Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 118

When Hanako heard Nanaya's words, her eyes widened as if absent, and her whole body began to tremble.Qiye is right. The size of Hanako’s late husband’s second brother is a little smaller than the average person. In the limited number of exercises with Hanako, Hanako has not reached the peak yet. Hanako has truly reached the peak after he died. Only achieved by own jade hands.

When Qiye stopped her hand once again before Hanako reached the peak, Hanako's spirit collapsed completely, twisting her fragrant buttocks, rubbing Qiye's lower body, making a cry of humiliation, and said: "Please... give me... I want it so much... please... give it to me quickly..."

Hanako's worldview and morality completely collapsed at this moment...

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Five-Why are you still unsealed?

Qiye looked at Hanako who had succumbed to her desire, but she was still unsatisfied, and said, "What do you want, how can I know if I don't say it clearly?"

Hanako was so anxious that she was about to cry, stretched out her hand to hold Qiye's fierce dragon, and at the same time put her own Taoyuan up, crying: "This is it... please, come in quickly... I'm so itchy. Ah... hurry up..."

"What's the matter, now you are not afraid that your son will know?"

Hanako can’t take care of anything now. Even her own son is not as important as the dragon of Qiye. Hearing Qiye’s question, he immediately said eagerly: "I’m not afraid, I just want this now, please hurry. Please give it to me, okay, even if you want to go in front of Xiaozhi, I can do it quickly..." Hanako's voice is loud, but Xiaozhi in the room seems to have not heard it at all, but at this time Hanako couldn't think of that much anymore, she now only had the dragon of Qiye in her mind.

When Qiye heard Hanako say this, she knew that she had completely abandoned the reservedness of being a woman, and the dignity of a mother, and she immediately rejoiced and said, "If you want, call my master."

Hanako immediately couldn't wait to say: "Master!"

"Very good!" Qiye smiled, and at the same time patted Hanako's cheek soothingly, "You are my slave girl from today, you know?" (By the way, should I go to SEX8 to post this chapter? ...)

"Yes, I am the master's slave girl." Hanako said without shame.

Qiye smiled triumphantly, patted Huazi's buttocks, and said, "Now go to the ground and push up your buttocks. The master should spoil you."

As soon as Hanako heard it, her eyes brightened, and she couldn't wait to lie down on the ground, push up her buttocks, and turned her head to look at Qiye expectantly.

Qiye knelt behind Huazi, supported her dragon with one hand, pushed away the soft Taoyuan of Huazi with the other, and forced her dragon to slowly squeeze in.

When the dragon of Qiye just touched Hanako’s delicate skin, Hanako held her breath, her nails clasped tightly on the wooden floor, her mouth was open, but she couldn’t make any syllables, her eyes were like The goldfish out of the water was as wide as the goldfish. As Qiye entered, Hanako felt the supreme happiness, and at the same time he felt tremendous pain.It's not painful!

Although Hanako has been married as a woman, even her son is ten years old, but after all, Hanako has not endured the grace of a man for ten years. Taoyuan's tightness is not much worse than that of a virgin.Moreover, Hanako's only man before, her deceased husband was a toothpick boy, and Qiye's dragon were completely two-level weapons, now that Qiye entered so roughly, it is only strange that Hanako didn't hurt.

But at the same time of pain, Hanako reached the peak directly after Qiye entered.Hanako was continuously teased by Qiye and was thrown down when she was approaching the peak. Her body was already extremely sensitive. Although the dragon of Qiye made Hanako feel great pain, it also made Hanako feel an indescribable sense of fulfillment, Taoyuan A stream of heat gushing out from the depths, Hanako's body immediately slumped.

After Nanya entered Hanako's body, she held Hanako's plump buttocks with her hands, but did not immediately start to move, but closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of tightening.The taste of a mature woman and a young girl are indeed two different feelings. Although Hanako’s Taoyuan is slightly inferior to that of a young girl in terms of tightness, it is soft and hot, and Hanako’s Taoyuan is not because of pain and peak pleasure. The controlled contraction, warm and moist really made Qiye cool to the extreme.

After getting used to it a little, Qiye didn't care that Hanako could not stand it anymore, and while slapped, slapped Hanako's buttocks vigorously, and shook it vigorously, pulling out her dragon every time, leaving only one dragon head. In Hanako's body, she pushed in all at once, acting crazy, without any pity at all, just for venting.

"Ah...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so much Comfortable..." Hanako yelled frantically, her body twisting with Qiye's movements, unconsciously demanding greater pleasure, the hair tie tied to her hair also fell off due to Hanako's fierce movements. The long brown hair was scattered on Huazi's body.

Although Nanya's attack would bring great pain to Hanako, the feeling of bliss made Hanako directly ignore the pain, flushed, and the expression on her face seemed to be painful and blissful, playing in the dark corridor The movement of bliss.

However, Nanya and Hanako made such a loud noise, and Xiaozhi in the room still didn't seem to hear it. Why?Of course, it’s because Qiye has already set up a soundproof barrier, but this barrier is one-way, just like one-way glass. The sound in the room can be heard from the outside, but Xiaozhi and Pikachu in the room listen completely. Without the outside voice, Qiye wanted to humiliate Hanako, and didn't want Xiaozhi to hear it, and interrupted her good deeds, so she set up this barrier.

Nanaya stretched out his hand and pulled off the only covering apron on Hanako's body and threw it aside. Hanako's plump body immediately appeared in front of Qiye.

Because Hanako was lying on the ground and let Qiye enter from behind, the originally huge Saintess Peak appeared bigger because of this action.

Although Qiye was behind Hanako, as he attacked, Hanako's body was constantly twisting, and a pair of huge Saintess Peaks also swayed constantly, stimulating Qiye's nerves.

Anyway, now that Qiye is a demon, why pretend to be a gentleman. He reached out and grabbed Hanako's shoulders, then pulled hard to straighten Hanako's upper body, and then stretched out his hands from Hanako's armpits and grabbed it from behind. I stayed in those two huge soft meat balls and kneaded them greedily. Of course, the most important part of the two of them was always tightly bound together, not separated at all.

The expression on Hanako's face is crazy, her little red mouth constantly spit out ecstasy and intoxicating moans, her coquettish look, a horny and thirsty woman, really can't relate to her usual plain appearance Together.

At the time of ML, the female hormones in Hanako's body increased sharply, and the milk secreted more vigorously in a short period of time. With Qiye's vigorous kneading, a row of milky milk was sprayed from the peak of Hanako's sage, and a picture was drawn. Extremely lewd picture.

Under Qiye’s violent double attack, within ten minutes, Hanako reached its peak again, and the plump Taoyuan shrank in bursts, and a stream of heat spewed from the depths of Huazi’s Taoyuan like a floodgate. On the head of the Dragon of Seven Nights.At the same time, the top of Hanako's Saintess Peak also sprayed two white torrents.

"Ah!!!" Hanako screamed loudly, turned her eyes, and almost passed out. She hadn't endured the man's favor for ten years. For one thing, even Hanako couldn't bear such a fierce attack by a strong man like Qiye.

Qiye looked at the limp body of Hanako, with extremely evil in her heart, slapped Hanako's plump buttocks fiercely, and said fiercely: "Damn! You are cool, I'm not cool! Don't pretend to be dead!" Then she stood up with her arms around Hanako's limp body, pushed her hard, and let Hanako leaned against the wall, and then held Hanako's waist with both hands to continue her fierce attack.

Hanako didn't come down from the ultimate happiness either physically or mentally. Suddenly, she was attacked by Qiye again, and groaned uncontrollably again*: " …"

Seven nights kept hitting Hanako's beautiful body, and the huge force also knocked Hanako's body into a hard wall. It was nothing to do twice, but after more than ten minutes, Hanako's chest, elbows, knees and other places There were a lot of scars, continuous impact, although the wall was not rough, but it still scratched Hanako's delicate skin.

Hanako, who was intoxicated in the Paradise of Elysium, couldn't feel the pain anymore, her hair was scattered, a trace of crystal saliva flowed from the corner of Hanako's mouth, and there was no sane existence in her eyes.

Qiye rudely enjoys Hanako's beautiful body. He has always been gentle with girls. Even when training the arrogant girl of Sundae, he has never been so rude. For those girls who he has given affection, he really can't bear to do so. It hurts their bodies, but Hanako is different. With so many girlfriends, it is also good to have a female slave who can be smashed by herself. After all, sometimes you have to change your taste, or you will be aesthetically tired.

Under Qiye's continuous and frantic attack, Hanako was so happy, and within a quarter of an hour, Hanako reached the peak again.

After three times in a row, Hanako was already weak, and fell softly. The strength of the whole body was pressed onto the dragon of Qiye. This pressure made the dragon go deeper into Hanako's body.Hanako is also a mature woman in her late thirties. Although her body is not fat, she is definitely not thin. At any rate, she weighs more than one hundred catties, and all these more than one hundred catties are suppressed. Qiye has no problems at all. But the problem is that this pressure is pushed into Hanako's womb.

If it is an ordinary woman, the pain of opening the uterus may make her faint directly, but fortunately, Hanako once gave birth, and the uterine opening is wider than a woman who has not given birth, and Hanako is still immersed in the peak of happiness. , So I haven't felt anything yet.

"Hiss~~~~" Qiye took a deep breath. It was the first time he entered this place. The feeling that the elastic muscles tightly hugged the faucet really made Qiye intoxicated.

Qiye never thought of entering this place before. After all, most of the people around Qiye are still underage girls. For them, the pain of opening the palace is definitely greater than that of going back, but I did not expect it to happen this time. Entered below.

After Qiye's dragon head entered Hanako's womb, there was still a small piece left outside. Qiye took a deep breath and slowly pushed the remaining point in.

Hanako frowned. Although the opening of the palace didn't cause her much pain, she still felt very awkward and uncomfortable.

"Huh~~~" Qiye exhaled a sulky breath, and the feeling of entering the uterus was really good.

Qiye sat down on the floor with her arms around Hanako, then patted Hanako's buttocks, and said, "Now you can do it yourself."

Hanako turned her head, with a charming smile on her face, nodded, and then propped her hands on the ground and began to move up and down, Taoyuan vomiting the dragon of Qiye.

Qiye’s favorite is the female upper and male lower pose, which is labor-saving and comfortable. Because you don’t need to use your hands to borrow force, both hands are freed and you can do something you love, such as kneading the saint. Feng, or slap that white ass.

Qiye especially likes to hit Hanako's butt hard, and then watched a bright red palm print appear on the tender buttocks. After all, the figure of a mature woman really has a big advantage over a young girl.

Hanako is moving on Qiye’s body, and the three words shame is too extravagant for the current Hanako. With every movement, Hanako feels that her soul seems to be flying to the sky. , Both body and mind have reached the peak of incomparable happiness. At this time, even if Qiye was going to die, I am afraid that Hanako would die with a smile.

The posture of female upper and lower male is easier to penetrate, and coupled with the special and awkward pleasure of the dragon entering the womb, Hanako only persisted for more than seven minutes this time before screaming and fell softly to the ground.

Qiye sat up, looked at Hanako, smiled, the night is still long, it's only 10:50 now, he didn't plan to sleep tonight.

Qiye picked up Hanako and walked towards Hanako's room. As Qiye walked around, the dragon came in and out of Hanako's body again.

Hanako groaned feebly, but it was already out of air.

There is no special place in Hanako's room. It has light colors, simple furniture, a bed, a wardrobe, a dressing table, a bedside table and a chair. It is an ordinary woman's room.

There are three photo frames on the bedside table, one is Hanako herself, the other is Xiaozhi, and a man, who thinks it is Hanako's short-lived husband.He is not handsome, but he looks very righteous, with a pair of glasses, looks gentle.

After seeing the three photos on the bedside, Hanako was stunned for a moment, and then tears flowed involuntarily, and the guilt of betraying her husband surged at this moment.

Seeing Huazi's guilt-filled eyes, Qiye felt even more excited, throwing her hand on the bed, and said: "Separate your legs."

Hanako looked at the photo of the bed, then bit her lower lip tightly and shook her head in pain.

Qiye smiled coldly, jumped onto the bed, and stubbornly separated Hanako's legs with her hands. What happened to the strength of Hanako's opponent was easily subdued by Qiye, and the dragon of Qiye reached Huazi's swollen Taoyuan. Go up and say: "I'm all going to go, and pretending to be a chaste woman. I didn't know who asked Laozi to go to her just now. Tell you! You'd better serve me and be comfortable, or be careful of your son's life!"

Hanako's body trembled. For Hanako, Xiaozhi was her life. If Xiaozhi had an accident, Hanako would have nothing to love. In desperation, Hanako nodded.

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