Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 151

Meimei immediately exploded her hair. She would never leave the Fallen Hell Beast. She immediately fought for the "turf" with Suna, glared at Suna, and said: "I won't give you the Fallen Hell Beast! !"

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the two young women who were vying for their bodies, and naturally felt extremely proud and proud in their hearts.As a man, all he wants in his life is money and women. Money is useless for fallen hell beasts. Women, let two or even more women fight for themselves at the same time, which can make any one of them. Men are proud of things. Of course, if you want to have a lot of women at the same time, you must have strong strength as the foundation.

This strength is not one-sided, but bed matters are naturally a very important aspect. If you can't take care of it, why do you need so many women?There is also a powerful force, which must have the strength of a woman who protects him. Fallen Hell Beasts are extremely powerful in both aspects, and naturally they can enjoy the blessings of all people.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, patted the ass of the two little girls on him, and said, "You two are almost done. Get down on the ground and push up your ass!" It doesn't matter if it's normal. It really made the two of them quarrel, what to do with the happy harem life of fallen hell beasts.

As soon as the two women heard what the fallen hell beast had said, they immediately stopped fighting, lying on the ground obediently, pouting their snow-white buttocks like two puppies, and gleefully looking at the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast smiled evilly and galloped on the bodies of the two women again.


The Fallen Hell Beast took the Dilu Beast and rode on Behemoth and rushed towards the magic forest. After all, this time it is going to the real world for a longer period of time, and the time in the Digimon world is longer. He can You can't leave your women here. On the one hand, besides being reluctant to let them go, there are also factors for their safety.

After all, there are already more variables of fallen hell beasts. It is difficult to guarantee that the remaining six demon kings in the dark area will be born early. Among the girls, the rose beast is the strongest, and it can fight the ultimate beast in the burst form. , X body's strength even slightly surpasses Ultimate Monster, but the other ones are inferior in comparison.

Even now, the Shaguyamon is still not the opponent of Lilithmon. Although the monster girl and the lilac beast have the strength of the ultimate body, they are the weakest kind in the ultimate body, and the digital with the title of demon king. Baby can't be compared.

And if the giant beast of the sea or the six-winged beast ran out, or the ultimate beast evolved into a super ultimate beast, even if the rose beast received the X antibody, it would not help to evolve into the rose beast X.

Based on the above reasons, the Fallen Hell Beast must take them away when they leave this time. After all, the most indispensable thing these years is the variable.

All the women were very happy with the return of the Fallen Hell Beast, even the Rose Beast's face showed a faint joy. After capturing this, the Fallen Hell Beast smiled in his heart, and this Supreme Imperial Sister could also be eaten.

After getting out of the car, the Fallen Hell Beast hugged the Shaguya Beast directly, and the Demon Girl Beast and the Lilac Beast entered the room and began a dark battle that lasted until the next morning.

The Fallen Hell Beast had already told Meimei and Suna before that they could go back to the real world without waiting for themselves. After all, the time flow between the two worlds is too different, even if he goes to reality one or two days later The world does not matter, because the time in the real world is at most a few minutes late.

Shaguya beast, monster girl beast, lilac beast, rose beast, Dilu beast.The fallen hell beast brought his wife and quasi-wife with him, and of course he did not forget his errand brother, Behemoth.

The fallen hell beast folded his hands together, with powerful dark power and space laws in his hands, and then pushed his hands forward, slowly separated his hands, and shouted: "Open!" At the same time, a big black hole opened in the air. In the big hole, you can see a world completely different from the Digimon world.

The Fallen Hell Beast stretched out his hands completely, expanded the big hole to its maximum, and then shouted: "Jump!!"

The girls had already received instructions from the Fallen Hell Beast, and as soon as they heard the words of the Fallen Hell Beast, they immediately jumped into the big hole.After Behemoth jumped in, the fallen hell beast also jumped into the cave and headed to the real world.

Chapter 205-Preparing to bring down the rose beast

Traveling through space is just a blink of an eye. After opening your eyes, what appears in front of the fallen hell beast is an environment completely different from the Digimon world.

After coming to the real world, the Fallen Hell Beasts immediately sensed a few special auras. First of all, the first one is of course Meimei and Sona. The Fallen Hell Beasts definitely remember their two breaths very clearly. After all, they are. The women of the fallen hell beasts, if he doesn't even remember their breath, it would be too ridiculous.

And the second is the Vampire Beast. After all, there is a big difference between the breath of humans and the breath of Digimon. Not to mention the powers of fallen hell beasts, some special humans, such as killers, mercenaries, There are also humans who have practiced to the extreme in martial arts, even if you close your eyes, you can feel the difference between humans and Digimon.

The dark and cold aura of the blood-sucking beasts, no matter how hidden it was, it seemed too abrupt among a group of human beings full of vitality, and could not hide from the perception of the fallen beasts.

The remaining few are the selected children. Their breath is precisely luck. Even if the fallen hell beast is now the protagonist, they are also the main supporting actors. They are not so easy to die. They also have the protection of luck. .

This kind of protection of air luck does not mean that the heart will not die after being chopped into minced meat, but that the trajectory of the story is developed in a direction that is beneficial to the person protected by air luck by changing small details.

Among them, one of the protectors of Qi Luck is far away from the others. Thinking about this, I know that it is because of a cold that I have not participated in the summer camp.

The Fallen Hell Beast was considering whether to meet the heir of the Light Emblem first, but the Fallen Hell Beast quickly rejected this idea. After all, he has not yet figured out a perfect way to collect the Iori. Jiaer.

If Jia'er was two or three years older, and Meimei and Sona were the same age, he could still get on the train first and then make up for the ticket.Of course the fallen hell beast likes little loli very much, but the little loli Iori Kaer is too small.

The eight-year-old Lolita didn't even come to her menarche at all, so she would feel some pleasure there.Even if the Fallen Hell Beast is now starting to grow Lolita, it would have to wait until two or three years later, when the second part starts, to eat Jiaer.

For several female protagonists, the fallen hell beasts hope to be able to train them to the type of adult ex-ladies and bed sluts. The training of Meimei Sona is more successful, although the two of them must be trained to become expensive Women are more difficult, but no one can tell on the surface, unless they take off their pants directly.

For Iori Ka'er, the Fallen Hell Beast can't think of a good way for the time being. It can only take one step or one step. The big deal is to use other gods in the end.(There is really no way for other gods. I don’t think of any way to collect Jiaer now, so I can only drag it first, but I promise that I will not use other gods to pick up girls if it is not a last resort)

After returning to the real world, the children searched around Guangqiu in order to find the eighth selected child that Old Man Xuan Nai said. Although Mi Mi and Suna were lacking in interest, they could only search with them.

The fallen hell beast did not follow it secretly, because it was unnecessary. Anyway, he knew that the eighth child was Kaer Iori, and he was dressed like this. Although it is not shocking in this place in Tokyo, it is always a strange costume. Said that being too eye-catching is not in the interest of the fallen beasts.

The fallen hell beast first went to find a place to live, of course not to buy a house, after all, he has no identity in this real world, he is just a Digimon now.After the fallen hell beasts chose a good house, they threw all the original owners of the house into a different-dimensional space, so that there would never be any clues about the killing. Then, the fallen hell beasts naturally also Became the owner of this house.

And the fallen hell beast didn't just find a house casually. He deliberately chose a house close to Suna and Meimei's house so that it would be more convenient for him to find them or for them to find himself.Meimei and Suna’s homes are not far apart, just two blocks away, otherwise they wouldn’t be in the same elementary school.The place chosen by the Fallen Hell Beast was right in the middle of the two streets, and it would take three or four minutes to walk.

At night, both Meimei and Suna didn't go home, but told their family that their classmate's home tonight was staying overnight. Of course, this classmate was a fallen beast.

Shaguya and Qiangwei are cooking dinner in the kitchen, and the witch, lilac, Meimei and Suna are sitting on the sofa with the fallen hell beast to watch TV, and because there is not enough space on the sofa, the dilu beast can only be surrendered You are sitting on the carpet.

"Falling hell beast, now Taiyi and they are looking for the eighth selected child, will it cause you any trouble?" Meimei looked at the fallen hell beast, blinking her eyes, and asked softly.

"Yeah, Taiyi and them..." Su Na immediately added, telling Taiyi and the others about their inferences about the eighth selected child to the Fallen Hell Beast without any concealment. For Su Na and Mimi, The friendship with Taiyi and them is long gone. Anything unfavorable to the fallen hell beasts, even if they desperately, will stop them, let alone betray them.Poor Taiyi class people still don't know that there are two more insiders around him.

The Fallen Hell Beast only smiled faintly after hearing Suna's words. No matter how hard Taiyi they worked, the difference in strength was irreparable. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks were invalid.

The fallen hell beast reached out and touched his clothes, took out an object, and smiled: "The badge of the eighth selected child... is here."

"Ah!" Both Sona and Mimei looked at the bright badges taken out by the fallen hell beasts. When the fallen hell beasts went to the blood-sucking warcraft castle to grab the badges, several Digimon knew about it, but Sona and Mimei Don't know, no wonder they will be surprised.

However, after being surprised, Suna and Meimei immediately put on happy smiles. After all, as long as the fallen hell beast is fine, it doesn't matter.

The fallen hell beast looked at the two girls and said with a smile: "For your so obedient, I want to reward you today."

When Suna and Meimei's eyes lit up, the smiles on their faces immediately showed a bit of flattery, and they quickly disarmed them.It is also impossible for the other women not to understand the meaning of the words of Fallen Heavenly Hell Beast, and the clothing on their bodies also quickly reduced.

"Humph!" Dilumon snorted coldly, found a room and walked in.

Not long after, the charming spring song of women sounded in the living room.

The Shaguyamon and Qiangweimon who were cooking in the kitchen trembled at the same time, and the blush quickly climbed onto their cheeks, and the movement of cutting vegetables became a little unnatural.

It didn't take long for the Shagutooth beast, who had already tried it, couldn't bear this kind of torture. It hurriedly put it on the kitchen knife without thinking about it, and said casually: "I...I go to the toilet." This left the kitchen and ran straight to the living room.

The next moment, there was another spring song by the woman in the living room.

Rose Beast stayed in the kitchen alone, and his body became more sour and weak. Now, apart from Dilu Beast, she is the only one who has not had a relationship with Fallen Hell Beast, but during the time that Fallen Hell Beast was in the magic forest, The rose beast did not listen to this sound less, once or twice, it was nothing. After listening too much, the rose beast's body inevitably reacted.

Rosemon’s hands are a little soft. As an Ultimate Digimon, she can’t even hold an ordinary kitchen knife. The evil face and strongness of the Fallen Hell Beast emerges involuntarily in her mind. The body, with such a crazy thought, the body of the rose beast became more limp.

I don’t know how long it took, the spring song in the living room finally faded away. Rose Beast breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could calm his fierce heartbeat, he felt his waist tighten, and a very evil voice rang in his ears. :

"Beauty, do you want it..."

Chapter 206-Dark Zone!

The fallen hell beast embraced the plump body of the rose beast, greedily breathing in the rich fragrance of her body, and praised: "Rose beast, your body smells so good, it really makes me drunk."

Under the compulsory request of the Fallen Hell Beast, the Rose Beast had not worn that huge rose flower-like hat long ago, and its perfect face was completely presented in front of the Fallen Hell Beast.

The Rose Beast blushed and lowered his head shyly, but he was not dissatisfied with the actions of the Fallen Hell Beast. After listening to the sex scene for such a long time, the Rose Beast's heart was provoked by the Fallen Hell Beast. , Waiting for the Fallen Hell Beast to pick her beautiful flower.

As a Digimon that is half a flower and an ultimate body, the scent of Qiangweimon is stronger and richer than that of Lilacmon.(PS: Mellow is generally used to describe wine)

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