Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 117

When Qiye was immersed in the pleasure brought by Huazi's little mouth, the sound of footsteps from the stairs interrupted his movements.

Hanako was startled, most of the lust in her brain was constrained by the sound of footsteps, her small mouth closed subconsciously, and her teeth bit on the dragon of Qiye.

If you change to a normal person and get bitten by Huazi like this, I'm afraid you can practice "Sunflower Treasure", but is Qiye a normal person?Obviously not, he is also a demigod body, and if an ordinary woman kills his second brother in one bite, he will almost get it.

Hanako's small mouth subconsciously bit, and it felt like she was biting on an iron rod. Instead of hurting Qiye’s body, it hurt her teeth, but now Hanako has no time to think about why Qiye’s two My brother will be so hard because the footsteps are getting closer.

Hanako's small mouth was blocked by the giant dragon of Qiye, completely speechless, Hanako shook her head from side to side, looking at Qiye with pleading eyes, if Xiaozhi could see her like this , Hanako has no face to meet people.

Qiye also understood what she meant. She pulled up Hanako, put her arms around her waist, and covered her mouth with the other. Then she hooked up her trousers on the ground with her feet, then jumped up and jumped behind the sofa. .

Xiaozhi ate too much tonight, but halfway through his sleep, he got up in a daze and went to the toilet. After going to the toilet, his mouth became thirsty again, and he walked downstairs with sleepy eyes to find something to drink.

Qiye secretly poked her head out from behind the sofa, and found that Xiaozhi hadn't noticed her, and she was secretly relieved. After all, he didn't want to expose it too soon. Before he got Hanako, he would never allow himself. Exposed.

Hanako, who was held by Qiye, to be precise, had a heart about to jump out of her chest. When she thought of herself like this, and her son was less than five meters away, Hanako felt ashamed and ashamed. It is uneasy and irritating, and it is hard to explain.

Xiaozhi, who was so nervous as to be on Kangzhuang Avenue, opened the door of the refrigerator, took out a box of juice from the refrigerator, gulped it, and did not notice the white debris scattered on the ground, nor did he notice it at all, just in the distance. Behind the sofa less than five meters away, his only relative, his mother, was being hugged by a rugged man, Luo Shan half untied, and her posture extremely ambiguous.

After seeing that Xiaozhi hadn't noticed this side, Qiye's courage increased again, and the dark side of her heart expanded unrestrictedly, pressing Hanako's head to her lower body again.

Hanako was taken aback, but because Xiaozhi was not far away, she didn't dare to call out, so she could only get to Qiye's ear, and whispered: "Wait...when Xiaozhi leaves...I will serve How are you……"

Qiye's face sank, and she whispered: "Stop talking nonsense. If you want your son to see the sunrise tomorrow, please give me a quick lick!" Saying not to let Hanako plead again, she turned Hanako's head towards her younger brother. Press to go.

Although Hanako gritted her teeth and didn't want Nanaya to enter, Hanako is just an ordinary housewife. How can she survive Nanaya's strong body, and with the strength of Nanaya's body, she is not afraid that her second brother will be damaged. , Pressing the back of Huazi's head with both hands, the dragon squeezed into Huazi's small mouth.

The dragon of Nanya filled Hanako’s mouth, and the strong masculine breath almost suffocated Hanako. Although Hanako pushed hard, she did not dare to struggle violently because she was afraid that Xiaozhi would find out, for fear that Xiaozhi would hear something. The movement can only be half-pushed and half-placed and Qiye can do it.

The dragon of Qiye once again entered Huazi's warm and moist mouth, and Qiye took a deep breath, then held Huazi's head with both hands, and began to move one after another.

Hanako has never had the experience of "biting" a man, so she can only let Qiye play with her body, and she is manipulated by Qiye like a toy. No matter how uncomfortable her body is, Hanako can only endure it.

And it is precisely because of Hanako’s jerky that Haobai’s shell teeth will bite Qiye’s dragon from time to time. Qiye’s current body is not afraid of those slight pains at all, and there is no need to fear that his second brother will break off. , The slight pain brought even greater pleasure to Qiye.

While sipping juice, Xiao Zhi took something to eat from the refrigerator and went back to the room. From beginning to end, Xiao Zhi did not notice the charming scene behind the sofa.

After hearing the sound of Xiaozhi closing the door, Hanako was slightly relieved.

Qiye was also overjoyed after hearing the sound of Xiaozhi closing the door. She lay on her back, pressing one hand on the back of Hanako’s head so that she could not spit out her dragon, and then the other hand held Hanako’s body. Let her turn around and lie on her body, Taoyuankou facing her face.

Nanaya and Hanako comforted each other with the most YD 69 style. Nanaya licked Hanako's moist and plump Taoyuan again skillfully, but stopped when Hanako was about to reach the peak. After three consecutive times, Hanako was almost driven crazy by Nanaya's movements. However, Hanako couldn't even confide a word, because Qiye used her superpower to press Hanako's head, so that she couldn't raise her head.

After more than ten minutes, Qiye let go of Hanako, and pulled her dragon out of Hanako's mouth. Seeing the crimson and dissatisfied expression on Hanako's face, he smiled and said, "Do you want it? Ask me if you want."

Hanako looked at the purple-red dragon in front of her, swallowed fiercely, and there was an extreme struggle in her eyes. A few minutes later, Hanako shook her head fiercely!

Qiye was stunned for a moment. He thought that just hanging Hanako from the peak to prevent her from reaching her would have caused Hanako's mental breakdown, but he didn't expect that Hanako's spirit was so tough that he could still refuse it at this point.

In fact, if it were to change the place and only Nanya and Hanako were there, Hanako could not help asking Qiye at this time, but the problem was that it was in Hanako’s house, and there was Hanako’s son Xiaozhi upstairs. When I think that my son is on the second floor, he may come down to see his ugliness at any time, and the reason in Hanako's heart will gradually overwhelm her lust.

Qiye's writing wheel turned her eyes and read the thought deep in Hanako's heart. The surprised expression on her face suddenly turned to evil. The more difficult it is, the more satisfying it will be to conquer. Now he is not just about to conquer. Hanako's body is only, he will completely shatter the dignity of Hanako as a mother.(Haha...I'm a ghost...)

Qiye picked up Hanako's body, carried Hanako on her shoulders like a sack, and then walked to the second floor with Hanako.

Hanako was suddenly carried on her shoulders by Nanaya, and she felt that the scene in front of her turned around. Before she could figure out what was going on, a feeling of bumps spread to Hanako. This feeling told Hanako that the man was going up the stairs.

Go upstairs!

Thinking of these two words, Hanako's heart almost jumped out of her chest, did he want... Hanako didn't dare to think about it anymore, I'm afraid Hanako would go crazy anyway.

Walking to the door of Xiaozhi’s room, Qiye put down Hanako, and then pressed Hanako against the wall from behind, biting Hanako’s round earlobe, and said evilly: “Look, this is outside your son’s room. Be here, let you beg me for you!"

Hanako was almost suffocated by Qiye's strong pressure, but she reluctantly turned her head and looked at the wooden door next to her. It was indeed the door of her son's room!Hanako immediately struggled, but now she was completely pressed by Qiye against the wall, and she couldn't use her strength at all. The slight twisting of her body stimulated Qiye’s animal desires, and the fiery dragon entered at once. The scorching heat caused Huazi's throat to stop moving.

Qiye turned Hanako over and asked her to face herself with her back against the wall. Seeing this mature beautiful woman struggling so hard, Qiye felt her heartbeat become more intense.

Hanako was so frightened, she buried her head in Qiye’s shoulders, and begged: "Please... don’t... don’t be here... go to other... go to other places... I will play it as you like, OK... "Hanako is really scared now, even if Qiye is going to the street outside, it is better for Hanako than here.

Hanako’s voice is as low as a mosquito, she doesn’t dare to speak loudly. The soundproofing effect of the door and wall of this room is not good, and the voice can be heard with a little louder. For example, Qiye and Hanako can clearly hear Xiaozhihe in the room. Pikachu's voice.

If it weren’t for the powerful five senses of Nanaya and the silence of the night, Nanaya wouldn’t be able to hear what Hanako was talking about. However, Hanako’s plea had no effect on Nanaya. Now he was thinking about conquering Hanako’s mature beauty. Her body tarnished her self-esteem as a mother.

Qiye kneaded the plump Saintess Peak while taking off the long skirt she was wearing, and said evilly: "You can't run away, I'm going to fuck you here, and want you to beg me to fuck you !"

Hanako closed her eyes, and tears of humiliation and bitterness continued to flow down her white face. She had already made up her mind to deal with Qiye with silence, because she had a feeling that once she lost to this man, her world would be It will collapse completely.

Seeing Hanako responding silently, Qiye became more excited. The more difficult the conquest process, the more satisfying the sense of accomplishment after the conquest.

Under Hanako’s inaction, Nanaya easily took off Hanako’s long skirt, because Hanako’s underwear had been torn to pieces by Nanaya before, so now Hanako’s lower body is already naked, only the white apron is still there. Barely able to block the front, the soft buttocks were directly against the cold wall.

Qiye stretched out a pair of rough hands and gently stroked Hanako's white and slippery thighs. The rough touch caused a layer of goose bumps on Hanako's skin and her body was trembling slightly.However, with Qiye's touch, the goose bumps quickly subsided. Instead, a trace of warm current flowed into Hanako's limbs from the place where Qiye touched, depriving her of little physical strength and reason.

Qiye looked at Hanako's unavoidable red cheeks, moved closer, and breathed a sigh of heat into the crystal earlobe, and said, "You want it very much. Look, there is so much water flowing out of you. Please beg me, as long as you beg me, I can make you feel the supreme happiness." Qiye's voice is very heavy, completely different from his usual light voice, with a beast in his heavy voice. Qiye's husky, to Hanako's voice, Qiye's voice was almost like a ghost sound, because under Qiye's voice, Hanako really almost blurted out and asked Qiye to go to her.

Nanya has used a little illusion technique, but there is only one point that will not confuse Hanako's mind, but Nanya's voice will echo in Hanako's mind for a long, long time, and will linger in anyway, just like It's like taking root in Hanako's mind.

Hanako was confused and intrigued, and Qiye had to get into the inch. While Hanako was in a daze, Qiye took off Hanako's top and bra, but only left her apron, which was really a very attractive nude apron.

Hanako leaned against the wall, her entire smooth and beautiful back and round and full buttocks were leaning against the cold wall. The cold feeling made her head slightly clear, and finally there was something called reason in her eyes.

Qiye turned Hanako over again, let her turn her back to her, and looked at Huazi's plump buttocks, Qiye raised her big hand, bang!Three palms in a row!

"Hmm!" Hanako was startled, she immediately covered her mouth as soon as she was about to scream. The scream turned into a sob. Hanako didn't care about the pain from her buttocks. He listened carefully to the room just separated by a wall. After Chi's movement, she realized that Xiao Chi hadn't noticed the situation outside the room, and Hanako let out a sigh of relief.

It’s not easy for Qiye to let go of Hanako, stretch out her hand, and carefully caress Hanako’s wet Taoyuan. After a while, her hands are covered with the crystal spring water of Hanako. Same as before, Qiye is about to reach its peak in Hanako. Then he let go and threw Hanako straight down from the cloud again.

Hanako was about to wait for the bliss to come, but Nanaya tortured her again. When Nanaya's big hand left, Hanako's heart was lost with an indescribable emptiness, and her body honestly betrayed the little remaining reason. Involuntarily twisting the fragrant hips, looking for the rough palm.

Qiye kneaded Huazi's buttocks, bit Huazi's earlobe, and said, "How about it, Little Wimp, do you want it? If you want it, please beg me."

Hanako still stubbornly shook her head, but her body was shaking violently. This time she shook her head, but almost exhausted all her will and strength.

Qiye still didn't let Hanako go, and said evilly: "It's okay if you don't ask me. I have a lot of time. I will keep teasing you until dawn, but you will never feel the feeling of the peak. I will tell you one more thing by the way. Now, it's only ten o'clock."

With Qiye's words, Hanako's eyes gradually became desperate, and her mind was empty, and Qiye's sinful voice echoed in the endless darkness.


Hanako seems to hear the sound of the second hand of the wall clock on the wall on the first floor. The time between every two tick is obviously only one second, but at this time, it sounds extremely long to Hanako, and multiple magic sounds are ruining it. Hanako's ridiculous little sense.

The sound of the movement of the second hand is naturally also Qiye's illusion effect. The purpose is to defeat Hanako's sanity. It is the first time that Qiye has conquered a woman from the body first, so she has to spend a lot of thought.


This time it was not the sound of the second hand, but the sound of water. Under Qiye's teasing, Hanako's body was already in emotion. The spring water was gurgling, and part of it was wet with Qiye's hands, and the other part ran down Hanako's two beautiful legs. , Ticking to the ground, quickly formed a small water beach.

Qiye licked Hanako's neck and said, "Do you want it? If you want, please beg me and bow to me. I will let you feel the beauty of heaven. You are still so tender there, your husband’s fellow It must be very young. You haven't been satisfied, have you? Don't you want to experience the feeling of true bliss?"

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