Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 157

The lady’s backyard was attacked, she instinctively twisted her buttocks to get rid of Meimei’s fingers, but it was impossible to escape Meimei in the state of a little devil. On the contrary, because of this twist, she felt more deeply the huge hell beast .

The fallen hell beast looked at Meimei amusedly, and even helped him do the foreplay, and she must be rewarded and rewarded.

Under the double stimulation of the giant dragon of the fallen hell beast and Meimei’s fingers, Shuko felt the madness and happiness that Takehiko Kazunouchi had not experienced for more than ten years, and a high-pitched scream, a gushing out from the depths of the Taoyuan The heat shed on the dragon of the fallen hell beast.

The waist of the fallen hell beast was numb, and today's first bullet was fired into Shu Zi's body.

The hot essence caused the lady to tremble all over her body, turning her eyes, and lying on the body of the fallen hell beast, panting softly...

Chapter 213-Mother and Daughter Flower (4)

Suna gradually woke up from the afterglow of the three peaks. She woke up and saw her mother collapse on the sofa, her face flushed.

Although because of the fallen hell beast, Suna has no affection for her parents, but after all, there is still a mother's name there. The excitement of mother and daughter serving her husband makes Suna's eyes extremely soft and charming.

The fallen hell beast saw that Suna was awake, and ordered: "Suna, you go and help your mother clean the bottom, Meimei, you come and serve me."

Meimei was naturally overjoyed, and immediately rushed over. Suna also blushed, her heartbeat accelerated, and she walked towards her mother.

Although Shuzi’s Taoyuan is muddy at this time, and white essence is constantly flowing out, Sona does not feel sick at all, sticking out her little pink tongue, and constantly licking her mother's Taoyuan, letting it out. All of the white essence was swallowed into his stomach.

Shuzi has just experienced a peak, her body is extremely sensitive, but her mind is very confused. She feels that someone is licking her own Taoyuan. Shuzi thought it was Meimei, so she closed her eyes and whispered* and said: "Mei...Don't. ...Don't lick...ah..."

Suna raised her head from the middle of the lady's legs, with a little white "milk" hanging on the corner of her mouth, Mei smiled and said, "Mom, I am not Meimei." She said that she buried her head again.

The lady was shocked, and she hurriedly lifted her upper body. Although she couldn't see clearly, she could still see a brown hair lying between her legs. Who was her daughter?!

If it is Meimei, Shuja can barely accept it, but Sona has exceeded Shuja's tolerance limit, and she struggled violently and said, "Sona! Don't lick it! I'm your mother! Sona!"

Regardless of her mother's struggle, Su Nasi pressed her hands and pressed her two legs firmly, unable to move, her little tongue still worked hard on her Taoyuan.

"'m your mother..." Shu Zi raised her head and said sadly, but her body inevitably reacted under Suna's tongue attack, and her face gradually became flushed. Especially when I said the word mother, my body would tremble.

Sona’s service is very attentive, not only outside, she also stretches her tongue inside, rolls out all the essence inside, swallows part of it into her belly, and puts the rest into her mouth. She twists her body and pushes her mouth. Leaning towards mother's mouth.

Seeing Su Na’s mouth bulging, plus the little white liquid at the corner of her mouth, she didn’t know what was in Su Na’s mouth. She was shocked, shaking her head left and right, and said: Na! This won't work!"

Seeing her mother struggling, Suna felt extremely irritating, and her eyes were filled with smiles. She lowered her head and kissed her mother's small mouth.

When the mother and daughter's lips touched each other, their bodies were shocked, and they looked at each other at the same time.

Sona's reaction was quicker, she opened her mouth while she was stunned, and poured all the essence of her mouth into her mouth.

Shuzi reacted at once, knowing what was flowing into her mouth, she couldn't help feeling a bit of nausea. At this moment, Shuzi also knew completely that her daughter Suna was completely broken.

Even so, Shuzi was helpless, because after all, she couldn't bear to bite Suna's tongue off, and she could only let her daughter tease her tongue.

The fallen hell beast was sitting on the sofa like an uncle at this time, while Meimei knelt on the ground and used her little mouth to serve the fallen hell beast, but the corners of their eyes were looking at the mother and daughter, Sona and Shuzi. The strange feelings of female incest also filled their hearts.

After a while, the Fallen Hell Beast played with the bodies of the three women again.The fallen hell beast let Meimei lie on the ground, then let Suna lie on Meimei's body, and then let the lady lie on Suna's back, all the mysteries of the three women were exposed to her.

The fallen hell beast first entered the bodies of Mimi and Suna, and after comforting the two little grudges, did he focus his attention on today's main goal-Shuko Takenouchi.

The fallen hell beast stretched out her hand and took away Shu Zi's buttocks. His movements were not as gentle as Meimei's. The huge strength and rough palms immediately left two red palm prints on Shu Zi's snow buttocks.

Foreplay has already been performed by Meimei, and the dragon of the fallen hell beast is still covered with the liquid that Meimei and Sona shed. There is no need to do foreplay anymore. The fallen hell beast supported the dragon and supported the lady. On the back court.

The lady turned pale, turned her head and looked at the fallen hell beast pleadingly, crying: "Don't... don't... it's really not possible there..."

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly and said, "It's your turn to say no? Or change your daughter. I think she is very willing to give me her back, right, Sona?"

Suna heard the words, although she was sore and weak, she nodded and revealed a pure smile.

Seeing her daughter nodded unexpectedly, she felt bitter in her heart. She looked at Suna's innocent face, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes, gritted her teeth, and said to the fallen hell beast: "You... come on."

The fallen hell beast grinned. He hadn't planned to pick Sona's backyard so early. He was just using these words to force the lady. Even if she really disagrees, his overlord would bow and bow. It's just a matter of taking the lady's backyard, what's the big deal, anyway, he is now a villain, and when he becomes a bitch, don't even think about setting up an archway. Since it is evil, then it will be evil to the end.

The fallen hell beast slashed away the buttocks of the lady vigorously. She tried hard to make her backyard open a bit larger, but it was still too small compared to the giant dragon of the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast squeezed his waist and squeezed his dragon into the backyard of the lady.

"Ah, it hurts!!" The fallen hell beast entered half of the dragon's head, and Shuzi's face paled and let out a cry. She is just a weak human woman, without the powerful strength of Digimon. Can't bear this huge pain, his face is pale, cold sweat is dripping, and his body is shaking.

The fallen hell beasts don't care about that much, anyway, with him, even if the lady wants to die, it will be difficult.The action still didn't pause, and he pushed all his huge angry dragon into Shuzi's backyard.

The fallen hell beasts continuously inject Mu Dun Chakra into the body of the lady, and with the help of Mu Dun Chakra, the most powerful healing effect, even the huge pain of opening the back court lasted only two or three minutes, two or three. Minutes later, Shuzi stopped screaming in pain, and instead experienced a different pleasure from the previous one. This feeling made Shuzi extremely ashamed. She was exploded by a strange man in front of her daughter. There was a sense of pleasure, and Shu Zi felt that she had never been so humiliated in her life.

The fallen hell beast saw the lady forcefully resisting barking, and wanted her to bark in front of her daughter, acting fiercely and mercilessly.

She finally couldn't help it anymore, Zhu's lips lightly opened, and the first sweet chant floated out of her mouth, and then she couldn't help it anymore, her voice became louder and softer.

And at this time, Mi Mi and Suna had already got out of Shu Zi. The two girls squatted on the carpet, curiously watching the dragon of the fallen hell beast coming and going in and out of Shu Zi’s backyard flowers. They really Unexpectedly, such a small place can really accommodate a dragon as big as a fallen hell beast, and the lady will feel very comfortable.

Meimei looked at Shuzi with an expression of enjoyment and couldn't help saying, "Aunt Shuzi, you look so beautiful now, and your voice is so good."

Meimei’s "praise" made Shuzi feel extremely shy and embarrassed, and her body became more and more fiery. She gasped and said: "Don't... don't say any more... Ah... so comfortable... well... so comfortable... Ok……"

Su Na put her hands on her face, and suddenly said a sentence, that was this sentence, which almost caused Shuzi's mental breakdown: "Mom, what would happen if Dad saw you like this?"

A sentence that is very common in Suna's current consciousness, it sounds like a heavy hammer of the Zudonmon beast on her heart, her mind suddenly becomes chaotic, and her heart is full of endless betrayal. Husband's guilt and shame, but under this guilt and shame, the lady's body instantly got unparalleled happiness.

"Ah!!!" Shuzi yelled almost madly, shaking all over her body, her eyes rolled white, she had obviously reached the peak.

After tightening her whole body for a while, Shuzi softened her whole body and lay on the sofa like a puddle of mud, only her buttocks were still pouted.

The fallen hell beast is still not satisfied, and continues to hold Shuzi’s snow buttocks vigorously attacking. With the powerful ability of the fallen hell beast, even if the fallen hell beast is not willing, the body will rekindle lust, regain vitality, and start a new life. A round of shouting.

Suna saw that she had said "dad", and her mother immediately reached the peak, with a smirk, and continued: "Mom, hasn't Daddy ever seen you look so YD?"

Shuzi's face paled again, but she was immediately covered by endless lust, but the pain in her eyes couldn't be eliminated.

Meimei talked to the side and said, "Think about this and you will know that the uncle's ability is definitely not very good. How could it make the aunt so comfortable? Of course, the uncle has never seen the auntie now."

Suna stretched out an index finger to point her chin, pouting her mouth, and said, "That's what I said, if my father is very capable, and my mother is so beautiful, how can I be the only child for so many years?"

The national conditions of Japan and China are different. Japan encourages childbirth. If they can afford it, of course they will give birth to a few more. The situation in Sona’s family is good. It is not a problem to raise one or two more children.

Two such innocent girls, what they say is so evil.

Under the singing and harmony of the two little girls, she only felt that her shame, guilt, and sensitivity were all exploding.

Under the power of the Fallen Hell Beast, Shu Zi's body completely surrendered. Finally, after four vents, the Fallen Hell Beast poured its own essence into the body of the Fallen Hell, and ended the intestinal war.

Chapter 214-Mother and Daughter Flower (5)

At night, in Suna’s house, Shuko was preparing dinner, waiting for Takehiko Takehiko's arrival. Suna and Mimi sat on the sofa and watched TV. They didn’t make giggles, they looked very harmonious. It seemed that everything that happened during the day was illusory, but the doll in Suna's arms was destined to not be a dream.

The doll has no body, just a head, a purple periphery and a dark brown face, a pair of small demon horns, light grass green eyes, and a tiger tooth exposed under the corner of the left mouth.If someone stares carefully into the eyes of this doll, they will find that the eyes of the doll are full of evil fluctuations, and this doll is exactly the infant stage II of the fallen hell beast-Yeye beast.

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