Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Blight of Travel Chapter 127

Although Yaonv Beast and Lilac Beast were very puzzled, they didn't dare to question Fallen Hell Beast, and could only stay where they were.

Ten minutes later, the monster girl suddenly stood up and looked at a Digimon filled with sacred light that appeared on the horizon with horror.

Lilac Beast feels a bit worse than that of the Beast Girl. After seeing the movements of the Beast Girl, he looked towards the sky, only seeing a sacred power that shocked her.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "It's finally here." Then he stood up, holding the shotgun in his hand, and said to the monster girl and the lilac beast: "You stay away, this is not what you can do. Participate in the battle."

The Monster Girl Beast and Ding Xiang Beast nodded. Although they got the imprint of the Fallen Hell Beast, their power is infinitely close to the Ultimate Body, but this one is obviously a real Ultimate Digimon, and the level is not low. At least they have the strength of the final stage of the Ultimate Body, not to mention the fact that they still carry such a powerful sacred power, but is it a battle they can participate in now.

After the witch beast and the lilac beast sat on Behemoth and left the ring, the fallen hell beast was also relieved. The witch beast and the lilac beast are his predestined women. If one is accidentally killed, where will he cry? Go, although he can bring them back to life, but who can live wants to find death, and for fallen hell beasts, resurrecting a Digimon is more troublesome than resurrecting humans.

Because this is a world formed based on the Digimon animation. Although the protagonist is a human, the main luck of this world is still concentrated on the Digimon. It can be said that among humans, except for a few protagonists, all luck It is very low. A passerby on the street may not have as much luck as a juvenile Digimon. The higher the luck, the higher the energy consumed to resurrect.

The one with the highest luck is naturally the Fallen Hell Beast, after all, he is the protagonist now, and then the selected children and their Digimon, then the main bosses, and the selected ones. The children's family.Another point is that the strength of the Digimon also affects Qi luck. For example, the Qi luck of the Ultimate Angel Beast is very strong. If the Fallen Hell Beast wants to resurrect him, it will consume a lot of energy.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the Digimon that was getting closer, and said helplessly: I waited for a rabbit for so long, but the beauty didn't come.

The Digimon that appeared on the horizon was the wise angel Kirubi beast among the three angels. The Fallen Hell Beast thought that the Holy Celestial Beast would also come, so I just took the opportunity to see this most beautiful angel-shaped Digimon first. I thought of waiting for a rabbit after waiting for a long time.

Almost the entire Digimon world can feel such a big thing as the Demon King was born. Perhaps most Digimon don’t know what that powerful energy fluctuation means, but it’s impossible for Kirubiju, who is an angel of wisdom, to know. After all, he was one of the leaders of that battle back then. Such a powerful dark wave must mean that the Dark Demon King was born. Such a big event made Kirubi Beast have to come and see in person.

And the holy celestial beast is helping the four holy beasts to seal a thing that determines the future of the Digimon world, and can't go away at all, so only Jilubiju is coming.

When seeing that it was only the Fallen Hell Beast that broke through the seal, Kirubi Beast could not help but heaved a sigh of relief. When the war, the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast ranked second among the seven demon kings, and Lilith was next. beast.

The strength of the Kirubi beast is comparable to that of Belfimon, the fourth-ranked beast among the seven demon kings. It is stronger than the fallen hell beast of the year. So when the Kirubi beast saw the fallen hell beast, he was a little surprised. The hell beast can break through the seal of the ultimate angel beast, but he is not too worried, and it is precisely because of his underestimation that he is doomed to defeat the Kirubi beast today.

"It's been a long time since I saw it, Kirubi beast." The Fallen Hell Beast leaned under a big tree with a shotgun in his hand and said casually with an indifferent smile on his face.

Kirubi beast looked at the fallen hell beast and said, "Yes, it's been a long time since I saw the fallen hell beast. I didn't expect you to be the first to break through the seal." To be honest, the Kirubi beast really didn't expect it. The first one to break through the seal will be the Fallen Hell Beast, originally he thought it would be the Giant Monster of the Sea or the Ultimate Beast.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it, and I didn't expect you to face me alone." The Fallen Hell Beast said casually, sounding like a sarcasm that Kirubi is overpowered (though it is true), but In fact, the fallen hell beast is still depressed, why the holy female beast has not come.

"Yes..." Just as Kirubimon said a word, "Ma" was still in his mouth when he was interrupted by the Fallen Hell Beast.

"Death Shot!!" The Fallen Hell Beast pulled the trigger, and two powerful bullets flew towards the Kirubi Beast. These two bullets were not as big as his eyes compared to the size of the Kirubi Beast. But the power is definitely not to be underestimated, and it is only a matter of seconds to fully understand this trick.

Although Jilubimon is huge, its speed is not slow at all. It dodges sideways, avoiding the death shot of the fallen hell beast, and then a lightning spear appeared in his hand, throwing at the fallen hell beast: "Lightning Spear!!!"

The speed of lightning is extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it has appeared in front of the fallen hell beast. A fierce touch appeared in the three eyes of the fallen hell beast. He threw his two-handed shotgun into the air, and then his hands were concentrated with powerful dark energy. , Waved his hands forward and shouted: "Dark cross cut!!"

The hands of the fallen hell beast drew a purple-black cross and hit the lightning spear. The two tricks collided in the air, and then exploded, huge energy spreading out.

Although the Monster Girl Beast and the Lilac Monster are hundreds of meters away from the battlefield, the huge energy that spreads out in the battle of the Digimon at the pinnacle of the two ultimate bodies still shocked the Monster Girl Monster and the Lilac Monster. Those two are casual A single move can put them in peace.


The fallen hell beast caught the falling shotgun and fired four more rounds.

The hand of the Kirubi beast was full of powerful light power. With a wave of his hand, he shot four bullets into the air, and then rushed towards the fallen hell beast with the lightning spear in his hand.

The fallen hell beast flew back, and at the same time the two-handed shotgun fired continuously, and countless bullets blocked the movement of the Kirubi beast.In his current state, he can exert the strength of the ultimate post-peak of the ultimate body. Although it is to stabilize the Ji Lu than the Beast, but it is not to the point of completely despising the Ji Lu than the Beast, if the Ji Lu than the beast is desperate. , Fallen Hell Beasts are also not comfortable.

Of course, if the Fallen Hell Beast uses the burst form, then the strength will reach the super research level body level, and it will definitely be able to easily defeat the Kirubi Beast, but that would be meaningless.

The gigantic palm of Jilubiju keenly waved the lightning spear in his hand, blocking the oncoming bullets one by one, and the speed did not slow down and kill.

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, he was still pinched as a soft persimmon, right?The power under his feet exploded, the speed skyrocketed again, and the distance from Jilubiju was instantly opened.The best thing about the Fallen Hell Beast is its speed and strength. His slender and strong body, his wheel flexibility and speed have to beat the gigantic body of the Jilubi beast.

Seeing that he could not catch up, Kirubi beast decisively threw the lightning spear in his hand at the fallen hell beast.


The fallen hell beast crossed the two shotguns in front of him, blocked the lightning spear, and then retracted the shotgun into his gun pocket, his hands once again condensed the dark power, and rushed towards the Kirubi beast .

Jilubi Beast did not flinch, his hands condensed the power of light to meet the fallen hell beast.


A small black fist and a big white fist were constantly colliding in the air. Every collision between light and darkness spread out an extremely powerful wave of energy, causing the entire Digimon world to tremble.

Fallen hell beasts and Kirubi beasts continue to fight with their fists, but it feels not good at all. The power of light has a strong power against darkness. As the fallen hell beasts are now the seven demon kings, they really hate light power. To the extreme.

But the cherub is not much better than the beast. The light and the darkness are two sides of the same body. The light restrains the darkness, and the darkness restrains the light in turn, but the manifestations are different.

The light can disperse the darkness, so the unique tricks of the light type have great destructive power for the Digimon of the dark type.Darkness can swallow the light, so although the Digimon of the light system is more powerful than the Digimon of the same level, it is easy to fall into the darkness.The most extreme good is the most easily contaminated with evil.

The Fallen Hell Beast is definitely not a normal dark coefficient code baby. It is the ultimate Demon King Digimon at the apex of darkness. At the same level, the Demon God type is better than the Demon King type, and the Demon King type is better than the Demon type, such as six wings. The beast Satan form is stronger than the fallen hell beast, and the fallen hell beast is stronger than the clown king.

If it’s a normal Dark Coefficient Baby, let alone fighting against the Kirubi Beast, some of the weaker Dark Coefficient Baby, even seeing the sacred light on the Kirubi Beast will disappear directly, not at all. May invade the sacred heart of the cherubim.

But when the fallen hell beast attacked, it directly infiltrated the Kirubi beast with the dark power of incomparable sin, and invaded his sacred heart, causing the Kirubi beast to disperse a share of its power. Get rid of the dark power in your body.

I have to say that the two enemies sometimes have a strange tacit understanding. After the Fallen Hell Beast and the Kirubi Beast punched again, both of them retreated tacitly and moved a little apart from each other.

Neither of them can stand this kind of attack. The Fallen Hell Beast and the Kirubi Beast are very powerful and have sufficient physical strength. However, the hand-to-hand combat is very small in terms of consumption and damage to each other. If this fight continues, they will hit Three days and three nights can't tell the outcome.

Jilu raised his hands higher than the beast, powerful thunder and lightning gathered in the sky, dark clouds rolled, golden snakes danced wildly, dense and powerful lightning boiled and jumped in the dark clouds!

The fallen hell beast also retracted the shotgun, and held the huge positron cannon in his right hand. At the muzzle, a high-pressure energy ball shining with purple-red light was gathered. The three scarlet eyes were crazy and indifferent. What burns is fiery fighting intent and cold killing intent.

It is said in one word-war!!!!

Chapter 176-Devouring Cherubim!!

Outside the battle circle, the monster girl and the lilac beast looked at the violent thundercloud in the sky with horror. Even so far away, they could still feel the powerful pressure contained in the thundercloud. If they were like this Under the attack, I am afraid that the strength to stand is also gone.

The Fallen Hell Beast held a positron cannon in its hand, proudly raised its head and looked at the thundercloud that looked like a punishment, afraid?The Fallen Hell Beast has never had that excess emotion. He likes opponents. The stronger the opponent, the more he can satisfy the endless fighting desire engraved in the Fallen Hell Beast soul.

Jilu than the beast held his hands high, and powerful power was continuously injected into the sky. The lightning in the sky continued to accumulate, and there was already a faint uncontrolled situation.

Jilubiju looked up at the lightning that almost ran away in the sky. Now it is the limit of his control ability. If he continues to infuse his strength, it will be difficult for Jilubiju to control the range of attack. At that time, nearby digital The baby can't bear this trick of his. This is something the kind-hearted Kirubi beast would never want to see.

The fallen hell beast raised his right hand and drew a magic circle in front of him with a positron cannon, but it was not the previous six-pointed star magic circle, it was stronger than that, it was the seven-pointed star magic circle!

The number 7 has always been a very mysterious and powerful number (not 32) in the West, such as the seven-pointed star and the seven demon kings of hell.

The strength of the magic circle depends on its complexity and the accuracy of the painting. The more accurate the painting, the less energy will be consumed when flowing in the magic circle, and the more complex it is, the more energy will flow. Is able to get bonuses.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to draw a seven-pointed star by hand. Even with professional drawing tools, it is difficult to draw an accurate seven-pointed star. Moreover, once the seven-pointed star magic array is used, it will cause accidents. Unimaginable consequences, so there are very few records of seven-pointed stars in history.

The fallen hell beast seemed to have an innate instinct, just raised his hand, waved it a few times at random, and drew a perfect seven-pointed star magic array.

"True Muddy Flame Strike!!!"

Accompanied by the roar of the fallen hell beast, extremely huge energy was injected into the seven-pointed star magic circle, and the energy became stronger through the blessing of the magic circle.

At the same time, the thunderclouds in the sky have also reached their limit, and no more power can be input, otherwise they will run away.

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