Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 150

It took a long time for Dilu Beast to react, and immediately waved his little paw with teeth and claws, and said angrily: "You bastard! Pervert! Quickly let me down!"

"Oh." Different from the past, this time the Fallen Hell Beast faintly responded, and really let go of it. Our great ground immediately attracted Dilu Beast.

"Oh!" Dilu beast cried out in pain, his butt was sore by the hard rock on the ground, rubbing his butt, while looking angrily at the fallen hell beast, suddenly his head bubblingly said: "You This bastard! Who told you to let go!"

The Fallen Hell Beast glanced at her faintly, and then coldly spit out a word: "You." Then he turned and left, but judging from the slightly trembling shoulders, his smile was very hard.

Tucao doesn't lie in talking too much, sharpness is the kingly way. The Fallen Hell Beast is just a word, and it has shocked the Dilu Beast for a long time. When reacting, the Fallen Hell Beast has almost become a small spot on the horizon.

The Dilu Beast, which was stimulated by the Fallen Hell Beast to erupt into the small universe, burst out at a speed that surpassed the level of its full body, turning into a streamer to chase the Falling Hell Beast, and at the same time yelled: "Falling Hell Beast! You stop me!!! "


Dilu was sitting on the front of Behemoth's car, facing the fallen hell beast, looking at him coldly.

The fallen hell beast doesn’t care about Dilumon’s gaze at all, nor does it need to look in the direction of Behemoth. His eyes pass directly through Dilumon’s body, looking at the two girls who are more and more beautifully moisturized by themselves. .

As soon as Dilu Beast moved, it once again blocked the sight of Fallen Hell Beast.The Fallen Hell Beast also moved, and directly and selectively ignored Dilu Beast, but still did not leave Suna and Meimei in his eyes.

A demon king and a kitten are playing such a naive game like this...

The night came soon, and the children who were used to eating and sleeping in the wild automatically camped out in the wild, and quickly assigned their tasks. Although the meal is not rich, it is ready for a good dinner under current conditions. Up.

The dinners are always made by Ah He. Ah He and A Wu’s parents divorced. Ah He followed his father. His father is usually very busy at work and a bit sloppy, so Ah He takes care of himself most of the time. my own.

The crowd ate the grilled fish made by Ah He, Su Na suddenly raised her head, looked at Guangzi Lang, and asked: "Guangzi Lang, you said that the fallen hell beast is one of the seven demon kings. What are the seven demon kings? "

Suna’s question was purely because of her curiosity about the fallen hell beast. During the time she and Meimei, the two girls, were with the fallen hell beast, after the time to sleep was eliminated, most of the time was in love and love. After passing through, they only know that the strength of the fallen hell beast is very strong, but they have never heard the term like the seven demon kings.

As soon as Sona's problem came up, the other five children immediately stopped dinner, their eyes focused on Koko Lang. Of course, Meimei's thoughts were the same as Suna's.

Kokoro took out his computer and entered the "Seven Demon Kings". Soon, the information about the Seven Demon Kings in the Digimon Encyclopedia popped up.

"The Seven Demon Kings, the masters of the seven deadly sins of hell, and the 7 Demon King Digimon proud of their mighty power are Lilith, the Demon King of Sex, the Fallen Hell Beast of the Glutton Demon, the Barubamon the Greed Demon, and Belfi the Lazy Demon The beast, the ultimate beast of the angry demon, the giant beast of the jealous demon, the arrogant demon is unknown." The computer made the electronic synthesis sound, and at the end when the arrogant demon said no information was displayed.

Is it strange if there is information?!To be correct, the arrogant demon among the seven great demon kings should be in the fallen form of the six-winged beast, and the one now sealed in the dark area is still in the bright form of the six-winged beast, but because of his power, he was reluctantly classified as the arrogant demon. It's strange to have his information.

Suna and Mimi have fully noticed the words behind Kokoro, and their full attention has been on the lust demon Lilithmon.They are not little girls who don’t know anything anymore. They have already experienced firsthand what lust is. To be a lust demon, they must have an appearance that can fascinate men. People are all animals with radioactive thinking, especially those who are beginning to have sex. The girl's mind was even more complicated. Not long after, the two girls had already listed Lilith Beast as their first love rival.

If the Fallen Hell Beast knew what the two girls were thinking at this time, he might laugh directly on the ground. Although he inherited the body and memory of the Fallen Hell Beast, he had never really seen Lilith Beast. The beautiful female demon, the fallen hell beast naturally also has a very powerful ambition.

Now the fallen hell beasts have two royal sisters: Sha Gufang and Yaonvhou, Dingxiang Beast, Suna, and Meimei. If you can add a Lilith Beast Queen, it will be perfect.

"The defeat of the Seven Demon Kings may be the reason why we were selected." Taiichi said suddenly and somewhat for granted.

And not far away, the fallen hell beast smiled disdainfully after hearing Taiichi’s words. Taichi Iori seemed to take himself too seriously. He wanted to defeat the Seven Demon Kings, let alone him. Even the weakest Lilith beast can easily torture them, and among the Seven Demon Kings, the Fallen Hell Beast itself, the Hexa-winged Beast, and the Ultimate Beast can reach the strength of the Ultra Ultimate Body, even the selected children. We have Omega beasts at the same time, and the holy celestial beasts and ultimate angel beasts have also lost.

After listening to Taiyi's words, Meimei lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Can we win? Can we win... just a fallen hell beast, so easily defeated us all, we might win. ?"

After hearing Meimei's words, the selected children sank suddenly, each thinking, can they really win the fight?

However, Sona and Mimei are of course pretending. Only Sona knows that there is absolutely a smile in Meimei's drooping eyes. Both of them belong to the fallen hell beasts now, and they are going to deal with the fallen hell. beast?Don't be kidding, it's pretty much the same when dealing with the selected children.

Suna and Meimei's body and mind are already dirty. Both their bodies and hearts have been destroyed by the fallen hell beasts. Everything about them belongs to the fallen hell beasts. They have long lost themselves. For them, Had it not been for the instructions of the fallen beasts, they would not bother to stay with this group of selected children.(Why a little bit of development towards the stream of ghosts...)

That night, because of the affairs of the Seven Great Devil Kings, everyone felt a little heavy. After lying down for a long time, they couldn’t fall asleep. In desperation, the fallen hell beasts could only hypnotize them with illusions. Otherwise, how would they proceed with their night attack plan? what.

When the fallen hell beast appeared in front of Meimei and Suna, the eyes of the two women showed strong joy. Their bodies and minds were inseparable from the fallen hell beast. They were still worried about how to sleep today. But I didn't expect the Fallen Hell Beast to actually appear in front of them.

Excited, Meimei and Suna quickly took off their clothes, and then served the fallen hell beasts undressing one after another, without the slightest shyness.Although the relationship between the two females and the fallen hell beast is mostly based on desire, they also understand that the fallen hell beast will never let outsiders see its body, just like in the monster frog beast. It’s the same in the castle. Although the Fallen Hell Beast often fucks them in front of the Monster Frog and Tadpole Beast, but in fact, the Monster Frog and Tadpole Beast never opened their eyes from beginning to end, and they can't see anything at all. also the same.

Of course, the fallen hell beast will not allow others to see the bodies of the two of them. Although he desires them more than love, he also has some feelings. For the overbearing arrogance of the fallen hell beast, if a man sees it. When they reach their bodies, the fallen hell beast will definitely make him beg himself to kill him.

The bodies of Meimei and Suna had long been tuned to be extremely sensitive by the Fallen Hell Beast, and they soon entered the state. The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, entered Suna's body, and started the exercise tonight.

Not far away, Dilumon was standing on a tree, and the cat's eyes faintly looked at the three naked people underneath. The cat's paws kept digging the tree trunk, showing her uneasy heart.

It would be great if... could evolve into a celestial beast...

Dilumon has never been so eager to evolve!

Chapter 204-To the real world!

The next morning, the Fallen Hell Beast had done morning exercises with the two girls before leaving and dispelling the illusions of the selected children.Suna and Mimei concealed the slightest strangeness of themselves, and the children didn't notice anything.

The next few days were nothing special. The children rushed during the day and slept very dead at night, while the fallen hell beasts came to exercise with the two women every night, although the two women slept for a total amount of time. It took less than ten hours, but because of the double repair, even if they stayed up all night for a month, they would not feel the slightest fatigue, but they would be more energetic.

The following plot is basically the same as the original. The children encountered the vampire beast. Although the vampire beast is only a complete body, it is enough to abuse them now, not to mention the vampire beast was abused by the fallen hell beast not long ago. Suddenly, even the light badge was taken away by the Fallen Hell Beast. There was nowhere to vent the anger, unwillingness and humiliation, and it happened to all vent on the selected children.

But fortunately, the Vampire Beast did not completely lose his mind. He could remember that the Fallen Hell Beast said that he must not hurt the two girls among them, so he also left some affection for them.Otherwise, if Suna and Meimei are harmed, the Fallen Hell Beast may directly squeeze the Vampire Beast regardless of the future plot.

Although Suna’s heart has been tarnished by the Fallen Hell Beast, the wheel of history continues to roll. At a critical moment, Suna’s badge of love shines, allowing Badora to evolve into Garuda. Using Shadow Wing Slash to fight against the Vampire Beasts, although they could not cause any damage to the Vampire Beasts, it also won some time for them to escape.

After finally escaping, the selected children sneaked into the castle of the vampire beast based on the principle of not being afraid of death, but when they arrived, they happened to see the vampire beast heading to the real world.

Having found the hope of returning to the real world, everyone's faces showed joyful expressions, but there were only two girls, whose eyes were full of worry.

At night, as before, the Fallen Hell Beast hugged the two girls again. After the rain and the rain closed, Sona and Meimei lay in the arms of the Fallen Hell Beast, with endless spring love on their faces.

After a while, after reminiscing about the peak of happiness, Su Na suddenly said faintly: "Falling hell beast, will you go back to the real world with me?"

The Fallen Hell Beast froze for a moment, then lowered his head, and found that Suna and Meimei were both looking at him with bright eyes. They couldn't help but smile and deliberately said: "If I don't go to the real world, how do you two choose? "

Suna showed a relaxed smile and said, "Then we will stay in the Digimon world forever and accompany the Fallen Hell Beast." Immediately, Suna buried her small head in the shoulders of the Fallen Hell Beast and murmured: "People I can't do without you anymore."

"Me too." Unwilling to be left behind, Meimei buried her head in the shoulders of the fallen hell beast, her immature tone full of attachment.

The fallen hell beast smiled, stroked the thin backs of the two women, and smiled: "Don't worry, I will accompany you to the real world."

"Really?!" Su Na and Mei Mei said in surprise.

The Fallen Hell Beast nodded and said: "Of course it is true. With my strength, I can travel freely between the real world and the Digimon world. I don't need to go through the door of the Vampire Beast at all. You can go to the real world." This is not a bragging about the fallen hell beast. If it is the strength of the ultimate body, he can only use the most powerful turbid flame to fight once to open the door to the real world.And now with his ultra-ultimate body strength, that is unnecessary. With his current strength, the Digimon world can collapse at any time, and it is easy to open the door to the real world.

Suna and Mimei were surprised and delighted. Of course they wanted to return to the real world, but they wanted to stay with the Fallen Hell Beast. If they could go to the real world with the Fallen Hell Beast, it would be perfect.

Now the time in the real world and the Digimon world is not synchronized, the time flow is very different, even if Meimei and Sona only go back to the real world for one day, and then immediately come back, the Digimon world has passed a year, if I see you in a year Without these two little beauties, the fallen hell beasts really couldn't bear it.

The fallen hell beast stretched out his hand and squeezed Meimei's little pigeon, and said with a smile: "Meimei has developed well recently. It's a lot bigger here."

After learning that the fallen hell beast could go back to the real world with herself, Sona and Meimei were both happy. After hearing that, Meimei was slightly white and the fallen hell beast sighed and said, "It’s not all you messed up, every day. Rubbing there makes people's breasts get bigger and bigger."

The fallen hell beast stretched out his hand and scraped Meimei's little nose, and said with a smile: "If I get a good deal, I still sell it. I don't know who told me to work harder every night."

"That's it!" Suna brought her head closer, and said: "Mei Mei is a little girl, and when she was in the Monster Frog Castle, she took the initiative to help her rub it up."

That section of Meimei’s black history, Meimei blushed, and stared at Suna angrily, saying: "You dare to say, if it weren’t for you, I...I..." .

Suna heard the awkwardness halfway through her beautiful words, and deliberately said: "How are you? Don't you want to be the woman of the fallen hell beast? That's right, I will belong to the fallen hell beast in the future! Humph!" After finishing his body, he swam like a mermaid onto the fallen hell beast, and then squeezed Meimei down, and was about to monopolize the fallen hell beast.

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