Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 171

The Extreme Demon King appeared in its original form, looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with immense hatred, and roared: "Falled Hell Beast! How can a completely evolved Digimon like you understand my feelings? I am all gone in the process of evolution. The product of the sorrow and regret of your Digimon, how can Digimon like you understand!!!"

The fallen hell beast looked at the extreme demon king with disdain, no pity or sympathy in his eyes, only the condescending, endless contempt for the weak, and said: "You trash! You are always trash! And I am the supreme demon king, I Why not understand the feeling of a waste!"

The Extreme Demon King was incredibly angry when he was extremely despised by the Fallen Hell Beast. One of the tentacles turned into the head of the Iron Sea Dragon Beast, and a huge energy wave hit it.

"Ultimate Wave Cannon!!!"

The ultimate skill of the Iron Sea Dragon Beast is more powerful under the strength of the Ultra Demon King Super Ultimate Body, but it is no different from the Ants in front of the Fallen Hell Beast.

The fallen hell beasts didn't bother to hide, just this kind of powerful trick, if he avoided it, it would be absolutely unbearable for his pride.

The fallen hell beast condensed powerful dark power in its hands, and then with a violent wave, it directly bounced the ultimate wave cannon.


The Ultimate Wave Cannon exploded in the dark, and the powerful energy fluctuations spread. Digimons hurriedly protected their human partners, fighting against Tyrannosaurus, Steel Garuru, Celestial Beasts and Holy Angel Beasts. The few completely bodied wines were not able to hold up, even the aftermath of the explosion made them tremble.

Lilith Beast licked the hair that was messed up by the explosion wave before squeezing his forehead, and said: "Sure enough, it has some strength, no wonder the Fallen Hell Beast will be interested in doing it yourself." In fact, Lilith Beast was also a little surprised by the strength of the Demon King. That move just now was a little bit worse than her full strength, but for the Extreme Demon King, it should be just a small trick.

The Fallen Hell Beast still looked at the Extreme Demon King with disdain, and sarcastically said: "Trash is trash, and the tricks used are also trash tricks."

"I'm going to kill you!!!" The Demon King roared angrily, and then the six Ultimate Wave Cannons shot at the Fallen Hell Beast at the same time.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled coldly, rushed to the six huge ultimate wave cannons, and fought with the Demon King.

"Everyone! Let's help too!" Iori shouted too loudly. Although he didn't like Fallen Hell Beasts very much, the current situation is still to work together to defeat the Demon King.

Taiichi Iori was about to rush forward, but was stopped by both Lilithmon and Holy Celestial Beast.

"You can't pass." The holy celestial beast said lightly, but her tone was full of gentle majesty. After all, she was also one of the three big angels of Digimon, and the soft knife was talking about the sacred celestial beast.

"Why?" Iori Taiichi asked strangely.

"The strength of the fallen hell beast is beyond your comprehension. He is just playing a game of cat and mouse. If you have to help against enemies of this level, he will definitely be able to deal with enemies of this level. Killed you."

"But we want to help him."

The holy celestial beast shook his head and said: "The fallen hell beast has no distinction between good and evil in his heart. For him, whether it is a human or a Digimon, there are only two types, the pleasing and the unpleasant. As long as it is pleasing to his eyes and no reason is needed, even if that person is an unpardonable sinner, he must be saved, and as long as it is pleasing to his eyes, he will kill him completely regardless of the consequences."

Regarding this point, Sha Guya Beast had the deepest experience.The Fallen Hell Beast originally intended to subdue the Infinite City as its base, but it was because the Sadogdu Beast scolded the Sha Guya Beast, and the Fallen Hell Beast slaughtered the entire Infinite City in rage, without a single one. Stay.Consequences have never been considered by Fallen Hell Beasts.

Lilith beast gently stroked his lips with her golden gloves, and took the words of the holy female beast and said: "For the fallen hell beast, his self-esteem and pride as a demon king are more important than his life, fallen The hell beast will not bully the weak, but if anyone dares to offend his dignity and pride, he will definitely grant him death.

Although the Extreme Demon King has the power of a super ultimate body, it will not pose a threat to the fallen hell beast at all. He is just enjoying one of the few fighting funs. If you help, the pride of the fallen hell beast is a A huge provocation, it would be strange if he didn't kill you, but I really look forward to you being killed by the fallen hell beast."The last sentence reveals the essence of the queen.

On the other hand, although the Extreme Demon King has the strength of the ultimate body, and it is a collection of all Digimon resentments, it can use the tricks of those Digimon, and the moves are ever-changing, but the fallen hell beast is completely broken with force, no matter the extreme What tactics did the Demon King use? Fallen Hell Beasts were all shots of death. The powerful dark power completely cracked all the tricks of the Demon King, and even the Tentacles were destroyed by the Fallen Hell Beasts.

The shotgun in the hands of the fallen hell beast turned into a positron cannon, gathering huge energy, coldly looking at the wounded Extreme Demon King, and said: "Trash, you can go to death! Muddy flame blow!!" "

Seeing the turbid flame attack like Tianwei, the Devil King's eyes were full of fear, and he roared: "No! I don't want to die!!!"

The difference in strength cannot be made up by will. The huge body of the Extreme Demon King was swallowed by the light stream of the turbid flame, and completely disappeared under the attack of the Fallen Hell Beast.

When the Demon King died, the dark area he created naturally disappeared. The world began to recover from the center of Fayilu Island. Then, using Fayilu Island as a model, new seas, land, and forests began to appear. Digimon The world is rapidly reborn.

The fallen hell beast carried the positron cannon on his shoulders, and was about to leave. Suddenly, he turned around and looked at the figure that pretended to descend from the sky.

After a long stretch, I finally suffocated a sentence...

"How did you come out?!"

Chapter 231-Fierce Battle!!Six-winged beast!!!!(1)

One of the best Xiaozheng Tai was dropped in the sky!!

The short golden hair is noble and holy, like the son of a British nobleman.A total of twelve white angel wings grew up and down his body. From this point, it is not difficult to see his powerful strength.

For the Angel Digimon, the more wings there are, the stronger the strength. The Ultimate Angel Beast is stronger than the Holy Celestial Beast, so the Ultimate Angel Beast has ten golden wings, while the Holy Celestial Beast has only ten golden wings. Eight golden wings.

With twelve angel wings, the Angel Digimon is stronger than the Seraphim Ultimate Angel Beast. Who else can it be besides the bright form of the Six Winged Beast?

In addition to the twelve angel wings, the hexapod has a golden sacred ring on both wrists and ankles. The sacred ring is also one of the symbols representing the powerful strength of the angel-shaped Digimon.

Puppy beasts, Dilu beasts, celestial beasts and angel beasts all have sacred rings. If they lose the sacred ring, their power will be greatly reduced, and each of them has only one sacred ring, while the six-winged beast has Four, showing his extremely powerful strength.

And under the left eye of the six-winged beast, purple runes are engraved on the left chest and left arm.First there are three triangle symbols, then the meniscus symbol, and finally the lightning symbol.And these runes are connected, and there is only one name-Digital Crisis!

Digital hazard (digital crisis), engraved on the dangerous Digimon that may damage the computer.On the contrary, if this ability is used for peace, the digital world can be guarded.Another argument is that the unique mark of Digimon possessing destructive power will bring devastating catastrophe to the digital world if it cannot be controlled.

Up to now, there are only three Digimon with Digital Crisis inscribed on them, namely, Hexaptera, Kilmon (including all evolutionary types and subspecies), and Phantom Gaorga.

Hexaptera is a Digimon at the apex of the ranks of the gods. It is known as the god of creation. It is at the apex of all angel-type Digimon. Its status is equal to the father god Izanaki and mother god Ix in Japanese mythology. a.

The six-winged beast quelled the protracted war between the beast-type Digimon and the human-type Digimon in the Digimon World, saved the entire Digimon World, and sealed the Huanglong Beast and replaced it as the emperor of the Digimon World, bringing it to the Digimon world. A long period of peace.

Then, the hexa-winged beast became a dictatorial king. When the digital crisis engraved on the hexa-winged beast awakens, it will awaken the "super devil" that can never be awakened-the fallen form of the six-winged beast!

Perfectly fusion of the power of light and darkness, both sacred and evil, although in a complete body, it has the strength beyond the level of research. It is said that it has the power to rival the "god", this power can destroy and recreate the world.There are both the compassion of God and all the mercy of the world, but they also contradict each other. There are demons who have the ambition to destroy the entire world.

When the Digimon on the six-winged beast is fully awakened, the evil side of the six-winged beast will be fully awakened and become the "True Super Demon King" who destroys everything, the original owner of the Seven Deadly Sins, and the ancestor of the Seven Great Demon Kings.

The fallen hell beast looked at the six-winged beast, took the huge positron cannon back, and replaced it with a portable shotgun eggplant.In terms of the size and speed of the six-winged beast, the positron gun that is heavy and has a long charging time is obviously inappropriate.

Although he knew it was impossible, the six-winged beast still hugged his arms, smiled faintly, and said to the fallen hell beast: "Falled hell beast, do you want to join hands with me to create a new world together?" The sinful and arrogant six-winged beast said such a disguised expression of weakness, thanks to the boundless strength of the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast clenched the shotgun in his hand, and said frantically on his face: "I'm not interested. What I want more now is to have a good fight with you!!!"

The fallen hell beasts are extremely crazy about this battle with the six-winged beast. The fallen hell beasts originally born for the battle are extremely eager to fight against the strong. The fallen hell beasts with arrogant nature have long wanted to fight the six-winged beasts. The winged beast was pulled down from the position of the first demon king.

The bright form of the six-winged beast is only a growth period, but it has the strength of a super ultimate body, and its strength is absolutely above the waste of the extreme demon king. Therefore, the amount of the six-winged beast may not be large, but the quality is definitely the Digimon world. At the top of the list, if he could absorb his information, the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast would definitely skyrocket.

Moreover, the six-winged beast is also in charge of the first sin of hell-arrogance. It is impossible for the fallen hell beast to have a battle with the six-winged beast, and it is definitely the kind of endless death.

The six-winged beast was not surprised by the choice of the fallen hell beast. It was originally the fallen hell beast of the seven great demon kings who was most obsessed with the pursuit of power, and had no interest in other things at all.Knowing that this battle is inevitable, the six-winged beast stopped being wordy, spreading his hands and shouting: "The magnificent cross!!!"

In the universe, 9 planets and a star line up into a huge cross and flew towards the fallen hell beast. It is a hot ball of light that is as dazzling as a supernova. The flame temperature of the Suzaku beast is fundamentally in front of the magnificent cross. Not even rubbish.

Facing the hexa-winged beast's trick, the fallen hell beast did not dare to underestimate it, folded his hands in front of him, and his sharp claws became illusory because of the large amount of dark energy that was condensed.

"Dark Cross Cut!!!"

The indifferent voice of the fallen hell beast sounded in the air.


Light and darkness, two huge crosses collided in the air.The magnificent cross is the most powerful trick among the Angel Digimons except for the ultimate angel beast’s desperate trick. Under the bright power of the hexa-winged beast, it definitely has the power to break the earth.

And the magic of the fallen hell beast, the dark cross cut, is less powerful than the magnificent cross, but the strength of the fallen hell beast in this state is slightly better than the bright form of the six-winged beast, so the dark cross cut and the magnificent cross are down. I couldn't fight it.

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