Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 124

Therefore, writing a Digimon novel is very long and troublesome, so you can only insert Digimon into the book.

The protagonist is set as a fallen hell beast in the Digimon world, why should I choose this one?Because his name is the longest, you can make up more words...

Well, no kidding, because in the Digimon world, the protagonist also wants to accept a girl, so the animal-shaped Digimon is directly ignored, and some Digimon that looks more sorry to the audience, such as the fallen form of the six-winged beast , Will not be considered.

Although the hexa-winged beast is a powerful Digimon at the top of the digital world, its strength ranks first among the seven demon kings, but it looks like... the bright form of the six-winged beast is a small Zhengtai, and the fallen form of the six-winged beast is not male or female. The shemale, the six-winged beast's Satan form and the six-winged beast-larva can't even be seen by the human appearance.

Digimon World Strength Division

Infancy: The strength is very weak, does not have any offensive power, only some tricks to intimidate opponents in order to escape.

Growth period: It has a certain attack power, can use some small tricks, and the number is very large. It is the main component of the Digimon world.

Maturity period: The attack power is much stronger than in the growth period, and there are many.

Complete body: It evolved from the mature stage, and its strength is much higher than the previous stage of evolution. Digimons that need to meet their own conditions can evolve successfully, so only a few Digimon have evolved to this stage.In addition, due to their special aptitudes, there are a few complete Digimon whose strength has reached or even reached the level of the upper-middle ultimate body. The most typical one is that the complete Digimon has become the strongest existence of the Seven Demon Kings. Its strength surpassed the ultimate body, reaching the level of rivaling the'God'.And rank beasts, unicorn beasts, astar beasts, etc., all have strengths that can match the ultimate body.

Ultimate body: It is the stage where Digimon is closest to the gods. Its form and ability are different from the previous evolutionary stage. In the digital world, only a few Digimon can evolve into ultimate body smoothly, because evolution needs to meet hard struggles and The needs of their own conditions.Typical examples are the three angels, thirteen royal knights, the twelve gods of Olympus, the seven demon kings except for the fallen form of the six-winged beast, the four dark kings, the four dragons, the four sacred beasts, and the ancient ten fighters.

Burst form: a special form of a few Digimon, possessing extremely powerful powers, such as Fallen Hell Beast burst form (fallen hell beast is the only one with a burst form among the seven demon kings), Rose Beast burst form, flash storm Dragon Beast burst form, Phantom plus Oga Beast burst form.

Ultra-Ultimate Body: The highest realm that an ordinary Digimon cannot reach no matter how it evolves.It has the power to disrupt the balance of the digital world's ecosystem and cause the world to collapse.For example, Super Ultimate Monster, Arcadimon Super Ultimate Body, Ultimate V Dragon Beast Future Form, and some Digimon. Although the level has not reached the Super Research Body level, the strength has already reached, such as the Bright Form of the Six Winged Beast. , Six-winged beast degenerate form, six-winged beast Satan form, fallen hell beast burst form, fallen hell beast X, vajra beast, Ogudu beast.

There are also some Digimon that belong to special Digimon, which are not in the usual ranks: Hexa-Wing-larva, Igudrasil, Apocalypse.

Digimon's strength can be divided into six levels: infancy, growth, maturity, complete body, ultra-ultimate body and ultra-ultimate body. Each level can be divided into four realms: early stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak. The realm can be further subdivided into three stages: elementary, intermediate, and latter stages.

Fallen Hell Beast-the post-level of the ultimate body peak (Falled Hell Beast is one of the seven demon kings, and its strength is definitely the peak of the ultimate body, but in Digital 3, because of the plot requirements, the little monster beast is due to the power of the Suzaku beast Evolution, just evolving, the strength is only the initial stage of the ultimate body, although it has absorbed several complete Digimon data, but at most it is only to the middle stage of the ultimate body)

Fallen Hell Beast burst form-Ultra-Ultimate Body Mid-Elementary.

Fallen Hell Beast X-Ultra-ultimate body peak rear stage.

The bright form of the six-winged beast-the early and late stages of the ultra-ultimate body.

The fallen form of the six-winged beast-the middle and late stages of the ultra-ultimate body.

Six-winged beast Satan form-ultra-ultimate body late stage.

Six-winged beast-larva -?

King Kongwu divine beast——the late-intermediate ultra-ultimate body.

Ultra-Ultimate Warcraft-Ultra-Ultimate Body Early Intermediate.

Arcadi Beast Ultra Ultra-Ultimate Body-the mid and late stage of Ultra Ultra-Ultra Ultra.


Fighting tyrannosaurus beasts, steel Garuru-the early and late stages of the ultimate body.

Puppet beast, steel sea dragon beast, mechanical evil dragon beast-the middle and early stages of the ultimate body.

The King of Clowns-the first stage of the late ultimate body,

Apocalypse beast——?

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Preparing to Cross

After waking up the next day, Qiye was surprised to find that her mental power had soared. After a brief period of doubt, Qiye figured out the key.

Obtaining Kona can be said to be Qiye's long-cherished wish. Last night, his long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled. It was like letting go of the obsession in his heart. It was a huge breakthrough for Qiye's mental power.

The increase in mental power also means that Qiye's own strength has skyrocketed. In addition to the original ability being more refined, Qiye found that she already had the power to communicate with the old man.(Chapter One, the Supreme God who let Qiye travel through)

"Hey, old man, are you dead?" Qiye said in the spirit to the Supreme God unceremoniously.

Immediately, an old voice rang in Qiye's mind, saying, "Hehe, little guy, I can finally contact me."

Qiye curled his lips, and now he can roughly guess who this old immortal is. There are various regions of the gods in each region, there are various gods, 33 days in China, Gao Tianyuan in Japan, and Olin in Greece. Mount Pisi, however, there are some existences that are beyond these, such as the Six Great Sages, and for example... Anyone who has seen a little prehistoric should know it.

"What's the matter, kid, do you want to go to another world to play?" the old man said casually.

"Other worlds?" Qiye's eyes lit up, and her heart suddenly became hot. If she could go to other worlds, it would mean that she could meet more beautiful women. Beautiful women have always been Qiye's favorite.

"Ha ha ha... little guy, you are really bothersome." The old man laughed and joked. With his cultivation base, no one in the world can hide any thoughts from his eyes, even if it is two. Can't fool him.

"Cut!" Qiye sipped disdainfully, without the slightest embarrassment on his face. It was obvious that he was bothered. Since he did it, he would not be afraid to admit it. A man with strength has the capital to be bothered.Is it possible that Qiye has such a strong strength, it is rare to be able to come to the world of the two-dimensional, and he needs to find a job casually, and then find an ordinary woman to marry, face a woman all his life, and look forward to it at the age of 30 For that pension pension, after seven nights of death, I don’t need to write down this book. No one reads it.

"Little guy, let's go, which world do you want to go to play?" The old man didn't mind Qiye's disrespect, and said with a smile.The so-called high place is not cold, even if he fits the heavenly way, Qiye is the only person who has not even the slightest respect for him after knowing his identity.

"Then...this world..." Qiye said with a look of embarrassment. Although he wanted to go to other worlds to subdue beautiful women, it was absolutely impossible for him to give up women in this world.

Qiye just considered putting them into the divine power space and then take them there, but Qiye immediately rejected this idea because it is not realistic at all. Entering another plane from one plane is more than just breaking through the barrier of space. It is a power that transcends the law. Qiye does not possess that power. That power, even Izanaki and Izanami, and the six saints do not have it. Only representatives can have this power. He who is preaching.

"The little guy is quite affectionate, so let's help you freeze this world. After you have played enough in other worlds, you can come back."

"Really?" Qiye said in surprise, and at the same time, he was shocked by the strength of the old man. Pokemon is no better than some domestically produced low-quality animations. The world of Pokemon is very complex and complete, unlike the wolf of the tram. Like the game, there are only a few scenes.

With Qiye’s current strength, even with the power of Diaruga’s time, it would freeze the time in one of the regions at most, and it could not freeze the time of the entire world for more than a week. This kind of thing is now Qiye Can't even think about it.

"Of course it's true, little guy, think about going to that world."

"Yeah." The old man said so, Qiye suddenly thought about which world he was going to.

Speaking of which, Qiye possesses Shulanyan, Samsara Eye and Mudan, all of which are in the world of Naruto. It stands to reason that we should go to the world of Hokage. However, Qiye does not want to go there for the time being. Apart from Pokemon, Hokage is her favorite It’s an anime, so Nanya plans to put Hokage at the end (haha, it’s changed to the comic...)

Except for Naruto and Pokemon, Nanya doesn't see many Japanese animes, mainly Dragon Ball and Digimon. As for Grim Reaper and Pirate, Nanya only stays at the level of knowing the protagonist's name.

The Dragon Ball was temporarily put aside by Qiye, that strength and the current strength of Qiye are completely two inevitable, and they will destroy the earth at any time, Qiye does not have that strength.

After much deliberation, Qiye decided to go to the Digimon world. First of all, Qiye’s strength is now a demigod, which is more in line with the strength of the Digimon world. Qiye has always been afraid of death, so he should not go to Dragon Ball or Saint Seiya. The kind of gods flying all over the sky are looking for death.

Moreover, there is one thing that Qiye wants to verify, and that is to take off the clothes of those beautiful female Digimon and see what it looks like inside. If it is female, then Qiye would be cool. There are many beauties in Digimon, holy celestial beast, Lilith beast, celestial beast, witch beast, flower beast, fairy beast, rose beast, wind-jet beast, Venus beast, Shaguya beast...beauties It can be said to be a group of groups.

"I've decided, I'm going to the Digimon world, and my identity will be a hell beast." Qiye said in spirit.

"Okay." The old man replied, and then a golden light in the void shot Qiye's body, and Qiye immediately lost consciousness.

Then, the golden light turned into a black hole in space, attracting Qiye’s body, and then the black hole gradually shrank and condensed into a dark golden ball the size of a ping-pong ball. Then, the ball exploded. , Without any destructive power, but with the power of supreme law.

The burst of light from the small ball enveloped the entire world, but no life could perceive this light with any sense organ.

The light quickly disappeared, and the world became different. The wind no longer blows, the birds no longer chir, and everything is straight, even if it’s heartbeat, breathing, metabolism, not just the movement of matter, Even the movement of all life has been static and stagnant.

The whole world has been frozen...

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-First Coming to the Digital World!

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