Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 133

On the whole island, besides the fallen hell beasts, there are only two Digimon still alive.The Digimon on this small island is generally inferior to Fayilu Island. Except for a full body all-knowing beast that can overcome Fayilu Island, there are only dozens of growth stages and a hand count. It was only the mature period of coming, and now, in addition to the Wanzhi Beast, there is also the grandson Bo Gao Beast that he struggled to protect.

How could the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast be able to withstand the maturity and growth stages of Digimon? Although he has reduced more than 95% of his strength in a move just now, his strength is really too strong. He just flicks his fingers. It can make a mature Digimon completely collapse, even if it is completely physically injured, let alone those weak growth periods.

Today was the fifth birthday of Bogao Beast. Wanzhi Beast was planning to give gifts to his grandson, but suddenly he felt an extremely powerful force. Suddenly, Wanzhi Beast had only time to protect his grandson, even his own. His son, Genius Beast, also died in the lightning spear just now.

When the Myriad Beast saw the invader, my eyes widened and exclaimed: "Falling Hell Beast!" Although the Myriad Beast had not participated in the war that year, the Myriad Beast liked to walk around and record with pen. Download everything I saw, which is the purpose of the Fallen Hell Beast’s trip-Digimon Encyclopedia, which also contains records of the battle and the Seven Demon Kings. The Axiom Beasts are also very few and have not participated. At that time, there was a big battle, but he knew the Digimon of the Seven Devil Kings.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly, and said: "Hand over the Digimon Encyclopedia, I can...make you die faster." The Fallen Hell Beast originally wanted to say "I can spare your life", but I changed my mind. Thinking about his current identity, he changed it to "Let you die faster."

Wanzhi Beast watched the Fallen Hell Beast vigilantly, while guarding the Bogao Beast behind him, while touching the pen on his back.

Naturally, all the movements of the omnipotent beast can't be concealed from the fallen hell beast that has opened the writing wheel. The fallen hell beast has nothing to say about it. Although the omnipresent beast is just an ant to the fallen hell beast, ants must also It is interesting to resist, otherwise the fun of playing with it will be lost.

"What do you want Digimon Encyclopedia for?" Wanzhimon stared at the fallen hell beast and asked seriously.Although Wanzhimon is very timid, it will definitely fight desperately in order to protect his grandson.

"Humph! You don't need to know, you just..."

"British outline!!" Before the words of the fallen hell beast were finished, the beast roared, and issued a powerful stroke from the pen. The extremely powerful force had already broken the limit of the complete body.

Facing the all-out blow of the All Knowledge Beast, the Fallen Hell Beast just smiled disdainfully, raised a hand, reached out and grabbed it, and grabbed the ultimate body level of the All Knowledge Beast in his hand, and then used force. With a grip, the huge power was completely annihilated in the hands of the Fallen Hell Beast, and even a little scratch could not be caused on the Fallen Hell Beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled disdainfully, and said: "The strength is not bad. With this trick, the power has reached the mid-term of the ultimate body, but it is useless to me." (I don't know how strong the miraculous beast is, but According to Baidu Encyclopedia, Wanzhimon’s pen outline cannot even resist the ultimate body)

The witch beast's eyes widened, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. She could see that the level of the miraculous beast was the same as she is now, and it was a complete body. It's amazing, but she didn't expect that in such a small place, a complete body with an unremarkable appearance would actually have the power of the ultimate body.

The fallen hell beast's body lowered, and then its feet stepped on the ground, and the speed burst instantly. The rapid speed left a trail of afterimages in the air, rushing towards the beast like a black beam of light, and then Raise your foot and kick it directly at Wanzhi Beast.

"Crap!" Myriad Beast exclaimed, but it was too late to respond. Before Myriad Beast's voice fell, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and kicked his body with a big foot. 'S power almost kicked his core information apart.


The miraculous beast flew into the sky like a cannonball, but the fallen hell beast would not let him go so easily, jumping high, faster than the kicked miraculous beast, and appeared in an instant Behind Wanzhi Beast.

The fallen hell beast bent its arms and faced the miraculous beast flying towards it, and a strong elbow hit the miraculous beast on its back.

The Myriad Beast immediately fell like a meteorite hitting the earth, and its body was deeply embedded in the ground.


The Fallen Hell Beast fell, and stepped on the back of Wanzhi Beast's head, saying: "Hand over the Digimon Encyclopedia."

"Impossible!" Wanzhi Beast gritted his teeth and said.

"Grandpa!" Before the Fallen Hell Beast could speak, Bo Gao Beast shouted anxiously.

Wanzhimon trembled and shouted loudly: "Bogaomon! Don't come over! Run!"

The fallen hell beast sneered and ran?Then where can he put the face of the Seven Great Devil Kings, he said in a deep voice, "The monster girl!"

The witch beast immediately understood and nodded and said: "Yes!" The next moment, the witch beast had already appeared behind Bo Gao Beast, she reached out and lifted Bo Gao Beast, and then her right hand turned into a witch demon sword, and the black long spear arrived. It's strange that the Bogao beast is immortal after the thorn is stuck on the neck of Bogao.

"Okay, Digimon Encyclopedia, hand it over." Fallen Hell Beast said lightly.

Wanzhimon gritted his teeth and said, "Digimon Encyclopedia can give it to you, but please don't hurt Bogomon."

"Too much nonsense." The Fallen Hell Beast said faintly, and at the same time gave the Monster Girl Beast a wink. The Monster Girl Beast smiled coldly, and the Monster Girl Magic Sword was closer to Bo Gao Beast's neck, almost piercing Bo Gao Beast's body.

"No! Don't hurt him! I'll give you the book!" Wanzhimon panicked at this time, and immediately took out a small book about the size of a mobile phone battery from his arms, and the book immediately grew bigger and became a book. This large book is over forty centimeters in length.

The Fallen Hell Beast took the Digimon Encyclopedia, smiled, and at the same time ordered the Wicked Beast to kill the Bo Gao Beast, the Wicked Beast did not hesitate, the Wicked Demon Sword pierced Bo Gao Beast's body.

"!" Wanzhi Beast was frightened and angry, and his body trembled with excessive anger.

"Long-winded!" The Fallen Hell Beast said in a deep voice, and at the same time he applied force on his feet, smashing the information of the omniscience beast, and then swallowed it all.

The Fallen Hell Beast took the Digimon Encyclopedia and did not look at it. He opened his big mouth and swallowed the entire book into his stomach. After the book entered the belly of the Fallen Hell Beast, it immediately broke down into countless pieces. The data, all the text in it entered the brain of the fallen hell beast.

For the Fallen Hell Beast, in the Digimon world, there is no inedible things in theory, because everything in the Digimon world is made up of data, including rocks, trees, water, and even air, as long as it is decomposed As raw materials, all fallen hell beasts can eat it.

The Digimon Encyclopedia written by Wanzhimon is also made up of data. As long as the fallen hell beast swallows it and decomposes it into its own data, all the knowledge in the book can be obtained.

The Digimon Encyclopedia written by Wanzhimon is not the same as the Digimon Encyclopedia written by the old man Xuan Nai to Kokoro.The old man Gennai's one mainly introduces various Digimon materials, and there are all kinds of Digimon, but the Digimon Encyclopedia of Manchimon mainly talks about the Digimon world.

The Myriad Beast travels all over the world and records the composition of the Digimon world in the book, including the main regional composition and power distribution of the world, as well as Ten Fighters, Six Winged Beasts, Twelve Angels, and Seven Demon Kings in Digimon. The most apex Digimon in the world, there is also the most sophisticated map of the Digimon world that the omnibus has spent decades drawing, but all of this now belongs to the fallen hell beast.

After the fallen hell beast found the information he needed, he rode on Behemoth and left.

Chapter 183-Thousand Fox Grassland!

Thousand Fox Grassland is a very lush grassland in the southern part of Digimon World. There are thousands of fox-type Digimon inhabited here, including nearly a thousand monsters, more than 200 nine-tailed foxes, and more than 20. The priest beast and the most powerful sand ancient tooth beast.

Because of the powerful strength of the Thousand Fox Grassland and the Shagufang with the ultimate body, ordinary Digimon dare not invade this grassland at all, otherwise thousands of foxes will pounce, and the ultimate body will not be able to get it. it is good.

The Thousand Fox Grassland is far away from Fayilu Island. Even at the speed of Behemoth, it took five days to go on the road. In these five days, the fallen hell beasts were not idle, and they had been cultivating with the two girls. Under the water of the fallen hell beast, the lilac beast finally broke through to the initial level of the ultimate body, but I don’t know why, the lilac beast, like the witch beast, did not evolve into the ultimate body, which made the witch The beast breathed a sigh of relief.

Lilac Beast is innocent and innocent, I don’t think much, but for Yaonv Beast, there is still some meaning in my heart to compete with Clove Beast. Although Clove Beast’s strength is not as good as hers, it is not much worse. If Clove Beast evolves into the ultimate If the body rose beast or the lotus beast is more powerful than the demon beast, in that case, the demon beast's heart will definitely be unbalanced.

However, these are not the focus of the discussion now. The focus now lies in the ultimate Shagufang that appeared in front of the Fallen Hell Beast, and there are 15 priest beasts behind her.

In fact, forces like the Thousand Fox Grassland that have existed for a long time have formed a complete system in themselves. The Shaguya Beast usually does not need to manage anything, but only becomes a powerful symbol to deter other forces.The existence of Shagufang is like the only male lion in the lion group. Hunting and raising cubs are all done by the lioness, but the task of protecting the group is entrusted to the male lion.

Today, the Shaguyabe was treating a badly injured nine-tailed fox, but when it was being treated, the Shaguyabe suddenly felt an extremely powerful dark power that made her feel palpitations, and was shocked. Next, the Shaguyabeast did not care to treat the nine-tailed fox beast, and drove out with 15 priest beasts.Although the life of the nine-tailed fox is important, compared with the entire group, it is obviously that the safety of the group is more important.

When Shaguya saw the fallen hell beast, under the golden fox mask, the purple fox's eyes could not help showing a dignified look.She was also a Digimon who had experienced that great battle back then. Back then, Qianhu Grassland was only a small force. Although she had the existence of the ultimate body, there were too many ultimate bodies at the time, and Qianhu Grassland only The Shaguya beast is the ultimate body, and the complete priest beast is only two or three sparsely. For the survival of the group, the Shaguyabe did not dare to gamble, so it chose to be neutral.

Although the war that year was extremely tragic, under the protection of Sha Guya Beast with all its strength, Qianhu Grassland finally survived that war.After these years of development, although the ultimate body of the Thousand Fox Grassland still only has one sand ancient tooth beast, there are already more than 20 complete body priest beasts. As long as one can evolve into the ultimate body, the thousand foxes The strength of the grassland can immediately rise by two levels. The current power of the Qianhu Grassland is very powerful in the entire Digimon world.

As the ultimate Digimon that has experienced the war of the year, how could Sha Guya forget that title-the Seven Demon Kings, the seven powerful Digimons that stood at the apex of all the Dark Coefficient babes, and Sha Guya back then Yu also fought once with Lilithmon, one of the Seven Demon Kings.

At that time, the strength of the Shagufang was just as good as reaching the early and late stages of the ultimate body. Faced with the Lilith beast, which was already in the middle of the latter stage at the time, there was no way to fight back. Finally, the Shaguyabe I tried my best to make Lilith beast suffered some minor injuries and escaped. At that time, if the Shagufang beast moves more slowly, I am afraid it will be given by Lilith beast’s Nazar's claw. Corroded completely.

Even today, Shaguyamon still has lingering fears about the strength of the Seven Demon Kings.

Faced with the mighty Fallen Hell Beast, the Shaguya Beast, the only pillar of the Thousand Fox Grassland, did not dare to retreat, nor could it retreat, and asked in a deep voice, "Falling Hell Beast, what are you doing here?"

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at this fox girl indifferently. Although the mask blocked the upper half of the face of the Sha Guya Beast, the figure that was not inferior to the Wicked Girl Beast and the pink crystal lips made the Fallen Hell Beast feel that It's not a loss at all to come here for five days.

The Fallen Hell Beast took out a shotgun, pointed the mouth of the cold black barrel at the Shaguya Beast, and said coldly: "surrender or die?"

Feeling the mighty power and icy killing intent of the Fallen Hell Beast, Sha Guya Beast couldn't help tightening the King Kong Tin Rod in his hand and said: "We will not succumb to you!"

"Then you go to die! Death shot!" The voice fell, and two powerful bullets flew towards the Sha Guya Beast.

The Shaguya beast has been on alert since it saw the Fallen Hellbeast. The moment the Fallen Hellbeast's finger pulled the trigger, the Shaguyabeast raised the King Kong Tin Staff in his hand.


There was a loud metal collision, and two bullets were bounced off by Sha Guya Beast's golden tin rod, but the huge force on the bullets shook the Sha Guya Beast back three steps.

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