Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 141

The Rose Beast looked at the Fallen Hell Beast coldly, his eyes full of anger and killing intent.The Phoenix Beast is the best friend of the Rose Beast. The two have guarded the magic forest for many years and have a deep relationship. However, the Phoenix Beast was killed by the Fallen Hell Beast. The Rose Beast could not but be angry and had no intention of killing.

The Fallen Hell Beast doesn’t care about the Rose Beast’s killing intent. There are too many Digimon who want to kill him, the Demon King, but now he is not alive. To kill him is more than just thinking and talking. When it comes, the most important thing is strength.

The Qiangwei beast's eyes were cold, and quickly rushed towards the fallen hell beast.Rosemon is the same as Fallen Hellmon, whose abilities are mainly manifested in speed and strength, which are relatively rare among female Digimon.

The Rose Beast looked at the Fallen Hell Beast coldly, with a whip of thorns in his hand, and slammed it towards the face of the Fallen Hell Beast. The Rose Beast obviously didn't know the rules of hitting people or not, and cursing people.


The fallen hell beast stretched out his hand, and the thorns whip hit the fallen hell beast's hand. Although there were no scars, the strength also made the fallen hell beast fall to the ground like a fashion.

Originally, the fallen hell beast landed on its back to the ground, but when it was about to come into close contact with the ground, the fallen hell beast twisted in mid-air with its powerful physical strength, and then steadily landed on the ground. .

The fallen hell beast moved its neck, its joints rattled, and looked at the rose beast in the sky coldly, and said coldly, "If this is your strength, then you will lose."

Rose Beast looked at the unscathed Hell Beast with a slight surprise. The Rose Beast knew the power of the Fallen Hell Beast, so she used 80% of her power on the whip just now. She thought it could at least slightly hurt the Fallen Hell Beast. But I didn't expect that the Fallen Hell Beast was still unscathed by this move. Under this situation, the Rose Beast's heart became more solemn.

The Fallen Hell Beast clasped his hands tightly, and the smile on his face became more arrogant and arrogant, constantly mobilizing an incomparably powerful force hidden in his body.


With a roar, the body of the fallen hell beast was enveloped by a huge black beam of light, and its power spewed out like a volcanic eruption.

The Rose Beast widened her eyes and looked at the huge black beam of light. If the Ultimate Body Rose Beast couldn't see what that beam of light meant, she wouldn't have to mix it up-it was the light of evolution!Because the fallen hell beast is the demon king of the dark system, his evolutionary light is also black.

In the light of evolution, the power of the Fallen Hell Beast skyrocketed without margin, and the muscles behind it looked strange. Four strong, pitch-black wings grew from behind the Fallen Hell Beast, and the scarlet eyes that were originally violent and agitated. It has become a stable and peaceful green, and the whole person's temperament and strength have undergone a radical change in an instant.

Ultra-ultimate body mid to late stage!!!The strength of the burst form of the Fallen Hell Beast skyrocketed to the mid and late stages of the ultra-ultimate body!!!

In the distant Crystal Palace, the sacred celestial beast was shocked and looked in the direction of the magic forest in horror.At the beginning, the Kirubi beast could feel the appearance of the fallen hell beast because after breaking the seal, the huge dark energy leaked from the dark area, even if it was far apart, the Kirubi beast could feel it.

After that, although the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast has improved, it has not used its full strength to fight. The power of the ultra-ultimate body has been suppressed in the body, and the vastness of the Digimon world is no more than the real world. In such a big world, a Digimon that has reduced one's strength is completely impossible even for the goddess.

And when the Fallen Hell Beast evolves, the strength of an ultra-ultimate body has completely exploded, and it is constantly growing.The existence of Ultra-Ultra Body represents not only power but also horror in the Digimon World. Ultra-Ultra Ultra Digimon, even in its early stages, has the power to influence the balance of the Digimon World. , An accident may destroy the entire Digimon world.

And now, the huge power of the Fallen Hell Beast's evolution has caused the entire Digimon to tremble violently. Even in the extremely distant Crystal Palace, the Holy Celestial Beast can feel the incomparable dark power of the Fallen Hell Beast. .

Even in the endless dark area, there was a violent tremor at this time, and the remaining six demon kings, as well as the Great Dracula, all cast their shocked eyes on the source of that power.

The six-winged beast that had fallen into a permanent sleep also opened his eyes at this time, looking at the source of the power, his eyes were full of shock, and muttered: "This it a fallen hell beast..." Then, He closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

The sacred celestial beast of the Crystal Palace was completely restless at this time, walking back and forth in the Crystal Palace, and finally made up his mind, turned into a streamer, and flew towards the sky.

Magic forest...

The Rose Beast looked at the Fallen Hell Beast in horror, and just glanced at it. The boundless power of the Fallen Hell Beast almost suffocated the Rose Beast, and even her core data trembled because of the dark power of the Fallen Hell Beast. That is fear, fear, the strength of the fallen hell beast is really terrifying.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly and said: "Now... the game continues..." As soon as the voice fell, the Fallen Hell Beast waved its strong wings and flew at top speed.

Qiangwei beast was shocked and quickly raised his sword to block it.


The Qiangwei Beast just raised his hand, and there was a sharp pain in his right cheek. The Fallen Hell Beast rushed to the Qiangwei Beast's side, and hit the Qiangwei beast's face with a heavy punch.

The Rose Beast was fisted by the Fallen Hell Beast and flew out. She was extremely shocked: So fast!The speed of the Fallen Hell Beast is so fast that the Rose Beast can't fully react. The strength and speed of his pride is as weak as a newly born baby in front of the Fallen Hell Beast.

Before the rose beast landed, he felt a sharp pain in his back. The fallen hell beast relied on its speed far above the speed of sound, and rushed behind her before the rose beast landed, and then kicked it on the back of the rose beast. .Fortunately, the body structure of Digimon is different from that of human beings. Otherwise, just kicking it on the spine and replacing it with a human will be immortal and disabled.

The rose beast flew up again in pain, and suddenly his eyes went dark, and a black figure appeared in front of the rose beast.

The fallen hell beast shook hands with each other, and a heavy blow hit the rose beast's stomach without mercy.

In the severe pain, the body of Qiangwei beast arched up like dried shrimp, and then quickly fell to the ground.


The rose beast finally returned to the ground, and a huge meteorite Ken was smashed into the ground. The rose beast was lying in the center of the crater in a large font, with an expression of extreme pain on its face.

The rose beast barely opened his eyes, and what brought him into his eyes was a huge cold positron cannon, and then the cold voice of the fallen hell beast, said: "surrender or die?"

Rose Beast was extremely sad, and after all, she lowered her arrogant head and said in grief: "Submit!" Although Rose Beast hated the Fallen Hell Beast, no matter how angry she was, she had to consider the entire magic forest.The Rose Beast already understands that his strength is not at the same level as the Fallen Hell Beast. Even if he accepts the X antibody and evolves into the Rose Beast X, the Rose Beast does not think he has a half-point chance of winning. Below, the rose beast had no choice but to surrender, otherwise the entire magic forest would suffer a disaster.

The Rose Beast guessed the same thing. If the Rose Beast is really tough, the Fallen Hell Beast may capture and kill her, but the Digimon in the entire magical forest will become the target of the Fallen Hell Beast’s anger, and the Rose Beast’s decision is also saved. The whole magic forest.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly, and after engraving the Rose Beast, he said, "From now on, you will be my servant, and the magic forest is also the territory of the Fallen Hell Beast. If you dare to betray me, I will let you feel More painful than death."

Although Qiangwei was sad in her heart, her face was expressionless, kneeling respectfully in front of the fallen hell beast, and said: "Yes, the fallen hell beast king."

The Fallen Hell Beast walked to the Rose Beast, looked at the Rose Beast, and said coldly: "Do you think that was my real strength just now?"

The rose beast's body trembled, so powerful is not his full strength?!Could it be...

The Fallen Hell Beast squatted beside the Rose Beast, and said a word in her ear. It was this sentence that made the Rose Beast never have the slightest idea of ​​betraying the Fallen Hell Beast.

Chapter 193-Angels of War!

After successfully taking down the magic forest, the Fallen Hell Beast became the only owner here, and the place where it lived was the castle where the Phoenix Beast and Rose Beast lived.

This castle made of trees is almost completely integrated with the magic forest. Although it is not gorgeous, it is absolutely comfortable. It must be said that the Phoenix Beast and the Rose Beast know how to enjoy it.

The Fallen Hell Beast sat on the main seat, his eyes faintly looked at the Rose Beast kneeling in front of him, and said: "Rose Beast, how many Digimon are there in the magic forest now?"

The Rose Beast was kneeling respectfully, and did not dare to look up at the Fallen Hell Beast, and replied: "Enlighten the Fallen Hell Beast King, now there are 9,300 Digimon in the Magic Forest, and 97 of them are completely complete. There are 1,300 animals in the mature stage, and the rest are in the growth and juvenile stages."

The Fallen Hell Beast nodded. This force was barely good at the time of the war, but it is already very powerful now, but there are not a few Ultimate Beasts who are subordinates. After all, it is still less.

The Fallen Hell Beast was about to speak, and then it seemed to have sensed something. An inexplicable smile appeared on his face, his fingers tapping the armrest of the chair rhythmically.

The Rose Beast secretly raised his head and glanced at the Fallen Hell Beast, and after seeing the smile on the corner of the Fallen Hell Beast's mouth, the Rose Beast trembled and immediately lowered his head.

After these few days of getting along, Qiangwei Beast also understood one thing, when the Fallen Hell Beast smiled, then someone must be unlucky.The rose beast kept reflecting on whether he had done something wrong in the past two days, for fear of being punished by the fallen hell beast.

This time it was Rose Beast that scared itself. Fallen Hell Beast laughed not because of her, but because of the sacred powers that were approaching the magic forest.

There are two in total, both of which are the peak strength of the Ultimate Body, and both have very powerful sacred powers. The Fallen Hell Beast can guess that one of them is the Divine Celestial Beast, but the other cannot.

The fallen hell beast smiled evilly, and its body instantly disappeared in place.Under the orders of the fallen hell beast, the rose beast has arranged the space coordinates of the fallen hell beast in several main places and exits in the magic forest, so now the fallen hell beast can come and go freely in the magic forest.

After leaving the magic forest, the Fallen Hell Beast immediately summoned Behemoth, then lay on Behemoth, and rushed towards the two sacred auras leisurely.

On the other hand, the Holy Celestial Beast and the other Ultimate Digimon also felt the arrival of the Fallen Hell Beast, and they simply stopped, waiting for the Fallen Hell Beast.

The distance between the two parties is only a dozen kilometers. At the speed of Behemoth, you can see the two sacred Digimons without a moment. One of them is naturally the last of the three angels-the sacred celestial beast. , And the other one, the whole body was covered with silver metal, even the wings, holding a pair of silver huge swords in both hands-the ultimate body to slash the angel beast!

However, although the Slashing Angel Beast also has the strength of the ultimate body peak, it has a bit of energy to release. It seems that it has only recently been promoted to the ultimate body peak, and it feels that its strength is not stable.And even if the strength is really equal, the Slashing Angel Beast is definitely not the opponent of the Divine Celestial Beast.

There are nine levels of angels. The upper three levels are Seraphim, Wisdom Angel and Zodiac Angel, corresponding to the Ultimate Angel Beast, Cherubist Beast, and Holy Heaven Female Beast.The middle three levels are the main angel, the power angel and the power angel, corresponding to the main angel beast, the slashing angel beast and the key angel beast.The next three levels are the right angel, the archangel and the angel. The right angel has not yet appeared. The archangel includes the sacred angel beast, the sacred angel beast, and the celestial beast. Angels include the angel beast, the jean beast and the flame angel beast.

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