Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 159

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, if you don't want to watch it, I just want you to watch it!Then, the Fallen Hell Beast reached out to Takehiko Takehiko, using his superpowers.

Takehiko Takehiko felt a strange sensation in his eyes. Before he knew what was going on, he felt a sharp pain in his eyes. Under the severe pain, Takehiko Takehiko let out a huge scream, if not. If the Fallen Hell Beast had set up a soundproof barrier around this house early, this scream might have attracted the attention of many people.

Shuko looked at Takehiko Takehiko's appearance at this time, and her whole body couldn't help trembling in fear. Now Takehiko Takehiko's whole body was trembling constantly because of the pain. Two pillars of blood spurted out of her eyes and spilled on the ground, on the bed, and more. Spilled on Takehiko Takehiko's body, the smell of blood made Shuko feel extremely horrible. In comparison, Suna and Mimi looked plain and terrifying. Seeing such a scene, they even had a slight fluctuation in their eyes. No.

The Fallen Hell Beast didn't blind Takehiko Takehiko's eyes. In this way, there would be no fun. Instead, he used superpowers to tear off Takehiko Takehiko's eyelids, making it impossible for him to close his eyes.

Next, the fallen hell beast helped Takehiko Takehiko Takenochi to stop the bleeding, and also cleared the blood from his eyeballs, allowing him to see clearly what he was doing.

Takehiko Takehiko looked at the fallen hell beast with hatred in his eyes, and roared: "You devil! You must have retribution! You will not end well! The police will catch you and shoot you. !!!"

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, retribution?Policemen?You can lie to the child about this kind of thing. The only thing he believes in is strength, and strength is that you impose retribution on others.As for the police falling into the sky, hell beasts are even more disdainful. That kind of weak human being can never be his opponent no matter how much he comes. With his current physical strength, he can definitely ignore the weapons made by more than 99% of humans, plus There is absolutely no existence in the human world that can threaten his life with the power of space and time. After all, with the current human technology, the term space and time is still too far away.

The fallen hell beast put his hand on Shuzi, Takehiko Takehiko turned his head away. He now has no eyelids and can't close his eyes. He can only turn his head and not look at the devil infringing on his wife.

How could the Fallen Hell Beast make him do what he wanted, waved his hand, and coldly shouted: "Meizuna!" Four dark pipe foxes flew out of the Fallen Hell Beast and flew towards Takehiko Takehiko in Takenouchi.

The four-pipe fox did not restrain Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko, but immediately got into Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko's body. The destructive dark power immediately filled Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko's weak human body.This kind of pain was a hundred times more painful than the eyelid being torn off just now. Takehiko Takehiko opened his mouth wide, but couldn't say anything.

Dark energy wandered through Takehiko Takehiko's body, severing the main nerves in Takehiko Takehiko's body, but did not harm his brainstem, which is in charge of heartbeat and breathing, and the death of the brainstem basically means death.

The dark energy destroyed Takehiko Takehiko's body. Now, Takehiko Takehiko can't move his neck, and he can only watch the fallen hell beast violate his wife.

The fallen hell beast looked at Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko as a puddle of mud with satisfaction, then stretched out his hand and grabbed Shuzi's huge Saintess Peak, and smiled evilly: "How is it, is it comfortable?"

She shook her head vigorously, but did not dare to speak, for fear that she would become moaning when she spoke.

The fallen hell beast Xiexie smiled. It would be meaningless if the gentleman surrendered so easily, he would not believe it. With his powerful combat power, how could gentleman not yield?

The fallen hell beast ravaged Shu-zi's body vigorously, and said with a wicked smile: "I've done it all, what do you pretend to be?! Do you remember how many times you visited in the afternoon? Seven times or eight times?"

"Don't...don't say...don't say..." Shuzi said painfully.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, just do it." After the fallen hell beast said, he immediately separated Shuzi's legs and pointed it at Shuzi's backyard without taking out the vibrator inside. Go in, and push the vibrator to the deepest point.

"Ah!!" The lady screamed in discontent or pain, she felt that she was trembling with the fallen hell beast, and her soul trembled, and she kept shaking her head, tears falling with it, but there was more spring water. Jetted out from Taoyuan.

"Don't... Ah... I'm sorry... Uh... Uh... so comfortable... I'm sorry... Husband... I'm sorry... Ah... comfortable... Ah... hard... "Sukiko kept apologizing to Takehiko Takehiko Takenochi, but she couldn't go against the tremendous physical pleasure. While bearing the tremendous psychological pressure, while enjoying the tremendous physical pleasure, Shuko's spirit almost collapsed.

This night, all night, the Fallen Hell Beast galloped on the three beauties, playing with the three women all the time without any strength, and then stopped.

The fallen hell beast put on his clothes, got out of the bed, looked at Takehiko Takehiko, who was already like a dead dog, smiled coldly, took out his shotgun, and the cold barrel was directly against Takehiko Takehiko's forehead.

Takehiko Takehiko raised his head, looked at the two dark barrels, his eyes were dead, he was full of death will.

The fallen hell beast pulled the trigger, and two bullets shot through Takehiko Takehiko's forehead. The dark power eroded Takehiko Takehiko's corpse and completely corroded everything about him. Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko also completely disappeared from the world.

Chapter 216-The Death of Vampire Beast!

When I woke up early the next morning, no one mentioned the existence of Takehiko Takehiko in Takenouchi, and he just brought it over with a smile, as if this person had never existed in the world, even Shuko Takehiko Takehiko.

For Takehiko Takenochi, after what happened last night, she was absolutely unable to face Takehiko Takehiko, and the fallen hell beast could not let her die, so Takehiko Takehiko Takehiko’s death is the best choice. .

In the next few days, the fallen hell beast has been wandering among several beauties, big and small, and tasted every woman's style, and occasionally molested the lovely and pure Jiaer. Life can be considered quite moist. what.

The Fallen Hell Beast also let Dilu Beast stay by Jiaer's side, because the entire Odaiba has been enveloped by the thick fog of the Vampire Beast, which means that there is not much time from the original plot, the Fallen Hell Beast does not want to go too far. Destroy the plot, or where can he find his celestial beast?

As Dilu stayed beside Jia'er, Jia'er's identity as the eighth selected child couldn't be hidden. Jia'er was immediately protected by Taiyi.

(Because I think there is nothing to write about this paragraph, so the plot is fast forward, the animated version is 35,36 episodes, the cactus beast evolved into the flower fairy beast, the sea lion beast evolved into the ancestral beast)

On the roof of the Fuji TV building in Japan, the blood-sucking beast and the selected children confronted, while the fallen hell beasts watched the show not far away.

"Go! Mechanical Tyrannosaurus!!!" Taiyi shouted.

The mechanical compartment in the chest of the mechanical tyrannosaurus opened, and two powerful cannonballs flew towards the vampire beast.

Facing the ultimate destruction cannon of the mechanical tyrannosaurus, the blood-sucking beast was not afraid, but raised his hands, the ultimate destruction cannon immediately decomposed into the original data and dissipated into the air.The super powers of the vampire beasts are very rare in the Digimon world. Ordinary full-body-level tricks can be easily dispelled by the vampire beasts, and it can also shift the opponent's attack direction. It is a good ability, but for the fallen hell beasts Saying it is useless.

The powerful body of the fallen hell beast itself incorporates the data of the superalloy body of the slashing angel beast. The strength of the body has surpassed the superalloy, and it is only inferior to the absolute hardness of the Huanglong mine. It will affect the current body of the fallen hell beast. The substantive damage must at least be the strength of the Ultra-Ultimate Body, and under the Ultra-Ultimate Body, only the ultimate angel beast's strongest trick-the edict can do it.

For the fallen hell beasts, Digimon below Ultra Ultra does not require any effort to resolve the tricks, and there will be no problems with direct physical resistance, and Ultra Ultra is so easy to see. .

"What?!" Taida was surprised, and the vampire demon's moves to resolve it made him very surprised.

"Super Horned Cannon!" "Heavy Hammer Spark!" "Shadow Wing Slash!" "Flower Fairy Cannon!"

The four complete bodies together issued their own tricks to attack the Vampire Beasts, but the Vampire Beasts only acted like directing traffic, raising the right hand and raising the left hand horizontally to dissolve the tricks of the four Digimon at the same time.

The selected children were shocked by the trick of the Vampire Beast.

The Vampire Beast smiled coldly, walked towards Jiaer and Dilumon, lifted his cloak, and was about to use the Night Demon Flying Attack.


The heavenly punch of the angel beast hit the belly of the vampire beast, and even a full body of the vampire beast was beaten with cold sweat by the angel beast's punch.Although the fallen hell beast and the blood-sucking beast are also dark-coefficient babies, their resistance to light forces is completely different.

The resistance of the fallen hell beast to the light force is 70%, which is its own defense value of 100. When facing the light type trick, it is 70, and the vampire beast, the shameless vampire Digimon, is against the light force. The resistance is 0, and it is completely impossible to defend against the light trick.

The vampire beasts endured the severe pain in their abdomen being burned by the power of light, and lifted their cloak, and countless bats mixed with gray-black energy pillars and flew towards Jiaer and Dilumon.


boom!A tattered wizard hat flew in the air, and Dilumon's good friend, the wizard beast, used her body to block the vampire beast's trick.

Seeing his friends kill to protect himself, Dilumon evolved completely under the anger.

"The Dilu Beast is super-evolved...the celestial beast!!!"

In the light of evolution, the body of the Dilumon kitten became a woman, with a hot and sexy figure, eight white wings, and a rainbow of sacred light shrouded in the whole body. The sacred ring on the left ankle shows Out of her noble identity-archangel celestial beast!

The Celestial Beast was in the air, looking at the Vampire Beast in anger, and said: "Vampire Beast, you obstructed the mission of the selected children everywhere, and even invaded the real world. Now you have killed my good friend wizard. Beast! Did you know that you committed a heinous crime?!"

The Vampire Beast clasped his hands tightly and said angrily: "I want to plunge this world into darkness so that it can merge with the Digimon world. I want to rule the world! I want to be the king!!"

As soon as the Vampire Beast said this, he heard an indifferent voice in the air: "You want to be the king of the Digimon world with your waste."

Everyone was stunned for a moment. The next moment, the Fallen Hell Beast slowly appeared on the field, three scarlet eyes looked at the Vampire Beast contemptuously. In the Fallen Hell Beast's eyes, the Vampire Beast was no different from the ant. Pinched to death.

Everyone, including the Vampire Beast, was taken aback, after all, the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast puts them too much pressure.

The Celestial Beast took a complicated look at the Fallen Hell Beast, and then raised her hands high, and a light circle appeared from her hands floating into the air, forming a sacred enchantment. Under the shower of this sacred light, the blood-sucking beast moved completely. No, and the Digimon of the selected children quickly recovered their strength.

"Take advantage of this now! Give the celestial beast power!"

"Super Horned Cannon!" "Flower Fairy Cannon!!" "Heavy Hammer Spark!" "Caesar's Sharp Claw!" "Shadow Wing Slash!" "Ultimate Destroying Cannon!" "Heaven's Fist!"

The seven Digimon’s tricks all flew towards the aperture above the celestial beast. All the tricks were merged together and turned into the power of the celestial beast. The glove on the left hand of the celestial beast turned into a sacred bow, posing a very flirting The person's posture, shouted: "Holy bows and arrows!!"

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