Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 154

The fallen hell beasts constantly shuttled between the buildings on both sides of the street, leaving behind a string of afterimages that looked like a black bolt of lightning.

In less than ten seconds, the fallen hell beast had already rushed under the Tokyo Tower. The tourists under the tower felt that a hurricane had suddenly blown, and the fallen hell beast leaped forward. He jumped to the top of Tokyo Tower, which is more than 330 meters high.

The children selected today were originally looking for the eighth child, but Meimei and Suna had no interest at all. They would not bother to deal with these children unless they were ordered by the fallen hell beast.But now it was summer. The noon sun burned the asphalt floor to a temperature of more than fifty degrees. How could it stand the delicate beauty, and soon could not stand the torture of the high temperature, and ran to the Tokyo Tower to blow the air conditioner.

Although it was a separate search, because they were afraid of being attacked by the blood-sucking beasts, the children still formed a small group of two or three to search, and Meimei, Suna and Taiichi were a group.

Both girls wanted to enjoy the shade, and Taiyi couldn't stop them, so they only had to come to Tokyo Tower together.And before the cool breeze blew for long, the Tokyo Tower air conditioners suddenly stopped working.

In order to find the eighth selected child, the flame beast, the subordinate of the vampire beast, came to Tokyo Tower with a replica of the light emblem made by the vampire beast.In the real world, Digimon itself is a special creature composed of a bunch of materials and suspected protein substances. It has a great influence on the electrical appliances made by humans. The power of the Reaper Flame Beast makes the entire Tokyo Tower’s air conditioner disabled. .

Then the Reaper Flame Beast was discovered by the three of them. Because the Reaper Flame Beast is a complete body, only the mechanical Tyrannosaurus Reaper is capable of fighting.Although Suna and Mimei were watching the battle nervously on the surface, they were secretly thinking about how they could kill Taiyi and Agumon without knowing it.

The strength of the Death Flame Beast can only be regarded as medium in full physical strength. In addition to the temperature of the blue flame, which is also commendable, the speed and strength are average, and the mechanical Tyrannosaurus is soon taken over.

At this moment, everyone only felt that a black shadow flashed in front of them, and a strong black figure appeared on the Tokyo Tower.

"Falling hell beast!" Taiyi, Meimei, and Suna exclaimed at the same time, but Taiyi's exclaim was surprise and horror, while Meimei and Suna were pleasantly surprised.

The fallen hell beast looked at the death flame beast and the mechanical tyrannosaur beast, with a disdainful expression on his face, and a thorn whip appeared out of thin air in his hand. With a wave of it, the thorn whip was wrapped around the death flame beast. The high-temperature blue flame of the Death Flame Beast was completely unable to burn the thin thorn whip.

joke!This is the ultimate skill of the Ultimate Rose Beast. Although it is a plant, its resistance to flames is very strong. How can the complete Death Flame Beast destroy this thorn whip.

The wrist of the fallen hell beast shook, and the long whip that wrapped the death flame beast kept tightening, but within two or three seconds, this poor complete body became a dish of the fallen hell beast.


The fallen hell beast shook his long whip, and the sound of the whip pumping the air was particularly loud. The fallen hell beast coldly looked at the mechanical tyrannosaurus beast in the sky, flicked the thorn whip, and slammed towards the mechanical tyrannosaurus .

The mechanical tyrannosaurus was shocked, the whip came extremely fast, the heavy body of the mechanical tyrannosaurus no longer had a strong speed, anxiously, subconsciously raised his left hand.The Mecha Tyrannosaurus is a semi-mechanical Digimon. The left hand is a mechanical dragon claw made entirely of metal. Although not comparable to the superalloy ranked second in the Digimon world, it can finally be ranked in the top ten.

When the Fallen Hell Beast saw the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus raised his left hand to resist, he smiled coldly, and added a bit of strength to the whip.


"Roar!!!" The mechanical tyrannosaurus roared extremely painful, and the whip of the fallen hell beast directly smashed the mechanical tyrannosaurus's left hand completely, and the left hand hanging there appeared to be extremely strange.

The Tyrannosaurus mechanical beast was severely injured, and it degenerated into a growing Agumon, and fainted to the ground.

"Agumon!" Tai Yi called anxiously.

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, rushed towards Yagami Taiichi with an arrow, then kicked him down with one foot, and stepped directly on Taiyi's face with his big foot, saying: "You trash, you are really pitiful, that's it. This kind of strength still dare to run around, if I were you, I would just dig a hole and bury myself alive!" Then he stepped on Tai Yi's body with two feet.

When the fallen hell beast left, he concealed Meimei and Suna's color. After the two women received it, their bodies became fiery.

Chapter 209-Spring Love in the Bathroom!

After sending Dilu Beast back home, under Dilu Beast's extremely contemptuous eyes, the Fallen Hell Beast rushed out of the room and rushed towards Suna's house.

When I was at the Tokyo Tower before, the Fallen Hell Beast had secretly transmitted a voice message to the two of them, asking them to go to Suna's house and wait for them for nothing.After the fallen hell beast went out, he did not go directly to Suna's house. After all, he was faster than the two women. If he went now, the two of them had not yet arrived home.

The Fallen Hell Beast went directly to a sex shop and stole some sex products.Given the degree of sexual openness in Japan, it is not difficult to find a sex shop on the street, especially near residential areas.

The Fallen Hell Beast fainted the two clerk in the store, and then burst the surveillance camera with one shot. After picking out some of the adult toys he wanted, he jumped a few times and hurried towards Suna's house.

It's probably a habit of being a thief, even if you go to your own woman's house, the fallen hell beast still didn't go to the front door and jumped to the balcony.

Suna's house is connected back and forth, and the balcony can be seen directly from the door.And the moment the Fallen Hell Beast landed on the balcony, Suna opened the door, and the three of them looked at each other, and there was a slight smile in their eyes.

The Fallen Hell Beast threw the bag on the sofa, then quickly picked up Suna, and a kiss was printed on it.

Suna hung on the body of the fallen hell beast like a koala, and responded actively.

After the hot kiss, the Fallen Hell Beast did the same thing, kissed a beautiful meal, and kissed the lips of the two girls to become Angelina Jolie.Now, in private, the way the Fallen Hell Beast greeted the two of them was by kissing.

"Falling hell beast, what's in that bag?" Meimei asked curiously, pointing to the bag that was thrown on the sofa by the fallen hell beast. The bag seemed to contain a lot of stuff.

The fallen hell beast smiled evilly and said, "It's a toy."

Suna and Mimei are not young children anymore, and their understanding of this aspect is getting stronger and stronger. Just by looking at the evil expression of the fallen hell beast, you know that they are definitely not normal children's toys. It must be with the bed. Regarding, just thinking about it, the bodies of the two girls felt weak.

The old bird, the fallen hell beast, can naturally feel the changes in the bodies of the two women. With a wicked smile, his hands walked around the bodies of the two women at will, saying: "You two little girls, I have to kill you today."

Suna and Meimeiqi both glanced at the fallen hell beasts, which is only today, which time did they both be ecstatic* dying by him.

Suna and Mimei first quickly removed the cover on their bodies, and then they both waited on the fallen hell beast to undress.There were not many clothes on the fallen hell beast, but they were quickly cleaned by Meimei and Suna.

As soon as the fallen hell beast lowered his head, he smelled the faint smell of sweat on Suna and Meimei, and frowned slightly. The smell of sweat was really disruptive to the atmosphere.This is not the fault of Suna and Meimei. After all, it is so hot outside now, and they ran back anxiously, so it is only strange that they don't sweat.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, and easily carried the two little girls on his shoulders, and then walked towards the bathroom.

The family environment of Suna's family is good. Father Takehiko Takehiko is a professor in the university's literature department, and mother Takehiko Takehiko is a professor of flower arrangement at the university, so Suna's home is quite large, with four bedrooms, two halls and a balcony.

After entering the bathroom, the Fallen Hell Beast could not help but secretly say a good idea to the person who designed this bathroom. The bathroom in Suna's house is not in the usual Western style, but in a traditional Japanese design.

The bathroom is not a fish tank, but a large wooden pool, surrounded by many wooden partitions, even the water pipe is made of bamboo, and there is a starry sky projector beside it. If you turn off the lights at night and turn on the starry sky projector, you can see a starry sky.It is not like a bathroom, but like an outdoor hot spring.

The Fallen Hell Beast turned on the tap, and hot water came out immediately. The Fallen Hell Beast accelerated the flow of time. In less than two minutes, it filled a pool of water. The Fallen Hell Beast carried two girls and entered. In the pool.

Although the pool is much smaller than a real hot spring, it is more than enough for three people.

"Suna, come and take a bath for me." The Fallen Hell Beast smiled evilly, and then wrapped Meimei's petite body tightly in her arms. Lushan's claws continued to wander around Meimei's body, consuming Meimei's food wildly. tofu.

Meimei, who was broken by the Fallen Hell Beast, didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, she leaned on the Fallen Hell Beast and enjoyed the rough touch of the Fallen Hell Beast. She even kept rubbing the Fallen Heaven with her little fragrant buttocks. The fiery dragon of the hell beast teases the fallen hell beast a little bit.

Suna came behind the fallen hell beast, and applied the shower gel to her chest. After spreading it evenly, she used her little white rabbit to help the fallen hell beast wipe the shower gel-the legendary chest push.

Although Suna's chest was only at the level of a white rabbit, she also looked delicate and cute. Pushing her chest up also brought a different feeling to the fallen hell beast.

"Little girl, when did you learn this trick?" The Fallen Hell Beast leaned its head back slightly and asked with a smile.

Suna heard the smile in the voice of the Fallen Hell Beast, her face was joyful, and she put out her tongue playfully, and said, "Is it comfortable?"

"Not bad." The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, although the movements are a bit jerky, but they are not bad.

When Suna heard this, she immediately worked harder to serve the Fallen Hell Beast.

The fallen hell beast continued to tease Meimei’s body. Two big hands pressed on Meimei’s little white rabbit. The dragon also reached Meimei’s Taoyuan mouth, jumping with the flow of blood, not teasing Meimei too much. Can't get up.

The fallen hell beast lightly licked Meimei's wet lips and said, "How is it, Meimei, do you want it?"

Meimei turned her head, pursed her lips and gave the Fallen Hell Beast a glance, and said, "You big villain, you can't make it so much every time!"

"If you want, come by yourself." Fallen Hell Beast grinned.

Meimei was irritated by the violent method of the Fallen Hell Beast, and her temper came up, pouting: "Come by yourself!" As she said, she reached out to the water and held the giant dragon of the Fallen Hell beast and stabilized it. After that, his body sank, and his Taoyuan slowly swallowed the dragon of the fallen hell beast.

An evil smile appeared in the eyes of the fallen hell beast, and suddenly his hands were placed on Meimei's thin shoulders, and he pressed it down hard!

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