Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling with the Breakdown Chapter 120

"Dr. Omu, what's the matter with me?" Qiye asked suspiciously, looking at the white-haired, very kind old man in front of him.

Originally, Qiye was watching TV with the girls at home today, but suddenly I received a call from Dr. Oki, saying that he had something to look for, so Qiye came to Dr. Oki’s research institute.

Although Dr. Oki seems to be a kind, kind, and even a little old confused old man, Dr. Oki is definitely a hidden master.Dr. Oki and Kikuko, the old man Gu Liu, Mr. Steel, Dr. Soraki, and the little elf breeder couple were once friends, and Dr. Oki was also the winner of the first elf league contest and once defeated Kikuko. Absolutely powerful.

"Qiya, this time there is something for you to help." Dr. Oki said bluntly. Although Qiye is now the first league champion in Kanto, Dr. Oki's attitude towards Qiye is the same as before, without the slightest flattery. flatter.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"There is a Pokemon researcher on the southern island, Dr. Uchigi. She discovered a very special Pokemon ball. Because Dr. Uchigi could not analyze the relationship between the Pokemon ball, she wanted to send it to me for research. , But that poke ball is very special and can't be directly transmitted to me using a teleporter, so I want to trouble you to go to the southern island to help bring that poke ball."

"It turned out to be like this, no problem." Qiye promised, thinking in her heart: It turns out that the story of the Orange Alliance is already here. It's okay to go and see it. By the way, you can also meet the beauty researcher, Dr. I also live in the Orange Islands. I don't know what the beauty would be if these two mature and intellectual big beauties were put together on their own bed.


After returning home, Qiye told the women about this matter. The girls naturally wouldn't defy Qiye's words and readily agreed that the sun, the beach, and the Orange Islands are famous holiday destinations.

Under Qiye's flicker, Xiaozhi didn't want him to abduct him. He wanted to see how far Xiaozhi could go in the Orange Alliance with his presence.Xiaozhi is going, and his good friend Xiaogang naturally has to follow. It is worth mentioning that even though Xiaogang has the kind of idiot reaction after seeing the girls, he never dared to pull it anymore The girl's hand said those idiots, and he was really tortured by Qiye.

And Qiye didn't bring Hanako. Although he was also nostalgic for the taste of this beautiful wife, Hanako's heart had not been completely accepted by Qiye, and there might be unnecessary troubles if she brought her.

Qiye’s thought was that after days of obsession, the desire* hope buried in Hanako’s heart must have been picked up by Qiye. When Hanako was extremely demanding, if she suddenly lost the nourishment of the man, Qiye would really want to know Hanako would not Will go crazy directly.

As the champions of the Kanto League, Qiye certainly couldn't be as shabby as Xiaozhi and the others in the original book. They had to ride on the Rockets' airship and almost crashed. Qiye was the next luxury airliner to fly directly to the Orange Islands.

The distance between the Orange Islands and the Kanto Islands is not far. Even if you take an airship, it takes less than a few hours. Besides, the plane is much faster than the airship. In less than an hour, the plane landed on the Orange Islands.

After getting off the plane, Qiye directly said to Xiaozhi: "Xiaozhi, there is also a Pokemon League game here in the Orange Islands. Would you like to participate in it?" Although Qiye brought Xiaozhi to the Orange Islands, he did not I plan to travel to the Orange Islands with Xiaozhi, not because of anything else, just because it is too embarrassing...

Qiye is also the champion of the Kanto region anyway, and the youngest champion in all leagues. He has reputation, status, and social credibility. If he travels with a guy with a tumor in his head like Xiaozhi, Qiye can't be lost. Up that person.

As a combatant, Xiaozhi didn't think about Qiye's thoughts at all. After hearing that there was also an alliance tournament in the Orange Islands, he immediately said excitedly: "Qiya, is what you said is true?"

Qiye naturally nodded, after which Xiaozhi ran away in a hurry, saying that he was going to challenge the stadium of the Orange Alliance, and Xiaogang naturally had to keep up.

The Orange Islands also has its own Pokemon League, stadiums and competitions, but fame is completely different from the leagues in several other regions.

The total land area of ​​the Juzi Islands is probably not as big as the two or three big cities in Kanto. The area is small, which means that there are fewer people and fewer people. Naturally, it is impossible to have more powerful trainers. The trainer of 500,000 may not get one out of 500,000, let alone the higher champion.

Think about it, Xiaozhi can now win the championship in the Orange League with the strength of two or three pounds. The level of the Orange League will not be high.

Qiye didn’t plan to collect the badges of the four gyms of the Orange League because it was not necessary. Qiye is now the champion of Kanto, and his identity is much more noble than that of the Orange League. Identity, if you want to participate in the Orange Alliance, just one sentence is enough, there is no need to collect badges.

Qiye came to the Orange League this time, although on the surface it was to get the GS ball, but the main purpose was still for the two mature beauties Kona and Dr. Uchigi. By the way, he could also take a vacation, although Qiye has been on vacation...

After walking out of the airport, Qiye immediately took out his mobile phone. After Qiye became the champion, the Kanto League specially equipped Qiye with a mobile phone specially used for contact. Because it is a satellite phone, there is no contact failure. It is also equipped with the most accurate map in the world, which can be accurate to within three meters around Qiye.

Qiye called up a detailed map of the Orange Islands. He was too lazy to ask where Dr. Uchigi’s research institute was. After finding it, he led the girls to the Uchigi Doctor Research Institute. Qiye Ming said on the surface it was fast After completing the task given by Dr. Oki, you can quickly enjoy the sun and the beach, but I obviously want to meet the mature and intellectual Dr. Uchigi.

Qiye arranged the girls to the hotel first, and then went to Dr. Uchigi's research institute alone.

Coming to the door of the institute, Qiye reached out and knocked on the door, and said, "Is anyone there?"


The door opened slowly, but it was not locked at all.Qiye stretched her head in and took a look, and said, "Is there anyone? We are sent by Dr. Omu."

Qiye's voice reverberated in the empty research institute. If Qiye hadn't sensed the fluctuations in the lives of three people in this research institute, Qiye would have thought it was robbed.

Before Qiye's voice fell completely, three black shadows suddenly appeared in the darkness. Those were Dr. Uchigi's three assistants.

Qiye looked at the three girls in front of him, and pulled the corners of her mouth helplessly, old-fashioned clothes and releases, thick round glasses, and typical science female dicks.Qiye couldn't figure it out. They also wore glasses. Some people wore them as goddesses, such as Kona, while others wore female dicks, such as the three in front of them.

Although the three of them are not good-looking, as long as they are willing to spend some time picking up things, they should be good little beauties, how can they be like now.

Of course, just think about these words in your heart. Of course, you can't say them. Now, you have suppressed those messy thoughts, and said: "Hello, I was sent by Dr. Oki to get the poke ball. Is Dr. Uchigi here? "

"Dr. Uchimu is in the backyard, please follow me."

Then the three girls took Qiye to the backyard. Although it was a backyard, it was actually connected to the sea. There were a lot of elves stocked here for Dr. Uchigi's observation and research.

"Dr. Uchigi..."

"The person sent by Dr. Oki..."

"Already here..."

The three girls had one paragraph for one person. After breaking up one sentence into three paragraphs, Qiye's eyes twitched. Do the three of them really need to go to the Seventh People's Hospital?(Our seven hospitals are mental hospitals)

Dr. Uchigi was examining the body of a tyrannosaurus. After hearing the voice of his assistant, he stopped what he was holding and jumped up from the sea. One of the assistants immediately threw a white coat. , Dr. Uchigi immediately put it on his body after taking it.

"The skill and body are good," Qiye said inwardly.

Although Dr. Uchigi was wearing a lab coat, the loose cloth completely concealed Dr. Uchigi’s proud figure. Under the white lab coat, there was only a dark blue one-piece swimsuit. At least there was a saint of E CUP. The peak was about to eject, and Neimu's meat ball was one size bigger than Kona and Huazi.

Because Uchigi often goes to the sea to check the body of the elf, his swimming skills are very good. Although Dr. Uchigi can be regarded as an otaku, his skin is not pale at all because of being out of the sun for a long time.What’s even stranger is that Dr. Uchigi lives in the tropical orange islands. For most of the year, his body is exposed to the harsh sunlight, but Dr. Uchigi’s skin is not tanned at all, and it remains. The powdery white with a natural and healthy luster.

When Dr. Uchimu saw Qiye, his eyes quickly flashed with surprise and amazement, and he stretched out his jade-white hand, and said: "The first time I met, the champion of the Kanto League, Qiye."

Qiyeqiang suppressed the restless desires in her heart, stretched out her hand to hold Dr. Uchigi's hand, and said: "We first met, Dr. Uchigi."

Chapter 168-Hypnosis training!

Qiyeqiang suppressed the restless desires in her heart, stretched out her hand to hold Dr. Uchigi's hand, and said: "We first met, Dr. Uchigi."

The two shook hands very politely and released them after three seconds, but at the moment when they let go, Qiye secretly scratched the palm of Dr. Uchigi's palm.

Dr. Uchigi trembled, his face flushed, and his eyes were suddenly filled with shame and anger. Just as he was about to reprimand, Qiye took the lead and said, "Dr. Uchigi, where is the poke ball?"

Of course, Dr. Uchigi knew about Qiye’s obvious change of topic, but the three on the side didn’t know. Dr. Uchigi couldn’t pull down that face to reprimand him loudly. After all, Qiye didn’t do anything too outrageous. Just scratching the palm of his hand, Dr. Uchigi could only seal his breath in his throat.

After returning to the institute, the size of the GS ball that Qiye saw with his own eyes is no different from a normal poke ball, except that the upper part of the poke ball is golden and the lower half is white. No, to be correct, the second half. The part is actually silver.On the golden half, there are still some cracks, forming two similar letters G and S.

Regarding the GS ball, from the animation, I only know that GS was left behind by the master of the poke ball maker Mr. Steel. There are many speculations on the use of the GS ball, and what Qiye agrees most is the GS ball and time movement. Elf Sherabi is related.

The colors of GS are gold and silver. The English for gold is GOLD, and the English for silver is SLIVER. The first letter happens to be GS. Is there such a coincidence?

Speaking of all the elves, the elves related to gold and silver, the simplest and most direct are the golden bird and the silver bird. Of course, this is translated by the people, which is Phoenix and Rogia, and according to the plot of the special comic , Old Man Gu Liu captured Phoenix and Rogia, and used their rainbow-colored feathers and silver feathers to make a special inner net. After putting them into the poke ball, it became a poke ball that can capture time, that is, it can catch Sherabi's ball.

The pokeball that captures time sounds like a powerful one, but to the average trainer, it's a tasteless one.

Although this ball can catch Sherabi, does the average trainer have the life to meet Sherabi?Not everyone is the protagonist of this novel, but if you don't capture Sherabi, what is the point of capturing the pokeball of time?If there is no modifier, no gold finger, no revision, would you use the only master ball to catch a green caterpillar?Do not make jokes.

However, this ball is even more meaningless to Qiye. Qiye is different from ordinary people like Dr. Uchigi. He is a demigod, or a demigod who controls time and space at the same time, so Qiye can clearly perceive that in this Inside the ball, there is the power to capture time, which means that this GS ball can indeed capture Sherabi.

But it doesn’t make any sense to Qiye. The most important method he uses to tame the beasts is the other gods, Diaruga, Parukia, and dreams. With other gods, it doesn’t matter what kind of pokeball he uses. It's like a dream, now it's not just staying in an ordinary pokeball and sleeping.

"This is the elf ball." Dr. Uchigi pointed to the GS ball and said, "But this ball can't be teleported at all." Then he pressed the button of the teleportation device, and a powerful electric light was emitted from the device to act on the GS ball. , But the GS ball has no response at all. If it is an ordinary ball, it should be sent directly to the set place now.

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