Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 155

"Ah!" Meimei exclaimed. Although the dragon's entry brought her unparalleled fullness and satisfaction, the huge dragon head suddenly reached the mouth of the palace. Although she did not enter, it still made Meimei painful. Because of the powerful Spring medicine, I didn't realize the first pain, so I made it up here.

The fallen hell beast held Meimei's body and asked her to turn to face her, but the dragon still did not leave Meimei's body for a moment.

There was a mist of water in Meimei's eyes, teardrops swayed in her eyes, and she stared at the fallen hell beast with grievance and dissatisfaction.

Meimei was originally a charming little princess. Where did she suffer from this kind of pain, she could not help but squeezed her little pink fist when she saw the fallen hell beast, and kept beating the strong chest of the fallen hell beast, her mouth was full of anger. Said: "You bastard! It made people die of pain! I hate it! You are bad!"

The Fallen Hell Beast ignored her. Meimei was no longer a virgin anyway, and the pain just now was only because of hitting the palace entrance, and the Fallen Hell Beast immediately began to move.

"Ah... oh... you are bad... lightly... ah... uh... so comfortable... point... deeper... ah... ah... so comfortable..." I was blaming the Fallen Hell Beast, but it didn't take long for him to completely succumb to the pleasure of the body. Holding the Fallen Hell Beast, her obscene appearance is completely a woman who desires and dissatisfied.

The pleasure of doing it in the water for the first time made Meimei reach the peak very quickly. The fallen hell beast put Meimei aside, then turned around, hugged Suna, who was already limp, in her arms, and was about to enter.


The sound of the key being inserted into the keyhole rang...

Chapter 210-Mother and Daughter Flower (1)

The fallen hell beast was stunned, but the reaction was fast enough. One teleported to the living room, and the writing wheel turned around. He took all his clothes and the bag of adult toys into his own space, and then took a moment. Moved back to the bathroom, the whole process took less than a second.

"A woman in her thirties, do you know who it is?" The Fallen Hell Beast asked Suna in a low voice.

"A woman in her thirties? It should be my mother." Suna said softly, her eyes didn't seem to retreat because of her mother. Suna's heart is now only open for the fallen hell beast, even if she is. Parent Suna didn't care anymore.

"Your mother?" The Fallen Hell Beast asked back, his eyes brightened, lowered his head, and said something in Suna's ear.

Some surprises flashed in Suna's eyes at first, but immediately filled with smiles. After listening, she nodded with a smile, and said in a low voice: "You have to reward me well after things are done!" She is completely broken.

"Of course!" The Fallen Hell Beast smiled slightly, and then disappeared into the bathroom.

Suna pushed Meimei, who was not fully awake, and whispered in her ear. Meimei's eyes brightened as she listened, and the last two girls laughed like silver bells, and they looked like they were very different. The best girls are talking about gossip, but what they are saying is out of order.

Suna's mother, Takenouchi Shuko, was originally in college today, but it might be because the weather was too hot. Takenouchi Shuko felt a little dizzy, so she took leave from the university and went home to rest.

After Shuko Takenouchi entered the door, she heard her daughter's laughter from the bathroom, and her face couldn't help showing endless tenderness.

Takenouchi loved her daughter very much, but Suna was rebellious and active before, and she never talked to her, but this time her daughter went out and came back, and she changed a lot. Not only did she listen to her very much. , And often acted like a baby with her, which was nothing before.

About ten minutes later, Sona and Mi Mi came out of the bathroom wearing bath towels. After seeing her mother, Sona deliberately pretended not to know, and said, "Mom, why are you back? Do you not have to go to class today?"

Takenouchi took a look at her daughter lovingly, and said, "Mom is a little unwell today, so I asked for leave from college."

When she heard her mother was unwell, Suna's eyes flashed quickly, but she was worried on her face, and said anxiously: "Mom, you are not feeling well, no, I will make you a cup of tea. Come!" He said, putting on a bath towel, and hurriedly rushed to the kitchen to boil water and make tea.

Takenouchi wanted to say no, but when she saw her daughter worrying about her anxiously, her heart felt soft, so she took it back.

Takenouchi looked at Mi Mi, who was also wearing a bath towel, and said, "Mi Mi is here today."

Mimi has come to Suna's house for several times in the past few days. She is also familiar with Takenouchi, and she smiles innocently at the moment: "I'm sorry, Aunt Shuzi, I'm here to disturb you again today."

"It doesn't matter, Auntie, I also like Meimei." Takenouchi smiled softly.

Although Meimei has completely fallen, she is the heir to the innocent badge, and only the fallen hell beasts can see her fallen side. Outsiders simply cannot imagine that this girl who smiles as innocent as an angel has completely broken her heart. .

Takenouchi was also deceived by Mimi's innocent smile. She also liked the little girl Mimi, not to mention that she was still a good friend of her daughter. Takenouchi finally eased the relationship with Suna, of course she would not do it. Something happened to destroy the mother-daughter relationship, so she was also very good to Meimei, and when she pulled Meimei together to chat on the sofa.

Meimei did not show any strangeness, pouting her mouth, and said with some willfulness: "The weather is so hot today, so that people and Sona are not interested in going out. She sweats a lot in a short while, and she only takes a shower. better."

Takenouchi looked at Meimei tenderly, and there was indeed a hint of maternal brilliance in her eyes.

At this time, Suna made the tea too, and handed a cup of fragrant scented tea to Takenouchi Shuko, smiling: "Mom, drink tea."

Shuko Takeuchi didn't feel anything unusual, and took the tea cup in Suna's hand and took a sip.Takenouchi teaches flower arranging at university. She is a very high-quality woman who knows how to live. Most of the decorations in this home are designed and made by herself. Takenouchi likes to drink tea, no matter at university. I'm still at home and I will make myself a cup of tea whenever I have time.

Seeing Takenouchi drank the tea, Mimi and Suna looked at each other, and a smile flashed in their eyes.

(When I see here, I dare to say that I don’t understand everything for me to go to the back of the classroom to develop. The teacher said that lying is wrong!)

"Mom, let me massage you, okay?" Su Na asked petitely. Before she could wait for Takeuchi's promise, she came to Takeuchi's back, and her small hands touched her gently. shoulder.

"I'm coming too! I'm coming too!" Meimei exclaimed happily, and then came to Shuzi's back, gently massaging her.

Shuko Takenouchi smiled helplessly, just because she was a little tired, she closed her eyes and followed these two little girls.

Suna and Mi Mi didn't do anything extraordinary at first, they really just massaged Shuja gently on their shoulders.Although the two of them have average skills, they are better at being careful. The movements of the four small hands are light and gentle, which really makes the lady feel comfortable and relaxed.

Soon, the Spring medicine added by Sona to the tea also began to work, turning into a stream of heat that flowed through the body of the lady.Originally, Shuzi was dizzy because of some slight heat stroke. With the effect of the medicine, Shuzi's whole body became hot, her breathing became heavy, and her huge chest fell with her breathing.

Suna and Mi Mi looked at each other and smiled, and her little hands began to become dishonest, and gradually walked towards Shuja's sensitive points.

"Hmm..." The semi-conscious lady let out a low moan*, completely unaware that two little girls are teasing her right now, maybe she thought she was having a spring dream.

With the joint efforts of the two little girls, the thin clothes on the lady soon left her body, and the white and plump body was covered with pink halo.

Suna separated her legs, looked at the faintly shiny pink peach, and whispered to Meimei, "Mimei, I thought my mother had given birth to me for so many years. It must be black here. I didn't expect it to be pink."

Meimei leaned her head over, looking at Shuzi’s beautiful Taoyuan, she also whispered: "Auntie’s is so beautiful here, Sona, I think your father’s is definitely not good, otherwise, like auntie, who has been married for so many years , Where could it be so beautiful."

"I think so, no matter, anyway, as long as the fallen hell beast likes it." Suna said casually, and then stretched out her tongue and gently licked the place where she was born.

"Hehe, that's what I said." Meimei smiled playfully, climbed onto the lady, lowered her head and held a red plum on the snow hill.

"Um... uh... oh... so comfortable... husband... so comfortable... uh... oh..." Under the double teasing of Sona and Mi Mi, the moan* in the mouth of the lady grew more and more Big, there is a charming spring feeling from all over the body.

Soon after her honeymoon, Shuzi found out she was pregnant with Sona, and after giving birth to Sona, the passion between the husband and the wife was gone. Even if they had sex, they came once a month. Without any irritation, Sona and Mimei's movements are a little bit of arousing the desire hidden in the lady's body.

Twenty minutes later, Shu-ja’s body temperature suddenly rose sharply, her nails buttoned on the sofa unconsciously, her small mouth opened wide, but she could not make any sound. Sona and Mimi, who are already experienced in this regard, know that Shuja It's about to reach the peak, and the action in his hand is even harder.

"Ah!!!" Finally, Shuzi screamed, and her whole body shuddered unconsciously. Hot liquid was sprayed from Taoyuan, all sprayed onto Suna's face.

Suna rolled her tongue around her mouth, swallowed the greasy liquid into her belly, and smiled: "It's delicious." The smile was pure and lustful.

Chapter 211-Mother and Daughter Flower (2)

I saw a dark shadow in the room flashing, and the Fallen Hell Beast appeared in the living room, looking at the three women in a mess, and laughing: "You guys are having a good time."

"Falling hell beast!" Suna screamed sweetly, and immediately rushed into the arms of the fallen hell beast, and said coquettishly: "People have already done what you confessed to. You have to reward me!"

The fallen hell beast hugged Suna's delicate body, and took his already angry dragon directly into Suna's moist peach, and smiled evilly: "How about I reward you now?"

"Okay... Ah... so comfortable... Fallen Hell Beast... Ah... Harder... More power... Ah... So comfortable..." Suna immediately hugged the Fallen Hell Beast and played. A very attractive spring song.

Meimei looked at Suna on the fallen hell beast enviously, but she couldn't join her, she could only lift up one of the beautiful legs of the lady, put her own paradise up, and played with the girl's love for comfort.

"Yeah..." Shuzi groaned and woke up leisurely. After the peak just now, the medicine power in Shuzi's body has been partially resolved, and some of her sanity has been restored.As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Meimei's whole body naked in front of her, and she kept rubbing her Taoyuan with her Taoyuan. She was shocked and said, "Meimei, what are you doing?! Come down quickly. !!!"

Meimei glanced at Shuja who had woken up and smiled slightly, but the movements did not stop at all. Instead, she rubbed Shuja’s Taoyuan harder, and shouted, " comfortable...Aunt are here. Soft...a lot of water..."

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