Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 135

The monster girl giggled, and her body was like a beautiful snake kneeling before the fallen hell beast. She stretched out her hand and took off the pants of the fallen hell beast. Then she released the hard dragon, and took a bite into her own. In his mouth, he vomited hard.

"Ah!!!" Shaguya beast exclaimed. The first time she saw the male symbol, she didn't dare to see the dragon of the fallen hell beast, subconsciously closed her eyes, turned her head away, her long eyelashes trembling constantly , There was also a hint of red on her face, showing her inner tension and shyness.

"Lilac Beast." Fallen Hell Beast said lightly.

"Understand, hehe..." Dingxiang Beast laughed, and took off the last fig leaf of Sha Guya Beast, even the fox mask was taken off, and then stretched out his hands and feet to tie Sha Guya Beast's body.His arms were wrapped around the Sha Guya Beast’s arm and punched, and then the two small hands climbed onto the Sha Guya Beast’s face, and he pressed the Sha Guya Beast’s head and turned to the Fallen Hell Beast and the Monster Girl Beast. Direction, and then opened the eyelids of Sha Guya Beast with her fingers, forcing her to look at the body of the Fallen Hell Beast.

Sha Guya Beast's complexion instantly flushed, but at this time she was completely weak, unable to resist the Lilac Beast whose strength had reached the initial stage of the Ultimate Body.

The witch beast knew that the Fallen Hell Beast was deliberately irritating the Shaguya Beast, with a slight smile in its scarlet eyes, she vomited the giant dragon of the Fallen Hell beast more vigorously, and kept uttering "Puff! Puff!" Both visually and acoustically stimulate the Sha Gufang.

A few minutes later, the dragon of the fallen hell beast was completely loaded and patted the head of the demon girl beast, indicating that she was OK.

The demon beast spit out the dragon of the fallen hell beast, with a coquettish smile on her face. Her body has long been tuned to be extremely sensitive by the fallen hell beast, and in such a short time, it has become extremely moist.

The Fallen Hell Beast quickly took off all the clothes on his body. The Shaguya Beast looked at the Fallen Hell Beast's robust and perfect body, groaning, and a stronger shame appeared in his eyes, but was controlled by the Clove Beast and couldn't turn his head to close. eye.

The fallen hell beast lay on the ground looking at the beast. The beast quickly took off her clothes, and then sat on the body of the fallen hell beast, reaching out to support the giant dragon of the fallen hell beast, and Taoyuan aimed at the giant The dragon's head slowly pushed in.

Sha Gu Fang watched this restricted-level scene from close range. As the dragon of the Fallen Hell Beast entered the tight peach field of the Demon Girl Beast, the core data of the Sha Gu Fang jumped fiercely. , When the dragon of the Fallen Hell Beast completely entered the body of the Yaonv Beast, the Shaguya Beast exhaled heavily, as if it had laid a heavy burden.

However, the Wicked Girl Beast did not have time to breathe for the Sha Guya Beast. Just after the body had swallowed the dragon of the Fallen Hell Beast, the Wicked Girl Beast couldn't wait to twist her fragrant buttocks, enjoying the fullness and fulfillment that made her obsessed. .

Sha Guyamon watched this adult blockbuster up close, listening to the charming moan* of the demon beast in his ears, and the body of the Sha Guyamon who had no sexual coldness was irrepressible. In response, the body held by the lilac beast was constantly twisting, looking for a way to relieve the itch of the ten thousand ants.

Dingxiang Beast looked at Sha Guya Beast was already emotional, smiled mischievously, and then released the restriction on Sha Guya Beast, touched her double peaks with both hands, and at the same time stretched out his pink little fragrant tongue to gently lick Licking the earlobe of Sha Gufang.

"Hmm..." Sha Guya Beast trembled, his whole body softened, and said softly: "Lilac Beast... Don't... Don't, I'm so strange... Don't do it..."

"Hehe, Shaguyabe, it's very comfortable, tell you, I just learned a little bit, the stroke of the fallen hell beast king is comfortable, I promise you will love that taste after trying it once. Look at the monster girl, enjoy it.” Dingxiangmon said playfully in the ear of Shaguyamon.

"Stop talking... um... ah... don't move..." Sha Guya Beast said breathlessly.

Dingxiang Beast was kneading the Saintess Peak of Sha Guya Beast, and said with envy, "Sha Guya Beast, you are so big here, it is as big as Demon Beast." Then he took a look at himself. My little bun pouted and said: "Why is mine only so small?" Half-Loli and the two elder sisters went to compare their figures?What a joke.

"Stop talking...Stop talking..." Sha Guya Beast said weakly, now she is almost ashamed.

The fallen hell beast and the witch beast kept ML, while the lilac beast teased the shaguya beast on the other side. The shaguya beast that has just passed through this way is still happy under the imperfect provocation of the lilac beast. It didn't take long to go once, and it didn't even light up.

After more than twenty minutes, the monster girl screamed, a hot stream from her body reached the peak, and then she took the initiative to retreat from the fallen hell beast. She knew very well that the protagonist today is not herself.

Dingxiang Beast smiled badly, and walked over with the limp Shaguya Beast, and put this beautiful elder sister on the fallen hell beast.The witch beast supported the giant dragon of the fallen hell beast with one hand, and with the other hand pushed away the wet Taoyuan of the sand ancient tooth beast, and sent the giant dragon in.

When the dragon's head entered for a moment, the slight pain made the Shaguya beast sane, looking at the evil face of the fallen hell beast, his heart was full of fear of the unknown situation, and his hands were on the chest of the fallen hell beast, not letting it His body sank, shaking his head and crying: "Don't...Don't...I'm so scared..."

Yaonv Beast and Ding Xiang Beast looked at Sha Guya Beast like this, and when they looked at each other, they could see a smirk in each other's eyes.Next, Yaonv Beast and Ding Xiang Beast each stretched out one hand in a tacit understanding and placed it on the shoulders of Sha Guya Beast.

Sha Guya Beast felt that someone was touching his shoulder, and he turned his head subconsciously, but before turning over completely, Yaonv Beast and Lilac Beast pressed their hands down at the same time.


The blood mixed with the crystal clear liquid scattered and splashed, and the fallen hell beast completely entered the body of the sand ancient tooth beast.

"It hurts!!!"

Chapter 185-The Devil!

Sha Gutooth only felt that its body sank, a huge object pushed its body apart, and at the same time a tingling pain came from its lower body. Although it was within the tolerance of Sha Gutooth, the psychological feeling still made Sha Guya Beast exhaled in pain.

Yaonv Beast and Ding Xiang Beast just want to play with Sha Gu Ya Beast, and they don’t give her any breathing opportunity. One is holding Sha Gu Tu Beast’s waist and the other is holding Sha Gu Ya Beast’s buttocks, forcibly making her move. .

The fallen hell beast was happily enjoying, wrapped his hands together and pillowed under his head, the old god was watching how the witch beast and the lilac beast played.

Shaguyamon is also the ultimate Digimon. Although its power is exhausted now, its physical strength is definitely better than that of the monster and the lilac monster. It is not that easy to play dead.Even if she died, the fallen hell beast would bring her back to life. For a big beauty, it would be worth the cost.(We have to fight for the beautiful women to death!!!)

After all, Shaguyabe is the ultimate body, although it is not as natural as the monster girl, but it is also a boring one. It didn't take long for the Shaguyabe to forget those tingling pains, and the huge pleasure is like the end of the day. Like the flood, it quickly and ruthlessly destroyed the only luxury item in the Sha Gutooth's mind.

After the Shaguya beast was completely emotional, he didn't need the help of the Beast Girl and the Lilac Beast. He held the body of the Fallen Hell Beast and started to move frantically.

The Fallen Hell Beast was not idle at this time, while enjoying the first tightness of the Sha Gufang Beast, while absorbing the pure and clear virgin Yuan Yin of the Sha Gufang Beast.

Although the power of the Shaguyamon is not as pure and dark as the Wicked Beast, the Shaguya Beast is a real ultimate Digimon after all, and for the first time, the energy contained in the virgin Yuan Yin is definitely more than the Wicked Beast Is more powerful.

The original strength of the Fallen Hell Beast was in the initial stage of the Ultra Ultimate Body. After absorbing the virgin Yuan Yin of the Sha Gufang Beast, the pure and cool energy continuously impacted the firm bottleneck.After reaching the Ultra-Ultimate Body, the breakthrough of strength is really too difficult. I have double repaired with the Monster Girl Beast and the Lilac Beast for so long, let alone the mid-term Ultra-Ultimate Body, even the initial mid-level of the Ultra-Ultimate Body Without a breakthrough, this time when absorbing the virgin yin of the Sha Gufang Beast, the Fallen Hell Beast could finally feel the bottleneck.

With the continuation of the double cultivation, the Fallen Hell Beast and the Shaguya Beast both felt an immense pleasure. The strength of the Shaguya Beast was stronger than the current Monster Girl Beast and Lilac Beast, so the energy contained in the virgin Yuan Yin was also The more, while enhancing the effect of double repair, it can also bring greater pleasure to both parties, especially for the new Shagutooth animal, it is more like ultra-high purity heroin, and it becomes addictive at once. , Difficult to extricate themselves.

As a fox girl, Sha Guya Beast naturally carries a natural charm on his body, but the charm of Sha Guya Beast is not the same as that of Wicked Girl Beast.

The charm of the witch beast is like a drug. Although beautiful, it can be fatal and difficult to extricate itself. Perhaps it is because her ultimate body is the lust demon king Lilith beast.

But the charm of the Shagufang is like a superb vixen, and it is so graceful with every smile and upside-down.

The charm of the witch beast will seduce men to possess her, and the charm of the Shaguya beast will seduce men to bow down and worship her.

The fallen hell beast madly occupies the body of the Sha Gufang beast. Although the first pain was completely overwhelmed by the pleasure of bliss, it does not mean that there is no pain.And that place was dissatisfied with the extremely sensitive nerves. With each withdrawal and entry of the Fallen Hell Beast, although the Shaguya Beast only felt happiness, its body contracted automatically, clamping the Fallen Hell Beast even more. Dragon.

The fallen hell beast is holding the beautiful and plump body of the Sha Guya beast. The noble silver-gray hair of the Sha Guya beast is fluttering in the wind, but the expression on its face can no longer see the noble and indifferent look of the past. It is completely intoxicated. It's just a woman in desire.

Ten minutes later, the body of the Sha Gutooth suddenly rose again, and the purple fox eyes gradually turned white. The Fallen Hellbeast knew that she was about to reach the peak, and his hands were like iron tongs to lock the Sha Gutooth. With a slender waist, the giant dragon started a piston movement at a speed of three times per second, reaching the deepest part of the Sha Gufang every time.

The Shagufang had long been confused by the Fallen Hellbeast. Under the violent offensive suddenly strengthened by the Fallen Hellbeast, the Shagufang almost collapsed, and his hands and feet looked like a drowning man who grabbed a lifesaver. Like straw, it tightly entangled the body of the fallen hell beast, and did not let it die.A silver tooth bit on the shoulder of the Fallen Hell Beast, if it weren't for the body of the Fallen Hell Beast, it would have to tear off a piece of meat for her.

The Fallen Hell Beast attacked fiercely, hitting the deepest part of the Sha Gutooth every time, and the Sha Gutooth's body became hot.

After the Fallen Hell Beast attacked continuously for more than 100 times, the Shaguya Beast suddenly groaned, his muscles tightened, and his nails almost got into the body of the Fallen Hell Beast.Taoyuan contracted irregularly, tightly wrapping the dragon of the fallen hell beast.

"Ah!" The Fallen Hell Beast roared, pouring all its essence into the deepest part of the Taoyuan that no one had visited before.

"Ah!!!" Shaguyabeast loosened the shoulders of the Fallen Hellbeast and fell to the ground. His eyes were dull, one mouth was unconsciously open, and his legs were greatly separated to the sides. The muddy, red and swollen Taoyuan was completely exposed. In the air, the white essence mixed with red blood was scattered on the green grass.

"Huh..." The Fallen Hell Beast exhaled, not because he was tired, but because his strength finally reached the middle level of the ultra-ultimate body. It was really not easy.With his strength to his level, the ability to absorb data alone will not have much impact on his strength. He has absorbed two perfect bodies and a virgin Yuanyin of the ultimate Digimon only from the early days of the ultimate body. When it reaches the mid-level of the ultra-ultimate body, if the fallen hell beast wants to quickly increase its strength, it must either evolve further, or transform into a burst form, or accept the X antibody.

The Fallen Hell Beast is the one who is most eager to enhance his strength among the seven demon kings. The seven demon kings themselves have the ability to resist X antibodies, so the X-body Digimon will have a sharp decline in combat effectiveness when facing the seven demon kings.In order to increase its strength, the fallen hell beast forcibly accepted the X antibody, changed his digital core, and triggered an unknown force, which was powerful and even surpassed the burst form.(This information can not be found directly in Baidu Search for Fallen Heaven and Hell Beast, if you want to find it, search for Night Warcraft in the encyclopedia, there is an introduction here)

Although the original strength ranking of the fallen hell beast was only the second last among the seven demon kings, the strength of the fallen hell beast is the most difficult to determine among the seven great demon kings, because the fallen hell beast is the only one with a burst form among the seven great demon kings. The Demon King is also the only Demon King who has accepted the X antibody. No one knows where the strength of Fallen Hell Beast X ranks among the Seven Great Demon Kings.

The witch beast and the lilac beast saw that the fallen hell beast and the shaguya beast were finished, and immediately rushed over. The delicate bodies of the two rounds fell on the fallen hell beast, and they both looked at the fallen hell beast with charming eyes. They were early Just want it.Especially the Lilac Beast, she is also a young woman now, still staying in the honeymoon period, it is the time when the marrow knows the taste, watching two consecutive adult blockbusters, the Lilac Beast has long been dissatisfied with desire.

The fallen hell beast smiled slightly, and at the same time threw the two girls to the ground, and the Qianhu Grassland immediately became an adult studio...


After that, the Fallen Hell Beast forcibly took the Sha Gutooth away from the Thousand Fox Grassland. Although the Sha Gutooth was reluctant, she was helpless under the deterrence of the Fallen Hell Beast's powerful strength.

Because of the need to completely attack the Sha Gufang, the Fallen Hell Beast didn't rush to the next place too anxiously. Every day, it was slow and entangled with the Sha Gufang beast.The Fallen Hell Beast had to train Sha Guya Beast to completely wipe the Thousand Fox Grassland from her heart, at least until the Fallen Hell Beast told her to destroy the Thousand Fox Grassland without frowning.

Although Sha Gu Fang kept telling itself that it had to succumb to the lust of the Fallen Hell Beasts in order to protect the Thousand Fox Grassland, anyone with eyes and heads could tell that Sha Gu Fang was a body. He Xin had fallen, and Sha Guya Beast had nothing but a hard mouth now.

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