Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the Bing Destruction Chapter 168

"Shameless! Despicable! Indecent! Perverted wolf!" Lilith beast cursed in shame.

"Despicable is the pass of the despicable, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble." The fallen hell beast still buried his face in the gully between the two women, and said one of his favorite words in his life, but his voice was a little dull. .

The despicable is the pass of the despicable, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble?After hearing this sentence, Lilith's eyes lit up, and she liked it very much, but the surprise in her eyes was replaced by shame and anger again the next moment. Who can tell her what she will do to this rogue?

The Fallen Hell Beast took an inch and opened a big mouth and bit the exposed part of the Lilith Beast. The tender meat of the Lilith Beast was sweet and soft. The Fallen Hell Beast greedily gnawed at the softness of the Lilith Beast. meat.

"'t bite!" Lilith beast blushed and yelled.

"I told you not to bite but didn't tell you to touch it!"

"Asshole! You pinched me!"


Under Lilith's anger and half-pushing and half-pushing of the sacred celestial beast, the fallen hell beast raised his hands on the two stunning goddesses, and finally, the two women reached the peak at the same time in the hands of the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast walked out of the room holding the back of his head, blowing unscrupulous tunes in his mouth, with a smug look on his face.

In the room, the sacred celestial beast and the Lilith beast were lying limply on the sofa, their shirts half untied, and large areas of white skin were exposed. The snow-white bodies of the two women were covered with fallen hell beasts leaving bite marks. Fingerprints and saliva are extremely lewd.

The two hostile women had a different kind of tacit understanding. They glanced at each other at the same time, and then closed their eyes shyly.

The gulf between the two women has been reduced a lot by the actions of the Fallen Hell Beast.

Chapter 227-Dark Tornado Mountain!The Four Holy Beasts are coming!!

In the next few days, the fallen hell beasts spent most of their time on the two goddesses, Lilith beast and the sacred beast, taking advantage of them all the time. Now there is no falling to the hell on the two of them. There is no place where the beast has touched.

The fallen hell beast has not eaten the chastity of the two of them. After all, they are the goddesses of the Digimon world. The first time they must taste and refine, especially the Lilith beast, she still has what the fallen hell beast needs. One of the great sins.Therefore, the fallen hell beasts plan to wait until the end of the plot of Digital 1 and the relatively stable period before the start of Digital 2 before eating them.

Of course, the Fallen Hell Beasts are not completely suffocated. First, there are the Demon Female Beasts, and secondly, yesterday, the Holy Heaven Nv Beast and Lilith Beast also helped the Fallen Hell Beast vent once, using their jade hands.

The fallen hell beast will never forget in his life, when he shoots the essence on the faces of the two women, they have exactly the same sad expressions.

On the other hand, under the protection of the powerful protagonist’s law of immortality, the selected children killed the Iron Sea Dragon Beast and the Puppet Beast one after another. They are now in the mechanical city ruled by the Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast, and now the Clown King Kneeling in front of the fallen hell beast, reporting these things to him.

The fallen hell beast looked at the clown king who was kneeling on the ground with a faint look. Although the clown king was kneeling and bowed his head, he could still feel the inherent pressure of the demon king from the fallen hell beast. Cold sweat.

The fallen hell beast said faintly: "The clown king, do you know why I only planted the engraving for you?"

The clown emperor's body trembled, and the indifferent tone of the fallen hell beast was as if a high mountain was pressing on him, making him completely afraid to lie and said, "The subordinates don't know."

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly and said, "Because you are not bad, you can be a dog raised by my Fallen Hell Beast...Do you understand?" He said, releasing a trace of murderous aura.

After feeling the killing intent of the fallen hell beast, the clown emperor immediately trembled and said, "Yes, the subordinate understands it!"

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled with satisfaction, withdrew his killing intent, and left the room.

"Call ...... call ...... call ......" Falling Hellion left, clown Wong heavy breathing heavily, for him, the ultimate body and the face of a war but also hard fall day than hell beast, must play Get up to 120,000 points, otherwise his head may not be there in the next moment.

The meaning of the fallen hell beast is very simple. Your clown king’s strength is nothing more than a dog raised by the fallen hell beast. The remaining three wastes are not even qualified to be dogs for me. Don’t waste my time in the future. Otherwise you won't even have the qualifications to be a dog.

Falling Hell Beasts were so simple that they almost frightened the King of Clowns to the collapse of the core information. The most terrifying thing was not indifference, but indifference. For their lives, Falling Hell Beasts did not care at all.

There are only four ultimate bodies, but the fallen hell beasts did not take their lives to heart. Anyway, even the clown king is just a dog under the fallen hell beasts. The other three are just ants. Does anyone cry out because they trampled on an ant?

After stepping out of the room, Lilith Beast and Holy Sky Female Beast looked at him with a smile, obviously they had heard the conversation between Fallen Hell Beast and Clown King just now.

The queen like Lilith beast naturally doesn't like a weak man. She hopes that a domineering and arrogant man can conquer herself. She likes the indifferent and arrogant tone of the fallen hell beast. Although it is plain and plain, it seems to have magical power. , Can make other Digimon surrender to him from the heart.

The idea of ​​the sacred celestial beast is similar to that of the Lilith beast, he mainly wants to fall into the hell beast to rule the entire Digimon world.After all, this world always needs one person to rule. In the eyes of the holy female beast, the fallen hell beast is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

However, the holy celestial beast had this idea and she was doomed to be disappointed. The fallen hell beast was not the hexa-winged beast. He had no interest in ruling the world. For him, the whole Digimon world was not as good as a big beauty.

For the fallen hell beast, the peaceful days continued for a few more days, but his status as a demon king and his strength against the sky made his life impossible to settle down.

Today, the fallen hell beast is served by the Lilith beast and the holy goddess beast, and the top of the Dark Tornado Mountain ushered in a group of uninvited guests.

Suzaku, Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Xuanwu, the four sacred beasts guarding the four directions of Digimon World!!

The Suzakumon, the Blue Dragonmon, the White Tigermon, and the Xuanwumon each guard one direction of the Digimon world. The four sacred beasts in the southeast, northwest and northwest have the power to maintain the balance of the Digimon world. If there is a slight difference, it will easily lead to the Digimon world. The collapse.

Generally speaking, the four holy beasts can never leave the area they guard, because the departure of guards from any direction can easily lead to an imbalance of power.Therefore, unless it is a major event that affects the future of the Digimon world, they must never leave the place they guard.

The Four Sacred Beasts could certainly feel the matter of the Fallen Hell Beast breaking the seal before, but the Sacred Heavenly Female Beast had already rushed over, so they also temporarily let go of their hearts.However, the Four Holy Beasts did not know that the holy female beast flew from the Crystal Palace to the Dark Tornado Mountain not to defeat the fallen hell beast, and even now it has completely become a captive of the fallen hell beast.

The sacred celestial female beast remained silent for several days, making the four sacred beasts feel uneasy, and finally came to the Dark Tornado Mountain today.

The Fallen Hell Beast was holding a shotgun in one hand, looking at the Four Saint Beasts that exuded powerful power, and sighed a little helplessly. This group of guys are so annoying. All the guys who want to fight with him just come together. He solved it all at once.

"Falling hell beast, hurry up and let go of the holy female beast!!" The most violent Suzaku beast roared at the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast had his eyes open, looking at the huge Suzaku beast like a dead thing.The strength of the four sacred beasts is single and inferior to that of the sacred celestial beast. If the four are combined, they can barely reach the level of the quasi-super-ultimate body. Above the peak of the super-ultimate body, below the super-ultimate body, it is considered to have an influence. The power of Digimon balance."Noisy!" The Fallen Hell Beast said coldly, and then the speed broke out instantly.

The Suzaku beast was shocked. The huge body gained strength but lost its sensitivity. Just when he noticed it, it felt dark in front of him. A figure that was very thin compared to him, but was pressed on his head like a mountain. , A huge mechanical arm pressed down.

"Speed ​​up boxing!!"

A huge amount of energy erupted from the mechanical arm and directly hit the head of the Vermillion Bird Beast, and the huge body of the Vermillion Bird Beast was also blasted to the ground with a punch from the Fallen Hell Beast.

The fallen hell beast was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but suddenly a powerful force came from behind.

"Fengsi Huadian!!"

The Azure Dragon Beast let out a very majestic roar, and the power of thunder and lightning turned into a chain of thunder and lightning, which locked the body of the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast looked down at the blue and white thunder and lightning chains that bound him, without the slightest tension in his eyes: this trick was quite fun.

"Iron Armor Claws!!"

The white tiger beast screamed, and the huge and hard steel claws grabbed the body of the fallen hell beast.The white tiger beast guards the west and controls the power of steel. Although it is the youngest of the four holy beasts, it has the strongest defense and physical attack power.

Although the body of the white tiger beast is not made of superalloy, under the blessing of the steel power of the white tiger beast, the hardness of the claws should even be higher than that of the superalloy. If the steel orangutan runs to fight the white tiger beast, absolutely One paw was torn into pieces by the white tiger beast.

The fallen hell beast coldly looked at the giant claws that were overwhelming the sky and said, "What kind of attack is this kind of attack!!"

With a violent twist of his arms, he broke the lightning chains that were entwined with him, then waved his hands and shouted coldly, "Dark cross cut!!"

The powerful dark forces converge into a purple-black cross, the giant claws of a very white tiger beast.

"Roar!!!" The white tiger beast roared, the cold sweat on his forehead kept slipping off, and one of his toes was cut off by the Fallen Hell Beast.

The battle intensified. Suddenly, the top of the Dark Tornado Mountain was shrouded in dense fog.

Chapter 228-Sealing the Four Holy Beasts!

The fallen hell beast opened an eternal kaleidoscope. Looking at this mist, although the range is not very large, it contains powerful spiritual energy. A spiritual maze is formed within the small mist range. Normal Digimon can easily be caught This mental maze caused a nervous breakdown.

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