Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Bing Destruction Chapter 137

The three scarlet eyes of the Fallen Hell Beast looked at the four Ultra Digimon in front of him with a look of interest. In addition to the Judgment Beast and the Scientific Monster mentioned by the Shaguya Beast, the other two are Sagar Dogdomon and Super Anduromon, three remoulders, one mechanical type, are really Digimon that the mechanical castle will have.

The fallen hell beast lifted his hand, carried the positron cannon on his shoulder, and said lazily: "Be my slaves, so you don't have to die."

The four ultimate bodies ignored him, but looked at Sha Guya Beast with angry eyes. Sha Guya Beast was extremely guilty in his heart, lowered his head and dared not look at their angry gaze.

The grumpy Sadogdu beast even pointed at the Shaguyabeast and shouted, "Shaguyabe! You unexpectedly united with outsiders to attack our Infinite City!!"


In the next moment, the huge mechanical body of the Sadogdu was kicked out. When the Sadogdu flew out, the relatively thin body of the Fallen Hell Beast appeared on the Sadok. The place where Gedumon originally stood was as if he had just appeared, but the raised leg told everyone that he kicked the kick just now.

The Judgment Beast and the others were shocked and hurriedly retreated. They could clearly see the movement of the Fallen Hell Beast, which meant that the Fallen Hell Beast had the speed to completely crush them.

The Sadogdoo's body is made up of machinery, and its body is full of various thermal weapons. The Sadogdoo's weight must be a few hundred kilograms, but it was fallen to heaven and hell. With such a random kick, he flew out for more than 100 meters.

Sadogdumon endured the pain and stood up, holding his abdomen kicked by the Fallen Hell Beast with one hand.The foot of the Fallen Hell Beast was not light, it actually kicked the Sadogdu Beast's body with one kick, and a crack appeared in the abdomen.

Although the metal that composes the body of the Sadogdumon is not a hard superalloy, its hardness is definitely one of the best in the Digimon world. Otherwise, it is impossible to withstand the recoil produced by the continuous firing of so many bullets when using burst bombardment. , But was kicked and cracked by the Fallen Hell Beast, which shows that the Fallen Hell Beast is extremely powerful.

The fallen hell beast stood there coquettishly, with a little more killing intent in the smile on his face, the huge positron cannon in his hand had been replaced with a portable shotgun eggplant, and he sneered: "The Shaguya beast is already me. You're a woman, Lao Tzu's woman is something you can swear casually with?"

Sha Guya Beast trembled and raised his head, his eyes shot through the fox-shaped mask on the generous back of the Heavenly Fallen Hell Beast. The balance in his heart was slightly tilted towards the side of the Heavenly Hell Beast.

"I originally planned to accept you as my subordinates. Now, I want to kill all of you...!" The Fallen Hell Beast's eyes were filled with cold killing intent and gritted his teeth.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the fallen hell beast disappeared in place, and the ruling beast and others were shocked and immediately made a defensive posture.

The Fallen Hell Beast rushed to the Judgment Beast first, raised its leg, and Ju Li kicked it towards the Judgment Beast's head.

Although the Judgment Beast did not see the actions of the Fallen Hell Beast, as a battle-tested Ultimate Digimon, his fighting instinct was also very strong. It was this action that raised his right arm subconsciously, Life has been slightly extended.


The fallen hell beast kicked on the right arm of the ruling beast, and the huge force kicked the ruling beast away, and even the metal right arm also appeared with tiny cracks."Death Shot!" The Fallen Hell Beast was merciless, and fired two shots, and four bullets flew toward the Judging Beast.

The ruling beast body cannot borrow force in the air, has nowhere to hide, and can only resist with its right arm here.


Four bullets of the fallen hell beast got stuck in the right arm of the ruling beast, and the huge pain caused the ruling beast to shout.

"Atomic ray!" The mechanized voice of the Super Andulu beast sounded behind the Fallen Hell Beast. Naturally, he could not sit and watch the Judgment Beast being killed by the Fallen Hell Beast in front of him.The neutron energy emitted from the right shoulder of the Super Anduromon and the atomic energy emitted from the left shoulder will produce a very powerful annihilation force when combined.

As soon as the fallen hell beast turned around, the shotgun in his hand immediately turned into two lightning spears. The spears in his hand were condensed with a powerful and boundless dark power. The spears waved to send the super Andulu beast’s atomic rays to Split.Then he turned around again, and threw the lightning spear at the Judging Beast by the power of his turning body.

The lightning speed is so fast, a breath of time appeared in front of the Judging Beast, the right arm of the Judging Beast is already covered with cracks, and it must be unable to stop the two lightning spears.

At this critical moment, the Scientific Monster rushed in front of the Judgment Beast and took down the great axe Steiner behind him, which could help the Judgment Beast block two lightning spears.

"Giant Missile!" At this time, the attack of the Sadogdur was also here. The two cannons on the shoulders fired out huge shells as big as a siege hammer. The faces of the shells showed a cute smile, but that power will definitely make you laugh. come out.

"Huh!" The Fallen Hell Beast smiled disdainfully. He originally wanted to be his subordinates, but now he decided to kill them all.The Fallen Hell Beast didn't even look at the two huge shells, bypassed the Science Monster, and rushed towards the injured Judging Beast.

The Judging Beast watched the Fallen Hell Beast still rushed towards him, clenched his fist, and forcibly endured the severe pain caused by the erosion of the dark energy on his right arm. The right arm became a knife-shaped limit arm, and the purple-red arm stretched out. The energy knife slashed towards the fallen hell beast.

"Looking for death!" The Fallen Hell Beast said indifferently, his arm being corroded by dark energy and daring to use tricks, it would only accelerate the speed of being corroded by darkness.However, the Fallen Hell Beast did not show any mercy, and his left hand formed claws with five fingers, and the dark energy was attached to the entire left arm, grabbing towards the Judging Beast's energy blade.

The ultimate body and the ultra-ultimate body smashed the strength frontally, and the left hand of the fallen hell beast easily shredded the blade of the ruling beast. The power of darkness was extremely destructive, and easily crushed the entire left arm of the ruling beast. , Continue to grab the chest of the ruling beast with unabated power!

"Stop it!!" The Sadogdoo, the Science Monster and the Super Andulu simultaneously shouted.

How could the fallen hell beasts bother to their useless screams, the giant missile of the Sadogdu beast only caused the fallen hell beast to pause for a while, and there was no injury at all.Sadogdumon's giant missiles were harmless even if they were hit by the Vermillion Bird Beast at the pinnacle of the Ultimate Body, not to mention it was a Fallen Hell Beast that was much stronger than the Vermillion Bird Beast.

The dark claws of the fallen hell beast pierced the body of the ruling beast, and it was as easy as cutting tofu with a sharp knife.

"Ah!!!" Ruling Beast watched unwillingly at the hands of Fallen Hell Beast piercing his body, but it couldn't stop his data from dissipating.

"Cut!" After swallowing the Judging Beast's data, the Fallen Hell Beast snorted disdainfully.Now the ultimate body is really not enough to see, all the data of the ruling beast added up to less than half of the Jilubi beast.After all, the strength of the Judgment Beast is only the mid-level of the Ultimate Body, and it is completely different from the Jilu Biju at the peak of the Ultimate Body. Moreover, Jilu Biju is still a light-type Digimon. His information is for Fallen Heaven and Hell. Perfect food for the beast.

"I'm going to kill you!" The scientific monster raised his battle axe angrily and slashed towards the top of the fallen hell beast.

The corners of the fallen hell beast's mouth curled up in an evil arc, and raised his right hand. The right arm became the same mechanical arm as the ruling beast, blocking the attack of the scientific monster.

The scientific monster attacked with all its strength, and even failed to move the Fallen Hell Beast.

The Frankenstein looked at the Fallen Hell Beast blocking his right arm in shock, and said, "You...your hand..."

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly, and suddenly a section of his right arm grew out of the front, turning into a huge three-fingered manipulator. It pressed against the abdomen of the Scientific Monster, and said coldly: "Speed ​​up the boxing!" When displayed in the hands of Fallen Hell Beast, its power at least doubled.

The right arm of the Fallen Hell Beast became the same, and he casually said, "That trash trick works well." The Fallen Hell Beast is now several times stronger than before, and the Judgment Beast is not as strong as Jilubi. The data of the beast is not as purely bright as the Jilubibe, so it is extremely easy to absorb and digest it. In less than a minute, the fallen beast can completely digest the judgment beast's data.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the shocked Sadogdu Beast and them coldly, and said with a sneer: "Since you don't attack, then I will attack. Fanzuna!" After absorbing the virgin Yuan Yin of the Shaguya Beast, the Fallen Heaven Hell The beast has also mastered this trick.But Shaguyabe didn't know, and looked at the four tube foxes flying out of the fallen hell beast in surprise.

Of course, the meal plan of the fallen hell beast is still dominated by dark power, and each of them is attached with one of the elemental powers. The two pipe foxes of wind and water rushed to the Sadogdur and the Super Andulu respectively. , And the most destructive fire and thunder two pipe foxes rushed towards the scientific monster.

The fan gang of the fallen hell beast and the fan gang of the sand ancient tooth beast are completely two concepts. Under the powerful strength of the fallen hell beast, the pipe fox has also become huge. The pipe fox, which was originally just an ordinary iron pipe, has become a The thickness, speed and strength of adult men's calves have also increased exponentially.

Although the two elements of water and wind are inferior to fire and thunder in terms of attack power, it is absolutely first-rate to entangle people. The two tube foxes of water and wind tightly entangle the Sadogdur and the Super Andoru, making They have no way to be distracted to save the science monsters.

Under the siege of two powerful Guan foxes, the scientific monsters can only wield manual battle axes continuously.Although the huge battle axe successfully smashed the pipe fox, no matter how many pieces the pipe fox was broken into, it would immediately return to its original state under the influence of the dark power, just like two vampires.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly and stepped heavily on the ground, saying: "Vajra Mandala!" From the body of the Fallen Hell Beast, powerful dark energy radiated out, forming a barrier covering a battlefield. In the dark energy, the petals of the black mandala slowly fell, like a devil's smile.

The Vajra Mandala of the Shagutooth itself can drive away the darkness, with cherry blossom petals floating in it. The flower language of the cherry blossoms is happiness, purity, and all beautiful words.And the Vajra Mandala of the Fallen Hell Beast is scattered with petals of black mandala, and the flower language is the words of unpredictable darkness, death, and all evil.

Under the cover of the mandala of the dark vajra world, the head of the scientific monster seemed to be hit with a heavy hammer suddenly, his head was dizzy, and the battle axe in his hand seemed to be powerless.

The Fallen Hell Beast held a shotgun in his hand, pointed at the Science Monster from afar, and sneered: "Die, death shot!!!"

Chapter 188-End!

Two bullets easily penetrated the body of the scientific monster. If it is under normal circumstances, although the scientific monster is definitely not the opponent of the fallen hell beast, it is not so easy to be dropped by a single stroke. At least it can be slightly with a tomahawk. Block the attack of the fallen hell beast.

But now, among the mandala of the dark vajra world of the fallen hell beasts, there are only scientific monsters with mid-ultimate body strength. Both power and spirit are suppressed very strongly, and they are entangled by two tube foxes. The strength of the body is less than half.

Two bullets took the life of the scientific monster. The two pipe foxes immediately rushed forward, opened their mouths, and tore at the information of the scientific monster. The information of the scientific monster swallowed a part of the information of the pipe fox and was absorbed by the dark diamond world mandala. A part of it was dropped, and then all returned to the fallen hell beast.

Super Andulumon and Sadogdumon saw that the Science Monster was also killed by the Fallen Hell Beast, and they were shocked and angry.

The fallen hell beast Xiexie smiled, and the remaining two pipe foxes returned to the fallen hell beast's body. It would be boring if the ants were crushed to death. You should play slowly and watch the ants dying and struggling in their palms. Look like.

Super Andu Lumon and Sadogdumon looked at each other, and rushed forward without impulsiveness. They already understood the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast, and now rushing forward is simply looking for death.

"Super Andu Lumon, what should I do now?" Sadogdulmon asked the Super Andu Lumon seriously.

The Super Andulu was silent for a while, and then, a touch of determination appeared in his eyes, and said to the Sadogdul, "Sadogdul, you will help me attract the attention of the fallen hell beast, I will solve him."

Sadogdumon had serious doubts, but was immediately replaced by shock, saying, "No! Super Andurumon! You can't use that!"

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