Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 153

"Really." The Fallen Hell Beast nodded and confirmed, with a serious expression on his face, without any joking and evil.

Dilu beast was deceived by the expression of the fallen hell beast, and just believed him a little bit, when he heard the laughter of the fallen hell beast muttering: "Even if you want to eat it, you have to raise it for another two or three years..."

"..." Unable to complain...

According to the intelligence of the two spies, Suna and Mimei, the fallen hell beast knew that Taiyi and they would split up to find the eighth selected child today, and Taiyi and Jiaer’s parents, Iori Shin and Yuko Iori, both have jobs. , I have to go to work during the day and not at home, so now Iori’s house, there is only one soft girl Iori Kaer left.

The fallen hell beast quickly found the building where the Iori family lived according to the address provided by Suna and Meimei, and then sensed the light power of Iori Kaer, and easily found the exact unit.

There is no such thing as a gate for the Fallen Hell Beast. Standing on a building opposite to the Iori House, the Fallen Hell Beast leaped and jumped directly onto the balcony of the Iori House. The power of the Fallen Hell Beast was very good. That one hundred and seventy kilograms of strong body, plus a Dilu beast, did not make any sound when it landed.

The Fallen Hell Beast led Dilu Beast into the house, and as soon as he walked into the living room, he saw their target, Iori Ka'er.

Jiaer Iori was now watching TV boredly, hearing the sound, and looking up, she just saw the appearance of the Fallen Hell Beast and the Dilu Beast.

Jiaer Iori is still a little Lori who is only eight years old, with a small face that is more tender than Meimei and Suna.It may have just come back from the outside, wearing a beige vest, a pair of fuchsia shorts (the kind that reaches the knee) underneath, and a pair of white cotton socks on her tender feet.(Tucao: The difference between the first and second costumes of Iori Kaer is just to change the color of the pants and clothes...)

Ka'er Iori opened her eyes and looked at the two creatures that suddenly appeared in her home. She couldn't see any fear in her innocent big eyes, she didn't know, as if there was a voice in her heart telling her that they would never hurt her. my own.

The fallen hell beast looked at Iori Ka'er, with a touch of surprise in the third eye of his forehead. After the real meeting, he realized that he had underestimated the light power of Iori Ka'er. Although he did not have any attack power, Jiaer The light power on his body can be comparable to a full-body Archangel Digimon in both quantity and quality. It is at the same level as the Celestial Beast and the Holy Angel Beast.

Jia'er's gaze moved back and forth on the Dilu Beast and the Fallen Hell Beast, mostly on the Fallen Hell Beast.

Although it was the first time that Jiaer saw Dilumon, she seemed to be a good friend who had known him for more than ten years, and was very close. Even Jiaer didn't feel this way with the ball beast.

It’s not just Jiaer, Dilumon also feels this way, because Dilumon was separated from the other seven Digimon from the beginning, so he has no memory of his mission, but when he saw Jiaer, Dilumon Lu Beast felt as if he had a lot of memories suddenly rushing to his heart, and the slightest hostility he had towards Jia'er because of the fallen hell beast seemed to disappear without a trace.

And Jiaer looked at the fallen hell beast. Although he looked very vicious and carried a very strong dark aura on his body, he was the heir to the light badge. Jiaer, who was the heir to the light badge, couldn’t bring up half of the hostility, and instead wanted to make peace. He meant to be close.(Because I really don't want to use other gods, I can only make do with it)

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at Iori Kaer with interest. Iori Kaer's eyes were very clear, as clear as distilled water that had been distilled hundreds of times, without any impurities.If an average child sees him, he will probably be scared to cry. This self-knowingly falls into the heavens and hell beasts.Even an adult, facing the dark power naturally revealed from his body, he would definitely be frightened and tremble, but Kaer Iori didn't even react at all.

Light and darkness themselves are an inseparable whole with two sides. Although they are very repulsive, they are also attracted to each other and full of contradictions.

"Are you friends of the ball beast?" Iori Kaer asked curiously, tilting her head.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled and said, "I am the Fallen Hell Beast, and she is the Dilu Beast." He pointed to the Dilu Beast.

"Falling hell beast?" Jiaer repeated, "Big Brother, are you also a Digimon?"

"Yes, little sister Jiaer." Fallen Hell Beast smiled, that smile was completely a wretched uncle who abducted Lori.

Innocent Jiaer didn't know that he was facing a big satyr, and said softly: "Big brother, how do you know my name is Jiaer?"

The fallen hell beast smiled evilly, suddenly sat down on the sofa, hugged Jia'er's extremely delicate body on his lap, lowered his head and smiled: "Jia'er is so cute, of course Big Brother knows it."

Jiaer does not reject the actions of the Fallen Hell Beast. The soft body makes the Fallen Hell Beast feel less weight. Hearing this, she said shyly: "Really, Big Brother?"

"Of course it is true." The Fallen Hell Beast said immediately.

The so-called loli has three good points. The sound is light and the body is soft and easy to knock down. The first two Fallen Hell Beasts have already felt it. Although it is at least two or three years before the fall, the Fallen Hell Beast looked at Jiaer's extremely pure face and thought But it was a real flame of desire.

Anyway, Jia'er will be my woman sooner or later, so getting some benefits first doesn't matter.

With this thought, the Fallen Hell Beast lowered its head and kissed Jiaer's pink lips.

"Um..." Jiaer squeaked, staring at the Fallen Hell Beast with wide eyes, and two red clouds rose on her face, but she didn't struggle.The young girl didn't know what it was like. Although Jiaer was a little shy in her heart, she was more confused and curious.

The corner of Dilumon's eyes twitched and looked at the fallen hell beast, two words popped out of his mind... beast!

Chapter 208-Burning Tokyo Tower!

The fallen hell beast kissed Jia'er's little mouth and began to use his tongue to raid the city.Unsuspecting Jia'er was easily captured by the Fallen Hell Beast, the jaws loosened, and the big tongue of the Fallen Hell Beast got in.

Jia'er's body softened. Although the body of the eight-year-old girl could not be emotional, the feeling of the kiss was really good, and the soft body seemed to have no bones.

The fallen hell beast stroked Jia'er's body. Although the eight-year-old girl's body did not feel as pleasant to the touch, the psychological feeling was definitely incomparable to other women. The heartbeat of the fallen hell beast was because of Jia'er. The body like the dried radish became intense.

Jia'er’s tongue is very soft and sweet. In addition, she is still young, and her body still has a milky scent that even Meimei and Suna don’t have. It violates the psychological stimulation of a young girl. It really makes the fallen hell beast refreshed. Ming.

The fallen hell beast left Jia'er's lips, looked at the little girl whose eyes were still confused, smiled and asked, "Are you comfortable, Jia'er?"

Jiaer nodded dazedly, and said, "It's a bit numb, a little itchy, but very comfortable." Jiaer, who doesn't understand the relationship between men and women, feels less shy in this respect than Suna and Meimei. Many, he said such words without concealment, but his eyes were still extremely clear, and there was no trace of other impurities.

The Fallen Hell Beast touched Jia'er's hair and said: "Jia'er is so good, my brother will give you a gift." Then, under the extremely contemptuous gaze of Dilu Beast, the Fallen Hell Beast did not blush at all. He took out the bright badge, put it on Jia'er's neck, and said, "Do you like it?"

Jiaer looked down at the pink "pendant", a warmth flowed in her heart, raised her head, showing a pure and lovely smile, and said: "Thank you, big brother, I like it very much."

The fallen hell beast stroked Jia'er's hair, and said with a little bit of doting in his tone: "Jia'er is so cute, but remember, don't tell your family that Dilu and I have been there, and don't let them see. To this necklace, especially your brother, otherwise, the elder brother will not want you."

"Big brother don't want Jia'er, Jia'er will never say it!" Jia'er said in horror immediately, and immediately afterwards, she covered her mouth with a pair of fleshy hands. The cute look made her look like hell. Both Beast and Dilu Beast smiled.

After the Fallen Hell Beast dropped a kiss on Jia'er's forehead, he left with Dilu Beast.

On the way back, Dilu Beast looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with contempt. After a long while, he uttered a word: "You are really shameless!"

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, and the bickering had become a special way of communication between him and the Delu Beast. In this world, only the Fallen Hell Beast could talk to the Fallen Hell Beast, which was quite interesting.

"Thank you for your compliment." The Fallen Hell Beast smiled and replied. The unsullen tone gave the Dilu Beast a sense of erroneous force to punch the cotton with all its strength. It was really sad to death.

"You are perverted!"

"Wrong, I am a pervert."

"you are not human!"

"This sentence is correct, I am a Digimon."

"Go to hell!"

"Will you die for me?"


"Then I won't die."


The two bickered all the way and jumped all the way to the top of the high-rise building. Flying over the walls was too easy for the current strength of the fallen hell beast.

Suddenly, the Fallen Hell Beast stopped, with interest in his eyes and looked at the distance, Tokyo's landmark-Tokyo Tower.

"What's wrong?" Feeling the Fallen Hell Beast suddenly stopped, Dilu Beast asked suspiciously.

"Haha, I found a complete Digimon, go and take a look." The Fallen Hell Beast has a bit of amusement in its tone, and now I am bored, to watch the battle of the Complete Digimon, whether it is an entertainment project.The so-called art masters are bold, and with the strength of the fallen hell beasts now that they are so strong, they are unlikely to take the word danger in their hearts.

Dilu beast gave him a white look, and didn't say whether to go or not. It was tacit consent.If it was before, Dilu beast would not dare to provoke the perfect body casually, but now it’s okay if the fallen hell beast is there, let alone the perfect body, even the ultimate body, she won’t have any. Dangerous, because the fallen hell beast will protect her.

The Fallen Hell Beast hugged Dilu Beast and jumped again, but it was different from the previous jump.The previous jumps were high and slow each time, but now the fallen hell beasts are rushing to the theater, so they are not jumping between the glass curtain walls of the building.

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