Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 143

"No!!!" the holy celestial beast screamed.

The fallen hell beast did not hesitate in his hand, the sharp lightning spear pierced the heart of the beast angel, destroying his core information, and there was no possibility of survival.It's really ironic that Zhi Angel's trick is used to kill Neng Angel.

After absorbing the information of the slashing angel beast, the fallen hell beast walked in front of the holy beast.

The holy female beast just looked at the fallen hell beast plainly, waiting for the arrival of death, the calm after despair.

The fallen hell beast walked thirty centimeters in front of the sacred celestial beast and then stopped, and then directly reached out and took off the mask of the sacred celestial beast.When I saw the face of the holy celestial beast, even the fallen hell beast who had been accustomed to seeing beautiful women couldn't help but froze for a while, it was so beautiful!

Exquisite and delicate face, big watery blue eyes, delicate nose and thin pale pink lips, and the most exciting thing is the incomparably holy temperament of the holy celestial beast. If ordinary men see the holy The face of the celestial beast, I am afraid it will not have the courage to look at the sacred beast.But will the fallen hell beast be an ordinary man?Of course it's impossible.

Seeing the impeccable face of the sacred celestial beast, the fallen hell beast felt that his heartbeat had missed a beat, and then he could not suppress his inner impulse at all, and reached out his hand to hold the small face of the sacred celestial beast, facing it Her pink lips pressed her big mouth up.

"Hmm..." The holy celestial beast widened her eyes and looked at the demon lord who was kissing her in shock. I don't know why, the heart of the holy celestial beast suddenly throbbed like never before, the heart that died of despair. Now radiates vitality again.

A wicked smile appeared in the eye of the fallen hell beast's forehead. Looking at the sacred celestial beast whose face was rapidly reddening, he directly used his tongue to skillfully pry open the sacred celestial beast's teeth, greedily omit this one located in the Digimon. The world's top women's Xiangjin.

The sacred female beast felt flustered, inexplicably flustered, and she, who could face death calmly, felt extremely flustered now.The bewildered sacred celestial beast even got rid of the golden javelin in his hand, just clenched the small pink fist, and kept beating the sturdy chest of the fallen hell beast.

With the strength and physical strength of the fallen hell beast, how could he put the struggle of the divine celestial beast on his heart, but instead greedily enjoy the sweet taste of the sacred celestial beast's mouth.

Gradually, the struggle of the holy celestial beast stopped, because it was completely ineffective.The little face is completely red, and the big blue eyes are full of water like the sea, which is especially alluring.

When the fallen hell beast saw that the holy female beast had stopped struggling, the smile in the third eye became more obvious, and he was very confident in his kissing skills.At the moment, he attacked the small mouth of the holy celestial beast more fiercely, and at the same time, his hands tightened even more forcefully on the soft and boneless body of the holy celestial beast.

Being hugged so hard by the fallen hell beast, the holy female beast can clearly feel the strength of the fallen hell beast and the charming masculine smell.The sacred celestial beast who had just passed this way couldn’t help but be intoxicated for a while. Although there was a voice in her heart that kept admonishing her not to do this, she still closed her eyes involuntarily, enjoying the beauty of her lips and tongue, and she didn’t even know a pair of jade hands. When did it encircle the strong waist of the fallen hell beast.

Fifteen minutes later, the fallen hell beast reluctantly left from the small mouth of the holy celestial beast. Because of the prolonged kiss, the small mouth of the sacred celestial beast swelled up to the naked eye.At this time, the sacred celestial beast has completely lost its usual holiness. Its small face is flushed, and there is still a hint of coquettish water in its closed eyes, softly leaning against the chest of the fallen hell beast, panting violently. , I just want to never wake up for a lifetime.

The fallen hell beast lowered his head, leaned to the ear of the holy female beast, and asked softly, "Is it comfortable?"

The holy celestial female beast was confused and said: "Yeah." Then she realized what she had said, and even the crystal-clear jade ears were red, and she shrank into the enemy's arms like a kitten. .

The fallen hell beast kissed the face of the holy female beast, and said: "I'm leaving now, remember to miss me." Then, the figure slowly disappeared.

When the holy female beast heard that he was about to leave, her heart seemed to be empty for some reason, as if she had lost a very important thing, and blurted out: "Don't go!"

Before the words fell, the holy female beast only felt empty in his arms, and the fallen hell beast had completely lost its shadow.

The sacred celestial beast fell on the ground, and only felt the emptiness in his heart. Tears somehow flowed down and flowed into the corner of her mouth along the beautiful face of the sacred celestial beast. The bitter taste was not just filled with the divine beast's. The tip of the tongue is even more in her heart...

Chapter 195-Untitled, can't think of it, woo woo woo...

The Fallen Hell Beast didn't want to directly push the Divine Heavenly Female Beast along with the trend, but it couldn't. It didn't mean that he couldn't, but because of some special reasons.

The slashing angel beast is different from the four ultimate bodies of Infinite City. Not to mention the strength of the slashing angel beast is higher than them, reaching the peak of the ultimate body, and more importantly, the slashing angel The beast is a true angel-type Digimon. Although the sacred power is no higher than the three-level angel of the Kirubi beast, it is absolutely not to be underestimated. At this time, you can push down the sacred beast and absorb her virgin yin. ?Although it will not die, it is also a very troublesome thing.

After returning to the magical forest, the Fallen Hell Beast immediately pulled the three females of the Monster Girl Beast, Lilac Beast and Shaguya Beast to the bed. If you want to refine the inside of the body, double cultivation is naturally the best way.

During the dual cultivation, the Fallen Hell Beast was constantly absorbing and digesting the powerful sacred power of the slashing angel beast, and even the three daughters who had dual cultivation with him received a lot of benefits.

On the other side, the sacred celestial beast, who was snatched by the fallen hell beast for the first kiss, returned to the Crystal Palace in despair. After removing a cyan armor, the sacred celestial beast sat on the bed and looked at the bright starry sky outside the window, but no matter what Can't calm down either.

As soon as I closed my eyes, my mind was filled with the evil and domineering figure of the fallen hell beast. Even looking at the starry sky, the stars in the sky seemed to form the evil smile of the fallen hell beast, and the kiss in my heart disappeared. No, the shadow of the fallen hell beast is like the spiritual tree in the dragon ball (in the theater version). The heart of the sacred celestial beast is completely rooted, even if the sacred celestial beast digs out its own heart, it is completely Can't erase that figure.

"Uuuuuuu..." The holy celestial beast curled up on the bed, buried her pretty face in her legs, bitter tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes, even the holy celestial beast didn't know what she was crying. , But tears flowed out uncontrollably, and her delicate body kept trembling. Now she is not that strong angel at all, but just a little woman who is trapped by love.

Crying and crying, the figure of the fallen hell beast reappeared in the mind of the sacred celestial beast, thinking of that sweet kiss, the sacred celestial beast couldn't help but be mad...

In the magical forest, the Fallen Hell Beast was happy all night, and finally digested and absorbed the power of the Slash Angel Beast. After absorbing the Slash Angel Beast, the angel-shaped Digimon whose body is superalloyed, the Fallen Hell Beast also Obtained huge benefits.

Although the body of the Fallen Hell Beast was very strong, even weapons made of superalloy could not hurt it.But that's also because of the powerful defensive power that the Fallen Hell Beast has obtained after countless battles and thousands of trials. In terms of basic defense power, how can a normal body be comparable to the superalloy that ranks second in the world of Digimon hardness?

After absorbing the information of the slashing angel beast, although the appearance of the fallen hell beast has not changed in any way, the super alloy has been completely integrated into every inch of the muscles of the fallen hell beast, giving the fallen hell beast a stronger body , More powerful defense and destructive power, the strength of the body is close to the hardest ore in the Digimon world-Huanglong Mine!

Not just the body, the two shotguns of the fallen hell beasts, and the hard superalloy that the positron cannon has also become more powerful than before, especially the positron cannon!

The positron gun was originally made of a rare ore called Black Meteorite. It was very hard. It ranked fourth among all the metals in the Digimon World. The first was Huanglong Mine, the second was Super Alloy, and the third. It is a bronze mine.

Although the black meteorite is only ranked fourth, it is definitely rare in the Digimon world. Although the black meteorite is only ranked fourth in hardness, it has the first mechanical properties, low density, high hardness, and mechanical properties. It has good performance and is a very suitable metal for making weapons.

The positron cannon made from the black meteorite was no problem for the fallen hell beast, but now it is different. The positron cannon made from the black meteorite has restricted the strength of the fallen hell beast.

In terms of the strength of the fallen hell beast's ultra-ultimate body, if he fully uses the turbid flame strike, a very high concentration of dark energy will accumulate on the positron cannon. If the power is 100%, it will be made by the black meteorite. His positron cannon couldn't bear the huge energy and broke, so the fallen hell beast simply couldn't use all its power.

After the body material of the Dangyang electronic gun is changed to a super alloy, the hardness is greatly improved, and it can withstand greater energy and exert greater power.

With a powerful force, it is necessary to have a weapon that matches its powerful force in order to exert its full strength. This time absorbing the information of slashing the angel beast is of great benefit to the fallen hell beast.

And after completely absorbing the information of the slashing angel beast, the strength has been greatly improved, and finally it has been promoted from the initial intermediate level of the ultra-ultimate body to the initial and post-level of the ultra-ultimate body.(This is what you call a "significant" improvement?)

Originally, the Fallen Hell Beast planned to go to the Polar Icefield next, but something suddenly happened that disrupted the Fallen Hell Beast's plan.

The fallen hell beast felt a wave of energy, which had nothing to do with the holy female beast, it was a wave of energy from the dark area.The fallen hell beast has been sealed in that damn place for tens of thousands of years. Even if it has changed its soul, the body still has the aversion and hatred for the dark area. For the energy fluctuations in the dark area, the fallen hell beast can be described as if Know the palm.

What makes the Fallen Hell Beast feel strange is that after that dark wave, nothing special happened, which makes the Fallen Hell Beast feel strange.

The coming of the Demon King can be enough to shake the entire Digimon world. When the fallen hell beast broke through the seal of the dark area and came to the Digimon world, it can be described as the discoloration of the world, but this time except for that one Outside of the little dark fluctuations, there is no vision.

The fallen hell beast originally thought that some demon king broke through the seal of the dark zone and returned to the Digimon world, but now it seems that it is not at all.

Under the curiosity of the fallen hell beast, he rode on Behemoth and took all the four females. Because it was a bit crowded, the lilac beast could only be shrunk in the arms of the fallen hell beast, the witch beast, the shaguya beast and the rose beast Sit in the back.

The fallen hell beast pressed a button on Behemoth, and Behemoth’s pedals immediately enlarged and turned into two red and black demon wings. The rocket propeller behind the car emitted a hot air stream. Himos immediately became a jet plane.

The two wings flew faster than the two reels, but in just over an hour, Behemoth took the fallen hell beasts and they rushed from the magic forest to the place where dark waves appeared-the continent of Sabah.

In a desert, the selected children and their Digimon are all there, but only Iori Taiichi and Agumon are missing.When the fallen hell beast saw this scene, he immediately understood, it was purely that he had been worrying too much.

The dark fluctuation just now was caused by the battle between the mechanical tyrannosaurus and the orangutan.

Orangutan is the first full-body BOSS encountered by the selected children. Thinking about the current full body can dominate one side, it can be seen how low the strength of the Digimon world is now.

As the first male protagonist of the first Digimon, Taiyi’s Digimon Agumon was naturally the first to evolve into a complete mechanical Tyrannosaurus. The ultimate destruction cannon of the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus successfully defeated the Gorilla. , But it caused the turbulence of time and space. The turbulence of time and space took Taiichi and Agumon to Japan, but threw the orangutan beast into the dark area.

The orangutan has experienced countless battles in the dark area. After being destroyed and reborn again and again, it has obtained precious data. It has actually evolved into the ultimate steel orangutan, breaking the seal of the dark area and returning to the Digimon world. Up.

The strength of the steel orangutan is reasonable, especially a body covered with superalloy. It ignores all the tricks in the middle of the ultimate body. Even the ultimate smashing claws of the golden sword lion cannot be used in the steel orangutan. There was a slight scar on his body.

In the original plot, the more tragic thing about the steel orangutan is that the hammer of the Zudonmon is also made of superalloy. The solid superalloy hammer is naturally the better than the hollow superalloy shell. , Although the steel gorilla beast was killed by the Golden Sword Lion Beast, half of it was killed by the Zudun Beast. How can it be said that it is not a tragedy?

And the Fallen Hell Beast looked at the remaining six selected children and their Digimon, and immediately laughed, because he remembered that according to the plot, next, the little evil beasts of Vampire Beasts will divide these six The selected children will be separated one by one. After being singled, where can Sona and Meimei escape?

Thinking of the bodies of the two little Lori, the expression on the face of Fallen Hell Beast became evil.

Chapter 196-Vampire Warcraft Castle!

The fallen hell beast did not immediately go to contact the selected children, but went to another place-the castle of Vampire Beast!

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