Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 166

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Extraordinarily horrible.

The fallen hell beast has been torturing the clown king for more than ten minutes before giving up, looking at the embarrassed head of the four dark kings, coldly said: "You have been planted by me now. From this moment on, you are my servant. If you dare to betray, I can kill you at any time."

"Yes...yes, the fallen hell beast king..." the clown emperor knelt in front of the fallen hell beast and said tremblingly, his tone was still lingering.

Seeing that today's goal has been achieved, the face of the Fallen Hell Beast also showed a mad smile. The Dark Tornado Mountain has also become the base of the Fallen Hell Beast.

Chapter 224-Lilith Beast!

On the top of the Dark Tornado Mountain, the fallen hell beast became the master here, and now, he is sitting on the throne that originally belonged to the clown king, watching the movements of the selected children displayed on the big screen.

As before, the fighting tyrannosaurus and steel Garuru were too weak. They were abused by the four dark kings. Finally, under the desperate efforts of the fairy beasts, they finally escaped from the dark tornado mountain.

And now, the selected children are in the sea area ruled by the steel sea dragon beast, and they are encountering the steel sea dragon beast's men-Alukamon.

The fallen hell beast sat on the throne and looked at everything on the big screen. To him, except for a few women, it didn't matter.

Beside the fallen hell beast, sitting a peerless and enchanting left hand that was like suet was playing with a crystal clear glass, the red wine mixed with blood rippling, revealing a strange weirdness.

"Unexpectedly, you would be so interested in these little ghosts." Lilith Beast lay lazily on the sofa, the red wine glass in her hand was constantly shaking, the blood mixed red wine in the glass often rippled to the mouth of the glass, but it just didn't spill out. .

"I'm just more interested in a few girls." Fallen Hell Beast smiled evilly, and said to Lilith Beast unabashedly, perhaps because he was one of the Seven Great Demon Kings. There was almost no defense, there were many things that even his own woman hadn't said before, and he could easily tell Lilith Beast.

"Oh?" Lilith beast raised her eyebrows inexplicably, and then drank the blood red wine in the glass, sticking out a small pink tongue, and enchantingly rolled the wine from the corner of her mouth into her belly, smiling charmingly Looking at the Fallen Hell Beast, he said: "I didn't expect that the dignified Fallen Hell Demon would also be interested in the little girl." Lilith Beast's tone is still the same as before, full of seductive power, a general ultimate body. It was absolutely impossible to resist the ecstatic sounds of Lilith beast, but there was a hint of jealousy that was as soft as smoke in the tone.

Not to mention the power of the Fallen Hell Beast's super ultimate body, it simply ignores the charm of Lilith Beast, even the previous Fallen Hell Beast will not be affected by the temptation* of Lilith Beast, and immediately smiled. , Did not speak.

Lilith Beast poured himself a glass of red wine, winking like silk, and seemed a little drunk.

The Fallen Hell Beast didn't care about Lilith Beast's seemingly temptation. If he was tempted by Lilith Beast so easily, then he wouldn't deserve to be called the Demon Lord in charge of sin and gluttony.

The fallen hell beast was sitting leaning on the throne, tapping the armrest of the chair with his fingers, and the third eye of his forehead was slightly narrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

With the instinct of being a demon king, Lilith beast keenly caught the slightest change of the fallen hell beast. She smiled and said casually, "What are you thinking?"

The Fallen Hell Beast was taken aback for a moment, but he did not expect that Lilith Beast would be so sensitive. When he noticed his abnormality, he said without concealment: "I was thinking that if I swallow your information, my strength will become more powerful. Strong."

The Fallen Hell Beast was indeed thinking about this matter. He had thought of fusing the information and sins of the Seven Great Devil Kings early on, and what he was thinking just now was to simply push the Lilith beast and absorb her sins and information. Or take it slow, or simply kill Lilith Beast.

After hearing the words of the Fallen Hell Beast, Lilith Beast's eyes flashed astonishment, but there was still that enchanting smile on her face, and said, "You don't want to evolve into Ogudu Beast?"

"I just want that kind of power." Fallen Hell Beast said lightly, evolving into Ogudu Beast?Forget it, what about his sexual life after evolving into that monster!

Only the seven of them knew that the seven demon kings could evolve into the Ogudu beast. It was like fate. The seven demon kings knew the existence of the Ogudu beast from the moment they were given this title.

Ogudumon, a virus species, a super-devil-type Digimon, evolved from the combination of the seven demon kings, is a strange super demon with seven eyes, seven legs, and an eighth eye.

The eighth eye of the Ogudu represents the control of the seven deadly sins. The Ogudu itself represents all the sins in the world and has a mysterious body with the power to redeem all sins. Therefore, any Malicious and evil Digimon will also be counteracted by its power and cannot be knocked down at all.

The Ogudu beast is the ultimate body of evil and the highest point of all evil. It can never disappear. If there is good in the world, there will be evil. Unless all life in this world disappears, there will be no good and evil, Ogudu The beast will die, but that is obviously impossible.

Ogudu beasts are absolutely immortal in a sense, and the fallen hell beasts naturally want that supreme power.

Lilith beast was playing with the red wine glass, with apricot eyes half-opened and half-closed, looking at the face of the fallen hell beast Xiejun, smiled and said: "Then are you planning to kill me first and take my sins and information?" The tone was calm. It seemed that he hadn't taken his life to heart at all, but the golden right hand that was slashing his side face one after another showed the real tension in Lilithmon's heart.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, stood up and walked outside. When he reached the door, he paused and said without looking back: "Kill you...I really can't help it..."

"Huh..." Lilith beast exhaled heavily, and his tight body relaxed. For the first time, there was a heart-felt smile on the seductive face. The jade hand holding the red wine glass had no idea in the heart of her hand. When is it already full of sweat.

Lilith beast looked at the red wine in the glass, and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, and muttered: "I actually moved my heart to this guy..."

The seven demon kings each mastered a major crime, and they were more or less related to each other. So although they were all untamable, they were actually in a good relationship, and there had never been any disputes. Among them, Lilith The relationship between the beast and the fallen hell beast is the strangest.

In terms of appearance alone, among the Seven Demon Kings, the most compatible with the Lilith Beast is the Fallen Hell Beast, a peerless enchantment, and a domineering and arrogant. Compared to the other strange monsters, the Fallen Hell Beast and the Lilith Beast look different. Much more appropriate.

The Lilith Beast also has a strange feeling for the Fallen Hell Beasts. This strangeness is not only present, but began to appear tens of thousands of years ago, before they were sealed.

Although Lilith Beast looks enchanting and charming to everyone, when facing the Fallen Hell Beast, she always unconsciously reveals more of her beautiful posture, but the Fallen Hell Beast at that time is indifferent. Aloof and madly in pursuit of strength, so I did not pay attention to the temptation and temptation of Lilith Beast. Fallen Hell Beast ignores the Lilith Beast, who is extremely confident in his own charm. But it is a big fire. Hell beasts also produced a different kind of emotion.

This kind of feeling is not love, there is curiosity, there are some likes, and there is this bit of complaint, mixed in a mess, Lilith beast can't tell what kind of feeling it is for the fallen hell beast.


When the beautiful spring song sounded in the next room again, Lilith beast's forehead popped out several #s, and she squeezed the poor red wine glass into pieces.

"This bastard!!!"

Chapter 225-Holy Heavenly Female Beast!

The next day, the fallen hell beast was still lying in a pile of pink arms and jade legs unwilling to wake up, but a strong energy fluctuation outside forced him to wake up.

Now on the top of the Dark Tornado Mountain, one black and one white, one righteous and one evil, the two women at the top of the Digimon world are fighting a life and death battle.

Fallen Hell Beast and Lilith Beast ran out of the dark area. This time, the fluctuations were much greater than the last time Fallen Hell Beast came out alone, and this time the Holy Beast was not as important as last time. To do it, I can feel it naturally.

Although the Fallen Hell Beast has only been to the real world for more than ten or twenty days, the difference in the time flow between the two worlds is too huge. In the Digimon world, more than a dozen heat and cold have passed.

Since being forcibly kissed by the fallen hell beast, the shadow of the demon has been deeply engraved in the heart of the divine celestial beast. It is hard to erase and unforgettable. When the night is quiet, that evil smile will appear on itself In the dream.

From the complexity, fear, and throbbing at the beginning, to the sweetness and longing later, the psychology of the holy celestial beast has undergone a series of changes.

And when the feelings of the sacred celestial beast to the fallen hell beast changed, the fallen hell beast suddenly went to the real world. The sacred celestial beast is not incapable of opening the way to the real world, but she cannot go.Now that the three angels only have the holy female beast, she is naturally burdened with the fate of guarding the Digimon world. How can she go to the real world?

When the fallen hell beast left, the holy female beast felt that her heart was empty and heartache, but it was not the violent pain of heart-piercing, but throbbing pains, although not severe, but let People suffocate.

After that, the holy female beast buried that emotion in her heart. She thought that time could dilute everything, and as time passed, she could forget the demon of the fallen hell beast.Until the first two days, dark fluctuations reappeared, and the heart of the holy female beast became tense. She thought that the demon king had broken the seal left by the ultimate angel beast. Of course, she was right. It was a demon king who broke the seal, but what she didn't expect was that there were two demon kings that appeared this time, and... one of them was the fallen hell beast!

Fallen hell beast!Thinking of this name, the heart of the holy celestial beast couldn't help but tremble. Under the chaos, the holy celestial beast did not give any consideration, and flew directly from the Crystal Palace to the Dark Tornado Mountain at full speed.

Lilith Beast and Sacred Celestial Beast are old rivals, and they are very familiar with each other's aura. The Holy Celestial Beast was stopped by Lilith Beast before reaching the top of the Dark Tornado Mountain.

The sacred celestial beast anxiously wanted to see the fallen hell beast, and did not want to entangle too much with the Lilith beast, and asked the fallen hell beast straight to the point where it was.

Lilith beast was originally at odds with the holy celestial beast, and heard that the holy celestial beast actually ignored her, and directly asked about the fallen hell beast. Her expression was anxious and nervous, and she didn't seem to be treating an enemy at all, and she couldn't help being surprised. .

The natural hostility, coupled with the inexplicable feelings towards the fallen hell beast, caused Lilith beast to say nothing, and directly greeted it with the claw of Nazar.

The sacred celestial beast and the Lilith beast have fought against each other many times, and the winners are evenly divided. The sacred celestial beast knows that the Lilith beast is powerful and dare not care about it. Although he does not want to entangle with the Lilith beast too much, he has no alternative but to hold the Garden of Eden. The spear and Lilith beast fought together.

The clown king was watching the battle not far away. He originally saw Lilith beast and the holy celestial female beast fighting in a ball, and he wanted to go up to help, but he was yelled back by Lilith beast.

For Lilithmon, this is not just a battle between light and darkness, but also a battle between women and women for the same man. If the clown king is asked to help, where can she put the face of the goddess of darkness.

The holy celestial beast was greatly relieved after seeing Lilith beast drunk the clown queen, although the clown emperor's strength is far away from the two of them, the sacred celestial beast and Lilith beast are equal in strength. Negatives accounted for five to five. If a clown emperor suddenly joined, the holy celestial beast would be undoubtedly defeated.

The King of Clown was sweating coldly while watching. With his strength, he couldn't tell who would lose and who would win.In this situation, the King of Clowns supposedly should immediately notify the Fallen Hell Beasts, but the Fallen Hell Beasts should not be disturbed for their sexual life. He once ordered that he should never disturb anyone while sleeping, otherwise he would kill him. , Having seen the boundless strength of the fallen hell beast, the clown emperor did not dare to anger the tiger's beard.

There is no battle between the sacred celestial beast and the Lilith beast. He will be merciful. Although the scene of the battle does not say that the sky is broken, it is definitely considered to be earth-shattering, such a big movement, if the fallen hell beast could not detect it, he would have long Died.

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