Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 169

This kind of mental trick is very difficult to crack. It is also very difficult to break this mental labyrinth with a physical attack. It will consume a lot of energy. Of course, with the strength of the ultra-final body of the fallen hell beast, You can also break this mental maze with a head-on trick, but the fallen hell beast doesn't want to waste energy needlessly.

"Kaleidoscope writes round eyes, break it for me!!!"

The eternal kaleidoscope of fallen hell beasts rotates at high speed, and in front of these eyes, any mental attack is meaningless.

The roar of the fallen hell beast spreads out like an explosion wave, forming a circle of tangible air ripples. The dense fog is like a mouse meeting a cat. Where the air ripples go, the dense fog quickly disperses and disappears. The ground cracked the phantom fog of the basalt beast.

"Red Flame!!!"

The incomparably angry roar of the Vermillion Bird Beast came from the sky, and a huge red flame vortex shrouded toward the Fallen Hell Beast. The hot temperature was enough to compare with the solar prominence.

In the two-dimensional world, the temperature of a flame cannot be judged by color. In the three-dimensional world, the lowest temperature is a red flame, the lowest visible red flame temperature is 475℃, and the highest should be a dazzling white flame. The temperature is above 1540℃, but these are unreasonable in the second dimension.

The temperature of the red flame emitted by the Suzaku beast is at least several thousand degrees. In the three dimensions, only the oxyacetylene flame for cutting metal can barely compare with it.

The fallen hell beast smiled disdainfully. The thing he feared the most was the flame, because he possessed the strongest flame in the world, and his scarlet eyes stared coldly at the vortex of flames in the sky that was pressed down like Mount Tai. The eternal kaleidoscope was spinning at high speed. Coldly shouted: "Amaterasu!!"

Amaterasu Heiyan appeared in the sky, and then quickly ate away the powerful scarlet flame vortex of the Suzaku beast like a vampire. The fist-sized black flame swallowed the flame power of the Suzaku beast and quickly turned into a ball. The black inflammation that covers the sky and the sun.

Although the Suzaku beast has a grumpy temper, it is not a fool. He clearly felt the extremely terrifying heat and destructive power contained in the black flame. Even as the sacred beast of flame, he would never dare to carry it hard, waving his wings. Flew quickly into the sky.

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, and stretched out his hand to the blazing Amaterasu Heiyan in the sky. The kaleidoscope writing wheel rotates at a high speed. Under the control of the writing wheel, the Amaterasu Heiyan is all gathered as if it has a life. On the right hand of the fallen hell beast.

The right hand of the fallen hell beast is gathering powerful dark power, and at the same time it is covered with a superalloy protective layer to prevent itself from being burned by the black flames of the sky.

Amaterasu's black flames are constantly compressed and solidified in the hands of the fallen hell beasts, like the most dangerous existence in the universe-black holes, pitch black, deep, powerful, and terrifying.

The Fallen Hell Beast's right hand tightened, and the Amaterasu Black Flame Ball, which had been compressed to the size of a shot put, was compressed again and became the size of a table tennis ball.

The corners of the fallen hell beast's mouth opened in a terrifying arc, let alone the four holy beasts, even the Lilith beast and the holy female beast outside the battle situation trembled when they saw the strange smile of the fallen hell beast. Scared.

The fallen hell beast leaped forward, like a black feather arrow, and appeared in front of the Vermillion Bird Beast. The Amaterasu Black Flame Ball in his hand pressed against the top of the Vermillion Bird Beast, and roared: "Go to death!! !!!"


After the ultra-extremely compressed Amaterasu Black Flame lost the control of the Fallen Hell Beast, it broke out in an instant. The turbulent Amaterasu Black Flame of the sea swallowed the huge body of the Vermillion Bird Beast in a blink of an eye, the Sage of Flame The beast was completely submerged in the black sea of ​​fire.

"Ah!!!" The Vermillion Bird Beast screamed in incomparable pain in the sea of ​​flames. Even as the Holy Beast of Flame, he was absolutely unable to resist the powerful destructive power of Amaterasu.

The fallen hell beast looked at the sea of ​​fire coldly. Although the Vermillion Bird was in control of the power of fire, it was still far from his Amaterasu, and the difference between being close to God and God was very big.

Although the other three sacred beasts had the intention to rescue them, the deterrence that the black flame brought to them was really too great, and none of them dared to approach the black flame.

"Black hail!"

The Xuanwu beast let out a heavy roar, the dark clouds in the sky rolled, and the huge hail rain that fell quickly, all fell into the black flame.As for whether the hail will cause harm to the Suzaku beast, these basalt beasts can no longer care. If the black flame is not extinguished quickly, the Suzaku beast will probably be burned to death.

The fallen hell beast stood on the spot, watching the movement of the basalt beast faintly, and casually smashed a few pieces of hail that flew toward him. There was no intention to stop the basalt beast, and his eyes showed a faint joking.

The black hail of the basalt beast only lowered the temperature of some black flames, but the black flames showed no signs of extinguishing at all. The strong flames named after the Japanese sun god Amaterasu can be extinguished so easily.

At the time of life and death, a powerful and pure fire power burst out of the Vermillion Bird Beast's body. The Vermillion Bird Beast actually broke through his limits at this time. If he can survive safely this time, his strength will definitely be greatly improved. Of course, it is still far from the ultra-ultimate body. The difference between the ultra-ultimate body and the ultra-ultimate body is the difference between the Xuanxian and the saint. It can be broken if it is so simple.

The incomparably pure and hot fire power of the Suzaku beast actually suppressed the black flame of the sky. The other three holy beasts were overjoyed and issued their own tricks to help the Suzaku beast against the power of the black flame.

The Fallen Hell Beast still didn't move, his eyes were faintly looking at the Amaterasu of the Four Holy Beasts desperately fighting against him. The ants had to struggle to be interesting, otherwise the little fun of Falling Hell Beast would also be lost.

Under the combined force of the four sacred beasts, the flames of Amaterasu were finally suppressed, and then, with a bang, the huge body of the Vermillion Bird Beast collapsed.

The Suzaku beast was burned by the flames of Amaterasu, and its body suffered unprecedented huge damage. Although it broke through its own limit at the time of life and death, in order to resist the black flame of that day, the Suzaku beast has exhausted all its power. Powerless to fight.

"Have you played enough?" The indifferent voice of the Fallen Hell Beast rang in the ears of the remaining three holy beasts, "Since you have played enough, then change me."

The fallen hell beast looked indifferent, and slowly raised his right hand, the blue and white light shining on it, jumping.

The Three Holy Beasts were shocked. They didn't know what the Fallen Hell Beast had to do, but it was definitely a terrifying trick.

The Azure Dragon Beast, the sacred beast of thunder, seemed to have sensed something suddenly, suddenly raised its head, and looked at the Huanghuang Tianwei with endless horror in its four eyes.

The Xuanwu Beast and the White Tiger Beast also discovered the anomaly. Looking at the dark sky, their eyes filled with incomparable panic.

The black hail of the basalt beast combined with the skylight of the fallen hell beast, the collision of fire and ice, created a large area of ​​cumulonimbus, the blue and white thunder dragon tumbling and jumping in the dark clouds, from time to time uttered a dull roar, Like a god, despising the ants who challenged his Tianwei.

The fallen hell beast sneered coldly, gathering all the lightning within a radius of thousands of miles here, the high-voltage lightning almost tore the space.

Lei Guang jumped with his right hand, and then slammed down, saying indifferently: "Lei Dun Profound Kylin!!"

The unicorn tears the black clouds, and the huge body is more stalwart than the mountain, and the bodies of the blue dragon beasts are not impressive in front of the unicorn.

In less than one thousandth of a second, the unicorn came to the world, the thunder and lightning ran away, and the dark tornado mountain was like the end of the day. Countless materials were destroyed under the raging thunder and lightning. If it were not for the power of the unicorn that the fallen hell beasts could suppress, If the power of the unicorn radiates to the sky, the entire dark tornado mountain plus Fayilu Island will be destroyed.

Under the strongest thunder and lightning, even the basalt beast with the strongest life and the white tiger beast with the strongest defense cannot withstand the power of this god at all. With a single shot, only the blue dragon beast, the holy beast of thunder, can Leaving a sigh of relief under the mighty power of the unicorn.

For the Azure Dragon Beast that was completely at the end of the crossbow, the Fallen Hell Beast had no interest in fighting, and knocked the Azure Dragon Beast stunned with a fist.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the Four Holy Beasts lying on the ground. Although he wanted to kill them all and absorbed their data, he finally suppressed this impulse. The Four Holy Beasts are the key to maintaining the balance of the Digimon world. , If you kill them, the Digimon world may collapse immediately, he doesn't have the crazy idea of ​​destroying the world.

The fallen hell beast opened the eyes of reincarnation, stretched out his hands to both sides, his eyes were calm, and said: "The earth bursts into the sky."

Four black energy balls flew out from the hands of the fallen hell beasts. The four energy balls were located in the four directions of due east, due south, due west, and due north, and at the same time burst out a powerful attraction.(Earth-explosive stars are just small black holes...)

Under that powerful attraction, the ground cracked, and countless rubble flew into the air. Even the four sacred beasts' bodies weighing several tons, attracted by the huge attraction, flew towards In the air.

Numerous rubbles continued to fly up, and within a few breaths, four asteroids appeared in the sky above the Dark Tornado Mountain. This trick is not a magical skill!

"Go!" The Fallen Hell Beast pushed with both hands, and the four asteroids flew in four directions respectively, the Vermilion Beast flew to the south, the Azure Dragon Beast to the east, and so on.

After doing this, the Fallen Hell Beast also felt a little tired. Although his current strength was so powerful, he could not bear the super S-level forbidden technique of using four Earth Explosion Stars at the same time.

I'm so exhausted...

Chapter 229-Extreme Demon King!

After the four sacred beasts were sealed, the life of the fallen hell beast became calm again, flirting with the girls every day, and it was okay to eat the tofu of the two goddesses Lilith beast and the holy goddess beast, quietly waiting to be selected The arrival of the children called.

Finally, a few days later, under the "anticipation" of the fallen hell beasts, the selected children finally reached the top of the Dark Tornado Mountain.

Perhaps it was the butterfly effect brought about by the appearance of the fallen hell beast. All the selected children came to the top of the Dark Tornado Mountain together instead of the situation where Taiichi Iori took the lead as in the original book.

In the face of the strongest clown king among the four dark kings, the first to battle is naturally the two ultimate bodies-the fighting tyrannosaurus and the steel galuru.

The clown king is also worthy of being the most powerful of the four dark kings. Although his strength is rubbish in front of the fallen hell beast, it is also because the fallen hell beast is too strong.

The King of Clown still seemed to be able to do well in the face of the two ultimate bodies, showing great strength, the magical trump card flying knife, the powerful flying sand and walking stone, in the beginning, the fighting tyrannosaurus and the steel galuru were miserably abused.

Later, in the battle, the two ultimate bodies gradually showed an amazing understanding.

Although the Tyrannosaurus bats are almost covered by armor, the tyrannosaurus bats have nothing to do with the mechanical type. He is a dragon-shaped Digimon.

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