Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 123

After Qiye looked eagerly waiting, the night finally came.

Location, Shagan Island, Kona’s private villa.

This is Kona’s private property, a small two-story villa near the sea, very close to the sea, and you can see the sea by opening the window.There is a balcony on the second floor. Kona would often make himself a cup of tea, and then enjoy the tea while listening to the sound of the sea breeze. Life is very pleasant.

The dinner was cooked by Kona himself. What surprised Qiye was that the ice queen's craftsmanship was very good, and there were some things Qiye didn't know.

As the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, Kona has a huge honor, but also a huge pressure. If this pressure is not vented in some reasonable way, it is easy to get mental illness.

For people with a partner, the creation movement is a good way to vent pressure. Of course, if one of you can't hold on, that's another matter.

Kona likes cooking very much. He has been cooking since the age of fifteen and has been doing it for more than ten years. Even if he is not much better than a five-star hotel, Kona never eats what he makes. After making a table of delicious meals, dumping them into the trash can, and then calling for take-out, is this ice queen's quirk.

Seven nights neatly cut the steak with a knife and fork. Kona also gave up a lot of thought for this dinner. The steak is also the most expensive Kobe steak in Japan.

Kona also ate steaks and drank a mouthful of fragrant red wine from time to time, the combination of red wine and steak, even if it was a happy fairy.But it wasn't this that made Kona happy, but because of Qiye's expression when eating.How did Kona say it was also the first time to cook for someone else, and this person was still her beloved man. Of course Kona hoped that Qiye would be satisfied. Now, it is obvious that Qiye is almost eating the plate.

Neither Qiye nor Kona mentioned the topic of tonight, as if the two of them had never considered this matter.(I said I didn’t think about it, do you believe it?)

After eating dinner, Kona said gently to Qiye while packing the tableware: "I'll put the bath water for you, let's take a shower first." The words are soft as water, like a couple who have been in love for many years. Like husbands and wives, there is no need for surprises, just plain plain is true.

Qiye nodded, he also wanted to take a shower first, and now his mouth is full of steak and red wine, and there is still a bit of Dr. Uchigi's smell left on him. It would be too good to be like this. It's spoiling the atmosphere. Konar is not Naimu. Qiye has shown true feelings for Konar. Otherwise, he would not temporarily brake the first few times and let him go. In contrast, Naimu is just a good old man. It's just a nice slave girl.

Qiye went into the bathroom, quickly took off his clothes, and plunged into the bath.

Qiye lay comfortably in the bath, the warm pool water washed away the slight fatigue on his body, and Qiye almost immediately slept in the bath.

After Kona washed the tableware, he returned to his room, took off all the clothes on his body one by one, and then put on a brand new pure white bathrobe and walked into the bathroom.

Qiye heard the door opening and did not look back, still lying comfortably in the bath.

Kona also seemed to have not seen Qiye's existence, untied his belt and took off the white bathrobe on his body. Under the white bathrobe, Kona didn't wear anything!Kona folded the bathrobe, put it on the sink, took off his glasses, put it on the bathrobe, and stepped into the bath.

"I'll help you wash it." Qiye opened her eyes and looked at Kona, and said lightly, but her tone was slightly trembling.

Kona's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded slightly, but his cheeks were stained with a light rouge.

Qiye picked up a towel in the water and gently wiped Kona’s body, acting extremely gently and carefully, just like Kona was a statue of tofu carved out of it. Have to be careful.

Kona's body was very soft, as if it would melt in the water at any time, Qiye didn't dare to exert any force.

Kona was a little bit shy at first, but after experiencing Qiye's gentle movements, Kona's body tension slowly relaxed, closing his eyes slightly, and leaning on Qiye's body gently like a feather. The pink lips exude a sweet fragrance like orchids, and his expression is peaceful, as if an angel is asleep.

Qiye turned her head to see Kona's appearance, smiled slightly, and didn't feel dissatisfied, but when she saw Kona's quiet sleeping face, her heart throbbed, and her lips slowly pressed against Kona's pink lips. , However, at least at this moment, there is no desire or hope in Qiye's heart.

Qiye's lips slowly pressed against the two soft lips.

"Hey..." Kona snorted. Although Kona is half-awake, but still knows that Qiye is kissing her, there is no dissatisfaction in his heart, and she softly responds to Qiye.

Qiye changed from the previous fierceness, kissed Kona softly, using all her abilities to make Kona feel happy.

Two minutes later, Kona leaned in Qiye's arms, breathing slightly, apricot eyes half-opened, and then immediately closed, his face looked like a peach blossom, very beautiful.

Qiye looked at Kona gently, and dropped a kiss on Kona’s hair, then her forehead, nose, lips, cheeks, and then continued downward, without letting go of any corner, every inch of Kona’s skin All left Qiye's hickey.

When Qiye kissed the Saintess Peak on Kona, Kona trembled, her face and mouth quickly became ruddy, and an unconscious moan came out of Kona's mouth.

Because it is in the water, Qiye is not convenient to kiss under Kona, so she can only focus on Kona's Saintess Peak.

Qiye turned behind Kona, embraced Kona's beautiful body, held the huge plump Saintess Peak with both hands, and gently kneaded it.

Kona in the water seemed extremely sensitive. Although Qiye was only attacking her Saintess Peak, after fifteen minutes, Kona twitched and his slender waist arched upwards, reaching the peak.

After Kona's climax, Qiye didn't take any further action. Instead, she rubbed Kona's ear with her cheek, greedily breathing the sexy scent of Kona with a strong feminine scent.

More than a minute later, Kona woke up from the aftermath of the climax, turned his head, looked at Qiye softly, and whispered: "Let's go back to the room."

"Yeah!" Qiye nodded, her heart beating fiercely at this moment.


Qiye stood up holding Kona in the pose of a princess. Kona's beautiful body was curled up in Qiye's arms, with seven points of anticipation and three points of tension on his face, beautiful and allure.

Qiye wiped the moisture from Kona's body and walked towards the room holding Kona.

Pushing open the door of Kona’s room, Qiye couldn’t help but smile softly. Just like Kona’s villa on the Quartz Plateau, the room was full of various elf dolls, but in the current atmosphere , It's really funny.

Kona also knew what Qiye was laughing at, opened a pair of beautiful eyes, looked at him softly, and said, "What's wrong, can't I like dolls?"

"Of course." Qiye replied casually, and put Kona's body on the bed.

Then Qiye looked at the peach-faced Kona by the bedside light, and said: "Kona, you are so beautiful."

Kona smiled slightly and looked at Qiye very bravely, and said, "Qiya, I have already decided, and I will give you my body completely today."

Going straight to the point, Kona is really brave.

Qiye was taken aback, and then said: "Kona, you are really a peerless fairy."

Kona sat up, lay in Qiye's arms, raised his head, biting Qiye's ear, and said, "Yeah, I'm a fairy, and I want to suck you!"

"Haha..." Qiye smiled lightly, and then began to gently stroke Kena's body with her hands.

Kona’s face blushed, enjoying Qiye’s gentle touch. However, Kona is not a passive person. While enjoying Qiye’s touch, Kona also reached out and held the dragon of Qiye, soft and tender jade hands. Holding the giant dragon, he started to play it up and down.

Because before in the bathroom, Kona had already reached a subversion in Qiye's hands, so now there is no need for too much teasing at all, Kona's body is already fully prepared.

Qiye let Kona lay flat on the bed and separated the beautiful legs, and then the giant dragon opened Kona's Taoyuan on top and slowly pushed in.

Kona took a deep breath. Although she was inevitably nervous the first time, she didn't call any pain. Compared to the other girls, Kona's reaction was much stronger.

Not long after entering, Qiye’s dragon head encountered a film, and Qiye stopped moving and looked at Kona, who also looked at him, and then gently nodded.

Qiye took a deep breath, pierced the last barrier that guarded Kona's chastity, and entered Kona's body.

"Hmm." After suffering the first time, Kona just frowned and squeaked, without much reaction.

Soon, under Qiye's teasing, Kona relieved all the pain, looked at Qiye gently, and said, "After Qiye, you can start moving."

Qiye was overjoyed and immediately began to gallop on Kona's beautiful body.

Kona is like water. No matter how hard Qiye attacks, Kona's body can match Qiye's movements in the most suitable posture. Kona doesn't care that he is the first time to accept her love, holding Qiye crazy to claim.

Kona's body also gave Qiye a great pleasure. After more than two hours, Qiye roared and the essence was injected into Kona's body.A great battle finally ended, and only a pair of men and women panted violently in the dark room.

I wanted to open a book about Digimon before, but the biggest problem with writing Digimon is that I can’t write long. Although there are hundreds of episodes of Digimon now, the protagonist of each generation is different. Conan and Hokage have been serialized for more than ten years, waiting to see the protagonist die, and they have not died today.

Digimon 1 and 2 are okay. The two are connected and can be written together, but the Digimon world settings in the back are quite different from the previous ones.In the third part, the Digimon card can strengthen the power of the Digimon, and the fourth part directly allows humans to evolve into a Digimon, which is very different from the first two.(I only watched the first four parts)

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