ah!" Hanako yelled softly, trying to sit up and stop Qiye's movements, but her body was completely weak and weak, and she couldn't do even the simple movements of sitting up. The physical needs have gradually suppressed the psychological unwillingness. There was a charming moan* in the red lips: "Ah...uh...don't...ah...hurry up...ahhh...oh...hurry up..."

While Hanako said no, she called Qiye hurry up, the physical pleasure and the unwillingness in her heart were contradictory.

There are more than a dozen girls accompanied every night. Qiye's technique of teasing girls has long been practiced. With flexible tongue movements, within five minutes, Hanako feels pleasure like waves coming in waves, quickly drowning Hanako’s sanity. , At the same time, Hanako's body temperature gradually increased, and the huge pleasure was continuously accumulated in Hanako's body.

"Ah... hurry up... hurry up... it's coming..." Hanako groaned loudly, and reason is extremely luxurious for Hanako at this time.

However, at the moment when Hanako's muscles were tight and she was about to reach its peak, Qiye suddenly stopped exercising, and her tongue left Hanako's Taoyuan.

At the moment when she was about to reach the peak, she was suddenly thrown down from the clouds. The huge drop made Hanako almost collapsed. He opened a pair of apricot eyes and asked: "How did you stop..." Then, Hanako realized what she had said. What about it, his face instantly rose redder than Gulaton's body.

"I'm not cool yet, you're screaming!" Qiye cursed, and then stretched out her hand to pull Hanako off the table, then quickly took off her pants, releasing her fierce giant Long looked at Hanako with a wicked smile.

Hanako was suddenly pulled down from the Ryutaitai by Nanaya and fell on the hard floor. The woman's weak body was hit by the floor and was so painful. The pain caused Hanako to close her eyes involuntarily, before Hanako got used to it. After the pain of the body, the nose filled with an extremely strong masculine breath.

"Ah!" When Hanako opened her eyes, she screamed. The dragon of Qiye was really taken aback by Hanako. Compared with her dead husband, the size was simply the difference between a thigh and a little finger.

Qiye grabbed Huazi's hair, then slapped Huazi's face with her dragon, and said, "What kind of pretense, you haven't seen it before, it makes me feel like it's the first time!"

Hanako still closed her eyes tightly, her long eyelashes trembling constantly, she did not dare to open her eyes at all.

Qiye squeezed Huazi's cheek with one hand and squeezed her teeth open, and then the dragon pushed hard and pushed into Huazi's warm little mouth.


Although Hanako used to have a husband and a son, her short-lived ghost husband died before getting married. There were less than ten exercises with Hanako, and they were all in the most common postures. They had never bitten.Hanako was caught off guard, and was forced into her mouth by the dragon of Qiye, the huge dragon head directly against Hanako's throat, almost suffocated Hanako.

Looking at Huazi's appearance, Qiye didn't pity, and grabbed Huazi's hair directly, causing her head to tandem with her red lips and her dragon.

The dragon's head hit Hanako's throat again and again, and Hanako nearly nauseated, but was blocked by the dragon every time. The huge pain made Hanako prefer to die, but she could not survive.

When Qiye was immersed in the pleasure brought by Huazi's little mouth, the sound of footsteps from the stairs interrupted his movements.

Chapter 164-Will it be blocked?

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