Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 160

A pure white light arrow carrying a powerful sacred power, flew straight towards the heart of the vampire beast.

"Ah!!!" The Vampire Beast yelled incomparably unwillingly, but it still couldn't move anymore. The core material was pierced by the powerful sacred bow and arrow, and the dark power of the whole body was consumed in the explosion of the sacred bow and arrow, decomposed into the original data. , Only left a bat mask that no one noticed.

The celestial beast opened the sacred bow again, and a second sacred bow was placed on the bow, aiming at the heart of the fallen hell beast, but it did not release the arrow for a long time.

The celestial beast opened the sacred bow and stared at the figure of the fallen hell beast, but did not have the courage to let go and release the sacred bow.

The celestial beast keeps encouraging herself in her heart. She is an angel representing the light, and the fallen hell beast is the demon king of darkness. They are destined to be enemies and are destined to be unable to be together, but the celestial beast cannot afford half the killing intent to the fallen hell beast. .

The scenes in the past filled her mind. When she was still the beast of Dilu, every time she quarreled with the fallen hell beast, and every smile he showed to himself with unknown meaning, all of this had already been deeply engraved in it. It's hard to erase her mind.

The fallen hell beast stared at the sacred celestial beast in the sky, with some expectation in his three scarlet eyes. He wanted to know what choice the celestial beast would make. The fallen hell beast was a very stingy man. He wanted to know that he was in the celestial lady. In the heart of the beast, is it the most important thing?

The celestial beast was silent for a long time, and finally sighed faintly, dropped her arm, and said, "I can't put my hand."

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled and laughed very happily. With a move, he appeared behind the celestial beast, not afraid of the sacred light on her body, and his mouth was close to the ear of the celestial beast, and said: "What's the matter? Kill me?"

The damp and hot sensation from her ears made the heavenly female beast's heart tremble. She quickly turned around, glaring at the fallen hell beast, and said, "How can you move?" Two beautiful red clouds were stained on the tender white face.

The Fallen Hell Beast showed a wicked smile that the celestial beast is very familiar with, and said: "Even the holy celestial beast is not my opponent. With your light power, you want to defeat me? Don't be kidding."

There was an angry expression on the face of the celestial beast, and her mouth was pursed: "You are playing me!" The expression was the same as before when fighting with the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast laughed, stretched out his hand and grabbed the Celestial Beast's wrist, into his arms, and then took the opportunity to stop the Celestial Beast's thin waist, bowed his head and kissed the pink lips.

"Um..." The celestial beast was startled, and the eyes under the mask looked at this evil handsome face in surprise, her heart was beating extremely fast at this moment, and her heart felt immense joy and happiness at this moment.


This is the sound of joint dislocation. All the children and Digimon watch this scene with their jaws hanging. Angels and demons are kissing?The impact is really big.

Chapter 217-Two Female Xiao!

The Celestial Beast clenched her small pink fist, and constantly punched it into the chest of the Fallen Hell Beast, with a lot of light power in her fist. It was a normal Digimon, and it was not dead and seriously injured by the Celestial Beast.

But the fallen hell beast did not even notice it, even if it was the sacred celestial beast, he dared to force a kiss. The light power of the celestial beast hits the fallen hell beast like a clay cow into the sea, disappearing without a trace, all by him. Absorbed in.

Soon, the celestial beast stopped struggling. She originally liked the fallen hell beasts, but because she was attacked and kissed by the fallen hell beasts, and there were so many people watching, she was a little bit shy and angry, but she was not really angry. .

There was a smile in the eyes of the fallen hell beast's forehead. After seeing the celestial beast not struggling, he left the small mouth of the celestial beast, and his eyes showed a playful look at the pink-faced celestial beast.

The celestial beast quickly recovered, looking at the evil gaze of the fallen hell beast, there was a burst of shame in his heart, and the little hand subconsciously greeted the fallen hell beast's face.

How can the reaction speed of the fallen hell beast make the celestial beast slap it, grab it with a big hand, and the last hair will come first, and directly grab the small hand of the celestial beast. The big palm plays with the slippery little hand of the celestial beast, and the celestial beast blushes and struggles Refused to let go.

The fallen hell beast smiled evilly, and the thorns whip of the rose beast appeared in his hand. With a flick of the whip, it curled the waist of the flower fairy beast that was still in a daze, and pulled it hard, and then the elasticity of the thorns whip tied the flower fairy Become a twist.

The Fallen Hell Beast held the Celestial Beast in one hand and the Flower Fairy Beast in the other, and said to the selected children: "I have taken these two Digimon. The selected little ghosts, let me tell you one more thing by the way. It's all right... Vampire Beast, not dead yet! Hahahahahaha..." After speaking, in a burst of laughter, the Fallen Hell Beast leaped and left safely.

The Fallen Hell Beast hurried home with the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast, but he waited for this day for a long time, especially for the Celestial Beast.He originally had an ambiguous relationship with the Dilumon, but because of some force majeure, the plan to overthrow it was postponed. He really waited a long time for the day when the Dilumon evolved into a celestial beast.

As for the ultimate blood-sucking beast, he doesn’t care, anyway, it’s just the strength of the ultimate body. No matter how strong the ultimate body is, it is definitely not an opponent of the ultra-ultimate body fallen hell beast, let alone darkness. The ultimate body of the line, facing the seven supreme demon kings of the dark line, is simply looking for death.

After returning home, the Fallen Hell Beast immediately took the two women into the room, threw them both on the bed, looked at the two women with a smirk, and said, "Did you take your clothes off by yourself, or Want me to help you?"

The celestial beast's face turned red and white and she glanced at the fallen hell beast. She already knew what the fallen hell beast was going to do. She thought that she was completely ready, but when the matter came, the celestial beast was scared again and sat on the bed. , Blushing, expressed silence.

The Flower Fairy Beast didn't know what the Fallen Hell Beast was going to do. Seeing such a weird look on the Fallen Hell Beast, he couldn't help asking: "Falling Hell Beast, what do you want to do?"

The Flower Fairy is completely ignorant of men and women. In addition to the last time in the Monster Frog Castle, the powerful strength of the Fallen Hell Beast left a shadow on the seven Digimon. This time the Flower Fairy was again given to the Fallen Hell Beast. Caught it, coupled with the weird smile and tone of the fallen hell beast, really scared the little loli of the flower fairy beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the innocent appearance of the Flower Fairy Beast, and smiled evilly: "Teach you to do what adults love to do." As he said, he climbed onto the bed and trivially raised the round chin of the Flower Fairy Beast to face it. The pink lips kissed.

Flower Fairy Beast widened its dark green eyes, and looked at the face of Fallen Hell Beast with a hint of curiosity.Although Flower Fairy’s eyes look black, they actually have the illusion of being black because the green is too dark.

The Flower Fairy Beast is very similar to the Lilac Beast. Both are fairy-type Digimon. Both are so innocent and lively. However, the Clove Beast is more mature than the Flower Fairy in its simplicity. After all, the Clove Beast has been in the dark area for so many years. , Although the character still maintains innocence, but the character is definitely more mature than Hua Xian Beast.

At first, the Flower Fairy Beast could open its eyes and watch the Fallen Hell Beast curiously, but after experiencing the feeling of kissing, the Flower Fairy Beast felt that a heart was about to fly to the sky, and the violent heart beat made the Flower Fairy Beast I had to close my eyes, and the trembling eyelashes like a small fan showed the girl's inner restlessness.

"Huh!" The celestial beast snorted coldly while looking at the fallen hell beast and the flower fairy beast who were kissing together, but it was not cold at all in the cold snort. There were two hot flames burning there— -Envy and anger.

The Celestial Beast was very jealous when she was a Dilu Beast, but at that time she was just like a kitten. Even if she was jealous again, she couldn’t do anything with the Fallen Hell Beast, she could only keep pressing on. Own jealousy.

But now it’s different. Dilu Beast has evolved into a Celestial Beast, and it has a beautiful body that can have a relationship with the Fallen Hell Beast, and now, the Fallen Hell Beast abandons the Celestial Beast, and instead goes to the Flower Fairy Beast. After a hot kiss, the jealousy of the celestial beast flared up.

The fallen hell beast also heard the cold snort of the celestial female beast. The jealousness of the fallen hell beast's teeth made the fallen heavenly hell beast's smile full of smiles. He turned his head and glanced at the celestial beast jokingly, but his lips still did not leave. The small mouth of the flower fairy.

"Hmph! Hmph! Hmph!!" The celestial beast saw the fallen hell beast ignore her, and then hummed several times, each louder than one, she was just a jealous little girl.

A smile appeared in the eyes of the fallen hell beast, but he still kissed the small mouth of the flower fairy beast.

When the celestial beast saw the fallen hell beast, she ignored her with anger and resentment. She looked down at her plump chest, flushed, gritted her teeth, and slowly lifted her clothes one by one, revealing something A perfect jade body with sacred luster.

As soon as the fallen hell beast saw that his goal had been achieved, he left the flower fairy beast's small mouth, looked at the shy face of the celestial beast, and said: "What's the matter, can't help it?"

The Celestial Beast glared at the Fallen Hell Beast, but her hands were covering her chest and Taoyuan, and her face was red.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the Flower Fairy Beast still in his arms, and said, "How is it, is it comfortable?"

The Flower Fairy Beast was snatched by the Fallen Hell Beast for the first kiss, and now there was still a mass of paste in his head, dazed, after hearing the voice of the Fallen Hell Beast, he nodded subconsciously.

The fallen hell beast hugged the flower fairy beast's petite body and lay on the bed, and then said to the celestial beast: "You've seen it many times, and you know what to do."

The Celestial Beast glanced at him blushingly, and nodded gently.After all, the Celestial Beast had watched more than a dozen sex scenes before, and had learned a lot about the steps, and now stretched out his hands and gently took off the pants of the Fallen Hell Beast.

When the dragon of the fallen hell beast jumped out of his pants, the celestial beast could not help but exclaimed. Although she has watched it many times, it is definitely the first time to watch it at such a close distance, especially Now her body was different from the previous one, and the male scent made the whole body of the celestial beast soft.

The celestial beast stretched out his hands to hold the dragon of the fallen hell beast, and the scorching heat from the palm made the face of the celestial beast even more blushing.In the eyes of the goddess, the temperature of the dragon of the fallen hell beast is probably higher than the flame temperature of the death flame beast.

The celestial beast recalled the scene he had seen before, and slowly lowered his head, first stretched out his little pink tongue, and smeared his saliva on the dragon’s head. After the dragon’s head was completely wet, the celestial beast was light. Qi Zhu's lips slowly swallowed the dragon head the size of an egg.

The feeling of the dragon head touching the throat made the celestial beast nauseous, but after glancing at the enjoyment expression of the fallen hell beast from the corner of its eyes, the expression of the celestial beast became firm and began to learn the way he had seen it before, moving the scorpion up and down. First, the fierce dragon was vomiting.

Although the techniques of the celestial beast are a bit jerky, the fallen hell beast is definitely very satisfying psychologically. Think of a woman who is the proud woman of heaven, who is now lying under her crotch, actively "biting" for herself. That is definitely a great satisfaction psychologically.

The celestial beast learns very quickly. Although the feeling of the dragon reaching its throat is really uncomfortable at first, the celestial beast gradually gets used to it, and its skills are becoming more and more proficient. From time to time, it gently bites it with its teeth The dragon's body sometimes spit out the dragon, and gently licked the one-eyed one on the dragon with his flexible tongue.

The Flower Fairy Beast slowly came back to his senses, watching the celestial beast actually use her tongue to lick the ugly "monster" under the fallen hell beast, she couldn't help but feel curiosity and a hint of shyness in her heart.

The curiosity of the flower fairy beast is far greater than that of shame. It can't help the curiosity in its heart. It slips out of the arms of the fallen hell beast, and crawls under the crotch of the fallen hell beast. Seeing the goddess beast seriously licking, he can bear it. Dry mouth for a while.

Driven by the curiosity greater than the sky, the Flower Fairy Beast finally couldn't help it. When the Celestial Beast spit out the giant dragon, it stuck out its small tongue and licked it.

Gee tut.Hua Xian Beast slapped his mouth, and tasted the taste that he had just felt. It was a bit salty, a bit sweet, and a bit fishy. The taste was strange, but it seemed not bad.

The Celestial Beast glared at the Flower Fairy Beast slightly, but didn't say anything to scold her.

The Fallen Hell Beast was enjoying the services of the two women comfortably, and finally, half an hour later, the Fallen Hell Beast's waist was raised, and all his essence was sprayed into the small mouth of the Heaven Nv.

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