Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 126

The lilac beast was angry and was about to ask who it was. After seeing the fallen hell beast, the anger in his eyes immediately turned into panic, and he immediately knelt down and said: "See the fallen hell beast king!" Although the lilac beast is innocent, but It doesn't mean that she is stupid. She doesn't want to die, so she has to succumb to the fallen hell beast. There is no great reason, just because the fallen hell beast is stronger and stronger than her!

Qiye secretly glanced at Lilac Beast with pink, flower-like clothes, green hair, cute big eyes, exquisite and small face, and although the chest was not big, it was exceptionally strong, a very cute little girl.(Although Lilac Beast should be tens of thousands of years old)

Qiye was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said directly: "Get in the car."

"Hey?" Lilac Beast didn't understand what the Fallen Hell Beast meant, tilted his head, and looked at the Fallen Hell Beast suspiciously.

Qiye was too lazy to talk nonsense with Dingxiang Beast, stretched out his hand, directly pulled Dingxiang Beast to the car, and then kicked the accelerator and left!

The fallen hell beast riding Behemoth galloped across the vast dark plains, holding a flower-like little beauty in his arms, his heart was particularly proud.

Lilac Beast was sitting on the locomotive of Fallen Hell Beast, and soon felt unwell.The strength of the Lilac Beast is not as good as the Fallen Hell Beast, and the defensive power of its delicate body is definitely not as good as that of Behemoth’s body composed entirely of superalloy. Below Behemoth’s limit speed, the Lilac Beast can’t stand the wind pressure. The body naturally shrank into the arms of the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the Lilac Beast in his arms, then let go of one hand, and turned into a hand to control the direction. The other hand pressed the back of the Lilac Beast's head, making her close to her. Arms.

Lilac Beast only felt that he was thrown into a very solid embrace, and the impact of wind pressure on him was also much smaller. A small heart of Lilac Beast suddenly began to beat quickly, and the affectionate little white Lilac Beast did not Knowing what this heartbeat represents, only knowing that I can't calm down at all.

The fallen hell beast didn't think about it so much, driving Behemoth to speed on the wild plains.Although the Dark Mangyuan is huge, Behemoth's speed is also very fast. In less than two minutes, the fallen hell beast found the witch beast.

After pulling the witch beast on its locomotive, the fallen hell beast once again launched Behemoth and rushed towards the distance.

Behind is a sexy girl with a hot body, holding a pure and cute little fairy in her arms, the feeling of a fallen hell beast is just one word-cool!

Soon, the Fallen Hell Beast came to the main goal of this time-the sealed land!

The Sealed Land is the place where the dark area connects to the Digimon world, but it was sealed by the Ultimate Angel Beast at the cost of its life. Up to now, no Digimon can break through this seal.

Seeing the colorful brilliance shrouded in the enchantment that is full of sacred aura, the fallen hell beast frowned. After all, he is now one of the seven demon kings representing darkness, and he really hates the power of light.

Lilac Beast didn’t think much, but Yaonv Beast looked a little ugly. After all, she was a female Fallen Angel Digimon, and she was very repulsive to the power of light, and her strength was far inferior to the Fallen Hell Beast, facing the ultimate angel beast with life The seal placed by the monster girl was really unbearable.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled. Although this seal was exaggeratedly strong, it was not impossible to break it with his soaring strength.Although the life force of the ultimate angel beast is strong, it is scattered across the seven seals, no matter how strong it is, it will be weakened, so the fallen hell beast can crack it. If it is the full power of the ultimate angel beast, the fallen hell beast said It may be coming out of burst form.

The Fallen Hell Beast did not get out of the car, but sat in the car, raised his right hand, and a huge positron cannon appeared on his right hand.

The fallen hell beast wields a huge positron cannon, depicting a mysterious and powerful six-pointed star magic array in front of its body, the fallen hell beast continuously pulls the trigger, and emits energy pillars from the positron cannon into the six-pointed magic array .The magic circle turned red because of a large amount of energy.

When the fallen hell beast pulled the trigger for the ninth time, the energy accumulated by the magic circle reached its limit, and the fallen hell beast roared: "Muddy flame blow!!!"

An extremely huge golden energy pillar was emitted from the magic circle and flew towards the rainbow-colored seal.

When the Muddy Flame Strike collided with the seal, the Fallen Hell Beast immediately shouted: "Behemoth! Charge me!!" At the same time, turning around, the Positron cannon fired a death shot, easily killing those feelings. The Digimon who came here because of energy fluctuations, the Fallen Hell beasts were not so kind, and brought them back to the Digimon world. He didn't plan to bring anyone except two beauties.

Behemoth’s six rocket thrusters simultaneously spewed high-temperature and high-pressure flames, coupled with the counter-impact force of the fallen hell beast’s death shot, Behemoth suddenly rushed into the gorgeous light...

Chapter One Hundred Seventy Four-The Devil Comes!

The Fallen Hell Beast relied on its nirvana, the turbid flame strike, to break the skill, and it just broke a big hole in the seal set by the ultimate angel beast, and then relied on the ultimate speed that Behemoth burst out instantly. Rush through the big hole before closing.

In the turbulence of time and space, the fallen hell beasts tightly grasped the witch beast and the lilac beast. With their strength, if they were blown into the turbulence, it would be a strange thing to be immortal. The fallen hell beast would have no time to create The village waited for them to rebirth and then slowly evolve.

Wicked Beast and Lilac Beast also felt the danger, and subconsciously grasped the people around them, that is, the Fallen Hell Beast, the four Digimon left the dark area and rushed towards the Digimon World.

Fayilu Island, the place where the Digimon World originated, a quiet and peaceful island, everything is the same as before, but today, on this small island, something that will surpass the fate of the digital world and the human world is about to happen. .


The originally calm and blue sky suddenly turned dark and gloomy. A huge black vortex suddenly appeared in the sky. The vortex was full of twisted and powerful energy. The nearby Digimon looked at the black vortex in horror!

There are no very powerful Digimons on Fayilu Island. A mere evil demon can dominate here, which shows how weak the Digimon here is.

Although the evil beast absorbed countless dark gears, it turned into a huge evil beast whose power was close to the full body, but it was also close to the full body, and it was not even a small shrimp.

In the whirlpool, the space was extremely distorted, and endless dark power poured out from the whirlpool, and fierce thunder and lightning raged wildly, destroying everything on Fayilu Island.

The Fallen Hell Beast rides Behemoth and pulls the two beauties of the Monster Girl Beast and the Lilac Beast, breaking through the seal left by the Holy Angel Beast, and finally arrived in the Digimon world.


Four Digimons fell on the ground, the ground cracked, and the fallen hell beasts recovered first. The three red eyes looked at the surrounding environment. The beautiful and colorful forests, ground, sky, and ocean were not like dark areas. , In addition to black or black.

"Hahahahaha...I am back! The fallen hell beast is back!!!" The fallen hell beast raised his head high and let out an extremely excited roar to the sky. Although for him, it was actually only seven days in the dark area, but it remained. The consciousness in this body is extremely excited, sealed in the darkness for tens of thousands of years, the endless darkness, the fallen hell beast has long felt endless bored, boring, and now finally returned to the Digimon world, fallen to the hell The beast felt endless excitement from the depths of its soul.

Soon, Yaonv Beast and Lilac Beast also recovered from the discomfort of traveling through the turbulence of time and space. Looking at the colorful scenes around them, their eyes and hearts were full of excitement.

In the dark area, from the powerful hexa-winged beast, down to the small evil beasts and the like, they all hope to be able to lift the seal and return to the Digimon world. In the dark area, the monster girl and the lilac beast are just two very common ones. They only use Digimon, and their strength is not ranked in the dark zone. How can they be immune?

The demon beast is more mature than the lilac beast. After a brief excitement, she immediately reacted. She got down from Behemoth, knelt on one knee in front of the fallen hell beast, lowered her head, and said respectfully: "Congratulations to the fallen heaven. Hell Beast King!" The Witch Girl Beast is just like her name, she is definitely a Witch Girl, her character is sinister and vicious, mean and cunning, and she knows the way of flattery.

After hearing the words of the monster girl, Lilac immediately got down from Behemoth and also knelt in front of the fallen hell beast. Although she didn't like this very much, it was due to the boundless strength of the fallen hell beast. The beast also had to give in.

The fallen hell beast evilly looked at the two beautiful Digimon kneeling in front of him, stretched out his index and middle fingers, and pressed them on his forehead. A faint purple-black light appeared on the fingers, and then he stretched his fingers. On the foreheads of Yaonv Beast and Lilac Beast.

The bodies of Yaonv Beast and Lilac Beast shook, and only felt that a force that could easily destroy them penetrated their bodies, but fortunately, the powerful force did not destroy their data, but flooded them. The huge increase in strength of the body and the power almost made Yaonv Beast and Lilac Beast almost shout out in excitement.

When the huge power gradually calmed down, Yaonv Beast and Lilac Beast felt that there was something on their foreheads, and they couldn't help but reached out and touched it. It was a small purple dot.

The fallen hell beast looked at the movements of the two women and said coldly: "That is the engraving of this king. From today on, you are the servants of this king, and that engraving is the mark of this king. You can use this king percent. Thirty strength." The Fallen Hell Beast is one of the seven demon kings, and there is nothing wrong with claiming to be the king.

After hearing this, the witch beast and the lilac beast were happy. Although they are strong in their complete body, they are far away from the fallen hell beast at the peak of the ultimate body. Strength, even with only 30% strength, can barely reach the ultimate body level.

But in the next moment, a word from the Fallen Hell Beast directly knocked them into hell.

"Engraving can give you strength, and it can also kill you, just like this." The Fallen Hell Beast shook hands gently.

"Ah!!!" Yaonv Beast and Ding Xiang Beast screamed, and immediately fell to the ground, their bodies trembling, and their complexions were extremely distorted and painful. For Digimon, the most important thing is the core data. If the core data is If it is destroyed, not only will it die, but it will also be impossible to go to the founding village to be reborn.

Generally speaking, even if a Digimon is killed and absorbed, the core data will not be absorbed, but will go to the founding village to be reborn, but there are exceptions for some Digimon-the Seven Devil Kings!

When Digimon is ruined by the Digimon named as the Seven Great Demon Kings, their data will not be reincarnated, but sent to the center of the dark area and turned into the flesh and blood of the Demon Kings.

The Fallen Hell Beast has the ability to swallow core data in its talent, so while he branded the engravings on the Monster Girl Beast and Lilac Beast, he also grasped their core data. Once betrayed, the Fallen Hell Beast only needs to squeeze his hand. Kill them, and they will never be resurrected.

Of course, the Fallen Hell Beast did not kill the Demon Girl Beast and the Lilac Beast, but tortured them a bit, and then said: "You must be clear that your current core information is in my hands. If you dare to betray me, you should know What will happen to it."

Lilac Beast tremblingly lay on the ground, the original pink cheeks became pale and bloodless, and the pain of almost collapsing the core data is definitely a great torture for the Digimon.

Yaonv Beast also trembled all over, the pain she felt was even greater than that of Lilac Beast.In fact, what the Fallen Hell Beast said just now was mainly about the Wicked Girl Beast. The Lilac Beast is kind and simple. Although the Fallen Duck Beast has not fully assured her, it is not as suspicious as the Wicked Girl Beast. It is just like the Wicked Girl Beast. Cunning personality, if the Fallen Hell Beast had an accident one day, she would definitely run faster than anyone else. If she didn't take her life in her hands, the Fallen Hell Beast would be really not at ease.

"My demon female beast will definitely not betray the fallen hell beast king!"

"My lilac beast will definitely not betray the fallen hell beast king!"

The two women expressed their heartfelt hearts together, the Fallen Hell Beast smiled, and said inexplicably, "Really, that's great~~~"

Chapter 175-Fierce Battle!Cherub than the beast!

After controlling the Monster Girl Beast and Lilac Beast, Fallen Heaven Hell Beast did not rush to do anything, but pulled out his shotgun eggplant, did not know where to take out a piece of cloth, and wiped his favorite gun over and over again. .

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