Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Bing Destruction Chapter 149

Chapter 202-It’s okay to abuse the main game~~~ (Three more get together, the task is complete!)

On this day, after the Fallen Hell Beast and the two girls finished exercising, they patted their buttocks and asked them to put on clothes.

Suna and Meimei didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and they put on clothes obediently. After all, these days, Fallen Hell Beasts often let them wear clothes before entering their bodies.

What disappointed Suna and Meimei was that after they put on their clothes, they did not usher in the battle they were looking forward to. Fallen Hell Beasts put on their clothes themselves, patted their faces, and said, "I was selected. The children called are here."

"The selected child?" Su Na and Mi Mei didn't react at first, they cocked their heads and froze for a few minutes before realizing that they were two of the selected children, and their bodies and minds had been fallen to heaven and hell beasts. Defiled, responsibility, destiny, shame, reserve, everything has gone away from them.

After reacting, the two little girls immediately rushed into the arms of the fallen hell beast, Suna raised her head, looking at the evil face of the fallen hell beast that she would never hate, and said: " People don’t care about the selected children. Now they want to be the woman of the fallen beast of heaven and hell forever, don’t you think, Meimei?"

"Yeah!" Meimei nodded twice, seeing endless attachment in her big light brown eyes, and said without blushing: "People just want to be a woman of fallen hell beasts and be a selected child. It's not fun, it's like a woman who is a fallen beast and can do such comfortable things every day."

The two girls uttered such lewd words in such innocence and innocence, the huge contrast almost made the Fallen Hell beast excited and threw them down.

The Fallen Hell Beast didn't want to spoil the plot, lowered his head and whispered to the two women, and the two women nodded with disappointment and disappointment.

The fallen hell beasts knew their dependence on themselves, so proud of themselves, they hugged Suna and kissed Suna's lips.The two girls were still much shorter than the fallen hell beast, and the hug of the fallen hell beast directly hugged Suna off the ground.

Su Na was taken aback by the sudden attack of the Fallen Hell Beast, and then she reacted. There was no panic in her heart. Instead, she was filled with joy. She wrapped her arms around the man's neck and her feet naturally wrapped around his tiger. Waist, eagerly sent her soft lilac uvula, her skillful and intoxicated appearance could not be seen as an 11-year-old girl.

Meimei held her mouth, her big watery eyes looked at the Fallen Hell Beast and Suna who were hugging and kissing each other with dissatisfaction, as if complaining about the Fallen Hell Beast not coming to kiss her.

After kissing for a full ten minutes, the fallen hell beast left Suna’s lips and looked at Meimei with a "I'm very jealous" expression. She smiled wickedly, and took Meimei in her arms and kissed Meimei. Lips.

After the kiss, Meimei's little face blushed, and her jealousy had completely disappeared.

Afterwards, the Fallen Hell Beast disarmed all the illusions on the Digimon in the castle. The illusion skills of the Fallen Hell Beast made the Digimon completely forget that they had been in a coma for so long after waking up, as if this memory was erased out of thin air. general.

According to the instructions of the fallen hell beast, Sona and Mi Mi "joined up" with the selected children. The children did not notice the changes in Sona and Mi Mi. After all, the biggest of them, Asuke, was only 12. It’s only years old, all are elementary school students, plus boys develop later than girls, so how can they know so much?

And the captain who has faintly become the group of children said that they should find a way to return to the real world together. Sona and Mimei seem to agree, but in their hearts they feel that it doesn't matter.They only want to stay with Fallen Hell Beasts now. Whether they can return to the real world is mainly to see if Fallen Hell Beasts can follow. If Fallen Hell Beasts can’t go to the real world, they would rather stay in Digimon World as Fallen Hell Beasts. Forget it, at least, every day can do such a happy thing.

While the children were discussing, the Fallen Hell Beast carrying the Dilu Beast with one hand came to the children coquettishly, smiled evilly, and said: "It's been a long time since I saw you, the selected children."

"It's you! Fallen Hell Beast!" Tai Yi cried, pointing to the Fallen Hell Beast in surprise.

After Suna and Meimei saw the Fallen Hell Beast, their eyes immediately showed joy. Their dependence on the Fallen Hell Beast has deepened into their bones. Even if they were separated for a few minutes, they missed it very much, but due to the Fallen Hell Beast Commanded, they suppressed the joy in their eyes again, and the children's attention was attracted by the sudden appearance of the fallen hell beast, and no one noticed the abnormality of the two girls.

"It's really weak. I haven't seen it for so long. I didn't expect you to be so weak." The Fallen Hell Beast said with a disdainful mouth, and the contemptuous look in the three scarlet eyes kept magnifying.

For the Fallen Hell Beast, the strength of the selected children is too weak. Even if Jiaer and Dilumon are included, the Digimon that can really make the Fallen Hell Beast a little bit of heart, only the Dilumon Polar body, sacred celestial beast, ultimate body of Badamon, ultimate angel beast, and ultimate body of Agumon and Gabumon, and ultimate body evolved by the combination of battle tyrannosaurus beast and steel Garuru Megamon, the others, even if they all evolved into the ultimate body, he wouldn't take it seriously.

But now the Dilu Beast is beside the Fallen Hell Beast, the light badge is in his clothes, and the sacred plan is in Taiyi and Jia'er's home. Not to mention the Dilu Beast is a sacred Celestial Beast, even the Celestial Beast cannot evolve.

And without the Light Arrow of the Celestial Beast, according to the first plot, the fighting tyrannosaurus would not appear, and the two ultimate bodies would be missing, and the Omega beast, one of the thirteen royal knights, would not appear. .

As for the ultimate angel beast?Is the ultimate angel beast, the strongest among the three angels, easy to evolve?Adding one or two parts together, the Badamon has also evolved into a complete sacred angel beast twice, but the ultimate angel beast did not appear until the fourth.

"Agumon, evolve!"

"Okay, Taiyi, Agumon evolves... Tyrannosaurus beast!" Agumon immediately replied, and then the light of evolution was emitted.

Immediately afterwards, the sacred plan on Taiichi's body and the badge of courage on his chest also glowed, "The Tyrannosaurus is super-evolved...The mechanical Tyrannosaurus!"

"Gabmon evolved...Garurumon!" "Garurumon super-evolves...orc Garuru!" "Gemamon evolved...sea lion beast!" "Badamon evolved...angel beast!" "Beetle beast evolution...Bido beast!" "Bido beast super-evolved...Super Bido beast!" "Baru beast evolved...Cactus beast!" "Bhikkhu beast evolved...Badora beast!"

Suddenly, all seven Digimon completed their evolution. Although Sona and Mimi didn't want to be hostile to the Fallen Hell Beast, in order not to expose themselves for the time being and complete the Fallen Hell Beast's command, they could only pretend to be like this.

Taiyi looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with a confident smile on his face. Up to now, the highest level Digimon they have come into contact with is also fully physical, so they subconsciously believe that the highest level of Digimon evolution is also fully physical. .In Taiyi's view, he has three complete bodies and four maturity stages. Facing the fallen hell beasts with a "complete body", it is basically a sure victory.

"Cut!" The fallen hell beast snorted disdainfully. In his complete body, except for the fallen form of the six-winged beast, he has no desire to fight with it, even if it is a sacred angel beast that can rival the ultimate body, the unicorn. The beast couldn't even get half of his interest, and immediately said disdainfully: "I didn't expect you to be so naive, thinking that you want to defeat me with these rubbish!"

Taiyi's confident smile froze, and immediately said, "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, attack!"

"Ultimate destruction cannon!" The mechanism on the chest of the mechanical tyrannosaurus opened, and two powerful cannonballs were launched.(I am too lazy to complain about this trick...)

"Super Horned Cannon!" "Caesar's Sharp Claws!" "Harpoon Cannon!" "Heaven's Fist!" "Thousand Thousand Punch Fist!" "Meteor Wing!"

As soon as the mechanical tyrannosaurus attacked, the remaining Digimon immediately launched an offensive. The sky-filled tricks flew towards the fallen hell beasts, which looked particularly good-looking. However, for the fallen hell beasts, this kind of trick is only It looks good.

The fallen hell beast stood motionless, with a smile on his face with endless mockery, letting those special moves hit him.

boom!!!!!A huge explosion sounded, and the fallen hell beast was completely swallowed in the explosion.

"Success!" Tai Yi said excitedly, but soon he lost his excitement. The aftermath of the explosion calmed down quickly, and the fallen hell beast at the center of the explosion... was unharmed at all!


The Fallen Hell Beast patted the dust on his body, his eyes were lazy, and he said, "With this ability, I can't even scratch it."

As for the Dilu Beast, it was protected by the Fallen Hell Beast just now. Although the Dilu Beast is very powerful in its maturity period, coupled with flexible attacks, it can match some of the more bulky complete bodies, but it has to face three complete bodies. Body and the four mature tricks are simply joking.

And this move of the Fallen Hell Beast caused a flash of light in Dilu Beast's eyes, but it quickly covered it.

"Guangzilang, take a look at what kind of Digimon that Fallen Hell Beast is like, is it also a complete body?" Taiichi immediately shouted to Guangzilang.

"Oh, good!" Guangzi Lang immediately took out his laptop, tapping his fingers quickly on the keyboard, searching for the information in the Digimon Encyclopedia given by the old man Xuan Nai.

"Falled Hell Beast, Ultimate Demon King Digimon, in the dark zone, command countless Dark Coefficient Baby, one of the Seven Great Demon Kings, the Dark Demon standing at the apex of the Nightmare Corps, with a cold and ruthless personality and strong self-esteem. The tricks are death shots and dark crosses!" A computer-synthesized human voice sounded from the computer.

"Further, ultimate body!" Tai Yi opened his eyes wide.

"It turns out that the whole body can evolve in the past!"

"Huh!" The Fallen Hell Beast snorted coldly, facing an enemy who might kill them at any time, and still in the mood to knock on the computer, I don't know if it is a curiosity or stupidity.

"Since you are capable of this, then I will attack! Fanzuna!" The Fallen Hell Beast said coldly, and then four black pipe foxes were released from his body.It’s not that the fallen hell beast particularly likes Iizuna’s trick, but because his strength is too strong and his opponent is too weak. If he shoots with a death shot or a dark cross, no matter how much he constrains his strength, power or Not small, the three complete bodies may be able to hold it, but not in the mature period.

Although Fanzuna's trick is the ultimate Shagufang, it mainly focuses on assistance, and its attack power is not strong. It can also be used to restrain the enemy, and it is most used at this time.

The four dark tube foxes easily shuttled among the seven Digimon, even if they only wiped it, it was enough to knock them all back to the growth stage.

The fallen hell beast looked at them coldly and said: "You are really too weak. I am weak and I don’t even have the interest to kill you. See you next time, the selected children... if... If I can live until the next meeting..." The Fallen Hell Beast turned around, leaving them a coquettish back, and at the same time, he did not forget to pick up the Dilu Beast on the ground.

"Go... Kitten..."

Chapter 203-Night Attack!

"Go... Kitten..."

A cat of the fallen hell beast made the Dilu beast, who was in a good mood because of the protection of the fallen hell beast, immediately turned to dark, with a black cat face, and said gloomily to the fallen hell beast: "I said Don’t call me a kitten!"

The Fallen Hell Beast didn't look back, curled his lips, and uttered: "You said, but I didn't promise you."

"Um..." Di Lumon was stunned, his brain did not react for a long time.

What the Fallen Hell Beast said is right. Dilu Beast said that it was her business. The Fallen Hell Beast did not agree. Although it lacks a gentleman's manner, the Fallen Hell Beast never cares about that kind of thing. Not a good person, and a gentleman can't serve as a meal.Could it be that some day there is a big beauty who will post it herself, and she will also talk about gentlemanly, making it look like Liu Xiahui who is sitting still?The fallen hell beast simply cut off his second brother and went to practice the Sunflower Collection.

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