Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 134

"You go and deal with those two first!" Shaguya beast immediately ordered the fifteen priest beasts behind him, let them deal with the witch beast and the lilac beast first.In Shagufang’s plan, although the Fallen Hell Beast is very powerful, her own strength has increased a lot over the years. Although it is not as good as the Fallen Hell Beast, the Fallen Hell Beast wants to defeat her in a short time. No way.

In addition to her, there are fifteen priest beasts on his side. It should be more than enough to deal with the two complete bodies of the monster girl and the lilac beast, and it will be resolved soon.Although the complete body is not very helpful in the battle of the ultimate body, if as many as 15 complete bodies are suddenly added in the battle, it is likely to reverse the battle, so the Shagutooth is still quite confident.

The Fallen Hell Beast is not at all worried about the Enchantress Beast and Lilac Beast being besieged by 15 priest beasts. After all, the two of them have the strength of the ultimate body. Even if they are only the initial stage of the ultimate body, they must completely override the sacrifice of the perfect body. On top of the master beast, coupled with the ultra-fast Behemoth, although there is no way to defeat 15 priest beasts in a short time, it is very difficult for the priest beast to defeat them.

The Shaguya beast rushed forward and flicked the diamond tin rod. The diamond ring on the tin rod made a crisp sound, as if it could shock people's hearts. At the same time, the beautiful voice of the Shaguya beast sounded: "Fanzuna!"

Four tube foxes flew out from the body of the Sha Gufang. The four tube foxes had the energy of the four elements of wind, thunder, water and fire. The four foxes were united in one, and the power was very powerful.

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, his hands gathered powerful dark energy, and at the same time, the writing wheel was opened in his eyes, and the gou jade rotated at high speed, and the trajectory of the four tube foxes was completely captured in the eyes, and his hands were stretched out like a hungry tiger. Grasping all the four tube foxes in the hand, and then firmly grasped, the dark power tore all the tube foxes to pieces.

There was a look of surprise on the face of Sha Gufang, but the offensive in his hand was still not slow at all, waving the Golden Pewter rod in his hand, sending out four tube foxes again.

The Fallen Hell Beast drew out its double shotguns, four bullets were fired out, accurately hitting the four tube foxes, and then stepped on its feet and quickly rushed towards the Sha Guya Beast.

Shaguya was shocked and quickly backed away. She is not good at close combat. If she gets close to the Fallen Hell Beast, she will be finished.

It is a pity that the Hell Beast of Fallen Heaven is much faster than the Shaguya Beast, and the distance of two breaths has been shortened to less than seven meters.

The Shaguya beast gritted his teeth, stomped on the ground with his beautiful feet, and then rushed towards the Fallen Hell Beast. The heavy golden tin rod in his hand smashed onto the top of the Fallen Hell Beast.The King Kong Pewter rod of the Shagufang beast is strong enough to shoot death shots. This rod is not light.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled disdainfully, his ability in close combat is better than a long-range attack. He raised a strong arm and caught the rod of the Sha Gutooth with one hand, regardless of how the Sha Gutooth was sent. Power can't attack the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled evilly, and Sha Gu Ya Beast's heart tightened, feeling that something was wrong. Just about to retreat, the Fallen Hell Beast stretched out its other hand like lightning, across the pants, in the Taoyuan of Sha Gu Ya Beast Touched on it.

"Um..." Sha Guya Beast blushed, and his body became soft in an instant. The golden tin rod in his hand almost couldn't hold it. An indescribable shame used the Sha Guya Beast's heart, revealing a huge The flaws.

The Fallen Hell Beast seized the opportunity and bumped a knee into the lower abdomen of Sha Guya Beast.

"Uh!" Shaguya Beast cried out painfully, and his body was knocked out by the knee of the Fallen Hell Beast.Shaguya beast half-kneeled on the ground, supporting his upper body with a vajra stick in his hand, holding his abdomen with his left hand, his face was extremely pale, and cold sweat ran down Shaguyabe's cheeks.

The Fallen Hell Beast didn't use its full strength because it had some thoughts about the Sha Guya Beast, but that knee bump was not light, and it really made the Sha Guya Beast extremely painful.

On the other hand, the situation of the priest beast is not optimistic.Both the witch beast and the lilac beast now have the ultimate strength, and in the battle, the two women actually showed a strange tacit understanding. The lilac beast's tricks are focused on assistance, and its freely retractable hands bind the priest like two poisonous snakes The body of the beast, one or two pollen from its arms can make the priest beast temporarily lose its combat power, and the magic sword and blood bat of the beast make contributions at this time, plus the shell that has been transformed by the fallen hell beast. Himos, from time to time, releases cannonballs to help the two women.

The battles on both sides have shown a one-sided form...

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Four-Eat Sha Gufang Beast!

With the cooperation of the witch beast, the lilac beast and the Behemoth, six of the fifteen priest beasts were quickly killed, and the situation of the remaining priest beast is definitely not optimistic.

On the other hand, the Fallen Hell Beast is not so easy to let the Sha Gutooth beast. Although he will not kill the Sha Gutooth beast, he will never miss such a good opportunity to attack. Gufang shot away.

Shagufang did not dare to let the Fallen Hell Beast get close, so he could only endure the huge pain in his lower abdomen. With a wave of the King Kong Pewter Rod in his hand, he issued another trick to postpone the Fallen Hell Beast, and then quickly retreated.

The Fallen Hell Beast shredded four tube foxes with a dark cross, and then rushed to the Shaguya Beast at a faster speed.

Sha Gufang waved the Vajra Pewter rod and swept across.The Fallen Hell Beast lowered its head and avoided the staff of the Sha Guya Beast, then put his hands on the ground, made a forward somersault, and kicked the back heel toward the top of the Sha Guya Beast.

The Shaguya beast raised the King Kong Tin rod, which was able to withstand the blow of the Fallen Hell Beast, but his hands were numb due to the power of the Fallen Hell Beast, and his body also fell into a short period of stiffness.

The Fallen Hell Beast put his hands on the ground again, teleported behind the Sha Guya Beast, stretched out a foot, and kicked the Sha Guya Beast's ass in a mischievous way.


This fallen hell beast did not use any power at all, let alone the ultimate Shagutooth beast, even the complete priest beast could not feel any pain, but the strangeness came from the sensitive area. The feeling of making Sha Gufang beast exclaimed, this kind of strange feeling was something she had never experienced before.

The Fallen Hell Beast and the Sha Guya beast face to face again. The Fallen Hell Beast held a shotgun at the Sha Guya Beast and asked again: "surrender or die?"

Shagufang expelled the strange thoughts in his heart, holding the vajra stick in his hand, a firm expression flashed in his eyes.Sha Guya Beast supported his body with a vajra stick and stood up, then took a deep breath, waved the vajra stick with both hands, and drew out two pink energy, with countless cherry blossom petals, which looked exceptionally beautiful.


The Shaguya beast hit the ground continuously with the diamond tin rod, and with each hit, the diamond ring on the rod made a crisp sound.

The pink energy brought countless cherry blossom petals, forming a beautiful barrier, blocking the fallen hell beast.As soon as the body of the fallen hell beast was surrounded by the pink energy, it felt that the dark power in its body was very suppressed, and this trick was the nirvana of the Shagutooth beast-the diamond world mandala!

Although Shaguyamon looks like a fox monster, it is actually a divine-human Digimon with a sacred power in its body, which has a strong restraint effect on Dark Digimon.

When Shaguya saw that the fallen hell beast was "unmovable" under her diamond world mandala, he was immediately happy, gathering all the sacred power in the body, and concentrated on the diamond tin rod in his hand. Kill the fallen hell beast with one blow.

The Sha Guya Beast leaped high, and the heavy King Kong Tin rod fell towards the top of the Fallen Hell Beast's head. The Sha Guya Beast was confident that if it was smashed, it would definitely defeat the Fallen Hell Beast.

The face of the fallen hell beast did not change at all, but it meant that Taishan collapsed in front of him.

Seeing that the King Kong Tin Rod was about to hit the Fallen Hell Beast, and even when the face of the Sha Gufang Beast showed joy, the Fallen Hell Beast moved, and the speed seemed to be completely unaffected by the Diamond Realm Mandala.

The Fallen Hell Beast held the black thunder and lightning spear in both hands, and crossed the King Kong Tin rod that was supporting the Sha Gu Fang. If he had to compare his strength, how could he lose to the Sha Gu Fang beast?

"Lightning spear?!" The Sha Guya beast exclaimed. The Lightning Spear is the trick of the Kirubi beast. The Sha Guyabe does not know it, but why does the Fallen Hell Beast use it?Sha Guya Beast didn't know. To be correct, she didn't dare to admit that extremely terrifying thought in her heart.

When Shagufang was stunned, the lightning spear, which was originally very peaceful and stable under the control of the fallen hell beast, suddenly changed. The lightning ran away in an instant, and the black thunder snake followed the golden tin rod and crawled in an instant. On the body of Sha Gufang.

"Ah!!!" Sha Guya Beast immediately let out a scream of incomparable pain, his whole body twitched, and even the Vajra Pewter stick that never left his hand had already let go.In order to defeat the Fallen Hell Beast, the Sha Gu Fang gathered all its power on the King Kong Pewter rod to win with one blow. This is a gamble, either extremely good or extremely bad. The Fallen Hell Beast blocked the Sha Gu Fang With such a powerful thunder and lightning counterattack, Shaguya Beast had completely lost.

On the other hand, when the Fallen Hell Beast was fighting with the Shaguya Beast, three more priest beasts were swallowed by the blood bat of the witch beast, and the remaining six priest beasts used the death talisman to resist the attack of the witch beast, but that It's just a dying struggle.

After hearing the screams of the Sha Guya Beast, the six priest beasts were stunned, and at the same time they looked at the Sha Guya Beast. It was the Shaguya Beast who attacked at the same time, smashing the death talisman. , Even their six lives were harvested together.

Sixteen to four, the four side is still intact, but on the sixteen side, there is only one Sha Gutooth left.

Yaonv Beast and Ding Xiang Beast came over and looked at the Sha Guya Beast on the ground with the Fallen Hell Beast.

Shaguyabeast looked at the three people who were still unscathed, with a touch of despair in his eyes, closed his eyes, and said, "Kill me."

Fallen Hell Beast and Demon Girl Beast, Lilac Beast exchanged glances, Demon Girl Beast and Lilac Beast of course understood the meaning of Fallen Hell Beast, and they all smiled and looked at Sha Guya Beast.

The fallen hell beast raised his hands and roared: "Heaven's ruling!!!"

With the strong support of the fallen hell beasts, the entire huge Thousand Fox Grassland is covered by thick thunderclouds. Because the fallen hell beasts use dark energy, the thunderclouds are darker and more terrifying than the base road than the beasts. , Even the thunder and lightning tumbling in the thundercloud can't be described by the golden snake dance, because the thunder and lightning are all red and black.

Thunder and lightning flooded, the entire Thousand Fox Grassland was like the end of the day, red and black terrifying thunder and lightning destroyed everything here, how can those monster foxes and nine-tailed fox beasts withstand this powerful attack, under the violent lightning, they turned into Data fragmentation.

Shaguyabeast heard the violent thunder and screams around, and immediately opened her eyes. Seeing the originally stable and peaceful Qianhu Grassland in the current miserable conditions, she felt extremely sad. She tried so hard. It took many years for the Qianhu Grassland to achieve its current achievements, but all of this perished and collapsed before the eyes of the Shaguyabeast.

"Falling Hell Beast, please let me go the Thousand Fox Grassland. You can let me do anything." Sha Guya Beast shed tears and pleaded to the Falling Hell Beast. She knew that all of this was decided by the Falling Hell Beast. Yes, as long as the fallen hell beasts are willing to let go of the Thousand Fox Grassland, the Thousand Fox Grassland will be fine.

There was a smile in the eyes of the Fallen Hell Beast, which was full of killing intent. He was waiting for this sentence, and immediately gave Lilac Beast a wink.

Dingxiang Beast knew immediately, walked to Sha Guya Beast's side, helped her up, then stretched out his hand, and began to take off the clothes on Sha Guya Beast.

When Dingxiang Beast’s hand touched Sha Guya Beast’s body, Sha Guya Beast screamed and asked: "Ah! What are you doing?"

Lilac Beast still unhurriedly took off Sha Gufang's clothes, and said with a grin: "Didn't you say that the Fallen Hell Beast King allows you to do anything? Like you, be careful that the Fallen Hell Beast King is angry." There was a kind of mischievous smile and playfulness in his tone.

After hearing this, Sha Guya Beast was weak, but he could only let Lilac Beast play with it.There is hardly any energy in her body now, and her limbs can't be controlled because of the attack of thunder and lightning. The current Shagufang is almost weaker than a growing Digimon.

The fallen hell beast sent Behemoth casually, let him go on patrol, and then said to the witch beast: "You female beast, tell her what to do."

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