Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 142

The sacred celestial beast is an angel, and the slashing angel beast is a lower-level capable angel. No matter how strong the slashing angel beast is, it is impossible to defeat the sacred celestial beast higher than him.

The fallen hell beast lay leisurely on Behemoth, looking at the holy celestial beast and the slashing angel beast, sneered and said: "Why, two more will be sent to death." Given the current strength of the fallen hell beast, no matter what. Extreme Angel Beast and Kirubi Beast were resurrected, and all the nine levels of angels added up were definitely not his opponents.In the prehistoric world, it is said that below the saints are all ants, and in the Digimon world, all below the ultra-Ultra body are ants.

The slashing angel beast looked at the fallen hell beast coldly. He was the warrior who led the angel army to fight. He hated evil most, and he did not fear death in order to protect justice.

"Falling hell beast." The holy female beast said faintly, the atmosphere fell into extreme depression and dullness for a while, and the two sides were so stalemate.

After more than an hour, the slashing of the angel beast was finally unbearable, raised the two swords in his hand and crossed into a cross, shouting: "Holy sword!"

The two swords that slashed the angel beast slammed a cross-shaped sword aura, and the standard cross-shaped sword aura slashed toward the fallen hell beast with powerful sacred power.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly and shouted: "Dark Cross Slash!!" With a wave of his hands, a purple-black cross was sent out to meet the sacred sword that smashed the Angel Beast, but the Fallen Hell Beast's Dark Cross Slash was not so much. It is a cross, rather than a big cross.

Once the shape of some things changes, the meaning is completely different. The upright cross of the slashing angel beast represents sacredness and justice, while the oblique cross of the fallen hell beast represents darkness and sin.

The Dark Cross Slash of the Fallen Hell Beast easily tore the sacred sword that slashed the Angel Beast, and then continued to fly towards the Slash Angel Beast.

Slashing one of the wings of the angel beast, avoiding the dark cross slash of the fallen hell beast, and then the whole body turned into a sharp blade, rushing towards the fallen hell beast.

When the sacred female beast saw that the slashing angel beast had already fought with the fallen hell beast, it was naturally impossible to stay out of the matter. With a move of her hands, it condensed into a sacred crystal ball, arranged in the shape of the tree of life and flew towards the fallen hell beast.

The right arm of the fallen hell beast became the mechanical right arm of the ruling beast, blocking the Heavenly Slashing Blade that slashed the angel beast, and then a huge green rocket launched out of thin air in his left hand, aiming at the tree of life crystal of the holy beast. Xie Xie smiled and shouted: "Giant Missile!!"


A huge cannonball flew out of the rocket launcher, with a cute smile on the cannonball, and then hit the tree of life crystal!!

Rumble!!!The huge explosion almost completely destroyed the ground.

Although it is covered by a mask, it is not difficult to imagine that the beautiful eyebrows of the sacred celestial beast must be frowned. Although the sacred celestial beast has not directly fought with the fallen hell beast, he still has some understanding of the power of the fallen hell beast. Hell beasts can use the unique tricks of Digimon that they have absorbed. This is not known to others, but the holy celestial beast knows. In this way, the sacred celestial beast and the slashing angel beast are not just facing the fallen hell beast. It's simple.

"Javelin in the Garden of Eden!" The holy female beast uttered a clear cry, and threw the golden javelin in her hand at the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast threw away the rocket launcher in his left hand, his right hand would slash the Angel Beast, and then his left hand held high, shouting: "The Fallen Hell Beast!" The left hand of the Fallen Hell Beast instantly turned into a black spear.(It is the Demon Sword of the Demon Girl, changed its name, think about the man who is as arrogant as the Fallen Hell Beast, raising his hand and saying that the Demon Girl Demon Sword is really inappropriate)

The black magic sword smashed the sacred celestial beast's Garden of Eden javelin, and then the scientific monster's battle axe appeared in his right hand, and blocked the giant sword that slashed the angelic beast.Then, the Fallen Hell Beast waved vigorously, shook the Slashing Angel Beast, and then released the battle axe and swung it towards the Slashing Angel Beast.

Supported by the powerful strength of the Fallen Hell Beast, the Slashing Angel Beast was shaken out far away, and even the giant sword made entirely of superalloy was full of cracks.The giant sword that slashed the angel beast was not a leather-only thing like the iron orangutan, but it was a solid sword made of superalloy from the inside to the outside.

The fallen hell beast took advantage of the victory and rushed towards the slashing angel beast.

The holy female beast chased after seeing it, and at the same time threw the javelin in her hand, hoping to delay the movement of the fallen hell beast.

The head of the fallen hell beast will not be able to, and the action does not stop at all, but coldly sips: "Fanzuna!" Four black pipe foxes flew out of the fallen hell beast, and rushed towards the holy celestial beast thrown together. The Javelin of Eden, although the sacred power on the javelin restrained the dark power of the clarinet fox, after all, the strength of the fallen hell beast was too strong, and it easily prevented the Javelin of Eden from being cast, and then left it aside.

With a move from the holy female beast, the javelin returned to her hand, and the next moment, the divine female beast was entangled by the four tube foxes.

The fan of the fallen hell beast, a tube fox can entangle a ultimate body. Although the holy celestial beast is not an ordinary ultimate body, it still has no choice but to face the four tube foxes and was successfully stopped by the fallen hell beast Come down.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly, and rushed towards the Slashing Angel Beast with endless killing intent.

Chapter 194-Kiss!

Faced with the fallen hell beast rushing towards him, there is no half fear of slashing the angel beast. He is an angel-shaped Digimon born for battle, and he will never fear to fight.

The slashing angel beast raised the huge sword and rushed towards the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast sneered coldly, and wanted to defeat him, it was not necessary to have fighting spirit. With a hand in the air, the battle axe of the scientific monster reappeared in the hand of the fallen hell beast, with the power to open the mountain and split the rock. Slash towards the top of the slashing angel beast. If this axe is cut down, the fallen hell beast is confident that it can definitely reunite the slashing angel beast and the cherub beast.

The slashing angel beast's eyes lit up the flames of war, and the two swords crossed in front of him, blocking the battle axe of the fallen hell beast.


The head-on collision of power and power, even if the slashing angel beast is an angel born for war, it is not comparable to the warlike dark demon.But within a few moments of effort, the slashing angel beast was already suppressed by the fallen hell beast, and the battle axe kept pressing down on the slashing angel beast's face.


With two explosions, the body of the fallen hell beast paused, and the power in his hand paused, and the slashing angel beast took the opportunity to escape from the fallen hell beast's battle axe.

Although the sacred celestial beast was entangled by the four tube foxes and couldn't get out, it was always paying attention to the battle situation here. After seeing the slashing angel beast in crisis, the sacred celestial beast immediately issued the tree of life crystal to rescue, although ten crystals Eight of them were stopped by four tube foxes, but two of them broke through and hit the Fallen Hell Beast. Although they did not cause any damage to the Fallen Hell Beast, they also stopped the action of the Fallen Hell Beast slightly. , And gave the slashing angel beast a chance to escape.

The fallen hell beast smiled slightly and released four more dark tube foxes. Now the holy celestial female beast has no time to take care of slashing the angelic beasts. The number of regulated foxes suddenly doubled, and the sacred celestial female beast can only do its best to deal with it.Fortunately, the Fallen Heaven Hell Beast didn't want to kill her, otherwise the Holy Heavenly Female Beast would have died away.

The fallen hell beast looked at slashing the angel beast, and his eyes became cold again. For this kind of faithful of the light faction, there is no possibility of subduing him, the fallen hell beast will definitely kill him.

The dark power was gathered on both feet, and then the speed exploded in an instant, at a speed of several Mach, and within a few tenths of a second, the Fallen Hell Beast rushed behind the Slashing Angel Beast.

The slashing angel beast was shocked, and was about to defend it. The sharp pain on its wings took away all the power of the slashing angel beast.

The hands of the Fallen Hell Beast are condensed with the most destructive dark power, and the claws become extremely sharp. Even the superalloy wings of the slashing angel beast are immediately grabbed by the Fallen Hell Beast. The destructive power is extremely powerful. It poured directly into the body of the slashing angel beast.

"Ah!!!" No matter how strong the character of the slashing angel beast, it is absolutely unable to bear this kind of pain.

For Digimon that has wings and wings are useful, wings are very important and fragile. Once wings are missing, their strength will definitely be greatly reduced, not just because they lose the ability to fly.

For example, one day a person suddenly loses an arm. It is not just a problem of missing a hand. After a sudden loss of an arm, for a period of time, walking will be very unbalanced, it is easy to fall, and need some Time can adapt to this change.(At the Paralympic Games, some runners with broken arms looked strange in running posture. In fact, because they had no arms, there was no way to wave their arms to maintain their balance.)


The fallen hell beast clasped the wings of the slashing angel beast with both hands, and then kicked it strongly on the back of the slashing angel beast.

"Ah!!!" The slashing angel beast screamed, his eyes rolled white, and under the tremendous pain, the giant sword in his hand couldn't hold it, and it fell to the ground.

The fallen hell beast stomped on the back of the slashing angel beast with one foot, and then pulled back the wings of the slashing angel beast with both hands, and was about to tear off his wings.


The sound of metal tearing kept ringing, and the wings of the slashing angel beast kept leaving his body.


The Fallen Hell Beast tugged forcefully with both hands, completely tore off the superalloy wings of the Slashing Angel Beast, and then kicked it out, just like kicking the Slashing Angel Beast out of it.Then he squeezed the two wings in his hand, turned the superalloy wings into raw materials, and swallowed them all.

After losing its wings, the slashing angel beast almost lost most of its strength. The sharp pain in the back caused the determined slashing angel beast to pass out with pain, but the body was still trembling because of the severe pain.

The fallen hell beast slowly walked to the body of the slashing angel beast, raised his hand, with dark energy condensed in his hand, and grabbed it towards the heart of the slashing angel beast.

Seeing that the fallen hell beast was about to kill the slashing angel beast, a golden spear was stretched out abruptly, which could block the claws of the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast followed the golden spear with a wicked smile on his face and looked at the beautiful jade.

The condition of the holy female beast at this time is not good at all. She knew that it was bad when she heard the scream of slashing the angel beast, but the eight-tailed tube fox entangled her to death, leaving no gap for her. After getting away, under anxiety, the holy celestial beast was almost injured.

When he saw the fallen hell beast about to kill the slashing angel beast, the holy female beast couldn't help it. She struggled to be injured, burst out all the power and destroyed all the tube foxes, and then rushed instantly. He came over and saved the slashing angel beast with his own spear.

"Whhhhhhhh..." The holy female beast gasped, her consumption is not small, she burst out all the power in one blow to destroy all the pipe foxes, and then blocked the fallen hell beast's intention to kill With one blow, the sacred celestial beast could not bear it.

The fallen hell beast looked at the holy celestial beast coldly, and said with a sneer: "You are only extending his life for ten seconds." Then he waved his hand vigorously to shake the holy celestial beast, and then held it in his hand. The lightning spear pierced directly at the heart of the angel beast.

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