Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling with the Breakdown Chapter 121

"We have tried many methods, but we couldn't open this GS ball, so we wanted to ask Dr. Ogi, the authority on the elf side, to study it." Dr. Uchigi said helplessly.(PS: The methods mentioned by Dr. Uchigi include electric drills, lasers, oxyacetylene flames, etc., which are full of destructive methods...)

"GS ball? Understood." Qiya took the GS ball on the table. Because the GS ball was so special that it couldn't be made smaller and hung on the belt, Qiya could only hold it first.

"Please." Dr. Uchigi leaned slightly towards Qiye and made a fifteen-degree bow, and because of her movement, Dr. Uchigi will usher in the darkest day of her life.

Because of Dr. Uchigi’s bow, the deep ravine was completely exposed in front of the hungry wolf Qiye. After the madness with Hanako a few days ago, Qiye was also infatuated with the taste of a mature woman. This time he did not bring Hanako. Kona and Dr. Nemu are the main targets of Qiye, and now that Kona is not there, Qiye can only start with Dr. Nemu first.

Qiye's slender fingers moved a few times and threw out a small illusion, and then heard three bangs, Dr. Uchigi's three assistants fell to the ground without warning.

"Ah!" Dr. Uchimu let out a soft cry, and immediately knelt on the ground, watching her three assistants nervously, and said anxiously: "What's wrong with you, hurry up and wake up!" Although the three of them are Uchimu Dr. Uchigi’s assistant, but they have been with Dr. Uchigi for five or six years. For the convenience of the relationship, they have always lived together. They have deep feelings. How can Dr. Uchigi not worry.

Dr. Uchiki knelt on the ground, completely unaware of the hungry wolf with green eyes glowing behind him, staring at her full buttocks with a lewd expression.

Just now because Dr. Uchigi was wearing a loose white coat, which concealed her proud figure, and Qiye and Dr. Uchigi had always been face to face, and Qiye couldn’t turn her head and stare at Dr. Uchigi’s ass, but Now, following Dr. Uchigi's movements, the white coat could not cover up the plump buttocks.


Qiye swallowed fiercely, her eyes were bloodshot, and the dragon was loaded with bullets in an instant.(Wow, if it is evil, let it be evil to the end!)

"Ah!!!" Dr. Uchigi screamed again, this time because she felt a big hand on her ass stroking, and subconsciously turned her head back, she saw a silver hair pressed down towards her.

Qiyeqiang kissed Dr. Uchigi’s lips, and there was some salty smell of sea water on her lips, but Qiye didn’t care about this. While Dr. Uchigi was stunned, she clasped her wrists with her hands and squeezed her legs. Between her legs, she pressed this beauty to the ground.

"Hmm..." After the reaction, Dr. Uchigi struggled very shamefully, his plump body twisted, but his whole body was pressed by Qiye, and he couldn't use any strength at all, and even though Dr. Uchigi often swims, The strength is not small, but facing Qiye is weak.

Qiye watched Dr. Uchigi's reaction so much, and now it’s hard to let go of her hands and attack other places on her body. She can only kiss Dr. Uchigi’s lips while using her own dragon to rhythmically push against Dr. Uchigi’s. Taoyuan.

There is only one piece of swimsuit in Dr. Uchigi, which is just a layer of cloth, and Qiye doesn’t wear much. With a few thin layers of fabric, Qiye can clearly feel the softness of Dr. Uchigi’s body. The doctor can also feel the heat of Qiye.

Gradually, Dr. Uchigi's struggle stopped. After all, the woman's physical strength was not as good as the man's, and Qiye attacked sensitive areas again, which accelerated the consumption of Dr. Uchigi's physical strength.

After feeling that Dr. Uchigi's struggle had stopped, Qiye left Dr. Uchigi's lips, but still held Dr. Uchigi's hands, propped up her upper body, and looked at the peach-faced beauty under her.

Dr. Uchigi took a few deep breaths. After he recovered, he looked at the evil man who was pressing him. Dr. Uchigi's eyes were full of shyness and anger, and he cursed: "Asshole! Shameless! You! Quickly let me go! Asshole!"

Looking at Dr. Uchigi's expression, Qiye remembered an old line, and said: "You shout, even if you break your throat, no one will come to save you."

Dr. Uchimu's face turned pale, and his heart was filled with countless regrets.

Because Dr. Uchigi wants to study the relationship between the elf ecology, it is of course impossible to put the research institute in the city center. Dr. Uchigi’s research is sent to the most edge of the island, the geographical location is very remote, if there is no local people’s guidance or If you have a precise map, you will never find it.

Dr. Uchigi hopes to study the situation of the elves in the natural ecology, so the large forests and beaches near the institute are the private property of Dr. Uchigi. It can be said that Dr. Uchigi is very rich.

However, Dr. Uchigi, who devoted himself to the study of the elves, seemed extremely rough in life, and did not hire a nanny to take care of her life. The research institute has always been only Dr. Uchigi and her three assistants.

All this, which was originally done to better study the little elves, is now like a tomb that Dr. Neimu dug for herself. Now she is really calling for Tiantian not to work, calling the ground unsound, Neimu The doctor felt extremely ironic in his heart.

Qiye deeply breathed the fragrance of Dr. Uchigi's body. The beauty's natural body scent and the salty smell of the sea were somewhat out of place, but there was also a kind of alternative temptation. He said: "It's really scent, what a superb stunner, It makes me unable to extricate myself."

Dr. Uchigi resisted the shyness and anger in his heart, glaring at Qiye's intoxicated expression, and said, "What do you want?"

Qiye looked at Dr. Uchigi with a wicked smile, and said, "Do you still ask such silly things at this time? You are such a beautiful woman lying under her, what do you think I want to do?"

"You..." Dr. Uchigi looked at Qiye angrily, "I will definitely not let you go!!"

Qiye didn't care about Dr. Uchigi's words. With his current strength, Dr. Uchigi had no way to threaten his life. Instead, with a more evil smile on his face, he said, "Will you let me go? That's right, anyway, I didn't intend to let you go, Meiren Uchimu." As he said that, he lowered his head and kissed Dr. Uchigi's small mouth, and immediately stuck his tongue in.

Dr. Uchigi was strongly kissed again, and he felt nauseous and shy for a while. Before he could react, there was already a slippery thing in his mouth.

Dr. Uchimu knew that it was Qiye's tongue, his eyes were cold, his teeth were suddenly pressed, and a bite of white teeth was bitten against Qiye's tongue.

Qiye's eyes were full of smiles. It was the first time he had met this stubborn woman with a temper. She dared to bite his tongue, but she didn't care.

Every inch of Qiye’s body is not comparable to that of ordinary humans. Although his tongue is not as hard as his giant dragon, it is full of resilience. With human biting power, he is absolutely unwilling to bite his tongue, even if he The epidermis of the tongue can't be hurt at all.

Dr. Uchigi bit Qiye's tongue fiercely, but it felt like it was on the cow's tendon. Although it was very soft, he kept biting it, and could only let Qiye kiss him.

Three minutes later, Qiye left Dr. Uchigi's lips, her face flushed as she watched this, but she still had a stubborn beauty in her eyes, and she was very proud of her.

"Are you comfortable?" Qiye asked evilly.

"Humph!" Dr. Uchimu snorted coldly, turned his head away, and did not look at Qiye's extremely handsome but extremely evil face.Although the feeling of kissing just now was really comfortable, how could Dr. Uchigi say it?

"I want to continue." Qiye laughed, her tone full of playfulness.

Dr. Uchimu's face turned red and white, and he couldn't help turning his head and shouting at Qiye angrily: "Shameless! I will definitely not let you go!!"

Qiye smiled, and can only say that Dr. Uchigi, who has been obsessed with research, has too few swear words, and has no offensive power at all.

Qiye pulled at it and tore the white lab coat that Dr. Uchiki draped outside. Looking at the one-piece dark blue swimsuit on Dr. Uchimu, she was a little excited and somewhat helplessly said: "Beauty Uchimu , You have such a good figure, how can you only wear such a conservative swimsuit? Next time I buy you a bikini, you have to wear it to me."

Dr. Uchigi was a little happy, but more angry. A woman who was praised by a man was certainly a little happy, but when Qiye said that she wanted to wear a bikini to show him, the anger in Dr. Uchigi's heart suddenly blazed. Come up.

Qiye reached out and stroked this mermaid's perfect body. Although it was blocked by a swimsuit, it still couldn't stop Qiye from feeling the perfect figure of Dr. Uchigi. She continued to say humiliating Dr. Uchigi, and said: "Look at what your figure is. How perfect, how exciting it is for men, it smells so sweet, it's so soft, your perfect body* will surely make me very refreshed."

Dr. Uchimu was extremely embarrassed and glared at Qiye tremblingly, already too angry to speak.

Qiye looked evilly at this stubborn nobody, and opened the zipper of his pants. The fuchsia dragon was already ready to go, and then he opened Dr. Uchigi's swimsuit by hand, facing the still dry Taoyuan with a sigh of relief. Just stabbed in.

"Don't...Ah!!!" Dr. Uchimu said in horror, and immediately felt as if his body was torn apart, and he let out a terrible scream.

Qiye's powerful dragon easily tore the thin film. The dragon was soaked in red blood and pierced into Dr. Uchimu's body. After Qiye entered, he started sprinting without stopping.

Qiye didn’t have any foreplay. Dr. Uchimu’s Taoyuan was still extremely dry. For the first time, he encountered Qiye’s behemoth. He felt that his holiest place seemed to be inserted into a hot red iron rod. I can't experience any happiness, only endless pain and sorrow.

"Ah... it hurts... it hurts me... it hurts... stop... don't move... please... stop quickly... ah... it hurts..." Uchimu The doctor screamed tragically, but it was impossible for anyone to rescue her now, and Qiye couldn't stop at all.

With Qiye’s non-stop offensive, after experiencing more than half an hour of painful torture, Dr. Uchigi finally felt a sense of happiness. Although his heart was extremely painful, he could not stand the physical pleasure, and his pale lips continued Spit out countless lewd talks.

Because Qiye had to go back to accompany his wives, it was impossible to play here for too long. After an hour after Dr. Uchigi felt the happiness, Qiye sent Dr. Uchigi to the top four times, and then sent her own essence. Entered Dr. Uchigi's body.

After being played by Qiye, Dr. Uchigi was lying on the ground like a dead person, with no focus and no focus. From those beautiful eyes, all he could see was incomparable despair.

Qiye lifted up Dr. Uchigi, and opened the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel in her eyes. The strange and evil eyes stared at Dr. Uchigi's eyes tightly. The kaleidoscope in her eyes suddenly and continuously rotated, and mysterious power was continuously injected into Dr. Uchigi. In his eyes, said: "Who are you?"

Dr. Uchigi still has no figure in his eyes, and replied like a machine: "I am Uchigi."

"No, you are not Naimu."

"I'm not Uchimu..."

"Yes, you are not Naimu."

"I'm not Naimu."

"You are my slave girl, and I am your master. Slave lips, double peaks, hips, beautiful legs, and Taoyuan belong to the master. Everything about you belongs to me, you know?"

"I... belong to the master..." Uchimu murmured.

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