Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 136

When the Fallen Hell Beast finished venting again, he stretched out his hand to stroke the increasingly perfect body of the Sha Guya Beast, and said with a wicked smile: "Really a woman of fornication by nature. Within a few days, her body has become like this."

The changes that occurred in the Sha Gutooth beast were more obvious than those that happened in the Wicked Girl Beast. Perhaps it was because the Wicked Girl Beast was originally very enchanting and sexy, and the Sha Gutooth Beast itself possessed noble and mysterious temperament, but now, Sha Ancient Tooth Beast was completely a fallen woman, and it was hard to see her noble appearance before.

Shagufang has just experienced the peak of pleasure, his body is still weak and weak. Hearing the words, his face is ashamed, and he weakly defended: "No..."

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled evilly and said, "A woman is a duplicity animal. One day, I want you to beg me for mercy!" The Fallen Hell Beast squeezed the Saintess Peak of the Sha Guya Beast at will, just like that. , A large amount of spring water immediately flowed out from under the Sha Gutooth beast.

In our Eastern mythology, it is generally said that there are three kinds of animals that are amorous by nature. One is a dragon, the other is a snake, and the third is a fox. I won't talk about dragons and snakes, otherwise I can go a long way.

The main reason that foxes are amorous is that in the history of mythology in our country, the most famous demon queen Su Daji is a vixen, and then vixen is also used to describe a woman who can charm men, that is, that woman is a vixen.

And Shagufang is definitely a vixen through and through. It has a mature and sexy body, charming silver-haired and purple eyes, and is extremely sensitive. It can enter the state as long as it is casually teased. If it appears in the three-dimensional, it must be "Hey, so good." It’s a pity not to shoot AV for women.”

While playing with the beautiful body of the Sha Gutooth beast casually, the fallen hell beast said in an extremely evil manner: "The Sha Gutooth beast, I want you to destroy the Thousand Fox Grassland yourself."

Sha Guya Beast trembled, with a look of fear in his eyes, and shook his head tremblingly: "No...don' can't destroy the Thousand Fox Grassland..."

The fallen hell beast smiled more evilly, and said: "It is your turn to say no? I will definitely appreciate how the patron saint of the Thousand Fox Grassland personally destroyed the Thousand Fox Grassland."

The most important thing about the Thousand Fox Prairie for the Fallen Hell Beast is the existence of the Beauty Sha Gufang, otherwise he would be too lazy to go to the Thousand Fox Prairie.Now that the Shagufang beast has been obtained, the Thousand Fox Grassland is of no use. Fifteen priest beasts have been killed, and the monster fox and nine-tailed fox beasts have also been destroyed by his heavenly ruling. There are only seven or eight priest beasts left in the fox grassland. One hundred nine-tailed foxes and two to three hundred demon foxes are long gone. If they were seven or eight ultimate bodies, they would fall into the sky. Hell beasts may still be used as subordinates, but the complete body is useless.

Shaguyabeast looked at the face of the fallen hell beast Xiejun with fear in his eyes. The happiness of the past few days has made Shaguyabeast forget that he is not a good man, he is the seven demon kings in the dark world. One, what bad things can't be done?

The fallen hell beast Xiexie smiled, and once again set his spear into battle, galloping on the beautiful body of Sha Guyabe.

Chapter 186-Siege!

After conquering the Sha Guya Beast again, the Fallen Hell Beast also imprinted the Sha Guya Beast, and then rushed to the next place-Infinite City.

The guardian of the Infinite City is the Ultimate Judgment Beast. This is a huge city composed entirely of machinery. With the Judgment Beast as the leader, countless mechanical and transformed human Digimons are commanded, and the strength is better than Qianhu Grassland. Only strong but not weak, is the strongest force in the Digimon world.

The Fallen Hell Beast went to Infinite City mainly to subdue the Judgment Beast as his subordinate. Some trivial matters have to be solved a little bit. Originally, the monster girl beast, the Dingxiang Beast and the newly conquered Shaguya Beast are all his subordinates, but They are now women of fallen hell beasts, of course it is impossible to let them do everything, they still have to be a little powerful male subordinate.

And because of the addition of the Shagufang, the journey became a little troublesome. Originally, Behemoth was just sitting on three people, and if there was one more, it would seem a bit crowded.Want Shagufang to fly behind?Obviously unrealistic, the three of them are riding in a car with the fallen hell beast flying behind?That's even more impossible.

After much deliberation, the fallen hell beast decided to take bus 11 and go by himself.Fortunately, their strength is not weak, the worst is also the initial stage of the ultimate body, so although the speed is not as good as that of Behemoth, it is not much different.

The Shaguyabeast followed the Fallen Hellbeast and stretched out her hand and lowered her head. The expression on her face looked worried, she was really lost.

The Fallen Hell Beast wants her to destroy the Thousand Fox Grassland with her own hands. The Sha Gutooth Beast really doesn’t know what to do. From the voice of the Fallen Hell Beast, the Sha Gutooth knows that the Fallen Hell Beast is definitely more than just talking. The idea in Guyamon's heart is of course rejection, but can she still reject it now?

After being engraved, the life of the Shaguya beast was completely pinched in the hands of the Fallen Hell Beast, as long as the Fallen Hell Beast moved her fingers, she could easily kill her.

What's more, thinking of the blissful feeling that the Fallen Hell Beast brings to him, the Sha Gufang Beast can hardly stand up to defy any orders of the Fallen Hell Beast.Moreover, that feeling is not only happiness, but also an increase in strength.

In the Digimon world, the most important thing is strength.Although Digimon has the same wisdom and social system as humans, Digimon has more beast instincts than humans. In the Digimon world, killing is a very common thing, as long as it is not the kind of mass murder. , Just kill one or two Digimon, the Holy Celestial Beast will not care, nor can it.

Why was it mentioned that the seven devil kings’ sordid names are at risk for everyone, but it’s not because they were killed. The seven devil’s sordid names are based on the undead of countless Digimon, where they are full of war and killing. In this era, either kill or be killed, capable of killing, and not capable of being killed, that's it, simple, straightforward but cruel.

The Sha Gutooth who experienced that era understood the importance of strength even more. Back then, the Sha Gutooth only had the strength of the early and late stages of the Ultimate Body. In that era, it could only be regarded as the upper middle level in the Ultimate Body. After so many years, the Shaguyabeast has reached the mid-to-lower stage of the ultimate body through its own training. After all, she does not have the protagonist's air luck bonus, and this kind of improvement in the ultimate body is already considered good.

In just a few days of getting along with the nuclear fallen hell beasts, the strength of the Shagutooth beast, which grew slower than the speed of the tortoise, suddenly skyrocketed, and within a few days it had risen from the latter stage of the mid-ultimate body to the research. In the early stage of the late polar body, this gave Sha Gufang a feeling that it had lived on a dog for tens of thousands of years.

Now Shaguyabeast understands why at that time, the fifteen priest beasts of his own side would be so easily defeated by the hands of the monster girl beast and the lilac beast, because they basically have the strength of the ultimate body.

On the one hand, it is the Thousand Fox Grassland that he has always guarded, and on the other hand, it is the fallen hell beast that brings him supreme happiness and helps him improve his strength. Sha Gufang really does not know how to choose.

Regardless of the incomparable contradictory thoughts of Sha Guya Beast, after five days of driving, they finally arrived in Infinite City.

The distance between Infinite City and Qianhu Grassland is not too far. Sometimes when Shaguya Beast has to leave Qianhu Grassland to do something, he will ask Judge Beast to take care of Qianhu Grassland. After all, once there is no such one as her The ultimate body of Qianhu must be cut by at least half.

And from the mouth of the Sha Gufang, the Fallen Hell Beast also pried out another piece of information about the Infinite City-the Infinite City is not just the ultimate body of the Judging Beast.

According to Sha Gutooth, in Infinite City, she has seen two Ultra Digimon, namely Judgment Beast and Science Monster. As for whether there is any hidden, Sha Gutooth is not clear. .

This news made the Fallen Hell Beast slightly surprised. In this era, it is still possible to come up with at least two ultimate bodies. It is really capable. It is not like the situation of the sand ancient tooth beast in the Qianhu Grassland. , The strength of Infinite City is probably several times stronger than Qianhu Grassland.

However, this can only surprise the Fallen Hell Beast. If you want to make the Fallen Hell Beast shrink, where can he put his face as a demon king?Each of the Seven Demon Kings values ​​their own face and dignity extremely, so they shrink back?That had to be laughed to death by the others.

The two ultimate bodies, even if they were all the peaks of the ultimate body, he didn't care about it. After all, he didn't know where his full strength reached, but he could definitely abuse the strength of the ultimate body.

Infinite City is a huge circular city with an area that is 30% larger than the Qianhu Grassland. If you want to circle the Infinite City, you can't go around it all day.

A tall city wall was built around Infinite City as a fortification. Every corner of the city wall is covered with extremely hard superalloy, which is the kind of steel orangutan. The hardness of superalloy is very difficult even for the ultimate body. Destroyed, the ultimate crushing claws of the Golden Sword Lion Beast could not leave scars on the superalloy on the steel orangutan beast.

Such a huge fortification can never be completed in a day or two. It is no exaggeration to say that Infinite City is a miracle in the Digimon world.

The Fallen Hell Beast held the Positron Cannon in his hand. Although he could break through the superalloy city wall with a shotgun and a dark cross, his momentum was not enough. He was here to slaughter the city, so there was no need to be polite.

With a few waves of his hand, a perfect six-pointed star magic circle appeared in front of the fallen hell beast. The corners of the fallen hell beast's mouth opened with a big smile, his red eyes were a bit crazy, and he roared: !!!"

An incomparably huge energy column was emitted from the muzzle, and its destructive power multiplied after being strengthened by the magic circle, and it roared towards Infinite City.

Shaguyabe, Yaonvbe and Lilac beast only felt the pressure on their bodies tight, as if a large mountain was pressing on them, and could not help immediately mobilize all the power in their bodies to resist this powerful pressure.

The Fallen Hell Beast used its full strength for the first time in this attack. Ultra-Ultimate Body’s early full strength is beyond the reach of the Digimon of Ultimate Body. Although the target of the Muddy Flame Strike is not them, the little energy that spreads out It also made Shaguyamon and the others feel terrified.

Muddy Flame Strike was like a wild beast, roaring, roaring, and rolling, rushing towards the wall of Infinite City.


The huge energy of the turbid flame hit the wall covered by the superalloy. Although the hardness of the superalloy is difficult to destroy even the Ultra Digimon, the Fallen Hell Beast is already the strength of the Ultra Ultra. What's more, it is his nirvana, Muddy Flame Strike.

Under the destructive power of the turbid flames destroying the world, even the superalloy-clad city walls fell apart in an instant, and the power of the turbid flames directly broke into the core of the infinite city.

The Infinite City, which was still very stable, immediately exploded like a glass of ice water in a hot oil pan.

The energy bomb of the turbid flame hit has been rushing into the center of the infinite city and immediately burst out, and the ultra-high temperature energy wave swept the huge destructive force and spread out to the surroundings.

Rumble rumbling!!!!!!

The ground quickly cracked and vibrated, and huge boulders rose from the ground. With this move, countless Digimon turned into raw data. There was no need for the fallen hell beast to swallow it up. Those data automatically flew to the dark area. Then turned into the flesh and blood of fallen hell beasts.

The shock wave produced by the explosion bombarded everything around it indiscriminately. The original prosperous and stable Infinite City turned into a ruined wall within a short period of time, no longer alive.

Shagufang was surprised to see the Infinite City that was turned into ruins by the Fallen Hell Beast. She now fully understands that when he was in the Thousand Fox Grassland, the Fallen Hell Beast was playing with her. , If the Fallen Hell Beast uses all its strength, one move will be able to subdue her, I am afraid today Infinite City...

The thought of Infinite City was about to be destroyed in front of him, Sha Gufang felt a bit more bitter in his heart.

In the next moment, several dark shadows appeared from the infinite city and fell in front of the fallen hell beast.

one two three four!A total of four Ultra Digimon appeared in front of the Fallen Hell Beast.

"Oh, it's not dead yet..."

Chapter 187-Kill!

"Oh, it's not dead yet..." The Fallen Hell Beast said in a chilly voice, holding the positron cannon in one hand and the waist in the other, standing in place casually, with a playful tone of irony.

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