Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling with Bengbao Chapter 122

"Yes, everything about the slave girl belongs to the master."

"Everything about me belongs to the master."

Chapter 169-Meeting Kona Again

Qiye looked at Dr. Uchigi's loyal eyes like a dog, smiled evilly, and the training was completed.

To deal with Dr. Uchigi, Qiye did not conquer her body first and then her mind like he did with Hanako. Because Qiye has no time, he has no time to play games with Dr. Uchigi. If you take your time step by step, in case Dr. Mu burned his jade and stone, and confessed about his rape of her will have a great influence on the seizure plan after Seven Nights Day.

Dr. Uchigi was raped by Qiye and had a creampie. His body and spirit were in an extremely weak state. Facing Qiye’s eternal kaleidoscope, Dr. Uchigi’s spiritual world was completely unguarded, completely, and Hongguoguodi. Exposed in front of Qiye.

Qiye didn't use other gods, because the cooling time has not yet arrived, he just applied hypnotism to Dr. Uchigi's psychological vulnerability.

This kind of hypnosis will attack Dr. Uchimu’s mental loopholes, and then take root immediately, and exist in Dr. Uchimu’s head like a subconscious. Once this subconscious is formed, if you want to get rid of it, unless it is released by Qiye, or use it Don't be a god, otherwise it's impossible.

After hypnotizing Dr. Uchimu, Qiye left the research institute. Female slaves, come to play occasionally and enjoy her beautiful body. There is no need to pay any emotions.

After returning to the hotel, Qiye originally planned to take the girls to the beach to enjoy the sun. However, after hearing a news from the hotel, Qiye immediately dismissed this idea.

The Four Heavenly Kings Kona came to Xiagan Island to hold a battle observation meeting!

Qiye was still thinking about where to find Kona, but she didn't expect to meet him just now.There is this paragraph in the original story of the Orange League, and it is also the first time Kona appeared in the animated version. The idiot Xiaozhi still has to challenge Kona recklessly. Although he is the protagonist, he also has the potential to become a champion. , But at that time Xiaozhi went to challenge Kona, it was almost death.

The final result, everyone should also be aware of it, Kona’s Dao Hippo petrochemical skill knocked Xiaozhi’s fire-breathing dragon in seconds, and the strength gap was too big.

As soon as he thought that he was going to see Kona, Qi Ye's lower abdomen once again raised an evil fire. To be on the safe side, Qi Ye did not bring the girls, but sneaked out alone.

The so-called battle observation meeting is similar to Kona’s individual exhibition. Kona will compete with some trainers, and the audience is fortunate to be able to enjoy Kona’s battle performance. This is not easy for ordinary people. What happened.

Because Xiagan Island is only a very small island, Kona’s match-and-match observation meeting here is almost a big event comparable to a summer festival. Seven nights asks someone on the street and you know the venue of the observation meeting.

Xiagan Island is really small. There are only two stadiums on the entire island that can be easily obtained. Kona’s match-and-match viewing will be at the stadium on the south side of the island. It is not big and can only accommodate up to 8,000 spectators.

As for Qiye's goal, the glamorous and noble Miss Kona was staying in her special lounge at this time, reading a book while sipping tea.

Kona is a woman who knows how to enjoy life. Everything about her reveals an ordinary nobility, sometimes as gentle and plain as the sister next door, sometimes she is the only one above the whole world. The queen is as arrogant.

Qiye was very familiar with the breath of Kona. Before entering the stadium, Qiye had already felt the aura of Kona. Then there was a flash of light on her body, and Qiye disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, Qiye suddenly appeared in Kona's room.

"Who?!" The moment Qiye appeared, Kona keenly sensed something, and turned his head to the direction Qiye appeared.

Although Kona does not have superpowers, and does not have the sharp and scary perceptions like Nazi and Qiye, Kona can reach today's status, and he has experienced a lot of dangers, so Kona's perception is stronger than normal people. many.

When Kena saw the incoming person clearly, the cold eyes in his eyes immediately melted, and his eyes looked at the man who suddenly appeared like a Wang Chunshui.

When Qiye first appeared, she felt two cold eyes shot on her body, which made Qiye tremble, but the next moment, the cold feeling disappeared, and it turned into a soft look. Look at him gently.

Qiye turned around and looked at Kona’s beautiful face, then Pippi smiled, sat down beside Kona, stretched out her arm around Kona’s waist, and said with a smirk: "Kona’s wife, what are you looking at? Where's the book? Why don't you look at your husband and me."


Ke closed the book in his hand, turned his head and stared at Qiye slightly, Xing's eyes were a little bit angry, unspeakable and charming.

Qiye was taken aback for a while, followed by a burst of evil fire, and she couldn't help stroking Kona’s lower abdomen. Because Kona was wearing a navel-exposing outfit, Qiye could easily feel the brilliance and tenderness of Kona’s skin. It's like an egg that has just been peeled.(Speaking of eggs, I thought of chickens. Do you know what the concept of 100 yuan is now? 100 yuan = 10 chickens weighing five kilograms...hehe, bird flu...)

"Hey..." Kona chuckled, his body softened, and he leaned softly against Qiye's shoulders. His face was soft as water, and there was no sign of anger or rejection in his eyes, only Qiye's heart moved. Endless shyness and tenderness.

Qiye's bad hand stroked Kona's lower abdomen, and said with a smirk: "Kona wife, your skin is really good, how do you maintain it?"

"Hey!" Kona gave a light sip and said, "Little bad guy, who is your wife, don't talk nonsense!"

Qiye overwhelmed this superb beauty on the sofa with Kona's half-push, and while kissing the jade's cheek in her arms, she smiled and said, "I already treat you as my wife."

Kona's face blushed. The two of them have the kind of relationship between their tongues. Kona is also more and more difficult to hold on to his position. Maybe one day he will fall. Facing Qiye, Kona also It's getting harder and harder to maintain the calmness and self-control of the past, and a heart is always beating.

Qiye untied Kona's clothes very naturally, and Kona's jade body that even Aphrodite (the god of beauty) was jealous of was fully displayed in front of Qiye.

Qiye leaned down, and the tip of her nose touched Kona's nose. Qiye looked at Kona with a peach-faced obsessively, and muttered, "Kona, you are so beautiful."

The corner of Kona's mouth evokes an extremely beautiful and sweet smile. She has long been enamored with Qiye, and can be praised by her beloved man. Any woman will be very happy, and Kona is no exception.

Qiye lowered his head and kissed Kona's bright red lips. Kona didn't hesitate or hesitate, and wrapped her hands around Qiye's neck, and eagerly responded to Qiye's kiss.Although water is the gentlest thing in the world, it is also the most violent force in the world. Water can soothe people's hearts and can also trigger the apocalyptic flood.

Qiye kissed, while holding Kona's fantasies, which made all men crazy, like a child getting a new toy, she couldn't put it down and played with it mischievously.

Kona was already emotional in Qiye’s hands. His white and beautiful body was twisting like a beautiful snake. Through friction with the man’s body, I hoped to alleviate some of the body’s itch, but this is completely drinking poison to quench my thirst. Kona The itchiness of the body has not been relieved by half, but it has become more and more hot, and the two slender legs have been wrapped around Qiye's tiger waist.

Qiye left Kona's lips, stretched out her hand to free her dragon, and then pressed against Kona's Taoyuan and kept rubbing.

Kona’s small mouth was liberated, and there was a moan* that could make anyone impulsive. Kona’s eyes were hazy, and it was full of lost love in spring. Kona had fallen, and she couldn’t take care of it anymore. , She just wanted Qiye to enter her body fiercely to comfort her needs.

Qiye can't take it anymore now, he is full of only Kona this beautiful body, he wants to possess her!!!

Just as Qiye was supporting her dragon and was about to pierce Kona's body, the door was knocked suddenly, and at the same time, a man's voice rang outside the door.

"Master Kona, time is almost up."

"Damn it!" Qiye cursed in a low voice, staring at the door with scarlet eyes, with endless murderous and tyrannical expressions in his eyes. He almost wanted to tear the person who disturbed him alive.

Kona also looked depressed at this time. If it weren't for being disturbed, she would already be from Qiye. Thinking of this, Kona also had a bit of resentment and murderous aura towards the people outside the door, but not as much as Qiye, indifferent. He said: "I know, you go out first."

"Yes, Master Kona." The people outside the door left without any doubt.

Kona put on his clothes, while Qiye sat on the sofa, holding her arms, her face depressed, sulking like a child.

Kona couldn’t help but giggled when he saw Qiye’s appearance. Then, the slender finger pointed to Qiye’s forehead and said, “Okay, don’t be angry. It’s a big deal to invite you to my house for dinner tonight. Is it okay to apologize?"

Qi Yeyi's eyes lit up when he heard that, regardless of the red mark on his forehead that Ke took out, he said, "Really?"

"Really." Kona replied with a smile, and then put on a sullen expression on his face, and said, "You must not do anything bad."

Qiye smiled, don't do bad things?Unless he is Liu Xiahui, he immediately said: "Yes, yes, I will definitely not do bad things, I will only do good things." Then he touched Kona's Taoyuan again.

Kona's legs softened and almost fell, and then he gave a blank look and left the lounge immediately. If she stayed, Qiye might directly beat her, although Kona wanted to fight Qiye, but Now is not the time.

Qiye looked at Kona’s back, dreaming about the happy time tonight, with an almost demented smile on his face, and a trace of crystal saliva dripped down Qiye’s cheeks to the ground...

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Eat Kona!

Kona’s battle observation meeting, of course, ended with Kona’s perfect victory. Although Kona’s opponents are among the best in newcomer trainers, there are even elite-level trainers, but they face the king of heaven. Kona had no power to fight back at all, and was easily lost by Kona.

Qiye didn’t attend Kona’s match-and-seeing meeting as a Kanto champion. Instead, she changed her ordinary appearance, hidden in the stands, and watched Kona’s game as an audience. After all, this is Kona’s stage. He was too embarrassed to go out to grab the limelight of his own woman.

And Qiye watched Kona's game as a bystander and had a different feeling.The so-called authorities are fans and spectators are clear, and Qiye is the same. In the original match between him and Kona, although Kona was beautiful, his mind at the time was mainly on how to beat Kona. There was no time to appreciate the beauty of Kona. It's different once.

Seeing Kona standing on the battlefield, the command is determined, cold and arrogant, even Qiye’s current character is inevitably obsessed, not to mention ordinary people, Kona will have such a number of fans, it is not without reason .

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