Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 148

Meimei’s little mouth and vocal cords were completely out of her control at this time, and she said diligently, “Ok... okay... we... always... always be... women of the fallen hell beast..."

After hearing what Meimei said, a flower bloomed on Suna's face, and she looked at the fallen hell beast with an inviting expression.

The Fallen Hell Beast glanced at Suna approvingly, a smile appeared on her face, and the smile on Suna's face suddenly became more beautiful.

After the fallen hell beast satisfied Meimei, she rewarded Suna again, and then lay on the bed with her arms around two beautiful girls.

This bed was originally made by Meimei alone. If Sona was added, the two girls would not feel squeezed when lying on the bed together. However, if a tall fallen hell beast was added, the space on the bed would not appear. Too much, in order not to fall out of bed, the two girls can only do their best to squeeze the fallen hell beast.

Suna appeared to be decent and generous, lying very comfortably in the arms of the Fallen Hell Beast, and even put a beautiful leg on the body of the Fallen Hell Beast.Meimei is not as bold as Suna, she is now almost completely curled up in the arms of the fallen hell beast, her small face flushed with shame, and she dared not raise her head to see people.

The passion just now was no better than the one last night. Although the one last night was crazier and it was Meimei's first night, Meimei completely lost her mind at that time and didn't remember much after waking up.But it was different just now. Although Meimei was also confused and infatuated just now, her brain still fully retained this memory. After the passion, Meimei recalled the slutty appearance of herself actively holding the fallen hell beast for love, and she was ashamed. She had no self-confidence, she didn't even have the face to face the Fallen Hell Beast and Suna, and she couldn't even hate the Fallen Hell Beast anymore.

Suna looked at the Meimei little ostrich and rolled her big eyes. Although her whole body was still limp, she still stretched out her hand strenuously, patted Meimei's shoulder, and said, "Meimei, you just agreed to be a fallen hell beast. For women, you can't go back on it."

"Ah!" Meimei screamed in shock, and buried her head in the arms of the fallen hell beast, and said dullly: "No, I haven't said it!"

"The child who lied is to be punished!" Suna pouted, and then looked at the fallen hell beast with expectant eyes. She seemed to have forgotten, she seemed to be only one year older than Meimei.(Suna said angrily: a year older is also a big one!!!)

The fallen hell beast smiled slightly and asked, "How to punish it?"

Suna rolled her eyes, and then she reached the ear of the fallen hell beast and said a few words softly.

The more the Fallen Hell Beast listened, the more the smile in his eyes could not be concealed. Finally, when Suna finished speaking, the Fallen Hell Beast reached out and nodded Suna’s forehead, and said with a smile: "Little girl, you learn broken!"

Suna wrinkled her nose cutely at the Fallen Hell Beast, which meant that she was not ruined by you!

The fallen hell beast didn't bother to fight with her any more, pulled up the little ostrich in his arms, and then hugged her little butt and placed it on top of his dragon, and then pressed down with a single breath. Top it in.

"Ah!" Meimei yelled out of fear when she was suddenly attacked.

The fallen hell beast immediately began to attack Meimei’s body. The skilled technology and powerful capital made Meimei feel happy, and soon reached the edge of the peak, but the fallen hell beast suddenly pulled out his dragon at this time. .

Meimei opened her eyes and looked at the fallen hell beast with a desire and dissatisfaction.

The fallen hell beast evilly smiled, put down Meimei’s body, and then Suna crawled over, her petite body hung on the strong body of the fallen hell beast, turned her head and smiled at Meimei: "This is your punishment. Oh, you can never reach the top, unless you say you want to be a woman of fallen hell beast!"

Then, under Meimei's extremely sad expression, the dragon of the fallen hell beast entered Suna's body.

Suna deliberately wanted to stimulate Meimei, holding the body of the fallen hell beast, moving extremely hard, and groaning very loudly, which was simply a torture for Meimei who was hung in the air.

With her body lonely and unbearable, Meimei subconsciously moved her hand to the sensitive part of her body, comforting herself, seeing that when she was about to reach the peak, the fallen hell beast had fast eyes and grabbed Meimei's hand, and just took Meimei from there. Pulled down from the peak.

Suna turned her head, with an extremely feminine expression on her face, looking at Meimei who was wronged, and smiled: "You deserve it!" Then she turned around and continued to hold the fallen hell beast, yelling louder: "Ah. ... so comfortable..."

With grievances and sorrows on Meimei's face, she tried to take out her hand several times, but the hand of the fallen hell beast clamped Meimei's hand like a metal clamp. Although she was careful not to hurt her, Meimei wanted to hold it. It is completely impossible to extract it.

"Uuuuuu... Fallen Hell Beast, I gave up, I am willing to be your woman, don't torture me anymore, okay..." Meimei pleaded at the Fallen Hell Beast with a little cry.

This was what the Fallen Hell Beast was waiting for. He smiled and pulled Meimei over, shot the two girls, and after satisfying the two girls, the Fallen Hell Beast put on his clothes and walked out of the room.


As soon as he walked out of the room, the Fallen Hell Beast heard a cold snort...

Chapter 201-Untitled again!

The Fallen Hell Beast turned around and looked down at this white kitten, Dilu Beast!

Dilumon looked at the Fallen Hell Beast coldly with a pair of big cat eyes, and said very plainly: "Are you cool enough?" Although it was just a plain sentence, it is not difficult to hear the endless depression in the kitten's voice. Rage, make it clearer, break the anger, break it, and analyze it a little bit clearly, which is called jealousy.

Although the Dilu Beast is jealous of Meimei and Suna, the Fallen Hell Beast is still very happy, but it is more helpless. Looking at the Dilu Beast’s kitten-like body, the three eyes of the Fallen Hell Beast are simultaneously There was a feeling of helplessness.

If the Dilu beast doesn't evolve into the celestial beast, what can the fallen hell beast do?Pour your own power directly into Dilumon's body?Don't be kidding, there are only two possible outcomes in that case, and neither is good.

First, Dilu Beast exploded and died!Dilumon is a sacred beast-shaped Digimon. With a sacred tail ring on its tail, the whole body is full of sacred light power. Therefore, although the strength of Dilumon is very strong in the mature period, it is also compatible with the power of the fallen hell beast. The most exclusive.

The fallen form of the fallen hell beast is different from that of the six-winged beast. He is pure darkness. The body of the fallen hell beast only has dark power, and it is the highest and purest dark power.

The power of darkness cannot be imported into the bodies of other Digimon, otherwise it will easily mutate, and no one knows what consequences it will cause.

In the second part, Ichijo Teraken, his sacred plan is only to contaminate a little dark power of the dark sea in the dark area, and it becomes a dark D-3 Digimon Dragon machine. Because of that dark power, as a result It made Taiyi’s Tyrannosaurus erroneously evolve into a zombie tyrannosaurus several times. Although it evolved correctly in the end, because of the dark evolution, its body became blue, and its attributes changed from a vaccine species to a virus species.

Everyone knows how difficult it is for light and darkness to merge. In Digimon’s past and future, only the fallen form of the hexa-winged beast has mastered the powerful power of the fusion of light and darkness. It is because of this that the fallen form of the six-winged beast is only It is the level of the complete body, and it has the powerful strength of the ultra-ultimate body mid-term.

When the Fallen Hell Beast absorbed the Kirubi Beast, it was only absorbed but not merged. The light power of the Kirubi Beast and his own dark power almost exploded. In the end, it was thanks to the virgin Yuanyin of the Monster Girl Beast and Lilac Beast. Spent.

If the Fallen Hell Beast enters the dark energy into the Dilu Beast’s body, the Dilu Beast’s strength is less than 25% per pound (Is strength described by this quantifier?), and the mortality rate will be very high. .

If the Dilu beast were lucky enough to survive, it would not evolve into a celestial beast, but it is more likely that it would degenerate and evolve into a demon beast.

Dark power is very destructive and corrosive, especially for Digimon with sacred power, this aspect includes many, angel type, god-human type, holy beast type are among them, celestial beast is angel type, The Shaguyamon is a divine-human type, and the Dilumon is a holy beast, a Digimon with light power. After being contaminated with darkness, it is easy to degenerate. It is completely degenerate, changing between light and darkness, but it is It's just a moment.

The Fallen Hell Beast already owns a Wicked Girl Beast, and it would be boring to come one more. It's a rare thing, and the same goes for women. Just one Wicked Girl Beast is enough.(Do you want me to mark No. 1 Monster Girl and No. 2 Monster Girl Beast?)

The Fallen Hell Beast stretched out his hand again to lift the Dilu Beast, because it was tired whether it was keeping his head down or squatting down to talk to the Dilu Beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the Dilu Beast with its dead fish eyes, and said: "You hurry up and evolve for me, I am really boring just like you are now."

"Despicable! Shameless! Indecent!" Dilumon cursed, rolling his eyes.

"Despicable is the pass of the despicable, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble." (I really love this sentence too much!!!) The fallen hell beast rolled his eyes and uttered a word, and then said without disgrace: " I was originally the devil in the dark. Do you still want to put the beautiful words like kindness and light on me?" When the word "beautiful" was said, the eyes of the fallen beast showed strong Of disdain.

Dilu beast narrowed his mouth and didn't say anything. After more than a month of getting along, Dilu beast probably understood the temper of the fallen hell beast.

First, it's very arrogant. Anyone who has eyes can see this.The Fallen Hell Beast has a strong confidence in his own strength, and he disdains to attack the weak, but if anyone dares to offend his majesty as a demon king, he will definitely be merciless.

Second, lust!Very lustful!Thinking of women all day long.(Speaking of which is not good, I write him why...)

Third, it's a bit nasty.Dilu Beast found that the Fallen Hell Beast liked to anger himself deliberately, and then looked at her angry.

During this period of time, in addition to arguing with the Fallen Hell Beast, the Dilu Beast was constantly testing the bottom line of the Fallen Hell Beast, what kind of things he could tolerate and what the Fallen Hell Beast could do. The thing that makes him angry again, these delu beasts are gradually groping.

—————————— I am Xiaochunjie————————

In the next few days, as soon as the fallen hell beasts are interested, they will hold Meimei and Sona for a faint men and women battle.

Meimei and Suna were also obsessed with him every night, and gradually wiped out the shame. The two young loli were completely indulged in the joy of love between men and women, and they couldn't help themselves.

And what makes the fallen hell beasts more excited is that perhaps it is because they are the selected children. They each have badges that represent their own personalities, so no matter how they are after taking off their clothes and wearing After getting the clothes, they became two pure and lovely little loli, and they couldn't tell that they were already two loli young women.

Because of the monster frog beast, tadpole beast in the castle, as well as the bhikkhu beasts of Suna and Meimei, the Balu beast is still in the illusion of the fallen hell beast, and has not awakened, so the fallen hell beast is not afraid that his woman will be gone. , Often walking around in the castle with their two naked bodies, even sitting directly on the throne in the hall, and fighting them.

The two women were so fiddled with by the fallen hell beasts, although they were extremely shy in their hearts, they were also full of different kinds of excitement, especially Meimei.The thought of fighting against the fallen hell beasts naked, and the monster frog beasts and tadpole beasts who let themselves breathe and drink lying on the ground, I don't know when they will wake up suddenly, the strange excitement is even more It pierced the shyest point in Meimei's heart, and made Meimei, the little loli, feel happy again and again, and she didn't know where she was.

And Meimei’s gorgeous princess costume has also become a tool for the fallen hell beast’s lust. The fallen hell beast puts Meimei on the princess costume and white pantyhose, and then tore a hole in the pantyhose. Inserting her own dragon into Meimei’s body, and placing a huge floor-to-ceiling glass in front of Meimei, Meimei looked in the mirror, although her makeup was extremely dignified and gorgeous, but her expression and what she did were incredibly lustful. After a while, I was stimulated to faint.

Between the three of them, this kind of incomparable fornication, yet full of warm and sweet life, lasted until the arrival of the selected children...

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