Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Bing Destruction Chapter 119

Qiye smiled evilly and entered Hanako's body again.

That night, Qiye fulfilled his promise and went straight all night. The strong dragon entered Hanako's body countless times. It was not until ten o'clock in the morning the next day. After Xiaozhi woke up, Qiye gathered herself overnight. All the essence was poured into Hanako's womb, Mingjin retreated.

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Six-Humiliating Huazi!

Qiye heard the sound of Xiaozhi getting up, but Hanako couldn't hear it at all. When the hot essence of Qiye finally launched into her body, Hanako's body trembled violently, and finally reached the peak of the last time.

Relying on her incomparable strength in bed, Qiye continued this battle for the entire night, for more than a dozen hours. At the beginning, Qiye still counted the flowers to the peak several times, and after 15 times, Qiye was too lazy to count. Because there are too many.

Qiye drew out his dragon, and the dragon still carried a lot of red bloodshot eyes. Of course Hanako would not be a virgin, and Xiaozhi was indeed Hanako’s biological son. The reason why Qiye’s dragon has blood on it is because After ten hours of vigorous exercise, it was no accident that the blood flowed out of Huazi's delicate skin.

The earth-shattering war of intestines was finally over, Hanako was lying on the bed, already feeling like a gossamer, basically hanging there with a breath of breath.

Although Qiye also injected Mu Dun's Chakra into Huazi's body, the amount of input was very small, only enough to suspend Huazi's life and prevent her from shedding her vagina and die. It was not enough to cure Huazi's body.

Qiye stroked Huazi's slightly swollen lower abdomen, and said, "It's really a nice beauty. I wanted to kill it when I finished playing, but now I really feel reluctant."

Hanako's body trembled, and now she couldn't speak at all because of the continuous screaming in her voice, she could only express the imploring meaning in her eyes.

Qiye played with Huazi's red fleshy ball in her hands and said, "Don't worry, as long as you can serve me comfortably, you and your son will be fine." She said, that still The fierce dragon jumped on Hanako's belly.

Hanako trembled all over her body, her face suddenly turned pale. She was really scared by Qiye's powerful combat power. Although Hanako really enjoyed the feeling of peak at first, Hanako really wanted to die. Forget it, because it is too exaggerated.

"Please...please...I'm already...not working..." Hanako tore her painful throat and pleaded helplessly.

"Don't worry, Lao Tzu is good enough now." She said so, but Qiye's hand still kneaded Hanako's Saintess Peak.

The previous Hanako didn't have any special features, with an ordinary appearance, and a decent figure. It can be said that if Hanako was not the mother of the original protagonist, Xiaozhi, Qiye would not have sex with her at all.

But after a crazy night with Qiye, Hanako is exhausted and dying, but her body inevitably reveals a charming charm, and her white skin faintly exudes a gorgeous luster. This is a mature beauty. The charm of women.


When Qiye was enjoying the beautiful jade body of Hanako, three knocks on the door rang.

"Mom, are you still up?" Xiao Zhi shouted loudly while standing at the door.

Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, Hanako's already reddened face turned pale. She raised her hand and grabbed the big hand Nanaya put on her chest, and resisted her body. The pleasure came, trying to keep my voice from trembling, and said hoarsely: "Xiaozhi...cough cough... Mom is not feeling well can go find something to eat in the refrigerator..."

Hanako's reaction was really fast enough, she deliberately coughed twice while speaking, and her voice was hoarse now, it sounded like she had a bad cold.

"Oh, I got it." Xiao Zhi said stupidly. Xiao Zhi, whose IQ and EQ were both terribly low, didn't think about anything else at all. He really thought that his mother was sick. In his mother's room, a man has taken over the role of his dead father.

After Xiao Zhi left, Hanako breathed a sigh of relief. She was really scared to death just now. If Xiao Zhi suddenly opened the door and came in, she really didn't know how to deal with herself.

Qiye continued to knead Huazi's fleshy ball, and smiled evilly: "Your son is really cheating. If you let him know that his mother is lying naked on the bed and let me ravage him, I don't know what will happen to him?"

Hanako's face turned pale again, and she looked at Qiye with tears in her eyes, and begged: "I beg you...I definitely can't let Xiaozhi know..."

Qiye hooked the corner of her mouth and said, "It depends on whether you are good or not."

Hanako's body trembled, lowered her head, and her face was full of intoxicating blush. To be honest, the feeling of ecstasy last night was really beautiful. If it weren't for Qiye to go too far, Hanako would be a little scared. Hanako is willing to be immersed in that taste for a lifetime.

Seeing Hanako's cowardly appearance, Qiye was proud of her. He reached out and pinched Hanako's chin, raised her head, lowered her head, and sealed her lips with her red lips.

"Um..." Huazi felt miserable. Although she was afraid that Qiye would rush and torture her again, her tongue was uncontrollably entangled with Qiye's, and her face became more and more ruddy.

Qiye sucked and kissed Hanako's saliva. When Hanako was in the state, she immediately left Hanako's mouth, and then pulled Hanako under her body. The dragon reached Hanako's mouth and said, "Let me clean !"

Hanako looked at the fierce dragon in front of her, and her heart trembled. She was really afraid of Qiye’s powerful combat effectiveness. The dragon was covered with bloodshot and liquid from Hanako, and the masculine scent of Qiye itself mixed together to make it look exceptional The stench is disgusting, although Hanako is extremely reluctant, but she doesn't dare to resist Qiye's order, so she can only slowly open her red lips, and slowly embrace the dragon of Qiye.

Hanako swallowed the dragon of Qiye, although she felt very nauseous at first, but after a few minutes, Hanako gradually entered the state, the fatigue and pain of her body gradually subsided, and the red and swollen Taoyuan also flowed out again. Crystal clear liquid.

In Qiye, Suojing kept locked for more than ten hours, and then launched all of it into Huazi's palace in one breath. The large amount of essence made Huazi's lower abdomen a little bloated.

Although Qiye didn’t use Mudun Chakra to heal Hanako’s body, the essence contained huge life energy, and because Qiye poured the essence directly into Hanako’s palace, the mouth of the uterus was in Qiye’s giant The dragon closed up soon after he withdrew. It can be said that there is no waste.

Although it was a safe period for Hanako today, those essences did not allow Hanako to conceive, but as Hanako swallowed the dragon of Seven Nights, the essence in the palace turned into a stream of warmth flowing throughout Hanako's body.

Qiye wrapped her hands together, pillowed behind her head, lying on the bed comfortably, enjoying Hanako's meticulous service.

After Hanako served Nanaya for half an hour, Nanaya still showed no signs of launching, and at this time, Xiaozhi's voice rang out again.

"Mom, I'm going out!"

Hanako was startled, and immediately spit out the dragon of Qiye, shouting at the door: "Xiaozhi, don't play too crazy, remember to come back to eat at night."

"Oh, got it."

Listening to the conversation between the mother and son, Qiye felt even more evil in her heart, and directly hugged Huazi's plump body. The dragon faced Huazi's already muddy Taoyuan and pushed in.

"Hmm!!" Hanako immediately covered her mouth, did not let herself yell out, Qiye's sudden entry really almost killed her.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Zhi suddenly heard his mother squeak outside the door, and couldn't help asking.

"'s okay..." Hanako forced her to endure the great pleasure Qiye brought to her, and said softly. Although Hanako tried to endure herself, her voice did become very charming, just like a kitten named Chun.

"Oh, I'll go out if it's okay." Although Xiaozhi felt strange, but his mother said it was okay, he didn't think much about it, and soon left the house.

The sound of closing the door downstairs just sounded, and Hanako's groan burst out for an instant: " comfortable...ah...hurry up...ah...oh...oh... Hard...fuck comfortable..."

Since there were no outsiders in this house, Qiye picked up Hanako's body and walked out of Hanako's room.

As Qiye walked around, the dragon went deeper into Hanako's body. Hanako was confused and her long brown hair was flying. She was a desperate and dissatisfied slut.

Nanaya took Hanako to the living room on the first floor, put Hanako on the dining table, and held Hanako's waist with both hands and started a violent sprint.

Nanaya and Hanako are moving frantically, and Hanako's body fluids are left in the living room. The originally tidy living room has become messy, which is even more exaggerated than being swept away by a thief.

Two and a half hours later, with a roar of a tiger, Qiye fired a second bullet in Hanako's body, and Hanako also reached the peak under Qiye's fire this time, turned his eyes, and passed out.

Qiye drew out the dragon, and there was still a lot of essence and Hanako's spring water remaining on it. Qiye walked to Hanako's head and slapped Hanako's cheek with her dragon like a long whip. Fortunately, Hanako has passed out now. , Otherwise Hanako's heart must not be able to bear such a humiliating action.

After that, Qiye wiped off her dragon with Hanako's long hair, then put on her clothes, leaving Hanako's house in a mess.


For the next week, Qiye satisfies the girls once every night and then puts them into a deep sleep, and then goes to Xiaozhi's house to have his sexy mother.

With Qiye’s training in the past few days, Hanako’s lustful side has also begun to awaken. All the postures of Qiye have been tested on Hanako’s body. There is no mercy at all, especially when Qiye picked the backyard of Hanako. , There was no moisture at all, and he just pushed in, the dragon of Qiye directly tore Hanako's intestines, and the red blood flowed out directly.

In the past few days, Qiye has stripped off Hanako’s shame bit by bit. The most exaggerated time was when Xiaozhi took a bath in the bathroom, and Qiye held Hanako and dried it outside the bathroom door. Hanako was still there. He arrived three times in just twenty minutes, and later Xiaozhi came out of the shower, stepped on the liquid left by Hanako on the ground and fell into a big horse.

Although Hanako hasn't completely surrendered psychologically, her body has completely become Qiye's prisoner. As long as Qiye touches her at will, Hanako will shed a lot of liquid.

And Qiye’s happy days are almost there, the reason is...

Chapter 167-Landing on the Orange Islands!

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