Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 125

When Qiye wakes up, there is a completely dark world around him. Everything here is full of strong sin, anger, greed, laziness, and jealousy. All the negative thoughts are in the air here, but Qiye does not Did not feel any discomfort, but enjoyed the breath here very much.

The current Qiye has nothing to do with the feminine and handsome face before. The two-meter-high tall figure and the slender muscles contain great power that can make the world tremble.

The purple mask covers the upper half of the face and head, only revealing three blood-red eyes, which is like an endless sea of ​​blood, full of killing and tyranny.

A tough black leather jacket highlights his incomparably powerful strength, and his pale skin reveals boundless indifference. It is the devil in charge of the sin and gluttony among the seven devil kings-the fallen hell beast!(From now on, the protagonist will be called the Fallen Hell Beast in the digital world)

The Fallen Hell Beast sits on a boulder, sorting out the memories in his mind. From the memories remaining in his head, the Fallen Hell Beast knows where he is and the general composition of the Digimon world.

In ancient times, when the Digimon World was just formed, a war broke out between human Digimon and Animal Digimon. Years of melee put the world on the brink of collapse and was dying.Digimons believe that the battle will last forever, until the destruction of the world.But at this moment, light and hope suddenly fell from the sky, and a growing Digimon appeared in the sky. He, known as the Hexaptera, quelled the war and guided the digital world to create a new level of civilization. era.

To the God-given Son who saved and sublimated the world, all Digimon call and worship him like "God". They believe that this peace will last forever. However, the "God" loved by Digimon is becoming the most important part of the Digimon world. After the ruler, he became more and more authoritarian. At the beginning, the digital world developed rapidly under his leadership. It can be said that the six-winged beast at this time is perfect in mind and body, but as time goes by, six The winged beast gradually became dictatorial, eventually turning from a merciful god to a terrible tyrant.His character became more and more irritable, and he began to abuse Digimon.Since then, the digital world has fallen into dire straits.

In the end, the contradiction had reached an unreconcilable stage, and war broke out between the legion headed by the seven demon kings and the legion headed by the three angels.

Because of the tyrannical strength of the seven demon kings, even if the three angels, the ultimate angel beast, the cherubim beast and the holy celestial beast, play at the same time, they can barely block the ultimate beast, Belfimon and Lilith beast. That's it.

On the side of the Justice Legion, excluding the three angels, the strongest is the Ten Fighters, the ten ancient ultimate Digimon, but they are a team, and they are easily blocked by the extremely powerful Hexaptera.

Since there is no master's pressure, the remaining fallen hell beasts, the Balubamon and the giant sea monster among the seven demon kings are almost as if they are in no one's realm. The ordinary Digimon are not their enemy at all.

When the war showed a one-sided trend, the appearance of the thirteen royal knights reversed the situation.

The Thirteen Royal Knights are thirteen powerful Paladin Digimon guarding Igudrasil. They all possess the ultimate strength of the ultimate body, and their strength is not below the three angels.

Fallen hell beasts, baruba beasts, and giant sea monsters are powerful, but facing 13 opponents equal to their own strength, it is still inevitable that they will be defeated by the thirteen royal knights. They are defeated by the thirteen royal knights. .

With the help of the thirteen royal knights, the three angels easily defeated the ultimate beast, Belfimon and Lilith beast. In the end, even the six-winged beast was sealed by the ten fighters at the cost of their lives. All the seven demon kings Was sealed in the dark zone, which is where the fallen hell beast is now.

Because the power of the seven demon kings is too strong, if they are sealed together, no matter how powerful the seal is, they will break through. However, there is no other place to seal these powerful demon kings except the dark area. Below, the ultimate angel beast, the head of the three angels, can only use his own life as a cost to perform a magical skill-the edict!Created a miracle, divided different locations in the dark area, and sealed the seven demon kings.

The giant beast of the sea is sealed in the dark sea, the beast of Lilith is in the forest of darkness, the beast of the fallen hell is in the dark plain, the beast of Baruba is in the dark abyss, the beast of Belfi is in the dark valley, the beast of the ultimate beast is in the dark grassland, and finally In one place, the dark city, it was not the Hexa-winged Beast that was sealed, but the Great Draku!

The Great Drakumon is the king of all vampire Digimon, and the ancestor of all vampire Digimon. Its strength is comparable to that of the Hexaphin among the Seven Great Demon Kings. At the same time, the voice of the Great Drakumon is charming. As a result, it is said that several of the angel-type Digimon he crusaded against have fallen to heaven.

The Great Draku beast built a huge castle in the ancient dark area. In the ancient times, countless dark coefficient babes went to the Great Draku beast and gathered in the dark city, which is the prototype of the current dark area.

As for the most powerful hexa-winged beast, it was sealed in the deepest part of the dark zone. It was an insurmountable place that even the Ultra Digimon didn't dare to approach easily. Because if you go there, you won’t be dead. Can come back.

Together with the Seven Demon Kings, there were also Digimon who supported the Seven Demon Kings in the battle that year. Numerous Digimon were sealed together with the Seven Demon Kings.

The dark area is respected by strength. Of course, the Seven Great Demon Kings and the Great Drakumon are the strongest. The Fallen Hell Beast is the sole overlord of the Dark Mangyuan. The remaining Digimon that did not obey his orders have been killed by the Fallen Hell Beast. Especially the few Digimon of the ultimate body, have become the food of the Glutton Devil Fallen Hell Beast.

Although Digimon have the ability to devour other Digimon materials to enhance their own strength, as the devil in charge of heinous gluttony, the devouring of the Fallen Hell Beast is naturally different from them.

First of all, the general dark coefficient code baby absolutely cannot swallow the data of the light coefficient code baby. Darkness and light are two completely contradictory powers. If the general dark coefficient code baby seeks to die and swallows the data of the light coefficient code baby, absolutely Blasted and died.

The Fallen Hell Beast does not have this problem. He can swallow any kind of information. As long as the strength is not too much stronger than him, he can also swallow it and turn it into his own even if it is the highest light Digimon like the Three Angels. The data, of course, is premised on defeating and killing the opponent first.

In the Dark Mangyuan, there is only one Digimon with the Ultimate Body of Fallen Hell Beast, and the other strongest ones are only some complete bodies.What makes the current Fallen Hell Beast care more about is the two complete female Digimon-the Monster Girl and the Lilac Beast.

However, the Fallen Hell Beast has no time to eat those two guys for the time being, because he still needs to master his own power and has no time to think about other things.

After transforming a body, the fallen hell beast can clearly feel the extremely powerful power beating in each of its own cells.In the past, although the strength and strength of his body were far more than normal, it was entirely due to the power of the fairy body. It would be hard to say in terms of fighting skills. After all, he has not received any professional training. .

Now, after becoming the Fallen Hell Beast, although he still has no training, he remains in the body of the Fallen Hell Beast. Every powerful battle continues to accumulate. Now his fighting skills are absolutely incomparably powerful.

The fallen hell beast is definitely a militant. He enjoys the pride and honor after defeating a powerful enemy. The fallen hell beast is disdainful to deal with weak enemies. This is why, in the dark and reckless plain, the ultimate body is dead. They were all gone, but they were still alive, because the fallen hell beasts didn't take them seriously.

Fortunately, even though he came to this world, the abilities of the Fallen Hell Beast also came to this world. The strength of the Fallen Hell Beast was already much stronger than itself.

All day long, the fallen hell beast sat motionless on the boulder, adapting to the new body and new power, just like a sitting Buddha.

The witch beast and the lilac beast looked at the fallen hell beast from a distance, with strange expressions in their eyes. They did not understand what the fallen hell beast would do after sitting all day, but they did not have the guts to ask the fallen hell beast, this The owner of the area is the Fallen Hell Beast. Who dares to offend the majesty of the Fallen Hell Beast, death is the only end. The previous few Ultra Digimon are the best examples. The two of them are just complete bodies. It’s not the perverted and complete body of the fallen form of the six-winged beast, and can have the courage to provoke the fallen hell lord, in the principle of doing less, making less mistakes and not doing good, both the witch beast and the lilac beast will hide far away, no To disturb the fallen hell beast.

Cultivating Wujiazi, the fallen hell beast is completely immersed in its own powerful power, unknowingly, seven days have passed...

Chapter 173-Breaking the Seal!

When the Fallen Hell Beast fully adapted to his power, it was already his seventh day in the Digimon world.

The dark area is full of extremely powerful dark energy. For the average Digimon, it may just be very accustomed to this environment, but for the Glutton Demon Fallen Hell Beast, his body can automatically swallow the dark energy in the air. It is nothing to increase his strength in one day or two days, but after many years, the fallen hell beast has been sealed in the dark area for many years. Even if it had not been replaced by Qiye, his strength would have surpassed the level of the year.

The corner of the fallen hell beast's mouth twitched, an extremely arrogant smile appeared on his face, then he raised his hand and snapped his fingers to the sky.


A huge red locomotive descended from the sky and landed exactly in front of the fallen hell beast. It was the exclusive locomotive of the fallen hell beast-Behemoth!

Seven nights straddled Behemoth, a throttle, rumbling!!!Behemoth's engine made a powerful roar, and the dust on the ground was also picked up by Behemoth's powerful horsepower.

To be precise, Behemoth is actually a Digimon, just like Grani, the mount of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, except that Behemoth is not equipped with Grani's powerful weapon, the Urgos mortar.

The fallen hell beast stroked Behemoth's body and smiled. He always thought that riding a motorcycle was very handsome, especially the motorcycle in Ghost Rider 1, but Qiye searched for a long time and couldn't find a suitable one. of.

Although Behemoth is not as handsome as the Ghost Rider's car, but the horsepower is absolutely strong. If Behemoth drives at the fastest speed, he will be hit by Behemoth directly in a second, even if it is. A fully body Digimon can be choked by touching it.

The fallen hell beast was placed on Behemoth's body, with a powerful purple-black light glowing in his hands, transforming Behemoth's body.

After all, the strength of the fallen hell beast is no longer what it used to be, how can Behemoth not be transformed to be stronger?

Fortunately, this is in the world of Digimon, and Behemoth itself is also a Digimon. It doesn't need to be beaten and beaten like in the real world, as long as there is strong power and enough information, you can change it whatever you want.

The fallen hell beast now has the strength of the ultimate body peak in this ordinary state, and it is easy to transform a Behemoth whose strength barely reaches the full body level.

A lot of gun barrels appeared on the front of Behemoth, and then they were put into the car. A huge muzzle like steel galuru appeared in front of the car, and then it was taken into the car. .Behemoth's wheels have also become larger, with a circle of spikes growing on each of the front and rear wheels, and the sharp spikes bite the ground.

The pedals under the fallen hell beast's feet became the same as his wings when he burst, glowing with pitch black light. On both sides of the rear wheel, three huge pitch black rocket thrusters grew on each side, six too huge. The propeller and Behemoth's body look exceptionally disproportionate, but they also appear to have a public beauty.

The fallen hell beast smiled faintly, Behemoth's power was increased by his own power, and he had reached the peak of full body, and he was only one step away from reaching the ultimate body level, but that kind of thing will be discussed later.

The fallen hell beast slammed on the gas pedal, and Behemoth shot out in an instant!

After the increase in strength, Behemoth has been greatly improved in both speed and acceleration, and has reached the maximum speed in less than five seconds, exceeding 10,000 kilometers per hour.

The inside and outside of Behemoth's body are made of hard superalloy, which is the kind of steel orangutan. The hardness is only inferior to that of Huanglongbeast's body. Huanglong mine is not afraid of this super speed. Wind pressure.

Although the body of the fallen hell beast is not covered with superalloy, his tempered body is even stronger than superalloy, and the wind pressure that has no effect on the complete Behemoth will affect the peak of the ultimate body. Where's the fallen hell beast?

The Fallen Hell Beast drove Behemoth, racing on the dark plains, the hurricane rang in the ears of the Fallen Hell Beast, and the scenery on both sides retreated quickly. He really enjoyed the thrill of speed racing.

According to the memory in his mind, the Fallen Hell Beast soon found the place where the Lilac Beast lived, a small flower field on the dark and wild plain.

Lilacmon is one of the few Digimon in the dark area that has not been affected by the power of darkness and has fallen. It still maintains an innocent and lovely character and likes to grow flowers. In a place like the dark area, she actually grows a small flower field by her.

But don’t think that Lilacmon is a soft nail. If that were the case, she would have died. Lilacmon is a complete Digimon just like the Monster Girl. Even if its strength is not much better than that of the Monster Girl, and the body is beautiful. The blades are highly poisonous, and even some Digimon of the ultimate body will be affected by that poison. Although the overall strength of the Monster Girl Beast is stronger, she does not dare to say that she will definitely defeat the Lilac Beast.

The fallen hell beast slammed on the brakes, and the sound of violent tire burning awakened the lilac beast who was concentrating on admiring the small flowers he had planted. The gust of wind from the tires scattered many small flowers on the ground.

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