Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Boundary to Travel Chapter 167

The fallen hell beast was disturbed in his sleep, and suddenly became furious. Anyone who slept well, was disturbed by others, it was strange to be happy.But before the anger of the fallen hell beast was released, it was replaced by surprise, because he was familiar with those two auras-the holy celestial beast and Lilith beast.

After sensing the aura of these two people, the anger of the Fallen Hell Beast disappeared completely, immediately put on his clothes and rushed to the battlefield.

Both the sacred celestial beast and the Lilith beast are the women of the fallen hell beast. The fallen hell beast is anxious and thinks that he is not fast enough to surpass the limit. Once he gritted his teeth, he raised his power beyond the limit and evolved into a burst form with speed. It exploded in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the battlefield.

In the burst form, the speed, strength, defense, and all abilities of the Fallen Hell Beast have explodedly increased. Like a black lightning, it rushed into the battle circle of the Holy Beast and Lilith Beast, shouting: " Stop it for me!!!"

The Fallen Hell Beast stretched out his hands, the left hand caught Lilith Beast’s Nazar's claw, and the right hand caught the Holy Celestial Beast’s Eden Javelin.

"Falling hell beast!!" The holy female beast exclaimed in surprise, all the colors of joy were written on her face without any concealment.

The Fallen Hell Beast nodded and slowly loosened the Eden Javelin of the Holy Celestial Beast and the golden glove of Lilith Beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast glanced at the Holy Celestial Female Beast, smiled slightly, then looked at the Lilith Beast and motioned her to leave first.

Lilith Beast saw the Fallen Hell Beast signaled to leave, the smile on her face disappeared immediately, her face instantly became extremely gloomy, and she said, "You want me to go?!!!" Her tone suppressed endless anger and jealousy.

The Fallen Hell Beast is already a love veteran at this time. If one knows that this situation is not handled well, it will be difficult to conquer the Lilith Beast in the future. Right now, his eyes turn and he will take care of his heart and bow his head in the Lilith Beast purple. With a light kiss on his lips, he said softly: "Be good, go back and wait for me first."


Lilith beast's blood rose suddenly, and her snow-white face flushed red.Since Lilith beast met with the Fallen Hell Beast tens of thousands of years ago, I have only seen him look cold and arrogant, or Evil Jun indifferent. Have you ever seen such a gentle side of the Fallen Hell Beast, a heart beating like it was about to burst? , Especially when she was snatched from her first kiss in front of her life rival, the Holy Celestial Beast, Lilith Beast felt that she had never been so shy in her life.

Embarrassed and embarrassed, even Lilithmon, the demon in charge of the crime of coloring, could not help hiding his face and fleeing, like a little girl.

After Lilith Beast left, the Fallen Hell Beast waved his hand, waved back the King of Clown, and then fixed his gaze on the holy face of the Holy Beast.

The holy female beast lowered her head slightly, avoiding the fiery gaze of the fallen hell beast that did not conceal his desire.Obviously she came to look for the Fallen Hell Beast, but after she came, she didn't know how to face the Fallen Hell Beast.

The sacred celestial beast came to Dark Dragon Roll Mountain only on impulse. She hadn't seriously thought about how she should face the fallen hell beast, and what to say after seeing the fallen hell beast. I didn't think about it, but when my head got hot, I rushed over.

The fallen hell beast didn't speak, and just looked straight at the holy celestial beast, seeing the sacred celestial beast uncomfortably, and two red clouds were printed on the white jade-like face, making it even more embarrassing.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the divine celestial female beast in embarrassment, and then said, "Do you think I don't?"

The words of the Fallen Hell Beast are extremely ambiguous in terms of content and tone. If it is a couple in love, it is of course very natural to say it, but the relationship between the Fallen Hell Beast and the Divine Heaven Female Beast seems to have not reached that point.

The ambiguous words were like a raging fire, burning the holy celestial beast's body with heat, not only the stunning face, but also the crystal-clear jade earlobes and the snow-white neck.

The fallen hell beast stretched out his hand and took off the cyan mask of the sacred female beast, looked at the beauty of the beauty, put it on, and said, "How about it, think I don't?"

The holy female beast was ashamed and embarrassed, and was on the verge of exploding.

"miss me……"

The fallen hell beast's third question was not finished. The divine female beast's shyness completely exploded, suddenly raised her head, water-blue eyes stared at him deeply, and then stretched out his jade hand to hold the face of the fallen hell beast. , I put my pink lips on it.

The fallen hell beast felt the moist and soft touch on his lips, and there was only one sentence left in his mind:

by!I was forced to kiss...

Chapter 226-Goddess!

The sacred celestial beast took the initiative to kiss the fallen hell beast, but she only put her lips on her, and could not do anything. Her beautiful big eyes were tightly closed, her long eyelashes trembling constantly, showing her extreme heart. Tension.

The holy female beast took the initiative to find the Fallen Hell Beast, but didn't know what to say, and took the initiative to kiss the Fallen Hell Beast, but didn't know what to do.Woman...

Fortunately, the Fallen Hell Beast is not a M male who passively accepts. Although he was taken aback by the movement of the Holy Female Beast, he reacted very quickly. He immediately grabbed the surging waist of the Holy Female Beast. Sticking out his big tongue, prying open the soft lips of the holy female beast, into the warm and sweet mouth.

"Hmm..." The holy celestial beast was startled, but the panic in the eyes of the sacred celestial beast turned into tenderness in the next moment. Two jade hands hugged the strong back of the fallen hell beast and kept stroking it. I want to blend myself into the body of the fallen hell beast.

Although for the fallen hell beast, he hadn't seen the holy celestial beast for more than ten days, but for the holy celestial beast, she had waited for this kiss for more than ten years.

The fallen hell beast was beautifully enjoying the small mouth of the sacred celestial beast, and the strange cooperation of the sacred celestial beast really made him extremely exciting.Unlike the first kiss of the holy celestial beast last time, that time the holy celestial beast was completely flustered, or the first kiss, so that kiss was completely guided by the fallen hell beast.And this time, although the kiss skills of the Holy Celestial Beast are still very jerky, not much different from the chicks who have not kissed, but I finally know that the tongue is stretched out to cooperate, although there are several times that almost bit the tongue of the fallen hell beast ...

After the hot kiss, the sacred celestial beast lay crimson in the arms of the fallen hell beast, panting violently, but her heart was sweeter than ever.

The fallen hell beast looked at the blushing face of the holy female beast, and couldn't help asking the question again: "Do you think I don't?"

After this passionate kiss, everything for the two of them seemed so natural, and the holy female beast was no longer embarrassed and embarrassed. She leaned against the arms of the fallen hell beast, nodded gently, and said softly: "Well, my goodness. miss you."

The simple sentence "I miss you so much" touched the cold heart of the fallen hell beast, and immediately hugged the soft body of the holy celestial beast.

The sacred celestial beast also hugged the fallen hell beast. Although the strength of the fallen hell beast made her a little bit painful, the sacred celestial beast was not half unhappy in his heart. Although I don't know why, the sacred celestial beast likes the current one very much. feel.


When the fallen hell beast hugged the holy celestial beast and returned, he saw Lilith beast with a gloomy face, almost saying "My old lady is very upset now, you'd better make me happy before my old lady gets angry!" "

The reflection of the Lilith beast is also within the expectations of the Fallen Hell Beast. The Fallen Hell Beast is not nervous or anxious, but is very happy. Lilith Beast writes everything on his face like this. Only when the deputy smiles and falls into the heavens, hell beasts have to be careful.Be careful if Lilith beast will suddenly give him a knife at night.

The fallen hell beast, whose face was so thick that it could not be pierced by the claws of Nazar and the Javelin of the Garden of Eden, smiled slightly, sat on the sofa, and then reached out his hands to bring the two beauties into his arms. The two goddesses of light and darkness are together. Sat on his lap.

Divine Celestial Beast and Lilith Beast each blushed, twisting their bodies, and their faces were a little uncomfortable.

Of course it wasn't that they didn't adapt to the intimate actions of the fallen hell beasts, but they didn't adapt to each other.

If you are alone with the fallen hell beast, whether it is the enchanting and bold Lilith beast or the gentle and holy holy celestial beast, it will not reject any intimate actions of the fallen hell beast, but when two women appear at the same time, then Nothing.

The Divine Celestial Beast and the Lilith Beast are both female Digimon at the apex of the Digimon World. Regardless of their appearance, body, temperament or strength, Xuanzhen is inseparable. They have long since reached the point where the king does not see the king and the queen does not see the queen. The struggle between the celestial beast is definitely more intense than that between the celestial beast and the witch beast. If a Digimon is unfortunately involved in the struggle between the sacred celestial beast and the Lilith beast, congratulations... you might as well die!

In addition to the psychological rejection, the Divine Celestial Beast and Lilith Beast are also very uncomfortable with the powerful dark and light power of each other.

After all, they do not merge light and darkness like the fallen form of the six-winged beast, nor do they possess the powerful dark power like the fallen hell beast, and completely ignore the light power of the sacred celestial beast. They are of comparable strength. At such close range, The impact on each other is still very large.

The pungent Lilith beast glared at the Fallen Hell Beast and roared: "You bastard! Hurry up and let go of my old lady!!" At the same time, he used her golden gloves to push the Fallen Hell Beast's body, but it was completely. Reluctant to use his own trick, Nazal's claw.

The gentle character of the sacred female beast is destined that she cannot curse the street like a gangster like Lilith beast, blushing, her little hand gently pushed against the fallen hell beast, and said softly: "Falled hell beast , Can you let me go first?"

The characters are completely opposite. Two beauties with different styles are sitting on him together. If the Fallen Hell Beast let go, he will become sister Feng and her second brother.

The Fallen Hell Beast clenched his hands, causing the two completely hostile women to lean against each other tightly. The indistinguishable backlog of Xuanyuan's Proud Saintess Peak was piled up together, forming a huge ravine comparable to the Great Rift Valley of East Africa.

The fallen hell beast swallowed fiercely, and couldn't help but bury his face in the huge gully, feeling the softness of the two women on its cheeks, and breathing in the nasal cavity between them was different, but the same was full of temptation* The fragrance of power made the fallen hell beast almost upset.

The scent of the sacred celestial beast is like a lily, pure, noble, and elegant, and it abruptly suppresses the lust of the fallen hell beast.

The fragrance of Lilith beast is like a black mandala flower, which is extremely beautiful and seductive, but it is a fatal seduction, and it stirs up the desire of the fallen hell beast.

This up and down almost drives the fallen hell beast crazy, but he is very obsessed with this feeling.

The faces of the sacred celestial beast and the Lilith beast flushed at the same time, and they glanced at each other subconsciously. When they made contact with each other's eyes, they immediately avoided as if they had been pierced by a needle, and thought as if they would not see the other party. To his face even redder than a monkey butt.

The fallen hell beast buried his face in the huge gully like a wild boar, swaying his head from side to side. If the two soft saints' peak made him a pillow, it would be quite good.

"Asshole! Hurry up and let go!" Lilith beast blushed and cursed in shame.With the movements of the fallen hell beast, the tingling and numb sensation from the chest made the dark goddess who is in charge of the coloring desire sore and weak. There seems to be an unknown liquid flowing out from below, so numb, as if being in the body. Same as above the cloud.

"No!" The Fallen Hell Beast said categorically, without a trace of negotiable meaning in his tone.

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