Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 170

And Steel Garuru is a semi-mechanical Digimon. Although he does not have the powerful fighting consciousness and power of fighting tyrannosaurus, he has the perception ability that tyrannosaurus can't match, all relying on his semi-mechanized body.

Under the full perception of Steel Garuru, the trajectory of the ace flying knife was gradually exposed in front of Steel Garuru, and the battle tyrannosaurus was responsible for accurately shooting down every ace flying according to the instructions of Steel Garuru. The sword, the clown king's strongest trick was cracked by the fighting tyrannosaurus and the steel galuru, and the battle was turned upside down.

Afterwards, the King of Clown used the doll cloth to make a sneak attack to turn the battle tyrannosaurus and the steel Garuru into dolls, which reversed the situation in one breath.

After that, the King of Joker did the same, turning other selected children and Digimon into dolls.

The King Joker’s doll cloth is actually a type of white magic trick. Even if you know this trick, it is difficult to resist. If you want to break the King Joker’s doll cloth, you must either use a very powerful physical attack, like the fallen hell beast with a lightning spear. It is this type, or it takes advantage of weapons. In the original book, the holy angelic beast dismantled doll cloth is considered to be of this type, and there are a few powerful ultra-digital Digimon such as Shaguyamon that have mastered onmyoji. The doll cloth can be lifted.

Although the King of Clown has turned the selected children and their Digimon into dolls, he doesn’t have the guts for several girls, Sona, Mimi, Flower Fairy, Celestial Beast, and Jiaer. The fallen hell beast has given a death order to not hurt them. Although the clown king does not understand why, he has no guts to ask the fallen hell beast’s decision, let alone defy the fallen hell beast’s order, so he just They just fainted.

All the women caught this, Lilith beast immediately glared at the fallen hell beast, with a smile on her face.

The fallen hell beast's mouth twitched and deliberately changed the subject and said: "If the fighting tyrannosaurus beast and the steel garulun can combine to evolve into the omega beast, the clown king will lose."

Hearing the words "Omega Beast", Lilith Beast's attention was successfully diverted by Fallen Hell Beast, her face instantly became gloomy, and the bi-colored eyes were filled with monstrous anger, and she gritted her teeth: "O! Mi! Plus! Beast!"

Omega Beast is one of the thirteen royal knights, the ultimate strength of the ultimate body, his strength was just between the fallen hell beast and the Lilith beast, above the Lilith beast, under the fallen hell beast, back then It was really "thanks" to the thirteen royal knights that they were defeated, and they were sealed in the dark area for so many years.

The holy celestial beast knows the reason why Lilith beast is so angry, but the other women don’t know...but... I looked at the expression of the Queen Lilith beast at this time... everyone wisely gave up breaking the casserole and asked Thoughts in the end.

The Fallen Hell Beast flashed and appeared beside the girls who were stunned by the King of Clown, and then waved a force. They were just stunned and suffered no harm. The power of the Fallen Hell Beast entered their bodies. After that, the girls woke up immediately.

The fallen hell beast that Suna and Meimei saw after waking up was first happy, and then looked around nervously, and found that the others were gone, and then immediately plunged into the fallen heaven like a swallow returning home. In the arms of the hell beast.(Two nice girls are about to be mad...I'm guilty...)

The fallen hell beast was still the same, comforted the two little girls with a hot kiss, and then pulled the Flower Fairy Beast and the Celestial Beast for another kiss, and finally hugged Jia'er's small body in his arms.In the first part, Jiaer's figure is very young, and the total body is not as large as the torso of the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast kissed Jia'er's soft lips, stretched out her big hand and gently pinched Jia'er's pink and tender face, and said: "Jia'er is so cute."

After receiving the compliment from the fallen hell beast, Jia'er's little face was stained with a faint rouge, and the corners of her mouth curled up, looking very happy.

Lilith Beast came over, rolled his eyes at the Fallen Hell Beast, and said, "You are really shameless, so you can handle such a small girl." Then, Lilith Beast used her magical Looked at Jiaer.

The Fallen Hell Beast rolled back three eyes, and was too lazy to argue.

Jiaer shrank into the arms of the Fallen Hell Beast and looked at Lilith Beast with a little fear. I don’t know why. It is also the Dark Demon. The magnetic fields of Jiaer and Fallen Hell Beast are very close, and the magnetic field of Lilith Beast Obviously inconsistent, why is this?(Because the fallen hell beast is the male lead)

The Fallen Hell Beast stroked Jia'er's hair soothingly, then turned his head and smiled at Lilith Beast, and said: "You scared Jia'er."

"Cut!" Lilith beast sipped a bit uncomfortably, but stopped staring at Jia'er with that magical gaze.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the other women and said, "You don't need to hide anymore, you can always follow me."

"Really!" Meimei and Suna said in surprise. They wanted to be with the Fallen Hell Beast early in the morning, but because of the Fallen Hell Beast's order, they followed the selected children, Fallen Hell Beast. How can they not be surprised by the words?

"Really." The Fallen Hell Beast nodded and confirmed. Before, he did not let Meimei and Sona follow him because they were the protagonists of the first part. The Fallen Hell Beast didn't want to influence the plot too much, and now the first plot has arrived. At the end, in the second part, Meimei and Sona are only supporting roles, and will not have any impact on the main storyline.

When the Fallen Hell Beast brought a group of Yingying Yanyan and found the King of Clown, the Fallen Hell Beast really wanted to say whether he could come later.

Although there was no Jiaer, Wu still let the angel beast evolve into a sacred angel beast at the last moment, regaining a few dolls from the clown king, and then resurrected them all with the divine resurrection light, and then added the sacred angel beast. Under the siege of the upper two ultimate bodies, the clown emperor quickly couldn't stand it. When the fallen hell beast arrived, he just saw the clown emperor about to be sealed into the gate of heaven.

If you didn't see it, it's fine, anyway, the clown king is not particularly important, but now that you see it, let's save it by the way.

The fallen hell beast flew directly, kicked the clown king out, and then reached out and grabbed it, and directly tore the gate of the kingdom of that day to pieces.

"Falled hell beast!" The holy angel beast coldly looked at the fallen hell beast, with a rather unkind tone. He is not the same as the celestial beast. After all, the celestial beast grew up in the blood-sucking beast, and was fallen to the sky before it evolved. The hell beast was abducted, but the holy angel beast is very hostile to the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast was very unhappy with the gaze of the sacred angel beast, and the fallen hell beast has always done things without regard to the consequences, so he directly kicked it out.

The holy angel beast was startled, and quickly raised the beam shield in his left hand to resist.


The fallen hell beast encountered by the light beam shield of the sacred angel beast is completely paper-like. It was kicked to pieces by the fallen hell beast. The fallen hell beast’s kick with its powerful dark power directly hit the sacred angel beast. .


Dark power invaded the body, and the powerful destructive power instantly collapsed the sacred angel beast and degenerated into a bada beast.

"Badamon!" Wu screamed with great worry.

Tai looked at the Badamon, and after confirming that his life was not in danger, he turned his gaze to the Fallen Hell Beast and asked calmly: "Falling Hell Beast, what is your purpose? Let's talk about it now."

The Fallen Hell Beast glanced with interest at Iori, who did not rush up directly, with a nine-point ridicule and a hint of appreciation in his tone, and said: "It seems that you have become a little smarter too, knowing that some people are not you. Provoked."

"As for my purpose..." The Fallen Hell Beast looked at his feet, "He has already come..."

As soon as the voice of the fallen hell beast fell, the dark tornado mountain under his feet disappeared out of thin air, and everyone fell into the endless darkness...

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-The death of the Demon King, the enemy finally appears!!!

The crowd continued to fall in the darkness, and they didn't know how long they had fallen. The crowd stopped and hovered in the air.

Although there is no light source in this darkness, everyone can clearly see each other and the surroundings, and the surrounding environment is chaotic, which looks strange and terrifying indescribable.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at this dark area created by the Extreme Demon King with interest, and it was able to draw such a large space out of it, this Extreme Demon King was quite capable.

The Lilithmon and the Holy Celestial Beast did not appear to be panicked at all. Although the Digimon that created this dark area is definitely stronger than them, but the darkness expands so much, the power per unit area is also reduced. It is not difficult to break through the strength.

At this time, the computer of Guangzi Lang rang, and the old man Xuan Nei sent a message.

"The evil root that gave birth to these darkness has not been overthrown, and your mission has not yet been completed, that is, the root of darkness from the wall of fire."


"It's a stone tablet from ancient times. The inscription on the stone tablet reads, a long, long time ago, an unknown object appeared on the other side of a wall of fire somewhere in the digital world. Because of the existence of this unknown object, the appearance was distorted in time and space. Creatures, and caused the world to face the crisis of destruction, but the power of Digimon alone is not enough to restore this terrible crisis, so the holy celestial beast selected selected children from the real world to help this. Repelled this force."

"Huh? So..."

"Are there any other selected children before us?"

"So was we also selected to deal with the thing that came out of the wall of fire? Is it the real enemy?"

"The inscription on this ancient stone tablet also said other things. It said that in the near future, a large area of ​​darkness from the wall of fire will envelope the world, and then the Digimon that once stood at the top of the digital world will be resurrected, bright and There will be an extreme collision of darkness, and everything will be shrouded in purgatory."

"So that darkness is our real enemy?"

"That's correct, but it has a substance, you need to fight with your heart, dear children..." Before the old man Xuan Nei finished his words, the signal could no longer be connected, and the screen disappeared.

Suddenly, there was wailing from all around, and the sound was like coming from all directions. It made people unable to distinguish where the sound originated. The sound was extremely harsh and contained countless resentments, hatred, pain, and all negatives. Emotional aggregates.

"He seems to be saying something!"

"That's right, I just have a collection of grievances that cannot be appealed." A polyhedral creature slowly appeared in the darkness.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly and said: "The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, and can't see the light." From the moment he saw the Extreme Demon King, the strength of the Extreme Demon King could not be hidden from the eyes of the Fallen Hell Beast-the early days of Ultra Ultimate Beginner!

This strength should have been quite strong, but in front of the fallen hell beast at this time, it is not enough to see, even if his own strength is completely above the initial stage of the ultra-final body, but the ultra-final The extremely body guy can barely be regarded as an opponent.

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