Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 175

The six-winged beast was surrounded by Amaterasu, but without the continuous powerful attacks of the Fallen Hell Beast, although it was burned by the Amaterasu, it was extremely painful, but it was finally relieved.The six-winged beast was trapped in the black flames of the sky, and felt that the black flame was so powerful that even his body protected by the dual power of the holy evil was burned in incomparable pain.

The six-winged beast's heart was ruthless, and the holy evil power on his body exploded at the same time, and the twisted and balanced powerful force suppressed the hot Amaterasu flame. The never-extinguishing Amaterasu black flame was actually in the six-winged beast's power. The next went out completely.

Although the Amaterasu was extinguished by the six-winged beast, the six-winged beast itself suffered a lot of damage. The burns left by the Amaterasu and the wounds burned by the flames of the Amaterasu were everywhere, although the six-winged beast was not endangered. The life of the beast, but healed very slowly.

The fallen hell beast clenched a fist. The six-winged beast is a real super-ultimate body. Both attack and defense are very powerful. Even Amaterasu cannot cause fatal damage to the six-winged beast unless it is condensed. With all his strengths, it is possible to kill the six-winged beast.

When the fallen hell beast was thinking about how to defeat the six-winged beast, he heard a beautiful voice sounded behind him: "Falled hell beast! Follow this!!!"

The fallen hell beast turned around and saw the holy female beast throw a ball of rainbow-colored light at the fallen hell beast.

As soon as the fallen hell beast reached out his hand, he felt a very ancient and powerful force follow his palm into his core material. The colorful power and the power of the fallen hell beast did not have any rejection, and it was completely integrated into the fallen hell Go to the core information of the hell beast.

The eyes of the fallen hell beast lit up, and the thing the holy female beast gave him was really timely rain—the fighter spirit of the ten fighters!!

Back then, the ancient ten fighters reluctantly sealed the six-winged beast in the deepest part of the dark area at the cost of their lives.When the ancient ten fighters were dying, they gave their fighters’ souls to the three angels for safekeeping. The ultimate angel beast was in charge of wind and light, the cherub beast was in charge of darkness, steel, water, wood and earth, and the holy beast was in charge of ice. , Fire and thunder.

Back then, the ultimate angel beast performed a magical skill-the edict. Since the death of his body, the two fighter spirits of wind and light in his charge are under the control of the sacred female beast. After the cherubim is killed by the fallen hell beast, he has five The spirit of the warrior naturally came into the hands of the sacred celestial beast. In order to deal with the six-winged beast, the sacred celestial beast now gave all the spirit of the warrior to the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast laughed, and the spirits of these ten fighters really came too late.

The fallen hell beast condensed all its power on his right hand. Together with the ten fighters’ fighting spirit and all his dark power, the powerful force almost tore the right hand of the fallen hell beast. The kaleidoscope of the fallen hell beast turned, just like Stabilize the violent power.

The fallen hell beast looked at the six-winged beast coldly, with a trace of madness in that indifference, and said: "Six-winged beast! You will die for me!!!!!! Fist of the fallen hell beast!!! !!!"

The figure of the fallen hell beast, which is taller than the sky, flew to the six-winged beast in the sky with ultimate power!!

Chapter 236-Fierce Battle!!Six-winged beast!!!!(Finish)

The fallen hell beast and the ten fighters fighter's full punch penetrated the body of the six-winged beast, and the six-winged beast slowly turned into scattered data with endless unwillingness.

The fallen hell beast frantically swallowed the information of the six-winged beast, and the arrogant six-winged beast, the head of the seven demon kings, also became the food of the fallen hell beast of the gluttonous devil.

Although the six-winged beast has two completely opposite powers of light and darkness, his power is extremely pure, without the slightest impurity.

Compared with the power of the hexa-winged beast, what makes the fallen hell beast even more excited is the big sin that the hexa-winged beast is in charge of—arrogance!

Each of the seven demon kings is in charge of a sin, and each demon king has its own special ability.

Lilithmon, the Demon King of Lust, possesses the world's number one charm ability in Digimon, and it fascinates the common people. Even the ultimate Digimon can hardly resist Lilithmon's enchantment and let its golden claws corrode.

And the fallen hell beast is the devil in charge of sin and gluttony. Although it is a dark-type demon, it can swallow light-type Digimon at will. As long as the power is not much stronger than him, even an angel-type Digimon can be completely devoured. And it is also one of the few in the Digimon world that can use other Digimon tricks.

The fallen form of the six-winged beast is the head of the seven demon kings, and is in charge of the first sin of hell-arrogance.The fallen hell beast has absorbed the sin of arrogance, and its character has become more arrogant, and there is a very important point.

The original Fallen Hell Beast could only relied on some special techniques to explode beyond its own power. However, after absorbing the sin and arrogance, the Fallen Hell Beast could easily exert a power of 130 or more with the use of 100 power.

The true nature of the six-winged beast is self-confidence, so he can easily exert power beyond himself.

After absorbing the information of the six-winged beast, the fallen hell beast has also obtained one of the six-winged beast's ability-the holy and evil holdings!

Although it seems that the fallen hell beast is still pure darkness, but as long as he wants, he can immediately transform his pure darkness into pure light, which means that the fallen hell beast can now use the nirvana of the six-winged beast. ——Life and death staggered!

Life and death is a strong trick that combines light and darkness. The Fallen Hell Beast is still worried. He is pure darkness and cannot use the trick of life and death. But after gaining the power to reverse the light and darkness, the Fallen Hell Beast is not. Need to worry about this problem.

When the fallen hell beast completely absorbed the information of the six-winged beast, opened his eyes, and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

The fallen hell beast did not swallow everything about the six-winged beast. The six-winged beast left two Digi Eggs, one of which was bright and bright white and the other was dark, purple and black.

I have seen the fallen hell beast in the fourth part, and know that the bright white one is nothing, but the purple-black one is a big problem. If the plot is the same as in the fourth part, this egg will become a six-winged beast. Satan form and hexapod larva.

At this moment, the purple-black digital egg suddenly beat like a heart.

The face of the fallen hell beast changed, and he turned his head and shouted violently at the crowd: "Hurry back!!" The six-winged beast's Satan form is about to be born, and the strength of that guy is absolutely irresistible even if the Lilith beast and the sacred beast .

The Fallen Hell Beast saw everyone staying in place, cruelly, and the death spear shot at the feet of Lilith Beast, and roared: "Get all out of me!! He is not an opponent you can resist!!!"

Lilith Beast smiled slightly and said, "Let’s go, don’t cause trouble to the Fallen Hell Beast." After speaking, he took a deep look at the Fallen Hell Beast and flew back, but his right hand clenched tightly, almost To crush the golden gloves made of bronze ore.

Everyone also glanced at the fallen hell beast, and the women's eyes showed endless worry, but at this moment they could only step back.

After seeing the battle range where everyone was far away, the fallen hell beast breathed a sigh of relief. The six-winged beast's Satan form has no reason at all, and only knows that it is endlessly destroyed and may affect them at any time.

The fallen hell beast held the huge positron cannon in his right hand, and drew a seven-pointed star magic circle in front of him, and the power of the whole body was continuously poured into the positron cannon.

The purple-black Digit Egg beat fiercely several times, and then with a bang, forming a purple-black curtain covering the sky and the sun, and a huge purple-black devil appeared in front of the fallen hell beast.

"True Muddy Flame Strike!!!" The roar of the Fallen Hell Beast made the entire Digimon world tremble.

With the strength of the fallen hell beast at this time, the muddy flame blow blessed by the seven-pointed star magic circle is far more powerful than the true muddy flame blow issued by the strength of the ultimate body when fighting the Jilu Beast. .

Dark golden lightning is wrapped around the dark energy pillar, and its destructive power has almost reached the apex that the Digimon can reach. Although there is no additional space law power, the huge force has torn the space. Where the energy pillar passes, The space collapsed, and countless space debris further strengthened the power of True Turbid Flame Strike.

The fallen hell beast did not attack the Satan-shaped body of the six-winged beast, but went towards the dark sphere "Gehenna" in his hands.According to the plot of Digimon 4, the real entity of the hexapod is in the "Gehenna" at this time, and the hexapod's satan form is just a projection of the larva of the hexapod.

The True Muddy Flame Strike unreservedly hit the "Gehenna" in the hands of the hexa-winged beast Satan form, and the huge power even the huge body of the hexa-winged beast Satan was blasted backwards continuously.

But soon, there was a wave of energy on the surface of the "Gehenna" sphere, and the evil "Gehenna" actually hit the fallen hell beast with an extremely powerful move. All absorbed.

The face of the fallen hell beast sank, and the energy attack was invalid. It seemed that the strongest physical attack could only be used to break the "Gehenna" first.

The fallen hell beast released his hand, and the positron cannon in his right hand turned into a document and returned to his body.

"Roar!!!" The six-winged beast uttered a roar that was more powerful than the fallen hell beast, and emitted a dark red extremely hot flame from its mouth, turning into a sea of ​​fire and attacking the fallen hell beast.

The face of the fallen hell beast changed, the three writing wheels turned at the same time, and he shouted: "Amaterasu!!" The three eyes of the fallen hell beast released the black flames of the amaterasu at the same time. If it is normal, the fallen hell beast will attack Amaterasu. The power is very confident, but facing the six-winged beast Satan form, the fallen hell beast still feels a little unsure.

The purgatory fires emitted by the Amaterasu Black Flame and the six-winged beast falling into the form of Satan continued to extinguish each other, and finally annihilated completely, regardless of victory or defeat.

The eyes of the fallen hell beast looked at the six-winged beast Satan form indifferently, and his eyes were calmer than ever, but it meant that some strong men broke their wrists.

The Fallen Hell Beast lifted the burst form, and instead prepared to use another mysterious power.

The body of the fallen hell beast was surrounded by a raging fire. In the flames, the body of the fallen hell beast was continuously forged. Even the digital core was changed, and the power spewed out like a volcanic eruption, like infinite. The ultimate power of violent, destructive, destructive.

In "Gehenna (Hell)", the six-winged beast's satan-like body, the six-winged beast larva looked at the fallen hell beast surrounded by fire in surprise, and said in shock: "Antibody X! This lunatic!!!"

Even the Lilith beast and the holy celestial beast looked at the Fallen Hell Beast in surprise at this time, and they did not expect that the Fallen Hell Beast was so crazy that they would forcibly accept the X antibody.

The seven devil kings all have the ability to resist the X program. If you forcibly accept the X antibody, you will definitely die in nine deaths. Even the six-winged beast has absolutely no guts to try to accept the X antibody, but the fallen hell beast dares.

The body of the fallen hell beast received the power of the X antibody, which triggered a wave of power that even he himself did not know how powerful it was. The whole body was baptized by flames, and the positron cannon, claws, and peeping all became The bright red of blood.

The wings became dark blue, becoming stronger and more powerful, and every cell in the body was like a universe, containing endless power.

The fallen hell beast looked down at the positron cannon in his hand, stretched out his hand to hold it, the positron cannon was broken down into data and returned to his body, and then stretched his hand in the air to hold it, as if holding a sword hilt.

The writing wheel of the fallen hell beast turned quickly, and divine power was continuously injected into the right hand, and the emptiness of the sword hilt was injected with the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope, and quickly possessed the entity.

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