Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 132

The fallen hell beast left a coquettish back and mad laughter, leaving behind a group of children with fear in their eyes, standing still.

Chapter 181-The next step!

After the fallen hell beasts and they left, it was long after the selected children reacted, looked at each other, and immediately decided to leave this dangerous place. After all, they didn’t know if the fallen hell beast and the witch girl would suddenly break. Come back and kill them.

Obviously they are worrying too much. The fallen hell beasts will not kill them, at least for the time being, they will even protect them, especially the two girls, Sona and Mimi, and stay in the human world. Iori, the Fallen Hell Beasts will not allow them to die. After all, they are the women that the Fallen Hell Beasts have already decided. As for Wu Jia (A Wu and Jia Er) and He Su (A He and Suna) Just die.

The fallen hell beast did not leave, but rode on Behemoth, with the enchantress beast and the lilac beast, and followed far behind the selected children.

With the acquiescence of the Fallen Hell Beast, the Yaonv Beast took off her pants, and then sat on the thigh of the Fallen Hell Beast and moved automatically.

While enjoying the service of the witch beast, the fallen hell beast yelled at the bodies of the two little loli, Meimei and Suna, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a very evil arc.

"Isn't it strange why I care about these little ghosts so much?" The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the springy face of the Demon Girl Beast and smiled faintly.

The monster girl looked at the Fallen Hell Beast coquettishly, but the movement still did not stop, her body leaned back slightly, her tall and beautiful body completely leaning against the strong body of the Fallen Hell Beast, her pale lips vomiting fragrance, said: "Before It's very strange, now I understand."

"Oh, tell me?" The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the Demon Girl Beast with interest.

"The Fallen Hell Beast King has taken a fancy to those two human little girls, right." The Witch Girl Beast said coquettishly. Although her tone was full of charm, she still had a touch of sourness. She was jealous and ate two. The little girl's jealous.

"Yes." The Fallen Hell Beast simply admitted it locally. Anyway, no one would believe that he was a good man if he took out the name of the Seven Demon Kings. Anyway, he never planned to be a good person. Long life, scourge left for thousands of years, being a bad person is refreshing and exciting, so why bother to be a good person?

Yaonv Beast's small mouth pouted slightly, but immediately concealed her jealousy.Yao Nv Beast is a very clever woman. She knows her identity and is not qualified to over-demand the Fallen Hell Beast or something. Therefore, even if she feels unhappy in her heart, she cannot speak out about this matter.

The witch beast glared, her eyes became more soft and watery, and then she clamped a pair of slender legs. Taoyuan also tightened the dragon of the fallen hell beast even more because of this action. The beast turned her head and gave it to the fallen hell beast. A winking eye full of alluring, and then centered on the dragon of the fallen hell beast, the plump snow buttocks around the giant dragon of the fallen hell beast began to make a circular motion.

The eyes of the fallen hell beast were slightly pale, it was an expression of extreme enjoyment. I couldn't help but patted it on the snowy buttocks of the witch beast, and said, "You goblin, when did you learn this trick?"

The demon beast looked at the fallen hell beast coquettishly, and said: "After the family and the king did the first time, there was a lot of information in their heads, and then they learned~~"

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, the Wicked Girl Beast is really a born fairy, and this kind of thing has inheritance, and then he squeezed it hard on the Saintess Peak of the Wicked Girl Beast, and said: "Since you have learned it a long time ago, why don't you go early? Used to serve me?"

As soon as the witch beast heard it, she immediately put on a pitiful expression and squashed her mouth and said: "People are afraid that after all the postures are used up, the fallen hell beast king will be annoying and don't want them."

The Fallen Hell Beast rolled his eyes, but he liked the Monster Girl Beast even more.Men are all greedy for freshness. The witch beast knows this well, so she deliberately serves the fallen hell beast with a new posture, so that the fallen hell beast has always maintained a high degree of freshness in his body. I will love myself even more, I have to say that the monster girl is very good at grasping the mind of a man.

Even so, the Fallen Hell Beast still stretched out his hand, squeezed the chin of the Demon Girl Beast, and said: "You are so ugly to pretend to be pitiful." Think of the sexy and hot body of the Demon Girl Beast and the exposed black leather clothes. And the big, weird eyes that are completely scarlet, can't distinguish between the whites of the eyes and the pupils, it's weird to pretend to be pitiful.

The demon beast was also taken aback, and then returned to her normal coquettish smile again, and said diligently, "Is it okay that people will always be like this in the future?"

The fallen hell beast pinched the nose of the demon girl beast, and said: "You damn fairy, you are really crazy for me."

After the demon beast listened to it, the eyes of the devil revealed a hint of joy in her heart, saying: "People just want to fascinate the king and be fascinated for a lifetime!" Then, she worked harder to serve the fallen hell beast.


In the evening, the witch beast and the lilac beast leaned on the arms of the fallen hell beast, looking at the group of selected children under the cliff.

The demon girl suddenly said: "Lord Fallen Hell Beast, do you want me to grab those two little girls?" The thought of the Demon Girl Beast is: Since there is no way to prevent the Lord Fallen Hell Beast from getting those two girls, then just show it. Be good, let the king like me more.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled and said, "It's not necessary, I haven't played enough." If he just wants to get the bodies of Meimei and Sona, he can do it before. Eight of them grow up, even if they all blew up. It is impossible to cause any harm to him, but the Fallen Hell Beast did not do that.

For one thing, the fallen hell beast does not want to destroy the plot. If the fallen hell beast breaks the plot, it will lose a lot of fun, and the fallen hell beast does not want to destroy the plot. There is another very important reason, that is, because of flowers. Fairy beast.

If there is no plot, and the selected children have not become stronger a little bit, how can the Balu beast evolve into the Flower Fairy?He wants human beings and Digimon too, as long as it is beautiful and non-human, he wants it!

The fallen hell beast lowered his head and smelled the fresher and more pleasant scent on the green hair of the clove beast, and said: "The body of the clove beast is really getting more and more fragrant." With the increase in strength, the change of the clove beast Mainly manifested in the body fragrance, the fragrance is more attractive, and the body fragrance of Lilacmon has a hypnotic effect, even if it is a complete Digimon, it is easy to get caught without paying attention.

The Lilac Beast is very shy, but also very sweet. The Lilac Beast, who has never had a relationship between men and women, is now all focused on the Fallen Hell Beast. Although the Fallen Hell Beast is cold and ruthless, it treats her and the Wicked Beast too. Will show a gentle side, that occasional evil smile, so that Lilac Beast is intoxicated.

When the fallen hell beasts and the three of them were tender and sweet, the selected children encountered a crisis again.

The place where the children camp is called Longyan Lake, which is the site of the sea dragon beast.The bonfire in the children’s camp, and the burning charcoal exploded from the bonfire, awakened the sleeping sea dragon beast.

The sea dragon beast was originally a violent Digimon. After being angered, he attacked the children directly. In the water, the sea dragon beast dominated the home court. In the end, it was Ahe’s Gabumon who evolved into a Garu in an emergency. Lu Beast, only then defeated the Sea Dragon Beast.

After watching this scene, the Fallen Hell Beast left silently with the Demon Girl Beast and Lilac Beast, but he was thinking about what to do next.

The plot of Fayilu Island has to last for a long time. He wants to occupy Meimei and Suna. At least he has to wait for them to find the evolution key and badge. Otherwise, the flower fairy will be gone. In line with the idea of ​​the Fallen Hell Beast, during this period of time, the Fallen Hell Beast really didn't want to waste time on Faluyi Island.

Although the balance of the Digimon world is gradually distorted, the power of the Bright faction still cannot be underestimated. After all, after the war that year, most of the dark Digimon were sealed in the dark zone and never saw the sky.

And the light faction, although the strongest ultimate angel beast lost his life in order to seal the seven demon kings, the wise angel Kirubi beast was also killed by the fallen hell beast not long ago, and now there is only one three. The weakest holy female beast among the archangels, but the Bright faction is not only three angels.

In addition to the sacred celestial beast, there are four sacred beasts, the red bird beast, the basalt beast, the white tiger beast and the blue dragon beast. Although the four Digimon are slightly weaker than the sacred celestial beast, they also have the strength of the ultimate body. Above the general ultimate body, even the current monster girl, facing one of them, at best only has the strength to save his life.

In addition to the sacred celestial beasts and the four sacred beasts on the bright side, there are some powerful ultimate bodies in the Digimon world, such as the Dark Four Heavenly Kings, but now the power of light is still relatively strong, and the skewness of the Digimon world is not enough. Seriously, coupled with the existence of powerful Digimon such as the Holy Celestial Beast and the Four Holy Beasts, they dare not make much movement.

If the Dark Digimon with the intensity of the Four Darkness Kings appears, the Holy Celestial Beast may directly shoot. At that time, it will be an endless scene, but if the weak dark power like the evil beast, the Holy Celestial Beast does not have it. Time to consider, instead gave the evil beast a chance to develop, but it was limited to the scope of Fayilu Island.

In addition to the opposing light and darkness, there are also some small forces that are caught in the middle, belonging to the neutral faction. Just like the time of the war, there are also some Digimon who do not join the light or the darkness, just to protect themselves.

Among these neutral factions, the most powerful are the Infinite City, where the Ultra Digimon is seated, the Thousand Fox Grassland, the Magic Forest and the Polar Icefield. These places have Ultra Digimon.The infinite city is the ruling beast, the sand ancient tooth beast of the Thousand Fox Grassland, the rose beast of the magic forest and the Viking beast of the polar ice field.

But these fallen hell beasts are not particularly clear, he just knows that there are some neutral Digimon, but he doesn't know where they are.

The Fallen Hell Beast quickly searched for information in his brain. Soon the Fallen Hell Beast found his goal, smiled coldly, took the Beast and Lilac Beast, mounted Behemoth, and galloped away.

Behind it is the original plot, because it was written and written that it was boring to let the super-ultimate fallen hell beasts in the mature stage on Fayilu Island.

Chapter 182-Digimon Encyclopedia is available!

The target of the Fallen Hell Beast was the Flame Village, because he remembered that there was a Bogao Beast in the Flame Village, and Bogao Beast had a Digimon Encyclopedia handed down by his grandfather, Alchemy Beast, which might record the neutral Digimon. Where is the gathering place so that the Fallen Hell Beast does not need to spend too much time searching.

Although Flame Village is not on Fayilu Island, it is not far from Fayilu Island, so some Digimon know about it, but because there is a sea between the two islands, most of the digital on Fayilu Island Baby can't make it through.(I’m too lazy to watch it again, just set it up)

Because on Fayilu Island, Digimon's strength is generally not strong, if you want to cross the sea during the growth period, unless it is like a Gomamon, it is a Digimon in the water itself and can swim through it.For example, the Gugamon may have to pass the mature period, but if you can't fly or swim, it's difficult to cross the sea even in the mature period.

The fallen hell beasts don’t have to be so troublesome to cross the sea. Although there are three people sitting on Behemoth’s back, it doesn’t affect his powerful speed at all. Behemoth’s speed is one of the best even in the ultimate body, and it can be used at all. Drive over before sinking into the water.

Driving a motorcycle, Mercedes-Benz on the water, accompanied by two beautiful women in the car, watching the water surface is divided in half by the powerful horsepower, splashing around me, and cold water drops on my face. On, that feeling is absolutely refreshing.

It’s the first time that Yaonv Beast and Lilac Beast have seen this kind of scene, especially Clove Beast, they are even more excited, and they playfully use their hands to wave the blue and cold water, with innocent and lovely expressions on their faces, no one can think of her. It is a Digimon that has existed tens of thousands of years ago.

Fayilu Island is not far from Flame Village, and under Behemoth’s highway, it has arrived on land within a few minutes.

The island is very small, much smaller than Fayilu Island. There is only one village on the island, the Flame Village, and there is no need to look for the fallen hell beasts.

The fallen hell beast didn’t look at the village. He held a black-red lightning spear in his hand and shouted: "Lightning spear!!" It is the lightning spear that Kirubi beast is good at. The red and black lightning is long. The spear is stronger and more violent than the foundation.

The gluttony of the Fallen Hell Beast is more than simply devouring the data. The Fallen Hell Beast can also use the tricks of the Digimon that he swallows, not just the tricks of the Kirubi Beast that he swallows, even the Beast Girl and Lilac. The beast, because he had a relationship with the fallen hell beast, was absorbed by the power of the virgin yin, so the fallen hell beast can also use their tricks, and with the powerful strength of the fallen hell beast, its power is even stronger. .

The lightning spear opened the space and tore the ground. The sharp and violent thunder and lightning became more destructive under the blessing of the powerful dark power.

Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak!!!!!The sharp scream of thunder and lightning rang, and then, boom!With a loud noise, the entire island split from the middle, and the island was directly split into two under the attack of the fallen hell beast's lightning spear.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, and was quite satisfied with the effect of this trick. He didn't use his full strength, otherwise, with his super ultimate strength, let alone this small island, even a radius of thousands of nautical miles. The area will be severely damaged.

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