Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Bengali Travel

A Digimon with a level of strength such as the Fallen Hell Beast can freely choose what state to maintain. Generally speaking, a Digimon will choose to maintain its most stable state.

For example, the Agumon of Taiyi, although he can evolve into the ultimate fighting tyrannosaurus, and it can also evolve into the Omegamon, one of the thirteen royal knights, with the Garurumon, but most of the time Agumon The beast remained in the state of Agumon.Because the Agumon relies on the power of the sacred plan and badge to evolve to the ultimate body, it is like playing a long-term, its own strength is not stable, and the fallen hell beast can be completely dependent on its own strength. The Digimon that has been maintained in the ultimate body is more than one level lower.

The Agumon like Taiyi, after evolving into a mechanical tyrannosaurus for the first time, only fired an ultimate destruction cannon, it degenerated into a growth stage, and later, it evolved into a full body battle and then degenerated into a growth stage. , This is also the performance of strength enhancement.

The Dilu beast received harsh training from the Vampiric Beast, so its strength and endurance were relatively strong. After it evolved into a celestial beast and defeated the Vampire beast, it only degraded into a mature Dilu beast.

As for the powerful Digimon like the Fallen Hell Beast, who can maintain the ultimate body entirely on his own, he either wants to or is seriously injured in the battle, otherwise it will generally not degenerate to its infancy.

The most stable state of the fallen hell beast should actually be the burst form of the fallen hell beast. Although the X-body is more powerful, its power is too strong. The fallen hell beast cannot control it perfectly. If you are not careful, the world will collapse completely.

The fallen hell beast remained in a normal state only because he was used to it. After all, the wings were not used a lot.

The fallen hell beast degenerates into a juvenile stage, naturally for some evil purposes.

After finishing the business in the afternoon, the fallen hell beast and the three women took a bath in the bathroom to wash away the filth.Then the Fallen Hell Beast took out the adult toys he had stolen at noon, put a vibrator in front and back of the lady, and then locked her chastity belt, and then Fallen Hell Beast crushed the key, anyway. He never needed something like a key to open a lock.

Then the Fallen Hell Beast handed the two vibrating eggs' remote controls to Meimei and Suna, and the two girls who had been completely tuned out were very happy after they got the remote control.

And now those two vibrators are working hard now, although it is only the lowest gear, but the double stimulation of the front and rear courts is enough to make the lady crazy.

Shuzi resisted a burst of pleasure from her body, and squeezed the kitchen knife in her hand hard, and tremblingly cut a purple cabbage.

Suna put Ye Yemon in her arms, walked to the kitchen, hugged Shuja from behind, and smiled: "Mom, what are you eating tonight?"

The lady trembled, her complexion flushed, her big watery eyes looked at her daughter, and she begged: " turn that off first, okay... Mom... Mom can't stand it. It's..."

Sona took out a green remote control from her trouser pocket, and shook it in front of the lady deliberately, and said, "Mom, are you talking about this?"

Shuzi immediately nodded heavily.

Su Na showed a distressed look on her face, tilted her head and said, "People also want to help mother, but the Fallen Hell Beast said that unless he agrees, she must not stop the contents of her mother. Otherwise, the fallen hell beast will not want me." For the current Sona, any punishment of H is completely useless, or it is more powerful to say that it is not necessary for her.

"And..." Suna reached out and touched the bottom of Shuzi's skirt, her hand was wetted a lot in an instant, Suna took out her hand, her hand was crystal clear, and said: "Mom doesn't hate this feeling. That's a lot." She put her tongue out and licked, "It's a bit salty, a bit sweet, and it tastes good." Then she turned and walked out of the kitchen. When she first walked to the kitchen door, Su Na suddenly turned around. , Smiled mischievously and said: "By the way, Fallen Hell Beast told me that I need to add another gear to my mother." After speaking, he pressed the remote control in his hand and adjusted the vibrating frequency of the vibrating egg by one gear.

"Um..." The lady's legs softened and she almost fell to the ground. There was a bit of sadness in her eyes and a bit of springiness in her eyes.


Suna's father Takehiko Takehiko, Takehiko Takehiko, returned home at around six o'clock as usual. Takehiko Takehiko, whose IQ is well developed and his EQ is horribly low, did not feel anything abnormal in his home.

Takehiko Takehiko is a very temperamental middle-aged man. His body is not strong, but he is not thin. His face looks good, but he doesn't look white. He has a pair of round glasses on the bridge of his nose. Refined temperament.Because Takehiko Takehiko went to a very important lecture today, he was wearing a formal suit, and he looked elegant and majestic. He was indeed a very good man.

Shuko took the briefcase and suit jacket in Takehiko Takehiko's hand. She was indeed a housewife with her gentle appearance, but no one could think of the scenery under her skirt.

Takehiko Takehiko saw that his wife's face was a little red, and he couldn't help but asked: "What's wrong, Shuzi, are you feeling sick? Why is his face so red?"

Shuzi shook her head slightly, and said, "It's okay, I was cooking just now, maybe it was baked by the fire."

Takehiko Takehiko did not doubt, and walked to the living room.

"Dad, you're back." Suna said with a smile, and Meimei said with a smile, "Hello, uncle."

Takehiko Takehiko sat on the sofa with a smile and watched TV with them, completely unaware of the strange flashes in the eyes of the two girls.

The atmosphere of the dinner was pretty good, with some homely warmth, but these won't exist soon.While Suna and Mimi were eating dinner, they did not forget to secretly feed the food to the beast in their arms. Takenouchi Shuko's craftsmanship is good, although it is not as good as the chef of a five-star hotel, it has a strong taste. Warmth is here.

After dinner, Takehiko Takehiko went to the bathroom to take a bath. After all, the weather today is so hot that he would sweat even if he walked around.

After Takehiko Takehiko entered the bathroom, the white light appeared on the Yamon immediately, and he evolved into a fallen hell beast. He stepped forward, squeezed the lady’s ass, and smiled: "You really can bear it, your husband actually I didn't see it at all."

"Hmm..." The lady's body has always been in the most sensitive state, and now she is pinched by the Fallen Hell Beast, and her body is soft, leaning on the Fallen Hell Beast, winking like silk: " ... will be discovered by Takehiko..."

The fallen hell beast stretched out a big tongue, licked it on the neck of the lady, and exhaled: "I just want him to find out, I just want you to moan in front of your husband, crazy." The fallen hell beast is naturally impossible. Give up Takehiko Takenochi this beautiful woman, so he did not intend to let Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko see the sun tomorrow.

Shuzi was soft, her eyes were constantly fighting with pain and passion, and she shook her head and said, " can't let Takehiko see..." Although Shuzi is extremely reluctant to admit it, once she thinks that she will be on her own In front of his husband, he was caught by other men, and the impulses in his body erupted like a volcanic eruption.

The Fallen Hell Beast opened its mouth and bit the tender meat on the neck of Lady. The Teeth of Fallen Hell Beast was very sharp and sharp. With a single bite, it bit a blood-red tooth mark on Lady's neck.

The fallen hell beast's tongue was curled with Shu Zi's blood, and then she kissed Shu's red lips.

Shuzi felt a pain in her neck, and before she could scream out, her lips were kissed by the man’s lips, and a big tongue penetrated in without any hindrance. There was a salty smell coming from the tip of her tongue. Shuzi knew that it was her own blood. .

The fallen hell beast kissed the beauty until she was weak before letting her go. Then he picked up the lady’s body, walked into the master bedroom, and put the beauty on the double bed in the room, Suna and Meimei had been waiting naked in bed long ago.

The fallen hell beast looked at the three beauties on the bed and smiled evilly. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night...

Chapter 215-Mother and Daughter Flower (End)

Takehiko Takehiko took a shower and came out of the bathroom. He just walked out of the bathroom. He didn't notice the appearance of a tall figure suddenly behind him. Takehiko Takehiko only felt a pain in his neck, and then he lost consciousness in the dark.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at Takehiko Takehiko who fell on the ground coldly. Although he has no grudges, the Fallen Hell Beast absolutely does not allow this person to continue to live. However, before death, there is a restricted drama. Ask him to appreciate.

The Fallen Hell Beast took out a roll of rope that was hidden there before from the TV cabinet. The rope was originally stolen by the Fallen Hell Beast to play SM, and now it is used to tie Takehiko Takehiko Takenouchi.

The fallen hell beast has no talent for playing rope art, but he knows where to tie the tightest and the most difficult to break free. He tied Takehiko Takehiko into a zongzi, and then put it like a chicken. Takehiko Takehiko picked it up, walked into the master bedroom, and threw Takehiko Takehiko on the ground.

Seeing the Fallen Hell Beast carrying her husband into the room, she knew that what the Fallen Hell Beast said before was more than just talking. She trembled when she thought that she was going to be in front of her husband... .

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, squatted down and snapped!Takehiko Takehiko slapped two slaps.

Takehiko Takehiko woke up in pain, and was startled when he saw a strange man he had never seen before.

The fallen hell beast jumped onto the double bed originally belonged to Takehiko Takehiko, and immediately put the soft body of the lady in his arms, while Suna and Mimi, who were naked, took the initiative to post with sweet smiles. .

The fallen hell beast vigorously rubbed Shuzi’s Saint Nymph, looked at Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko, and smiled coldly: "When we first met, Mr. Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko, I am a fallen hell beast."

Shuzi forced herself to endure the pleasure brought by the hand of the fallen hell beast, crying and begging: "husband... don't look at it..."

Takehiko Takehiko, no matter how dull, no matter how low his emotional intelligence, is to know the situation at this time, his eyes suddenly become red, and he roars, "You bastard! Let them go quickly!!"

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, and looked at Takehiko Takehiko's eyes with a little contempt. Is this man a fool?Who would let them go in this situation?

The fallen hell beast deliberately asked Suna and Mimi: "Do you want me to let you go?"

"Of course not!" Suna and Meimei said in unison.

"Hahahaha..." The Fallen Hell Beast laughed wildly, and said: "You see, Takehiko Takehiko, Takehiko, they didn't want to leave me, but I didn't force them."

Then, the fallen hell beast's conversation turned, and he lifted Takenouchi's long skirt, and exposed the chastity belt under that skirt to Takehiko Takehiko. The evil spirit said: "Have you seen Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko, your wife? She is already my woman, and speaking of your wife’s body is really wonderful, I didn’t expect a woman in her thirties to be so tight underneath, tight and warm, it really makes me want to stop. Are you not? See, when I was with your wife in the afternoon, how YD she called, and ah, when I entered her backyard, she vented five times in a row. It seems that your wife hasn't been well for a long time. It’s been a good time. It’s not your thing."

The fallen hell beast used vicious words to irritate Takehiko Takehiko and Takehiko Takehiko, and then stroked Shuko’s chastity belt with his fingers. The chastity belt made of stainless steel and cowhide was cut open by the fallen hell beast, revealing Shuko. That muddy paradise.

Without the barrier of the chastity belt, Shu Zi's strong female fragrance burst out all at once, and the bedroom was suddenly full of Shu Zi's strong fragrance.

The fallen hell beast took a deep breath and continued to viciously say: "Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko, your wife smells so good, have you ever smelled it? Haha, how can a little thing like you make the gentleman flow so much? Where's the water? I think you must have never smelled it before."

Takehiko Takehiko closed his eyes in pain, and responded to the words of the fallen hell beast with silence.

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